Dangerously Close

By nerdyflirtykari

54.5K 3.7K 1.1K

"Are you scared?" What's the use of playing a game and not receiving the best prize? It started out as a savi... More

Author's Note


1K 93 26
By nerdyflirtykari

The previous meeting with the patriarchs of the wealthy families was not rare for the Delacourde family. This meeting takes place at random times and in different sectors. The contributing factor of this event is due to a direct family member being present in that sector. 

This was established by Renith Delacourde after his stronghold in the US was made unshakable. 

Humans are greedy beings. History has taught us that and in parallel to that fact, it has taught us how they were dealt with. Renith Delacourde was a small entity in the ocean before he grew to be known as the king of that ocean. Many foolishly coveted the lucrative results he brought forth and dared to provoke him. Most of them came from the upper echelons of the east coast which stemmed from old money. Delacourde showed them clearly that he wasn't one to be trifled with. On top of bankrupting a few prominent families, he permanently removed the ones who went too far with their threats. To those who submitted to his rule, they were given the opportunity to evolve their family's stagnant wealth, hence the beginning of the 'checkups.'

"That wasn't so bad." 

Eros gave Jian a quick glance and continued on his way to the elevator. He wanted to slap that stupid smirk off his friend's face.

 It wasn't shown on his face but Eros was mentally tired. Conversing, being alert while putting that inkling of fear into another's mind, was tiring. He was the silent type, he preferred his actions to speak for him. Ninety-five percent of the time it was effective, only the stubborn ones forces him to reprimand them. 
"I want full reports on the heirs who were absent and their parents."

Jian frowned. His friend was known as a highly perceptive person who was dangerous to his enemies. Being perceptive was good but tying that trait with meticulous, cautious, and influential, creates a dangerous opponent.
"What do you think?" he asked while sending out the orders.

"The power in their families is weakened. The last two generations have grown comfortable and arrogant with the wealth accumulated over the years. I believe the past patriarchs tried their best to keep them in line but how can one stop other egos from growing? When riches are flowing in easily, the receiver wants more, their eyes become greedier, they want things that aren't theirs, quick money-making schemes are appealing, and they want the world. If they are offered it on a platter who the fuck cares about an agreement their pops made with a dead man. It won't be long before they bite the hand that feeds them."

"So there's a possibility one of them is seeking outside profit?" Jian shuddered at his friend's words. They were the same age but his understanding of human logic was based on his experiences since he joined the seal. On Eros's part, his niche for observation pushes his understanding further.

"Two or three and they are amicable towards each other."

The duo made it to the top floor with Eros leading them back to his main office. "Four hours were given," Jian reported from their intelligence team.

"Acceptable. What about the other job I have in motion?"

Chuckling at the report he previously received, he sent the transcript to his friend and left the office. Eros frowned at his action and opened the file on his device. When he read it all, a slow smile formed on his face. 

"Aren't we proactive, Miss Macallis?"


As other powers within California, New Mexico and South Korea moved according to the minor manipulations of one person, another was moving as expected in the palm of his hands. Anyone can do what they want when sufficient information is gained. 
In a newly established eight-floor building under the name of Macallis Corporation, a new modeling agency was buzzing. It was their first job with an international agency and brand. Makeup artists, stylists, photographers, editors, prop makers, security - everyone made it their duty to be on top of their game. Not only did the manager of the agency warn them but the chairman of the corporation did the same. This warning circulated throughout the building, and accompanying the warning was the details of this contract. Models who were newly signed and gained recognition on the west coast spoke in whispers, voicing their displeasure and envy. 

The chairman's daughter was the female lead in the international advert. 

No modeling experience.

No previous exposure.

No training.

Yet, she was signed to the job.

Not only that fact was stated, but she was also given one of the private dressing rooms which are reserved for the top models of the agency or visiting models.

