Just a Soldier

By JPmarvel90

349K 12.1K 2.3K

Sequal to A Soldier's Life Y/n and Scarlett's relationship is continuing to grow, but with Scarlett now in At... More

Chapter 1 - Distance
Chapter 2 - Reunited
Chapter 3 - Naked butt
Chapter 4 - Return to set
Chapter 5 - Back where she belongs
Chapter 6 - The Yankees
Chapter 7 - Lunch and stunts
Chapter 8 - Picnic in the park
Chapter 9 - Drive-in
Chapter 10 - Teasing
Chapter 11 - See you soon
Chapter 12 - I don't need saving
Chapter 14 - Betrayal?
Chapter 15 - How can I trust you?
Chapter 16 - Runyon Canyon
Chapter 17 - Little Widow
Chapter 18 - Dinosaur Encounter
Chapter 19 - Curry
Chapter 20 - Hospitality
Chapter 21 - Home again
Chapter 22 - Family Sundae
Chapter 23 - We're going to...
Chapter 24 - Legoland
Chapter 25 - Another perfect day
Chapter 26-Giant Octopus
Chapter 27 - Busy
Chapter 28 - The calm before the storm
Chapter 29 - Pool Party!
Chapter 30 - Visit from the Colonel
Chapter 31 - Big Changes
Chapter 32 - Planning
Chapter 33- Melanie
Chapter 34 - Hunter
Chapter 35 - Tourists in New York
Chapter 36 - Karsten
Chapter 37 - Picnic and lies
Chapter 38 - The Truth
Chapter 39 - Date Night
Chapter 40 - Teasing and Goodbyes
Chapter 41 - Packing
Chapter 42 - Moving Day
Chapter 43 - The Basement
Chapter 44 - Jealousy
Chapter 45 - Civil War
Chaper 46 - Leaving for London
Chapter 47 - London
Chapter 48 - Break
Chapter 49 - Batting practice
Chapter 50 - Mama Gina
Chapter 51- The Talk
Chapter 52 - 12 Minutes
Chapter 53 - Don't you dare do that again!
Chapter 54 - Surprise visit
Chapter 55 - Distant
Chapter 56 - Nightmare
Chatper 57 - Preparing for NY
Chapter 58 - You'll be welcomed back
Chapter 59 - The Olsen Twins
Chapter 60 - Second First Date
Chapter 61 - Scarlett's birthday
Chapter 62 - Birthday Treat
Chapter 63 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 64 - Sing
Chapter 65 - Another Birthday
Chapter 66 - Adoption Day
Chapter 67 - The start of the holidays
Chapter 68 - Hanukkah
Chapter 69 - Christmas in New York
Chapter 70 - Christmas Day
Chapter 71 - Blessing
Chapter 72 - Night out with the Olsen's
Chapter 73 - Goodbyes and New Year
Chapter 74 - 1 Year
Chapter 75 - Rings and news
Chapter 76 - Treasure Hunt
Chapter 77 - Family
Chapter 78 - First day in London
Chapter 79 - Real Kings and Lion Kings
Chapter 80 - Uncanny resemblance
Chapter 81- Memory Lane
Chapter 82 - St Ives
Chapter 83 - My turn
Chapter 84 - Preparation
Chapter 85 - The Hardest Goodbye
Book 3 out now!

Chapter 13 - Forgiveness

3.6K 133 50
By JPmarvel90

Sophie's POV:

Everything is a complete mess right now. I'm pregnant, my boyfriend decided he can't deal with that and left me, and my best mate thought it was a smart idea to go and attack him! I've never felt more alone than I do in this moment. My head is all over the place and I don't know what to do.

I absent mindedly made my way to open the cafe this morning, but Hannah was quick to send me home, saying that I look pale and should rest. When I get back to my place, I just fall on the sofa and start crying. I keep replaying the events with Matt in my mind. I genuinely thought he was the one. After everything I went through with James, I never thought he could hurt me worse. But turns out he could.

