The Stone

By IslandNinja

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Darkness rises in the realms as Brianna Nobile, a warrior and farmhand is forced into mage craft by a book b... More

A Thief in the City
The Book of Shadows
Oh Knight of Slumber
Mana Shock
The Castle
The Queen
What Beauty Can do with a Blade
The Bell Tower
Lady Caren
She Will Be Mine
The Queens Sword Seal
Mages Armor
Target Practice
The Other Side
The truth
The Broken Barrel Inn
An Unexpected Traveler
Accepting Her Fate
Fell of the Fire
I Love You?
The Sea Takes Her
Kit Mercer
Your First Mistake
Your Second Mistake
The element: Water
Corcoran Pirates
Foul Play
Ruler of Dragons
Roan's Pledge
Andai: Possesser of the Stone
The Trident King
Like the Gods
The Gladiators
The Blood Moon
Her new council
A Frozen Army
First Flight
The demon Mogan
The Holy Summoning
The Second Stone
Allery's Conviction
Into the Desert
Rebellion in Lesteros
The Chasm
The White Fox Illusion
Night terrors
The Desert Rebels
Roan's Last Words
And we wait.
The life tree
Life's Given Task

The Relic

41 2 0
By IslandNinja

We get to our room and Vance breaks down.

"I am not ok with this at all." He says, and sits down on our bed.

I strip off my blood covered clothes, although it wasn't an easy task as the rips and tears on my skin catch or are stuck to the fabric opening the wounds further. Vance runs his eyes over my bruised and tattered body.

"We have to train hard, Vance, I would expect the same from you when we train with magic."

I pull a robe from the closet and throw it over top my bloody body, the fluid seeps into the fabric showing every wound given.

He places his head in his hands.
"I don't think I can do that, and I don't like Kit beating up on you."

I sigh, if he can't do it, then it shouldn't affect my training as he is only my temporary teacher until we reach Ashura.
"It's ok, if it's too hard on you Dione will take over once we get to Ashura."

I smile up at him, he still doesn't look at me.

"I feel like...I...just..." he chokes on his words.

I sit painfully down beside him watching him fall apart.
"What is it?" I rest a hand on his back.

"I feel like I'm losing're different...everything different..."

I sigh.
"Since Emeriss."

He lifts his head.
"Yeah....what happened to you?"

I swallow hard as he stares at me. I can't tell him right now, it just isn't the time, so I play it off as if I had taken on too many injuries and gasp at the pain and double over.

"Fuck...I'm sorry Bri, you need some healing... let's get you fixed up. We can talk about this later."

He lifts me in his arms just like before and carries me out the door to the bathing quarters.

The bath was heavenly and sunk into my wounds, closing up the torn flesh and reducing the swelling. Vance had taken his time and effort to put something together for me, even red flower petals. But this time he doesn't join me, this time he sits on the floor with his back turned to me leaning against the side of the tub. It for some reason reminds me of the first time I had Roan in the same bathing room as me, although the feelings were different, the longing was the same, and so was the distance growing between us. Speaking of Roan...I had almost forgotten what happened at the life tree with Evanora.

It may be a good time to tell Vance, it might take some focus away from everything else.
He turns his head slightly.

"I need to tell you something."

I can hear his breath hitch.
"I feel like I already know what it is."

"Roan came to me at the life tree."

I can see the muscles in his back tense up.
"What?" He turns around to face me dead serious.

"Tell me how..."

"I was kneeling before the tree, Evanora had gotten up pacing as she spoke, then all of a sudden I felt a cold chill. The torches behind us blew out and although I couldn't see him, I could feel him, even smell him. He spoke to me." I pause for a minute trying to remember the exact words.

"What did he say?"

"He said the next time I see him he will kill me. It was mostly just threats on my life. It was horrible."

His brows furrow.
"Well at least it was something we already know. But this may not be a good thing. He most likely astral projected, which means he knows exactly where we are right now."

My eyes grow wide.
"He will do something."

Vance nods.
"Yes, inevitably."

"We need to call a meeting." We both say at the same time.

He straightens up and I grab him before he can get up off the floor.
"Vance, I'm sorry for everything. Things will settle out, I am just so overwhelmed with everything I've been through. I'm trying to cope with what I've seen and felt so far. Please be patient with me."