"Isn't that taking nepotism too far?" one girl voiced. A deep frown marred her pretty face. At twenty-three, she has been modeling since she was seventeen and grasped the inner workings of a model's working life. It was hard competing with other beauties, it was even harder when affluent families want their princesses to be top models. She was visiting for a national commercial for a clothing brand.

"Now you understand my complaints. I was lucky to be signed to this commercial with you. All five of us here auditioned for the position then to be notified of it being taken by a pampered princess." The blonde who spoke was one of the agency's contracted models. 

"I didn't expect the client to agree."

"True. Vide Bella Vita is known for their picky quirk. When choosing a new model for their endeavors auditions are brutal. We went through the wringer for weeks then this crap happened. If it weren't for my six-year contract, I would have quit on the spot."

The girls sat in the lounge on the third floor. The models gather here to relax or gossip in between shoots. On this floor, the gym and training room were stationed with a cafe with trained chefs. Other necessities were added but they didn't compare to the VIP lounge on the fourth floor. This was why the girls stopped their grumblings when an entourage entered the lounge. There was no mistaking it - this was Vide Bella Vita's team. A woman clad in a perfectly tailored pantsuit led them into the seating area where the girls occupied the far corner. The woman smiled at them in greeting as four young men claimed the seats she stood beside. They were all dressed in varied colored sweatsuits with the company logo on the shirt and pants leg. 
The girls returned the woman's smile dumbfounded then turned their eyes to the four men.

"Jacq. That's Jacq," one whispered in awe.


Amongst the girls, only two were heavily invested in the growth of the Italy-based agency. It was one of the few elite companies any model wished to be signed to. 
"Jacq Koranov, known as Russia's diamond. His diamond-like blue eyes earned him that moniker along with his smile. He has been signed to the company since he was fourteen. His looks are diverse. Happy to fierce in a glance."

The girls gazed at the blonde speaking animatedly to the fierce-looking redhead. The latter turned his sharp amber eyes towards them. They all took a sharp intake of breath and lowered their heads instantly. His presence was overpowering. It felt like a king looking at his unworthy subjects with that one look. His sharp features added to his handsome look of nobility. In that quick look, the girls noted his shapely eyebrows and long lashes. Where did that guy come from? Did he step out of a fantasy illustration?

"Ah. Sorry, ladies. My friend is a bit sensitive in a new environment."

The girls were startled. They didn't hear anyone approaching them. Raising their heads, they met the soft and playful eyes of the brunette who was beside Jacq Koranov.

"N-no. We were rude for staring. We didn't expect to see a well-known senior here," one of the girls said.

"Is that so? Jacq prefers to be out of stuffy areas and we decided to join him. We've been waiting in our room for a while so this is a breather. I'm Rian Pollan from Vide Bella Vita, would you like to join us?"

They stared at the brunette with an incredulous look then glanced at the guy's group. Jacq now had his attention on them and waved them over. The guards who came with them were now positioned around the lounge, the woman was nowhere to be seen and a dark-haired man out of the four gave them a welcoming smile.

"Uh. Sure." When was the next time they will encounter such an opportune moment? Four drool-worthy guys wish to hang out with them. 
The girls joined the small group and introduced themselves. As it turned out, Jacq was simply accompanying his juniors. The redhead who goes by the name Kei Fellan, a Scotland native, was the star of the high-profile ad. Rian and the dark-haired guy, Desi were working alongside him in a few shots. Kei was the one signed for the still shots and the international commercial. After hearing the details they were able to be in the know of, the girls couldn't help but bite their tongues in envy for the Macallis heiress. If things go well with the promotional photos, she will move on to the international commercial and any accompanying jobs. 
When asked about the brand they were promoting, the girls' envy skyrocketed with those two words.

ARDent Designs.

