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[COMPLETED] Minho and Jisung were best friends, until they decided to stop denying their feelings and start d... More

00 | Authors Note. READ!
01 | Is That You?
02 | I'm Sorry
03 | Worst Nightmare
04 | Apology
05 | Your Laugh
06 | I'll Always Protect You
07 | I'll Fix It
08 | Avoiding
09 | It's Business Baby
10 | Partners
11 | Dead End
12 | Boyfriends?
13 | Hide The Guns
14 | Stay
15 | Promises
16 | Domestic
17 | Hope
18 | Bad Luck
19 | Yours
20 | Best Friend
21 | Masochist
22 | I Did Something Bad
23 | Home
24 | He's Close
25 | Needy
26 | Tell Me, Please
27 | Content
28 | Dare
29 | Coward
30 | Fuck Patience
31 | Beg
32 | Give Him Time
33 | Three Is A Party
34 | To Us
36 | The One
37 | They Love You
38 | Afraid Of Love
39 | Insecurities
40 | Murderer
41 | He Loves Me
42 | Right, Brother?
43 | Bad Night
44 | Attention
45 | Keep Me Sane
46 | Little Brother
47 | You Are Perfection, My Love
48 | I Love You, Baby
49 | We Get It, You Are In Love
50 | My Darling, My Love
51 | Waiting
52 | Dear Darling

35 | Forever?

1.3K 58 7


"Mind your business bitch" The unfamiliar male pushes Minho, making him stumble back.

And that's when I fucking saw red.

I was about to lung at the male but Minho was quicker than me. Punching him directly in the nose and making him stumble back while holding his nose.

The music to the club completely cut out as the only thing being heard was gasps and a groan from the male. I stood there, mostly in shock.

The thing cutting my shock short was hearing Minho let out a small low groan, making me look at him. He shook his hand as it was in pain—walking up to him quickly and grabbing his hand to inspect it.

His knuckles are a bright red and will definitely bruise in no time. "I'm fine" Minho whispers but I didn't care what he said. I drop his hand and turn back to the unknown man.

I stalk up to him as he holds his bleeding hopefully broken nose. Usually, I would just yell and tell people to never step foot into my club again but something boiled in my blood, maybe it was the lack of violence I've had—the violence I grew so used to.

I grab the male and pull him through the crowd, not wanting to cause more of a commotion, and honestly, I wanted to keep this part of myself a bit more secret from the public... and Minho.

Hearing Changbin and Minho yell after me, no doubt Minho was following but he wasn't quick enough this time as I pull the male into the restrooms, closing and locking the door behind me. With the shut of the door followed knocked and pounds by Minho but I ignore them as I turned to the nervous-looking male.

"I-I don't want problems man"

I chuckle "Little late for that one". I walk closer to him and he steps back, shaking his head.

"I did nothing wrong, those freaks are the ones who started it" His back hit the wall, and I step up to him.

"One of those "freaks" is my boyfriend and the other is my best friends" I could see the male swallow harshly "Now wanna know what happens when someone puts their hands on him?"

The male shakes his head and I laugh sadistically, Looking at the door before punching him in the nose—if it wasn't broken before, it sure is now.

"What the fuck! I only pushed him. It's not like I raped him!"

Raped him?

I wanted to hold back, I didn't want to kill the dude but how the fuck couldn't I?

I grab his head and bang it onto the sink, making him cry out in agony. Blood rushed down his face.

The door to the restroom burst open, and Minho and Changbin walk in to see the scene, I was standing over the crying male. I didn't look to see their reaction, I just kneel down to his eye level and whispered "Don't step foot in my club again, and don't think of putting your hands on anyone else without consent"

I stood up and walked to the sink, washing the blood off my hands and glancing behind me through the mirror. Minho's eyes were on me, no emotion on his face. I sigh and turn off the water, grabbing a few paper towels and drying off my hands as security rushes into the restroom to take the male.

I toss the paper towel into the trash and walk up to Minho "Ready to go darling?"

He nods and glances back to the bloody male who is being carried out, looking at me "I'm ready", grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together.


I open the apartment door and as we are taking off our shoes I look at Minho "Go to the bedroom, I'll meet you in there"

Minho looks at me with his eyebrows furrowed but nods anyways before walking away. I watch him disappear into the bedroom before I let out a loud sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

I only ever want to protect him, but I don't want him to see what he saw tonight. I don't want him to see that part of me.