He sighs in relief as his muscles relax slightly.
"Alright, I will be patient, as long as you still have love in your heart for me I can wait for you. And I will always be there by your side."

I smile at him.
"I know. I love you, don't worry." Which wasn't untrue, I do love this man very much.

"Let's go sweetheart."


We met in the same place where we had first broken bread together upon our arrival here in the rebel camp.

Sitting on decorative pillows and hand sewn blankets made of silks and down feathers we begin our discussion over the happenings. I scan the room watching the men and women who now look up to me for guidance and can't help but feel nervous.

To my right is the young king of Isotora, Isaac, to my left is Vance. He sits with pride beside me looking over our company as well. I wish I had that much confidence and pride in a situation like this. Although I have had many meetings over the last few weeks, meetings exactly like this, it still ruffles my nerves.

The rest of my council sit on my side while Evanora and her council sit on her side waiting for me to begin.

Evanora looks at me patiently waiting.
I clear my throat, gathering my nerves and pushing them down into my stomach.
"I would like to start this meeting off by apologizing for the damage Kit and I had done during our training session."

Everyone seems to either smile at that or whisper amongst themselves.

"I am still learning my strengths and we may have gone a little overboard." I glance over at Kit who winks at me and smiles.

"That being said, this is the way we will be training from now on. Evanora, is there a larger place we can use that is close by?." I ask focussing my attention on her.

She nods.
"Yes there is, just beyond the pyramid on the west side the entire area opens up to rocky barren terrain. The sand is very thin over there which makes it a good solid ground for combat."

"Perfect." I nod at Kit and he nods back at me accepting the new location.

I can almost feel Vance's animosity over this. So I nudge him and whisper.
"We will train there too together."

He whispers back sourly.

"With that settled, we can move on to more serious matters." I sit up straight preparing myself to reveal some disturbing information. Immediately everyone senses the tension building.

"I would like to explain the events that had happened prior to speaking with the life tree and rescuing Isaac here." I place a gentle hand on his back and he lowers his head sadly. I truly feel for this young man.

"Evanora had asked me to kneel before the life tree and explain who I am and what I am doing here. In the middle of it all I was visited by Roan Virmire of Lesterose." The room erupts in whispers and fear, I pause for a moment to let them settle. Once everyone has quieted down I carry on.

"He didn't say much, just uttering threats like a child. Things I already know. But that isn't the concerning part. Vance has informed me that Roan and the Queen now know exactly where we are located and I don't doubt that they will try to attack us."

The room sits silently. I look around at everyone whose faces are fearful and disturbed.
"I am open to questions at this time. Does anyone have anything to say?"

Evanora speaks first.
"My Queen, do you know what they have planned for us?"

I shake my head reluctantly.
"No, he is capable of many things. He has his own council of mages and dark magic. Anything could happen."

She sighs heavily and closes her eyes praying.

Revish, who is standing by a pillar behind us, speaks.
"It would be wise to gather our defenses and prepare for a battle."

Vance responds.
"I can gather everyone and delegate tasks."

Kit responds after.
"Grim, Harold, Gogo and I will make sure everyone is armed with appropriate weapons." They nod accepting their task.

"Alright, it sounds like I have everyone working on a defense. However, if the rebel camp falls, what is our plan of action?" I ask. Although I already have my own plan, I just hope it is the same as the others.

Garret comments on the subject with a daunting realization.
"We would need to flee the camp. But there is a problem with that too. You see, the life tree planted here houses a unique power. There is a relic underneath its roots in the cryptic tombs. That relic is of old magic, magic that cannot be replicated by any other source other than a sacrificed life. If Thanatos were to get his hands on it, he would have a very powerful source of magic."

I can feel the color leave my face.
"Can the relic be removed?" I ask.

He nods. "Yes, but carefully. The tree won't survive but the relic can be planted again."

Vance speaks up.
"I know nothing of druid magic, what is the potential of this relic?"

Garret breathes in deeply.
"It is uncertain. Although I have read that a wielder can raise mountains and grow forests in seconds, I imagine someone on the darker side could do the opposite. This is my first relic and I do not know its strength."