Then there's Y/n. I can't believe she went and punched Matt. She didn't have the right to go over there and react like that. Turning aggressive like that is so out of character for her. I needed her to be by my side and instead she went and sought him like some sort of gangster to make him pay. It infuriates me. I still need her, but how can I forgive her when she so easily did that? What if she has scared him away for good?

Y/n has tried calling me a couple of times this morning, as well as texting. I started off by ignored it all. I know what she'll say. That she's sorry and she didn't mean it. It won't happen again. But I don't want to hear it right now. With every text or missed call I get angry again so I end up sending her a reply telling her to stop call or texting. That I don't want to hear from them. I can do this without her right?

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a knock at my door. I reluctantly get up, praying that it's not Y/n. I can't be dealing with that right now. When I open the door, I'm shocked when I see Matt standing  there, a bunch of flowers in his hand and a sheepish look on his face. The swollen nose and two slightly black eyes didn't go unnoticed. "Hi." He whispers hesitantly. I don't know what to say, but my body betrays me when it instinctively moves to the side to let him in.

He walks into the living room and holds out the flowers towards me. "These are for you. I know they can't make up for anything that has happened. But I hope that you'll at least hear me out. Then I'll go and you never have to see me again if that's what you want." He says, with a lot more confidence this time. I sigh but reach out to take the flowers. They are roses, my favourites.

He follows me into the kitchen as I find a vase to put the flowers into. We stand in silence whilst I cut the stems and then move back into the lounge to place them on the coffee table. He follows once again like a lost puppy, so I indicate for him to sit. We sit in silence for a while whilst he gathers his thoughts.

I don't plan on being the one to talk first. He is the one that has explaining to do. Eventually, he has seemed to pluck up the courage to talk. "I know what I did was unforgivable. But I truly am sorry. I was terrified when you said you were pregnant, and I ran. It was the biggest mistake I could have made." He is talking fast as he speaks, his eye flicking between mine, but he holds eye contact.

"I know this is not what either of us had planned, but I want to be there for you. I want to support you and go to all your appointments with you. I want to be a good dad to this baby. If you'll have me back." He speaks hesitantly, tears forming in his eyes. I can't believe he is sat in front of me telling me this. I thought I wouldn't see him again, that he was done with me. This was the real Matt that I know. Caring and thoughtful. "I was a coward and I put my own thoughts and fears before even considering how you must have been feeling. But I promise you I'm not going anywhere. Even if you don't want me back, I'll still be here every step of the way."

I can tell he is telling the truth. He never was very good at lying to me. "Matt, you really hurt me. I was scared too, and I needed you to tell me everything was going to be ok. But instead, you just gave up and turned your back on me." I choke back tears as I speak. I am still so angry with him, even though I'm so happy that he's come back to me.

Matt hesitantly stands up and makes his way over to me. Taking a seat next to me on the sofa, he takes my hand in his. "I can't take back what I said and did yesterday. I would do anything to go back and react differently. But I can't. What I can do is sit here and promise you that I'm not going to leave you. I love you so much and I can't imagine a life without you in it. This may not be what we had planned, but I sure as hell know that we can make this work. Please just give me one more chance." He pleaded and I knew I couldn't say no. 

"OK." I breathe out. "Ok?" He asks, his eyes searching mine. "It'll take a little while for me to trust you again, but I love you too Matt. Though I promise you, if you run again, that's it. You're not going to be in mine or the baby's life." I tell him firmly and he nods before pulling me into a hug, tears falling down both of our faces.

After a few minutes of just being grateful we're back together, we pull a part and I wince at the state of his face. "I'm so sorry that Y/n did that to you. She shouldn't have and I told her exactly how I feel about it. She won't be around anymore, so you don't need to worry about her." I tell him. I need to put my family first now and I know that Y/n being around would just make things more awkward for him.