I walk to the kitchen—seeing one of the cats walk in and I couldn't help but smile. I open the freezer, grabbing a random bag of frozen vegetables before going to the bedroom.

The only source of light was the lamp on the nightstand and the light of the moon coming in through the windows.

Minho sat at the edge of the bed, staring down into nothingness but my presence makes him look up. I sit beside him and grab his hand—gently putting the frozen veggies in his hand.

He hissed lowly, making me retract the bag. "I'm sorry"

"No, It's okay. It's just really cold" Minho smiles softly at me. I nod and put the bag back into his hand. "Tonight—"

"You shouldn't have followed me"

"I was worried", Minho sigh softly and grab the back away from me and I look up at him "I don't care about what you did, he deserved it"

I look away "I don't want you to see me like that Minho, ever"

Minho stood quiet, putting the frozen vegetables down on the other side of his before grabbing my hand into his. I look up to him "When I told you I wanted you—when I agreed to try this again, Jisung I knew what I was getting into" Minho stops and chuckle "I mean it would be stupid of me if I didn't think the life you live didn't involve violence, like come on you admitted to me that you killed people"

I look down and chuckle—shaking my head as Minho stands up and gets onto my lap, straddling my waist. I lean back into my hands as his hands run up my arms and to my neck.

"Inside and out. I want to see all of you Jisung, the parts I missed out on seeing through those years without you—the ones you discovered"

I look up at him "All of me? Even the bad darling?"

Minho leans down, and inches from my lips he says "Everything", before kissing me.

I sit up and wrap my arms around his body, pulling him closer to me. Minho pulls away and smiles at me "Can we continue what you had planned tonight?"

I shake my head "I don't want to hurt you darling"

"It's only my hand, I'm fine"

I look into his needy eyes, an idea popping into my head and I smirk at him. "Okay darling"

I stand up and sit Minho down on the bed, his eyes grow curious as I go straight to the door to close it, make fun of me or not but I didn't want the cats to come it. After I walk to the closet.

"No blindfolds, please" I heard Minho say and I chuckled.

I grab the box I've been skipping over since I got it and surprisingly Minho hasn't asked anything about it. I set it down and open it, my eyes running over the stuff inside and my eyes go to one thing. I grab it without hesitation and close the box—putting it back and walking out of the closet.

I put my hand behind my back, not letting Minho see what it was. "Today is your lucky day darling" I walk up to Minho. I grab his chin softly, making him look up at me with his gorgeous eyes. "I didn't plan to use blindfolds tonight"

Minho smiles "Good, I want to see you"

"You love seeing me ruin you don't you darling?"

Minho nods "It's the best part"

I laugh and look down at his fully clothed body, "This won't do" I look up at him "Strip for me"

I step back and Minho stands up, pulling his shirt over his body. Exposing his perfect milky skin, no imperfection in sight.

His noticeably shaky hands unbuttoned his pants, making me look up to meet his eyes. "Are you nervous darling?"

Minho stopped what he was doing and nods "I know it's silly but you still make me nervous"

I walk up to him and my hand goes to the side of his face as I plant a soft kiss on his lips. It was a way to try to calm him down, I never wanted the male to be nervous. Good or bad, I wanted him to feel comfortable with me always.

I pull away, "Go lay down my love". He did, he still had his pants on as he crawled onto the bed and lays down, staring at me as I walk away and put the item on the dresser. Pulling out my gun and putting it in the drawer. I turn to him and start to unbutton my shirt.

His eyes follow my hands, watching me undo the buttons one by one. His eyes slowly ran up my body, meeting my eyes.

I push my shirt off my body and let it fall onto the floor, "I need you to listen to me darling" I spoke softly. Grabbing the item off the dresser, I turn back to him and he finally gets to see what I've been hiding.

He sits up immediately, "When did you get those?"

I walk up to him "Raise your hands"

He did, and that's when I knew he wasn't against the idea of being handcuffed.

I put them on him and hooked them to the headboard. I rub his wrist softly before looking at him "Don't pull at them or you'll hurt yourself darling"

Minho nods and I stand up, my fingers gliding down his naked chest and down to the waistband of his pants—goosebumps rising on his body.

I look up at him "I'm gonna need you to listen and use your words, can you do that for me?"

Minho nods and I give him a look before he says "Yes, I can do that"

I smile at him "Always so good for me", I lean down to peck his lips but he had other ideas. Biting my lip softly as I pull away, I look down at him "What are you doing?"