An exclusive male luxury brand that snowballed into one of the top five unisex luxury brands, in the span of six years. In a tell-all, the sole jewelry designer began his journey by creating unique pieces for his family. This family was none other than the Delacourdes. Many commented that the reason for his fame was through connections to his family name but many shut down those rumors. The young designer's fame and success were made by his own hands. He manned his own website, formed contracts with clients who sorted him out, and gathered his own resources. Now that he's on an international spectrum, this means his clientele is high in society and his company has grown. Each collection he creates is unique to the last, which helps his popularity. Being a model for a sought-after company boosts not only the model's portfolio but the agency's rating.

"It would be nice if their so-called best model is on time to leave a good impression but that sounds like hoping for the best of this place," Desi sneered. 

"Enough, Dez. Why don't you go up and take a nap?" Rian offered. He, too was trying his best to hide his irritation about the present situation but they were on the job, the young master expected results. 
He turned to the girls with a smile hoping to distract them from the grumbling Desi who stalked out of the lounge. 
"We're a bit cranky..."

"Stop, Rian. If they wish to be professional, it would have been visible from the moment we arrived. It's been three hours." The one who interjected was Jacq. His bright smile was no longer seen, and the frown on his face gave the girls the urge to hug him tightly till that frown disappeared. 
Rian was about to repeat something but Kei's actions stopped him once more. The redhead stood to his full height and looked down at the girls seated before him. His friends knew how impulsive he was and silently prayed he didn't do anything drastic.

Kei's eyes landed on the blonde. Her overall impression was the girl next door which was common in the industry. He then looked at another; biracial with fierce yet exquisite features, with her looks any role can be done by her. 
"Come with me." He didn't wait for her response, he walked out of the lounge, leaving behind confused and anxious-looking friends.

In a restaurant, an hour's drive from the Macallis Modeling Agency, three ladies were in the midst of having a meal when one phone rang obnoxiously loudly. Seeing the caller ID, the owner of the phone chose to ignore it. This wasn't the first time, the person on the other end called numerous times even after she blatantly told them she was busy and will return when she was through. 

"So annoying."

"Is it them again? Don't they know they can easily be replaced?" her friend said in a condescending tone.

"Apparently, daddy dearest can't handle his employees."

The ladies made disparaging remarks about the executives under the leadership of her father then shifted to her latest conquest. This esteemed young lady was none other than Sherida Macallis.
"Where did you meet him? He's a hundred times better than that Chinese boy you want so bad."

"Jaejin is Korean," Sherida answered with a playful roll of her eyes. "You still don't understand huh? This is something I learned from my mother and decided to tweak her lesson a bit. Jaejin is from a wealthy overseas family. Their name is prestige over there. My family's name is one of many notable factors here in the US. We will make a powerful couple with his looks, overseas wealth, and my wealth here. Add in the fact that I will be an international supermodel because of this job, I won't have to lift a finger in the future. Our families' names will skyrocket and rest in the few elites. It will also attract opportunities my way. I'm securing my future and also my family. When it comes down to personal time, I can have my choosing and Noir is one of them." She squirmed in her seat thinking about her little meeting with the dark and mysterious Noir Guerra. She was curious about the man due to the riches displayed on his body and the car he drove but she ignored it all due to the heavy attraction she had for him. 

   When he called her as she was about to make her way to the agency, her body and mind screamed yes for the meet-up he proposed. Sherida didn't regret it one bit. Her friends met him when he arrived at the school's entrance and were understandably mesmerized. After hearing their comments and inquiries during their lunch date, she knew she made the right choice in claiming the man that night at the club. Noir is now one of her pieces to bask in the envy of the women around her. Jaejin will be the prized piece. Given enough grooming, he will be the doting husband of a supermodel. The thought of doing something his father told her father he succeeded in doing made her slightly upset. This rebellion and claim to being gay was a deterrent he created. It won't be long before his father's anger reached him and the admirer's who wish to earn her favor. Jaejin will be just like every other heir- he will succumb to his fate no matter the sacrifices.
Sherida couldn't help but get lost in her future plans and expectations of them.

