Dangerously Close

By nerdyflirtykari

54.5K 3.7K 1.1K

"Are you scared?" What's the use of playing a game and not receiving the best prize? It started out as a savi... More

Author's Note


1.1K 95 38
By nerdyflirtykari

 That's good news. Midday, I'll be free.

Jaejin read the reply from Eros over and over last night and now as he sat in the hospital bed awaiting his arrival. He knew his benefactor wasn't a typical businessman when he officially met the man. His visit created a scene he only saw on tv or read about. Adam's reaction to him was one of a fan meeting his idol for the first time. Though he incited awe, respect, and fear in those around him, he created curiosity in Jaejin. Saving someone on the street wasn't common these days. If they were saved, the benefactor usually stays until they receive medical attention, leaving them to handle the drawbacks. Yet, he was served quality-made meals, given a private room, and dedicated medical care. Eros solved not only his rent but his college issues efficiently.
On top of that, his offer to give him his freedom. So why was he going this far?

"What does he want?" Jin asked himself.

He had nothing to his name beside the commission money from his private business. So if a large sum of money appears in his account, it will be his mother's monthly allowance from his father. 

"I'm no one."

Uttering those words placed him in a depressing mood. Though he may seem confident on the outside, his self-esteem was shaky. While striking a deal with Eros, he silently doubted himself and his turn of luck. 

"That's an interesting look."

That voice.

Startled by his silent entry, Jaejin turned to the door and met the curious gaze of the young businessman.
"Mr. Delacourde."

"Hmmm. You're being formal. Does this mean you're having second thoughts about something?" Eros stepped further into the room. Since it was his lunch hour, he ditched his suit jacket and unbuttoned his vest. His messy look was equally attractive to his well-kept image. 

"H-how did you know?"

"I have a knack for observing the people around me. So, before we leave, do you have any questions for me?" 

That ghost of a smile shouldn't be so sweet, Jaejin thought to himself. He turned his head from the man beside him and attempted to leave the bed alone. "Is that wise?" Eros asked softly. He paused in his movements, and his shoulders slumped in dejection. Eros could hear the tired and frustrated sigh, which alerted him. 
"Did you see through my false bravado the first day we met?"


The blunt response made him flinch. But, Eros Delacourde didn't hold back in his answers after Jaejin made the following statement. - "Yet you offer to help me."

"I offered because I saw someone who wanted help but was tired of asking. If my analysis is correct, your father broke you from a young, pushing his ideals and personality onto you. He wants to create a duplicate of himself in you and also swallow up opportunities that will make him grow. I can also see you're not cut out for the world he stumbled into and decided to stay in. Turning to death was becoming a simple idea for you."

Jaejin twisted his body harshly to face Eros, causing pain to himself in the process. Hands reached out to help him but stopped when he saw the look on his face. 
"Who are you?"

"Would you believe me if I tell you, my scared little puppy?"

 The good guy shell fell, replacing that was the true Eros Delacourde that should be feared. But why? Why was he okay with seeing this side of the man? Why did he pout when he was called HIS scared little puppy? The hell!

"I think I will," Jaejin answered truthfully. His eyes were stuck on Eros when he began to stroll around the room, unbothered yet mindful of him. 

"Why don't we move this conversation elsewhere." He snapped his fingers, and two nurses in black scrubs and a man in an all-black suit entered. "Give him a travel check-up and gather his things."
"Yes, sir."
They carried out his orders swiftly. The man in the suit rolled a wheelchair to Jaejin's side, who frowned at the thought of using it until recovery. Eros stood near the window and watched over their every move. Jin stole glances at him while answering the nurse's questions. She asked if he needed help with his hair, but he refused. Her question only highlighted how unkempt he looked to them and their boss. 

"We are ready, sir," one of the nurses stated. The three stood in line with military precision beside him, who was now in the wheelchair. 

"Confirm the documents and make the necessary calls." Eros gave the order to the man. He turned sharply and left the room.

"Mr. Min, the two nurses beside you, will be your shadow until you recover fully. Meals, physical therapy, medication, and home care, will do it all. Introduce yourselves."