"Being good for you" Minho smirks.

I shake my head and walk to the foot of the bed "You know Minho, it's good you have those on" I point to the handcuffs.

"Why? You don't like me touching you?"

"No, because your naughty hands always lead us here". Minho smiles and my hands go to his waistband again, pulling down his pants.

Minho sighs of relief that they were finally off as I throw them somewhere in the room. I run my hands up his thighs slowly, looking up at him and Minho stares down to where my hands are.

"You know, this feels like deja vu"

Minho looks up and smiles "Minus the handcuffs"

I climb onto his body, and Minho fully takes in this sight. Looking me up and down while biting at his lip "This is hot"

I grab onto his chin and he looks at me "I'll admit somethings to you darling", my hand slides into his boxers and he gasps. "I'm so fucking afraid of showing you the dark parts of me"

I stroke his dick in my hand softly, Minho tries to pay attention to what I was saying all while enjoying the pleasure.

I lean down and kiss him below his ear, hearing a small moan escape his lips. "I don't want you to eventually run away from me"

Minho shakes his head "I won't—", Moaning and throwing his head back "I won't run away from you"

I pull away and my hand leaves his hard cock. I look down at his body and look at how beautiful he looked. I get up off him and unbutton my slacks "You know a lot already darling". I let them fall to the floor and Minho watches me. "You know I do terrible things"

Minho nods "And I'm still here"

I grab his boxers and slide them off, leaving him naked. I prop his legs up and spread them apart. What a sight he was.

I walk to the nightstand and open the drawer, grabbing the lube and slowly walking back as Minho watches my every move.

I kiss his knee "You know everything, but you've seen nothing". I pour the lube onto my fingers and Minho moans lowly as I slide a finger in.

"When I do I'll feel the same"

I look up at him and put in a second finger "Doubt it, my love"

Minho moans loudly as I push my fingers in and out of him.

"No, you don't get to assume anything!" He throws his head back.

I stop, pulling out my fingers and pushing my boxers down. He was trying his best not to lose his composure, trying to answer and listen to me. Just like I wanted.

My cock glides around his hole, the place he wanted me the most. Minho breaths heavily, and I climb onto the bed—hovering over him.

"I'm gonna ruin you darling"

"Then do it"

I smash my lip onto him and he gladly accepts it, our tongues dancing with each other. My hand goes down between us and I position myself between his legs, pushing into him.

Minho moans loudly into the kiss, I kiss his chin and fuck him at a fast pace. He was falling apart from under me.

"Ruin me Jisung, I want it all!"

Minho meets my thrust as I let my head fall into his neck, groaning at how amazing he felt. Everything about Minho was just absolutely incredible.

"I wanna touch you" Minho whispers, "I wanna touch you," He says louder, growing impatient.

I kiss his neck, nibbling at his skin. I sound of our skin meeting, the low groans, and Minho's moans filled the room.

Hearing the handcuff on the headboard made me stop, I look up to see Minho's growing red wrist from him pulling at them. I groan, looking at the male.

"Didn't I tell you not you fucking pull at them?"

"I can't help it, I want to touch you"

I roll my eyes and reach on the nightstand, grabbing the key and unlocking the handcuffs.

"Now listen to me" He pushes me onto my back and gets on top of me. Minho's hand goes straight to my face and smashes our lips together.

My hands are on his waist as he grinds down onto me. I groan and pull away, "Stop bullshitting" Minho starts. Letting his hands run down my chest and he sits up "I won't leave you, I'm in this forever"

Minho starts bouncing on my cock and letting his head fall back while moaning. My hand runs up his chest and I grab his neck. Squeezing it as I meet him with a thrust, hitting all the right parts and making his moans grow louder.

He looks down at me, my fingers still wrapped around his throat—he grabs my forearm and smiles sadly "I don't want this to end"

I pull him close to my face as I see tears grow in his eyes "I'll never that happen" I whisper and kiss him.

Feeling tears on my cheeks as they fall from his eyes, he continues to bounce up and down but I notice his growing tiredness. Flipping him around again. His back meets the mattress and his arms wrap around my neck.

"This is forever?" Minho asks.

I thrust into him slowly. Forever? That scared the shit of me but with Minho, it didn't sound so bad.

"Forever darling"

An update during the week? I'm a new women, i guess.

Okay but fr, I don't know when I should start putting out "Boogeyman".
I think I will put it out when it gets closer to halloween but i'll let y'all know

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