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[COMPLETED] Minho and Jisung were best friends, until they decided to stop denying their feelings and start d... More

00 | Authors Note. READ!
01 | Is That You?
02 | I'm Sorry
03 | Worst Nightmare
04 | Apology
05 | Your Laugh
06 | I'll Always Protect You
07 | I'll Fix It
08 | Avoiding
09 | It's Business Baby
10 | Partners
11 | Dead End
12 | Boyfriends?
14 | Stay
15 | Promises
16 | Domestic
17 | Hope
18 | Bad Luck
19 | Yours
20 | Best Friend
21 | Masochist
22 | I Did Something Bad
23 | Home
24 | He's Close
25 | Needy
26 | Tell Me, Please
27 | Content
28 | Dare
29 | Coward
30 | Fuck Patience
31 | Beg
32 | Give Him Time
33 | Three Is A Party
34 | To Us
35 | Forever?
36 | The One
37 | They Love You
38 | Afraid Of Love
39 | Insecurities
40 | Murderer
41 | He Loves Me
42 | Right, Brother?
43 | Bad Night
44 | Attention
45 | Keep Me Sane
46 | Little Brother
47 | You Are Perfection, My Love
48 | I Love You, Baby
49 | We Get It, You Are In Love
50 | My Darling, My Love
51 | Waiting
52 | Dear Darling

13 | Hide The Guns

1.9K 81 67

*Song rec - Repeat After Me (Interlude)
by The Weeknd*

"Please. Please. Please?" Felix begs, grabbing my hands and holding them in his. I had already said no, but he was pouting and batting his eyes trying to make me feel bad—Changbin was also glaring at me from behind him because I had told him no.

I sigh, nodding lightly "Fine, but you plan it not me" Felix lets go of my hands and jumps up and down out of excitement.

Stopping when realizing something, "I can't, you have to. You have all of their numbers" I groan and throw myself onto their couch. "It's not that big of a deal, just make a group chat"

"Fine" I grab my phone out and Felix sits excitedly beside me. I tap their contacts, adding them to a group chat.

"Name it bffl" I look at him in disgust.

"Never" I skip the name and let it set by default, hearing a small "lame" Come from Felix.

Felix's phone goes off, making him grab it and smile happily. He starts typing and then my phone goes off.

It's done. I'm officially going to regret my life. Felix brought up wanting to hang out with Minho again and then Changbin brought up how I was friends with his brother and how I had another friend who lived here, this made Felix more excited and beg to meet them. I declined at first, but as you can see it didn't last.

My phone went off, I don't even have to look because Felix's reaction says it all. He was excitedly dancing around the living room and Changbin laughed with a smile on his face.

I roll my eyes, crossing my arms "So?"

Felix looks at me happily "They said they're free today and I sent them the address" This made Changbin tense.

"Here?" He looked at Felix who innocently nods. "Shit, we have to hide the guns" Changbin sprung up from where he sat and I did the same. Helping him run around the apartment and hide all his hidden guns that weren't that hidden if you looked.

Changbin and I agree it was best due to our work life to have multiple guns around our apartments, put away of course. It just was for safety, they haven't been necessarily used yet but they're good to have.

"Felix, please let me be aware before planning a hangout at our place"

Felix huffed at Changbin "You're on the group chat and you knew I wanted to hang out" Changbin walks up to him and wraps his arms around the male.

"Yeah just act like I'm not here" Changbin looks at me as Felix pulls his hands away shyly.

"I'll pick up a bit before they come over," He says, walking away from us.

"You seem nervous" I shrug, sighing.

"It's just weird-" I walk to the couch and sit down, running my fingers through my hair.


"That my two worlds are colliding I guess" I chuckle, shaking my head not believing that this is happening. My elbows are on my knees as I look down at the ground. "It just feels weird, It will be harder to separate the two"

I look at him as he nods understandingly. "Do you think it will get to the point where you'll have to tell him?" I knew what he was talking about and honestly, I didn't think about it.

I look back down, biting my bottom lip as I thought about it. "If things with Moon go south, I'll eventually have to"

"And if it doesn't? What if we catch him, then what?"

"Then I won't-" I said lowly.

Changbin scoffed, "That's shitty of you"

I look at him "How?"

"If it was the other way around, if Minho did what we do wouldn't you want to know?" His tone was serious.

I look at him and shake my head "That's different"

"It's not," Changbin said, "You think it's different because of the situation. Because he has a boyfriend so you automatically think you care more than him, am I right?"