I chew my lip nervously thinking about it. At times like these I wish Andai was here. He would definitely know what relics can do.
"Alright, so we take the relic and leave if things get out of control."

Garret hums nervously.
"That is easier said than done. The life tree may not be willing to give it up and may put up a fight".

But I have already spoken with the life tree once. It also had felt Roans presence. Maybe it is time for another conversation.

"I can speak to the tree." I reply and Garret stares up at me.

"I can help you." He smiles warmly which causes Kit and Vance to fidget nervously. I wish those two would stop thinking every handsome man is a threat.

"Thank you, Garrett." I reply.

My father speaks up.
"If we have to flee, then which direction do we go?"

Vance and I answer immediately.
"Ashura" He says.

And I say.
"Emeriss." At the same time.

We both look at each other trying to figure out what the other is thinking. Everyone else sits quietly looking between us.

"We should go see my father. He can help support us." Vance says, scowling.

I shake my head.
"I need to get Andai." I explain sympathetically.

His eyes soften realizing that yes my dragon still needs me and abandoning him is not a good option.

"Ok, we will go to Emeriss, to pick up Andai then we will head to Ashura. There are plenty of oasis and towns along the way to stop and feed that beast. Nothing like the trip here, he will be fine to travel with us to Ashura." He replies.

Thank god. There is no way I will be showing up at Seraphis's door without my dragon and my council.
"Good. And thank you Vance, I know you're eager to get home."

Vance nods.

I look up to Garrett.
"Do you know what the tombs are like underneath this pyramid?"

He sighs and blushes slightly.
"No, my queen. Unfortunately they span so far in so many twists and turns I haven't been able to navigate through them without getting lost for days. The relic seems to put up a defense and can change the hallways and crypts without you even noticing."

I curse out loud.
"This may be a challenge."

Then a shy voice beside me speaks up.
"I may be able to help."

I look over to the very anxious boy who seems to be shaking as he sits. I take his hand in mine for comfort.
"Go on." I encourage.

He takes a deep breath.
"Upon my parents death I was presented with a dagger." He begins to rustle through his tunic to find it and pulls a small dagger covered in strange symbols from his belt. "This dagger has been passed down for generations to each king dating back as far as five hundred years ago. It was said to be forged in the depths of arrows peak and enchanted by the god Hermes. A god of travel and navigation." He holds up the dagger for everyone to see. "This dagger glows green if pointed in the right direction."

"Curious." I whisper.

Revish jumps in on the conversation.
"I have heard of that blade before. I thought it was just rumors but I can see the magic inside of it. They call it Hermes Compass."

Isaac nods.

"How is it used?" I ask.

"Well, only one who speaks the old tongue can use it. In my realm only the highest royalty is taught the language. I speak it fluently." He replies, his cheeks turning red. I smile down at him, proud to have such a young talented boy in my council.

"So you can help us navigate through the tombs and crypts." Garrett says with excitement.

"Uh....well...I guess so." He replies.

I nudge him reassuringly and he looks up at me with fear written all over his face.
"Of course Isaac will." I hope this doesn't push him over the edge as he has already been through so much.

"It looks like we have settled things..." I am suddenly interrupted by Harold.

"Not exactly....sorry my queen...but I think it would be wise to grab the relic and go now." He says.

Evanora begins to argue.
"There has been no actual threat. What is the point in leaving now?"

Harold smirks.
"Well miss, do you think we will be able to reach the relic during an attack? Also wouldn't that leave your people vulnerable and without our most powerful adversaries in our arsenal?"

She scowls at him and my fathers temper begins to rise.
"Watch your tone with my woman, Harold." My father says.

But Harold has a very good point. If I were to take Isaac, Garrett, and my council with me to find the relic it would leave the rest of the rebel camp without their main defense. Damn it...I wish I knew what Roan was planning.

"I'm not taking a tone with her, I am just being realistic, mate." Harold explains.

"He's right! There is no way we can go for the relic during an attack. It is just too risky." I turn to Revish for this one, as he has seen more realms fall than we have.

"Revish? As the leader of the Red Army and the commander of the Black Dragon Brigade, I ask you from your experience in battles such as this. What do you recommend?" He watches me closely, his eyes flitting about mine most likely searching for an answer.

