In My Shoes | The Music Freak...

By PeachGirl_UwU

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-This is a TMF AU, meaning that most of the events that take place in this story are not canon in any way. Al... More

Chapter 1-Leaving it all Behind
Chapter 2- My Safe Haven
Chapter 3 -412
Chapter 4- The Night Before
Chapter 5 - An Unexpected Student
Chapter 6 - The Introduction
Chapter 7- An Untrustworthy Beginning
Chapter 8 - Bruises and Sudden Friendships
Chapter 9 - Heavenly Trouble
Chapter 10 - Spilled Coffee and New Enemies
Chapter 11 - The Perfect Verse
Chapter 12 - An Abrupt Confession
Chapter 13 - An Intention to Know
Chapter 14 - Emerging Trust
Chapter 16 - Forced to Stay
Chapter 17 - Maybe, Just Maybe
Chapter 18 - "Meet Me at The Front"
Chapter 19 - A Favor To Pass
Chapter 20 - Two Choices
Chapter 21 - The Side I Couldn't See
Chapter - 22 i never thought they would be without me.
Chapter 23 - Reflected Versions
Chapter 24 - Wouldn't Have Guessed
Chapter 25 - #Nostalgia
Chapter 26 - Locked In
Chapter 27 - Down The Hallway
Chapter 28 - Fade To Four Years Ago
Chapter 29 - Irresistible Tension
Chapter 30 - Flushed Honesty
Spoiler🤭(not a chapter sorry babes I'll delete this later)
Chapter 31 - The Other Side
Chapter 32 - Flushed Admission
Chapter 33 - Caught

Chapter 15 - A Terrifying Realization

524 10 46
By PeachGirl_UwU


I got my job working at the bookstore for two reasons. One, because I needed the money. I'm saving up for college and a nice car, so money is definitely helpful.

Two, I love books. I've always loved reading and writing, and when I found out that you can read whatever books you want during your lunch breaks, I immediately applied.

Now instead of eating lunch during my breaks, I read books I couldn't have afforded otherwise. The rule, however, is that if you damage the books in any way, you have to pay for a new copy. Therefore, I'm always careful.

I've been working for a few months, and the manager, Ruth, loves me. She's always talking to me or inviting me out to tea with her. She's an older woman who's been divorced and has three kids who don't talk to her. She vents to me sometimes, but I don't mind.

She's such a sweet person, and I honestly can't understand how anybody could dislike her. She wears sweaters and socks she's knitted herself, and I have a collection of things she's given me. 

She's almost like a grandmother to me. I don't have a real grandma, because both of my parents, parents died before I was even born. 

Ruth will sometimes even let me take books home if I promise to keep them in good shape. She says she's never met someone like me and was ecstatic when I told her I would be working at "BookHaven" for the next year and a half.

I work more than the majority of the staff, but Ruth always insists I take more time off. I refuse each time telling her I'm happy working at the store. I'm not lying, it's one of my favorite places besides the dandelion field.

The store is quite large, but not too popular. There's usually only one or two employees on duty at a time. Besides, assistants aren't needed for much besides checking out and finding books.

It was a Saturday night, and Ruth had gone home. I was the only one working that night. The store was currently empty, and the only notable sound was the ticking of the clock.

I was reading "Let Me List the Ways" as I sat back and drank a small cup of tea that Ruth left for me each shift she left me alone. She said she felt bad for abandoning me, but I always assured her it was fine, and that she should go home and enjoy her night.

It was fully dark out, and the shop was illuminated by a dim lamp near the front. I couldn't see the shelves that were farther than 

The small bell to the shop jingled, and I kept my eyes glued on the book. People usually didn't buy anything, and I didn't see any point in doing my whole sales employee act right about now. If they needed help they could walk up to me.

A small tinge of annoyance appeared when I heard the footsteps grow closer to me, and I mentally prepared myself to have a conversation with the stranger. I'm a hardcore introvert, and I'm not used to talking to people after 9:00pm.

The footsteps stopped right in front of me, and I grabbed my mug of tea, taking a sip. I tore my eyes from my book and nearly spit out my drink.

"Hi" he said quietly.

I fixed my position, and put down my book, leaning forward in my chair.

"What do you want? Are you following me?" I asked, running my hand against the edge of the cup. I felt tense.

Jake rolled his eyes.

"No. I didn't even know you were going to be here." His eyes found their way to my sales employees name-tag, and his eyes widened. "You work here?"

"No, I'm just impersonating a sales employee for fun. It's a lovely way to spend a Saturday night." I replied sarcastically, crossing my arms across my chest. "What do you want"


"You? I thought you disliked reading. I overheard you telling Drew during english it was useless and stupid to read letters on a page for enjoyment."

"Sweetheart, the books aren't for me"

"Who are they for then?" 

"My sister. She asked me to pick up her order."

I snorted.

"Likely story. What's the name for the order?" I said, dropping my eyes to the bags of pick-up orders just below the counter top. "Why are you picking up your sisters books? She can do it herself."