My eyes drift off as I thought about it, he took it as the opportunity to continue. "Look, people deal with breakups differently. You avoid relationships now, sleep around. Minho doesn't, he got into a relationship" Yeah I know.

"He got into one to make the pain hurt less, and hopefully get over you... guess what? He showed up at your club one night and just like you his feeling didn't change"

"You don't know this," I said, hating how he was right. My feelings didn't change but Minho's might have.

"When you were busy figuring out what ice cream to give Chan I saw something you didn't. Once Minho's eyes noticed you his hands push his boyfriends away, if you care about your lover you don't push them away when seeing an ex" I sit back and let that roam my head. "Think about it, I'm gonna help Felix"


I messed with my phone as Changbin and Felix kept flirting beside me. Thankfully there was a knock on the door, making Felix shoot up and run to the door.

My hands start to sweat but I refused to put my phone down. If I acted uninterested will I seem less nervous?

I heard their voices get closer and feel Changbin get up and greet them. I still acted as if I was unaware of their presence until I heard my name "Jisung"

I look up from my phone and see the others. Jeongin, Seungmin, Minho, and the boyfriend... great.

"Sorry, I had something important to take care of" I shove my phone into my pocket. My eyes go to Changbin who shakes his head.

Everyone hits it off right away, laughing and joking around. My eyes couldn't help but finally get a good look at Jae, Minho's boyfriend. His hair was blonde but it didn't look natural—most likely dyed, his eyes were brown and round.

I got bored and my focus moved to Minho who talked with Felix. He was so beautiful... I sigh and get up from my seat, making my way to the kitchen to grab something to drink. I open the fridge and grab a water bottle, closing it to see Minho walk into the kitchen.

I look away and open the water, taking a drink "Are you avoiding me?" He says playfully, I look at him as he leans onto the counter facing me. The things I would do to you...

"Should I be?" His eyes roam my body as he shrugs, meeting my eyes again. "And where is that boyfriend of yours?" I walk up to him. Oh, baby two can play at this game.

Before my body got closer to his, his hand met my chest—stopping me. "He's not my boyfriend, I keep telling you this"

I hum, "Then what is he?"

His hands slide now my chest before they fully leave my body. "Remember when you told me you don't get into a relationship, that you just sleep around?" I nod, and my hand goes to his face—tucking a strand of hair behind his ear "Well we just fuck" I freeze, looking into his eyes as he smirks.

Changbin was wrong about you, you're just like me... only difference is you're wanting everyone to think it's a relationship when i'm reality it's only sex.

My hand leaves his face, a smirk finding my face now. It was like we were speaking on something that wasn't actually being spoken. "Is that so?"

He nods with a satisfied smile. He stands up fully now, "I can tell you something though-" My eyebrows raise, "Even though we were young and it was so long ago" He leans into my ear, whispering  "He's not as good as you". With that he walks away, leaving me standing in the kitchen completely frozen in place.

That's when I knew he had walked into this apartment with a plan, fully succeeding.

I sigh loudly and walk out of the kitchen to see Minho was sitting in the same spot and Hyunjin had joined us. I sit down and Changbin turns to me "You ok? You look a bit flushed"

I nod "Just not feeling that well" I look to Minho who looked at me amused.

The conversations took off again and as time passed Felix ordered pizzas and we all ate. One thing that didn't go unnoticed by me was how Seungmin and Hyunjin were awfully touchy and Hyunjin laughed at everything Seungmin said... and he wasn't even trying to be funny.

Now I'm sitting here staring at the two, confused as they are in a full conversation on their own. Changbin, Felix, and Jeongin were talking about some show. Jae had left a few minutes ago due to some work thing.

I felt a small tap on my shoulder and looked up to see Minho gesture for me to follow. I look at the others and they didn't notice how I got up and snuck off to the balcony with Minho.

The air that surrounded us was warm and the only noise that was being heard was the traffic on the street below us. Minho walks up to the railing and looked over it to the traffic. I walk up and stand beside him.

I look at him as the moon shines down on him. How can one be so breathtaking?

"I think they like each other" Minho looks at me with a soft smile.

I nod "Me too, I don't really know how Seungmin is when he's around someone he likes but Hyunjin... he's all about work—like Felix he hardly goes out but for as long as I've known him he's only been in one relationship but it didn't work out because they told him he worked too much" Minho frowns.

"That sucks, he's an amazing person," Minho says.