One stepped forward and turned to face him. "I am Isla Ford. Therapy and nutrition are my fields. It's an honor to serve you, young master Jaejin." Blond-haired, blue-eyed, with the typical all-American look, the nurse bowed respectfully with a soft smile before retaking her position. The next woman stepped forward. She was a strawberry blonde with brown eyes; she turned before introducing herself. "I will handle your medication, recovery, and day-to-day home care. My name is Shannon Kirk. Please be rest assured, young master Jaejin."

"Um. Nice to meet you, but you can call me by my name. No need to be formal and I'm normal," Jaejin returned. 

 "Even if you request them to do so, they won't do it. Every staff member of my family tends to adapt formalities when it comes to serving us and our... hmmm. Well, shall we go?" Eros said with a short clap of his hands. 

"Yes, sir."

Jaejin was dumbfounded but curious as to what he was about to say.


The process of leaving the hospital and the drive to his apartment were both coordinated and beyond his expectations. From the armored vehicles that escorted them to the tight security they displayed, Jaejin concluded that Eros Delacourde was more than a rich kid with a genius brain. His father's security wasn't this level. Was Eros part of an organization not even his father aware of? When he was subjected to the training and education under his father's influence, he had to learn the names of allies and enemies of his family. 
Jaejin frowned. He recollected the list of allies in the US. Only five families came into the business with the Min family, and none had any distinguishing tidbit for them to stand out. The significant alliances were Korean based. The groups in Korea monopolized the entertainment sector, real estate, construction companies, and few financial firms. Those companies were simple essential coverups for what they did to reach a high level of affluence and fearful respect. No matter how much money was given or taken, Jaejin knew his father didn't have Eros's level of authority or influence.
Coming to the end of that thinking path, he was now extremely curious about what this guy was capable of.

"Are you tired? We're here." 

Eros's voice cut all guesses in Jaejin's overactive mind and brought him back to the present. They were at his home. Looking past his shoulder, he saw the nurses making their way into the building lobby and one of the guards settling his wheelchair. His bag was in another guard's hand as he stood at the building entrance, surveying his surroundings subtly. 

"Lost in thought," he answered.

Eros tapped the window twice, and the guard with the wheelchair on his side moved to the side Jaejin was positioned. As he was helped into the wheelchair, the eagle-like gaze felt like brand marks on his back. "Thank you," he murmured to the guard. 
"You're welcome, young master Jaejin."

He couldn't get used to this new title. This respect was new to him. 

Rounding the car, Eros was patiently waiting for him. He replaced the guard and pushed him to the entrance. In the lobby, Jaejin caught their image in the large mirror above the sitting area. He was heavily bandaged and scruffy with the messy yet immaculate-looking image acting as his caretaker. When they passed the bored-looking security who gave them a side glance before returning to his phone, Jaejin heard the annoyed click of the tongue over his head. 

"What's wrong?" he asked. Then, alone in the elevator, he asked his question comfortably. Eros stood beside him, a frown marred his handsome features, and his hands were busy tapping away on his device.

"Security is too lax. That won't do."

"The rent I'm paying is probably at the same level. I was able to do the modifications to my apartment."

"He allowed two unknown females into the building. We could walk past without greeting or questions," Eros pressed on.

"It's okay, Mr. Delcaourde."


"My name is Eros. That is the name you are to call me in any circumstances. Understood?" Light brown eyes held Jaejin's in a wordless fight. He was waiting for him to correct himself. The elevator reached its destination, and the two were still in their silent stand-off.


The bearer of the name held his phone tighter and forced himself to keep the sharp inhale as quiet as possible. Many people have said his name, but it was never enunciated as Jaejin did, nor was it in a soft and low tone. "Yes." Clearing his throat, he wheeled Jaejin into the hallway and towards the opened door with the waiting nurse. 

"We did as requested; the check-up will be the last on our checklist," the nurse reported to her boss.

"Thank you." Eros entered the apartment and took a quick look around the neat minimalist-styled home of the man in the wheelchair. 

"The sofa will do for now. Beds and I are not on good terms now," Jaejin grumbled. The amused smile on Eros's face surprised the nurse leaving the bathroom area. Their thoughts were confirmed; the young master found his partner.