Getting back to their discussion, her phone rang again. Annoyed that they couldn't determine their position, Sherida answered the phone with a sharp curse.

The person on the other end wasn't surprised by this reaction. This was part of his daily life because of the woman he married and now she groomed their child the same. He was already pressed with issues on his end only to be notified that his useless daughter botched not only his plans but also hers - the same plans she begged to be executed.

"You are no longer a signed model for Macallis Agency, nor are you the co-owner. You've been replaced indefinitely."

There wasn't more to say or clarify with his daughter. He knew she heard his tampered anger in his words. 

She sabotaged her own plans.

At the end of the brief call, Sherida sat frozen in place. Crack by crack her world began to crumble. Her friends saw her frozen state and worriedly call out to her. Shock turned to disbelief, bringing a deep frown to her face. "How can this be? They signed a contract," she muttered to herself. That disbelief turned to fury. "Those conniving drunkards!"

Ignoring her friends, Sherida stormed out of the restaurant and loudly ordered her guards to get the car to return to the agency. They were startled by the higher level of anger she displayed. Within their circle she was dubbed 'The Tyrannical Princess', her display earned her the name. 

The ten minutes she stood on the curb waiting for the driver, her guards were barraged with curses and her friends joined her on the curb within those minutes. They were dumbfounded by Sherida's behaviour. It made no sense ask her about her source of anger, following her will lead them to answers.
When the car finally arrived, the woman berated the guard for being slow in opening her door. Her friends were gobsmacked by this. How can one open a car door in less than two seconds without error?

'What is with her?' they asked themselves. 


The tyrannical bellow had them moving like ants in a hot pan.


On the sixth floor of Macallis Modeling agency, the large room that usually saw models, prop and lighting engineers, photographers and their assistants, not to men the stylists and make up artistes presently saw additional guests. These guests were the executives, the international manager for Vide Belle Vita and the owner of said agency. 

Don Daize Vitalli sat in the corner with his manager by his side and the four young men he took under his wing since he formed the company outside of his mafia owned businesses. The boys were trained under the same regimen as his soldiers but they chose to branch out under the entertainment faction when the company came to fruition. As he treated these boys as his younger brothers, he was fiercely protective of them. When word came to him about the treatment Macallis subjected them to, he was rightfully annoyed. This entire contract was thanks to the young master's involvement. Losing connections to this new agency was neglible but who was he not see out his duty. Now he was playing the furious and appalled CEO while the boys were in their 'elitist' mode. Their actions two hours ago resulted in the present scene.

The executives were walking on needles as they oversaw their employees work. The boys kept their overbearing aura to a minimum but the executives felt it from afar. Kei forcefully made them alter the contact and switched the model he wish to be alongside him during the campaign. A few more clauses were added to the contract to protect the girl which made Macallis fume in silence.

"Your choice is perfect for this shoot. The third young master is highly pleased with the outcome," Don Vitalli commented. 

Kei didn't reply, he gave a sharp nod and kept his focus on the girl who was today's star. Vitalli chuckled at the boy's actions while his friends simply shook their heads. 
"This is Kei's way of killing numerous birds with one flare. Getting the job pertaining to the third young master took precedence over the second young master's small jobs," Jacq said aloud.
Vitalli acknowledged this. Eros made it clear to him that Ares's new collection campaign should be completed with the highest professionalism; his game was second.

"Rian. Desi. You two are up." The manager quietly reminded the boys as she tackled the remaining mess Kei created on her devices. 

The two left their seats and approached the stylist for their costumes. Lena Jared, the biracial young woman Kei signed was rushed into a quick wardrobe change while the set was changed. The executives made low comments on the progress and kept their boss in the loop of their guests' actions. No one dared approach Don Vitalli after he loudly stated how incompetent they were on their agency dealings. The man went as far as pointing out the clear show of nepotism and how ungrateful that said child was for this opportunity. The man voiced things they wanted to say to their boss but didn't have the guts to do so. Presently, their positions in the company was precarious. If they couldn't please the Don, they can kiss their jobs good bye. Apparently, pleasing the Italian took preferences to his daughter's dream. 
The set was back in action with the photographer giving little adjustments to his models. He was experiencing the most chaotic job ever.