"Yeah, they both are" Minho nods, looking back to the traffic.

"Do you ever think about how weird life is?" Minho chuckles and so do I.

"Like look-" I lean on the railing and look where he pointed. "Everyone looks so small from up here, we're practically dust particles compared to the earth," He says dramatically as I laugh "It's dumb, I know"

I shake my head, looking at him again as he was already looking at me "No it's not, tell me more"

He sighs at my response "I just think it's harder to live than it is to exist-" He turns and looks at the night sky. "Like it's so easy to get swallowed up in the negative things, it's so easy to make bad decisions that you regret later and it's so easy to fail..."

I study him as he speaks, this seems to be something he's spent a lot of time thinking about. "It takes so much to achieve your dream. Some people have to pay a shit ton of money for classes you have to take for years but that still doesn't promise them success. It's bullshit that not everyone can get what they want in life"

"What is it you want? Other than the flower shop." He looks at me with a new smile.

"Don't be dumb" I chuckle and he does too. His laugh stops as he says "You know what I want" He spoke softly.

His eyes were intense, they always were... when we had first met I wouldn't admit it but he intimidated me—that didn't stop me from talking to him though.

"Wait dad, I'm scared," I say, stopping him from walking into the building

"Hey kiddo, it's okay. I know this is hard for you but your a strong kid" I pout "How about I take you to the game store after school to get you a new game, how about that?" My eyes light up and I nod excitedly.

"Deal" He smiles and ruffles my hair, making me groan and fix it.

"Come on, I don't want you later than you already are" I swallow harshly and follow him into the school.

As soon as we enter my eyes wander the unfamiliar space. The halls were empty due to class already starting a few minutes ago. We would have made it on time if I didn't give my dad a hard time back at home.

I continued to follow him into an office with the secretary that sat at a desk, she smile sweetly at us. "Hi, you must be Mr. Han-" She says and looks at me "And you must me Jisung" I didn't reply and just nod.

I wasn't much of a talker growing up and it made it hard for me to make friends. "Just go in, she's already expecting you" My dad thanks her and we walk into the principles office.

The principal was pretty, she didn't look any older than 35. She stood up as she noticed our presence and shook my dad's hand politely. "Welcome"

My dad sits down on a chair and I do the same beside him. My mind wandered as they talked about boring stuff.

I was scared, no doubt. I wasn't just moving schools but houses and towns. Everything around me was new, especially not having my mom around. It all felt weird like something was missing.

My mom was nice, she worked a lot and my dad was the one I was around the most but that didn't make me love her less. After everything I wasn't sure how I should feel, I guess it was because I didn't have many memories of the times that I spent with her.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me look to my dad "Hey kiddo, can you go sit in the first room?" I look to the lady and back to my dad, nodding.

I get up and walk out of the office, I knew why he wanted me to. He wanted to explain the things I struggled with and my mom's passing, he didn't like talking about those things with me around.

I look around, the secretary typing on her computer. I walk past her and sit in one of the chairs, looking down at my hands and picking at my fingers. The door opening made me turn my head and see a boy with messy brown hair walk in. "Again Minho?" I heard the secretary say disappointedly.

The boy didn't say anything and looked to the principal's closed door, sighing loudly and turning to meet my gaze. He looked shocked at first, not expecting someone to be in here. He walked to the chair beside me and sat down, completely ignoring my presence.

He looked down at his crossed arms and tapped his foot impatiently. "He should be out" I whispered.

He looked at me confused "Huh?"

"My dad, he's talking to the principal"

"Oh cool, don't remember asking," He says.

"You don't have to be a jerk" I scoff. He looks at me, his big brown eyes looking over my face.

It felt like he was reading my thought, making me feel insecure. "Are you new?" His head tilted to the side as he whispered.

I hesitantly nod "Y-Yeah, my first day"

He looks away "You'll hate it here" He mumbled.

"Already do"

He looks back at me with a smirk "Why'd you move here anyway?" He questioned.

"My mom died, my dad thought a change would be good"

"Wow, that's dark" I shrug, "Want to hang out with me and my friend at lunch?" I nod.


That's when I realized I didn't exactly hate moving anymore. He was my first friend, he was my forever friend.

*Song rec - Repeat After Me (Interlude)
by The Weeknd*

Honestly, didn't expect to write this much for this chapter but i'm happy that I did.

Also I gave y'all a little minsung flirty moment, their hot and that was only a tiny tease for what's to come probably sooner then y'all think... hah.

Love ya <3

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