"Very well, the sofa."

The two nurses stood by as Eros took over caring for their patient. They didn't mind. It was a tearjerker moment to see their overly logical boss freely giving into the emotions he was experiencing. The smiles and actions were small and awkward, but it was a big moment for them.
"Please do the check-up." After Jaejin's reassurance of comfort, he sat in the armchair opposite the sofa. His eyes and ears didn't miss a thing. He took note of the visible bruises on his face and arms. The injuries didn't hinder the delicate features of his attractiveness. He understood why the girls found him exotic and unattainable. Which parent's genes contributed to his appearance? The guy was indeed the perfect view to get lost on.

"He's fine, sir. I've left a prescribed amount of painkillers for the night and plastic baggies for his casts when he takes a bath. Are there any questions, sir?" Nurse Shannon asked.

"No. Be here at eight tomorrow. He's in your care from then. My sister assured me of your professionalism and your adaptability; I will place my trust in her words. The same goes for you, Nurse Isla. You're both dismissed."

"Yes, young master."

The two left swiftly, with the door clicking shut after them. An awkward silence filled the apartment. Jaejin was blatantly trying to avoid Eros's bold gaze while the latter tried to figure out which demeanor suited the injured man. He saw his defeated side, the Blaise side, and the unfortunate side he was currently showing. His friend Adam described him as distant and wary of most people around him.
Which side will he show when his family background is revealed?

"You're free to ask the questions filling your mind."

Jaejin frowned. "Am I that transparent?"

"You are to me," Eros honestly answered.

"You are extremely observant."

"To understand those around me from an illogical perspective, observing one's facial expressions and actions became natural to me."

"I see." Jaejin cleared his throat, adopted a calm demeanor, and found Eros's attentive brown eyes. "What organization are you affiliated with?"

"Affiliated may not be the right word. My position within 'the organization' is relatively high. Out of respect and unofficial hierarchy, I'm considered the second prince. Though if following the royal system, I should be the first prince now; it's not an issue. My twin brother is the third prince, and my sister is the first princess. My older brother is the current king. Organization isn't the right word to title my family and every family allied with us. We are an empire."

Legs crossed at the knees; Eros had a regal air around him as he spoke. Jaejin listened to every word he had to say. If those who follow his family saw them as royalty, their reputation is amongst the elite. Or are they the elite?

"Empire means your family is on both sides of the coin. The Mafia is the only group I know who infiltrates deep into society without the public gaining any knowledge of them."

"You've been taught well."

"The topic of the different types of Mafia intrigued me during my lessons. I was amazed at their organization, decades-long adjustment, and hierarchy. Your family is the French Mafia. My last lesson was on the Italians. I stopped attending classes when the physical training became too much for me. It was my father's way of releasing his stress." Jaejin shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. He wanted to play it off as nothing serious, but the man in front of him knew from experience how abuse victims tend to fake their indifference. 
Eros's grip on the chair arm tightened; he struggled to remain calm. This is the reaction Jaejin probably wanted so he could move on, but Eros came from a long line of protective alpha males. The inherent duty to protect his partner was growing stronger. 

"Do you want me to kill him?" Eros asked without batting an eye.

Jaejin stared at him dumbfoundedly for a few seconds before laughing heartily. "Your humor is a dark one, huh?" he said, trying to quell his laughter. It felt good to have that sliver of humor during their talk.

"It can be a joke or not. The choice is yours."

The cold tone shattered Jaejin's amusement instantly. "You will kill someone for me? A stranger?"

"... and worse. We've strayed from our topic; let's continue. The French Mafia is the leader, the top brass of the empire. Five families are on equal footing with us but gave us leadership responsibilities. I'm the second son, meaning I have as much authority as my older brother and father. A few years ago, I made California my faction; I believe you know what that means. To settle here, I must approve of it; to build your own business or little gang, I must be notified, and you will be regulated. I don't care about the means once the public peace is maintained. Do you understand what I meant by 'public peace'?"

"Yes. The illusion everyone sees - the law and government are protecting them and that there is no darkness to their happy living." Jaejin answered mechanically. He could hear his voice saying things, but his mind was trying to piece information together. 