"Sterling. It's a long story." he stated, crossing his arms and leaning against the counter.

Part of me wondered if Jake was lying and was using his sister as a cover up until I peaked into the order bag.

I almost died laughing.

I pulled out three of those cringy romance novels where the woman is clinging to the man on a rock or a balcony. The males on the covers were wearing ripped shirts that showed off their defined muscles and incredibly unrealistic bodies.

I doubled over laughing, and showed off the books to Jake. His face turned red, and he snatched them from my hand, and threw them back in the bag.

"Those are my sister's. Hailey fucking Austin I swear if you say anything I will kill you"

I couldn't breathe, I hadn't laughed this hard in a long time. I was almost positive these weren't Jake's books, but I highly enjoyed the idea of messing with him.

"Don't worry Jake, I won't tell anyone that you've been reading..." I paused to read the title and started laughing even harder. "Isles of Passion"

I didn't think it was possible for Jake to look even more embarrassed, but I was wrong.

"I didn't order these books! Hailey knock it off!" he said furiously. His cheeks were covered in a dark blush, and I thought about how attractive he looked when he was flustered. I quickly knocked the idea out of my head. It was late, I was probably just delirious.

"Are you sure?" I purred, batting my eyes at him. "I won't tell anyone if you did sweetheart" he was getting a taste of his own medicine.

He looked almost pleased for a second, but quickly backed away and shook his head. He was almost out of view, and I could just barely see the dark outlines of his features.

"I've only known you for a month and a half, but dammit Hailey, you drive me crazier than anyone I've ever met before."

I know he probably meant that I was an annoyance, but in my mind his words were much more sensual.

I felt my cheeks heat up, and Jake chuckled.

"I hope you know I'll never let you get the last word princess"

He turned away and disappeared into the dark. I sat speechless, listening to his soft easy footsteps against the wooden floor.

I heard the bell above the door jingle, and the store fell into a deep silence once again. My breathing had slowed, and my body felt like it was on fire. The effect he had on me was terrifying. 

Not even Adam, who I loved more than anything, made me feel the way Jake did when he passed me in the halls or joked with me during classes.

For the rest of my shift I sat in silence thinking about what had just happened. Every time I picked up my book and tried to read, my thoughts would stray. I really needed to find a way to distract myself from life. Books had always worked with helping me clear my mind, but the one I was currently devouring was a romance novel. 

It reminded me of Adam and Jake. Jake of all people. The idiotic dork who knew exactly how to rile me up, but also say exactly what I wanted to hear. People had always ignored me, so his attention was a surprise to me.

Why on earth would Jake pay attention to me? He had a pretty girlfriend and cool friends. He was popular and athletic, and could have any girl he wanted. Everyone liked him.

I sighed, and my stomach flopped as I slowly realized the horrifying truth.

I liked Jake. Not just as a friend or a colleague either, as in I wanted to kiss him.

I slammed my head against the desk repeatedly, and told myself to think straight. I kept telling myself I was just tired and delirious. I would surely wake up the next morning and be disgusted at the thought of liking someone like him. 

The other scary part was that I was starting to trust Jake the way I had trusted Adam. I had fallen for Jake harder than I fell for Adam, and I knew it. I didn't want to trust him, he hadn't done anything to earn it.

But still, I began wondering if I could ever tell him about my entire past. I wondered if I'd ever explain to him why I was here, or tell him about Adam and Sabrina. Maybe even about my mom.

My thoughts startled me, and I was nervous wreck the entire rest of the night. I took an uber home, and the driver handed me a bucket telling me I looked like I was about to throw up.

As soon as I walked in the doorway my parents and Bethany rushed over to greet me like they always did, but I quickly pushed past them, claiming I felt sick. I wasn't lying. 

Bethany looked a bit disappointed that I wouldn't be reading to her, but she said it was okay and still hugged me goodnight. 

As soon as I was alone again, I sent Daisy a quick message. I explained they bare minimum and chewed anxiously on my nails waiting for her to respond.

After thirty minutes of no response, I gave up and settled into bed. The only thing I could do at this point was pray that I was just losing my mind, and that in the morning I'd have completely forgotten about Jake.

I had trouble falling asleep. I tossed and turned almost the entirety of the night. My pulse wouldn't slow down, and eventually I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed my phone to check my messages again.

Daisy still hadn't replied, and I began to worry. She was always good at responding quickly, and I wondered if Sabrina or Adam has something about me to her. After all, they were still in the same friend group.

                                                                                             ● ● ●

I woke up the next morning and I woke up thinking about Jake. How was he? Where was he right now? What was he doing? 

I what his house looked like, and how he looked compared to his family. I wondered how his friends treated him, and how Lia trated him. I wondered how I looked from his point of view.

I lied flat on my back cursing at myself. I turned over, and began crying into my pillow. I couldn't help it. My absolute worst nightmare had just been confirmed.

I had fallen for Jake.


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