"Get the fuck out of my way if you wish to keep your job."

"She's here," one of the executive's muttered.   

The bellow can be heard in the studio, stopping everyone's actions. It wouldn't affect them this way if the shout happened within those four walls, but it happened outside heavy double doors and in a wide hallway.
"What a set of lungs she has," Jacq commented.

"I'm sure Noir did some practice with them," Kei said indifferently.

Jacq and Daize erupted in a coughing fit while the manager's face turned red when the hidden meaning came to realization. Before she can admonish the youth on his crass comment, the door to the studio slammed open. Looking like a bat escaping hell, the frenzy eyed heiress stalked deeper into the room, her chest heavy rapidly as the fires of fury coursed through her body. She made a beeline to Lena who made backward step when she saw the woman's crazed look. 
"YOU! You fucking slut think you can steal my job. You're nothing but a middle class whore who will suck on anything to get ahead. Who dick did you ride on to get my contract?" Sherida's voice filled the studio and flowed into the hall. Lena's face heated in mortification, tears burned her eyes due to Sherida's bold claims and her inefficiency to voice a rebuttal. The blonde heiress's high heeled steps were now the only sound mixing with the music that was playing in the background.
"Quiet, huh? I knew it! That was the only way those idiots across there will do something so stupid like this. Everyone of you deserves to be fired for being so incompetent . Bunch of gutter slugs, you all are, especially YOU." When she was close enough to Lena, she raised her arm as high as possible ready to slap the face of the woman who stole her glory. 

Lena stumbled backward to get away from the crazy bitch in front of her, but she found herself falling against the large body of Desi. Before she can say thanks or move, a loud scream reverberated in her ear. When she took in her surroundings, Desi's left arm secured her protectively onto his body while his right hand had Sherida's own in his. His grip on her wrist was visibly tight. Lena can feel his body trembling. "This girl is so..." he muttered under his breath.

"LET GO OF ME!" Sherida screamed.

Desi made no actions in doing so. 

"Do you know who I am? I am Sherida Macallis, the daughter of Chairman Macallis. I will have you thrown out of here," she continued.

"You being the daughter of someone who isn't qualified to be on the same level as my big brother does nothing to me. Alongside that, you have no authority over me, little girl," Desi replied calmly.
Sherida was appalled by the man's behaviour. Everone knew her father. No one dares to go against him. 

"Remove her from here or face the consequences of a breached contract. It won't be hard to state that this woman assaulted Miss Jared," Desi continued while releasing the blonde's hand.

"You explain now," she demanded.

Before the executive can think of something to say, a cold voice stopped them.

"Your attitude is rather unbecoming. After waiting for your arrival after three hours I decided to take action. Time is money and so forth, now you're here kicking up a fuss after your 'toy' is taken away. Gueards, please escort this young lady and her friends out. I believe you can take things from here." The last line was directed at the team of executives. 

Sherida turned to the source of the voice. "What are you doing here?" She instantly remembered that red hair and cold look. He embarrassed her at the club and his friends did the same by choosing those simpletons over here.

"I'm afraid you're not qualified to know."

A woman stepped forward and blocked Sherida's vision of the man leisurely sitting in the corner and giving orders. "Miss Macallis, please come with me." The blonde didn't miss the disdain the woman had in her eyes for her. Two guards were by her side, ready to remove her from the studio.
As expected, the woman began to kick up a fuss. Holding her by her upper arms and under the keen observation of the manager, Sherida Macallis was removed from her father's modelling agency.

"What a headache that one is."

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