"The commoners must leave now." He says so simply. "Anyone else will either help get the relic or defend the pyramid until it has been retrieved."

A few of Evanora council huff in frustration. But no one argues, not against such wisdom and experience that he has.

"Very well. Who volunteers to retrieve the relic? And who will stay behind to stand guard and defend the pyramid?" I ask everyone.

"I must stay with my people and ensure their safety." Evanora says, to which my father bears a somber look. She explains further. "I cannot abandon my people."

Jed nods in understanding but I can see him swallowing hard. Once again they will be split up for the time being. But this is the only way.

"I understand, Evanora. You must stay with your people. I will send you with a note for my preceptor to let you into Emeriss without any trouble. Now, I will..."

I am suddenly interrupted by Garrett.
"I wish to conquer the tombs with you, my queen." He bows his head.

All eyes turn to him, especially Kit and Vance's. Despite their feelings of threat over Garrett he is best person to bring along as he created the relic himself.

"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way, you did create the relic in the first place." I reply and a slight dusting of pink shades his cheeks.

"I'll be there too." Kit says.

And Vance has his input too."
"Me too."

I turn to Isaac.
"Isaac. Is this something you can do despite what you've been through?"

He lowers his eyes to the floor.
"I have no choice as you saved my life, I owe you everything. It will be hard but I will be there for you, Brianna."

I smile at him and wrap an arm around his shoulder.
"Good! You will be safe with us. Not many can mess with us."

He finally shows a smile.

"As for, Harold, Grim, my father, Revish, and Gogo. I think you should hang back at the entrance to the tombs. Revish can warn me through our link of any enemies that might be heading our way." I reply.

Revish nods.
"I just hope you can navigate through the tombs quickly. If we can disappear from here before any attacks we will have the upper hand."

"Alright. So it is settled. Evanora will lead her people back to Emeriss for safety and to rejoin the realm as citizens once again. We will retrieve the relic and meet you there. After that, we take Andai with us to Ashura. Anyone who wishes to come with us is welcome." I summarize.

Evanora looks at My father.
"Will you be going to Ashura as well?"

"I will, yes. How about you?" His tone is a little more bitter than usual.

Evanora turns her attention back to me.
"Brianna, if I may call you that, can you assure me my people will be safe in Emeriss?"

I place a hand over my heart.
"Yes, I have cleansed that realm and given the people a dragon to watch over them. Your people will be welcomed with open arms."

She smiles through glossy eyes.
"If that is the case. Then I will come with you to Ashura, to be by your fathers side."

"I would love that. And maybe you can show me how to shoot lightning." I giggle.

She laughs.
"It would be rude if I didn't my queen."

"I guess it's settled then. These meetings are getting easier." Vance says, stretching his arms above his head.

My stomach suddenly rumbles loudly catching everyone's attention and I laugh. Everyone else chuckles.

"I believe it is dinner time." Kit says eying me up.

"I think so too." I reply. "This meeting is adjourned. Let's proceed with our plan of action tomorrow morning. Thank you everyone."

At that the entire room scatters in different directions except for my council who remain seated with me waiting for their next order.

"You are all free to do as you wish." I say. But strangely enough no one moves they only share sneaky glances with each other.

I sigh.
"What's wrong?"

My father finally breaks the silence.
"Look Breezy, we've all been talking about you behind your back." He says in shocking honesty.

I blink at him.

"We think you need to have some fun for once." He says and shares sly smiles at the others. "So we've arranged a late night boot ball game."

My heart flutters with excitement. I look around the room.

"That's right! Be ready to get your ass kicked." Kit says, and rises to his feet.

Vance follows and holds out his hand to me.
"Did you know about this, Vance?"

He shakes his head.
"I've been with you the whole time. I guess I was the distraction." He laughs.

I beam with excitement.
"Ok let's go!"

"Wait! You need to eat something first. We don't want you getting all sassy during the game. Someone might end up with a missing limb." Vance says sarcastically.

I smack his arm.
"I would never!... But I am starving."

Everyone is up on their feet by now talking about boot ball and bringing beer along with them. Oh this is going to be a good night.

"Let's get some grub then!" Vance says.

We all cheer and head out of the room to change for dinner and a fun filled evening.


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