"Correct. With that in mind, please note I do not tolerate any form of disrespect towards the people who serve me or persons I tend to acknowledge. For some inexplicable reason, on that night, you became the latter. When I discovered the crap your so-called fiance was trying to pull, it annoyed me, but something irritated me even more. What do you think that was, Mr. Min?"

He studied Eros's expression; no hint of amusement or calm could be found. On the contrary, the air around them became heavy as their conversation proceeded. The more the second young master revealed about his world and how he decided to tangle his life into Jaejin's, the darker the apartment became. He felt small and helpless while Eros was a giant beast waiting to go hunting.
"You found out."

"What did I find, Mr. Min?" The stern voice had Jaejin lowering his head. He felt pathetic knowing this man discovered so much about him in such little time and knew of a way to give him his freedom. Yet, he spent years coming out of his father's grip only to see every path he created blocked. 
Having power can give you the life you wish for. That is the bitter understanding he came to.

"... I'm a pawn. A puppet on a string." His answer was soft, but Eros heard it.

"You tried to cut those strings, but they kept mending, becoming tighter. Your weakness is apparent to them; on top of that, your father broke you from an early age. He figured out something besides your gentle, non-conflict personality. If anyone outside your immediate family knew, it would be detrimental to everything he built. That's one of the reasons why he approached Macallis. What he found out messed with his traditional upbringing and the future of the Min Family. It is also why you chose death."
The last sentence was said without anger or the cold tone he adapted. Instead, those seven words were wrapped in a consoling tone one gives when they understand your pain. Eros did understand Jaejin's despair and defeat. Shaun felt the same way.

"How....?" The question ended there. The sob in his throat was preventing Jaejin from speaking anymore. His mind was in turmoil. The pain his body went through during his attack couldn't compare to the mental and physical pain he endured in his childhood home. He tried to hide his preference from his father and even pursued the girls pushed toward him, but it was intense. 
Why? No, how did their talk end up here?
Deaf and blind to his surroundings, Jaejin didn't see the tortured look on Eros's face as he left his seat. Nor did he notice the dominating presence now beside him. 
He did feel two slender fingers beneath his chin, lifting his head so the owner could look at him without hindrance. Tears made his dark eyes shine when he looked at the owner. His screaming mind was now silent. That silence made the tears spill. He was already a mess before his benefactor; now, he would be a messy cry-baby.

"I think I went too far. Forgive me. My anger took control for a moment." Gently, Eros used his thumb to caress the soft pink lips that were trembling due to the warring emotions he rudely dug up. "I'm sorry," he whispered. 

Eros leaned closer to the man who brought out his protective instinct and the need he never thought he would experience. This is what his brother felt. This is what his father and uncles felt. 
Haaa, what a wonderful feeling.
He brushed his lips across his forehead and then his bruised cheek. He silently warned himself not to rush nor scare the man still trembling before him. His little puppy was broken; this will be a new experience for him after being punished for wanting what his soul craved.

"What you felt and wanted to pursue wasn't wrong. That part of you isn't disgusting nor a flaw. Some may find it deplorable, but that's their opinion. Instead, you need to focus on yourself and those who truly accept you for who you are. Can you do that for me, Jaejin?" Eros now had his head gently resting in the crook of Jaejin's neck, awaiting his answer. 
A smile formed on his face when he saw the uninjured hand reaching for his unopened vest. The trembling now subsided to nervous shaking. It was a good improvement.

"You... me... I don't understand."

Eros chuckled and made the slight movement of his head to have his lips against Jaejin's racing pulse.
"There's something I should tell you before we go any further in our talks."

"Um... oh... what is it?" Jaejin couldn't concentrate. He can feel each formation of Eros's words on his neck and his warm breath messing with his body. His grip on the vest was tighter to the point he was pulling the man closer to him.

"At the beginning, I mentioned that I would collect something from you at the end of everything. Can you remember what it was?"

"A prize. You said you would collect a prize from me. I still don't know what it is you want from me. I have nothing to offer you, Eros." The man groaned at mentioning his name; he moved his hand from Jaejin's cheek to the other side of his neck. 

"Min Jaejin, you are my prize."

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