He looks at me shocked and shakes his head. "What? No, I totally deserved this. To be fair, I deserved a lot worse for what I did to you. After she clocked me, she sat me down and set me straight. But then she listened to me about my fears. She was firm but she helped me and talked everything through with me. I couldn't be more grateful that she came over. Because if she hadn't, it would have taken me longer to realise the asshole I was and I don't think you would have taken me back by the time I figured it all out." He explains and I instantly feel guilt fill my body.

"She gave me some really good advice and got me a number for a good doctor. Which I've booked you in for this afternoon." He carries on to explain and I smile at the fact he has already booked us an appointment. But then my face falls again when I remember how I treated Y/n. I almost feel sick, I just threw away over 25 years of friendship when all she was trying to do was protect me. "Soph what's wrong?" Matt asks in a concerned tone.

I just look up at him, tears filling my eyes again. "I've fucked up. I thought Y/n just went over to hit you and cuss you out. I thought she would scare you away for good. So, I told her that I couldn't have her in my life anymore and that I didn't want to see her again. I've been ignoring her all morning before telling her I was done. I didn't give her a chance to explain, I just got so angry at her. Oh God her face when I said it. She was doing what she has always done for me. Protect and support me and I've just thrown it back in her face." I cry and Matt holds me close.

"Oh shit! Ava! How did I not even think about what I was saying? If I don't have Y/n in my life, I don't have Ava either. They're my family and I've just lost them." I ramble frantically. "Hey, calm down ok. This is Y/n we're talking about. Just call her and talk with her. She's like your sister, she'll forgive you and everything will be ok." Matt tries to reassure me. I try to calm down, but Y/n and I have never had a fight like this before. I don't know how she'll react and I'm worried that she won't forgive me.

Eventually, I calm down, feeling the comfort from being back with Matt. "So, you booked us an appointment?" I ask him and he smiles. "Yeah. Y/n said it was best to get it confirmed by a doctor and check that both of you are happy and healthy." He explains and I love that he seems to be more enthusiastic about it all now. "What time is the appointment?" I ask and he checks his phone. "3:30 so why don't I go and make us some lunch and then you can have some sleep before we go." He suggests and that sounds like a great idea.

Instinctively I lean forward and place a kiss on his lips. His body tenses at my action before relaxing into it. I rest my forehead against his and smile. "I love you and I'm so happy that you came back to me." I say sincerely. "I'm not going anywhere. Now come on, let's get you feed." He smiles, holding out his hand for me to take.

After I wake up from my nap, I see that I still have some time before we have to leave. I turn over in the bed to face Matt who is already looking at me with a wide smile. "I'm just going to see if I can get hold of Y/n." I explain and he nods. "That's a good idea." He says, giving me a quick peck before releasing me from his hold.

I make my way into the living room and take out my phone and see that I had a miss call from Y/n. I open the voicemail from her first.

Hi Sophie. I promise you this is the last message you'll have from me. All I can say is I'm so sorry and I will forever regret what I did. You're right. I didn't use my head and I did something that was unforgivable. I completely understand your reaction. So, I'll respect your wishes. I'll leave you alone. You don't need to worry about me bothering you anymore. I hope that everything turns out right for you. I'm sorry I couldn't be better for you. You deserve nothing but the best. I love you.

The phone slips from my hand as I hear her broken voice on the phone. I have never heard her so defeated before. I can't believe that she's letting me go. I always saw the two of us being the two crazies in the care home together. But she's doing what she thinks is best for me, putting me first like she always does. She probably thinks that she's removing herself from being a stress factor for me. But I can't imagine not having her next to me through this. Why did I have to be so hasty in how I reacted with her.

I quickly dial her number, but it goes straight to voicemail. Damn it. I think about texting her, but I don't want to have this conversation over text. Letting out a sigh I lock my phone and start to rub my hands over my face. "Everything ok?" Matt asks, sitting next to me, and gently rubbing my back. "Could we stop by Y/n's on the way back from the Doctors? I need to fix this and she's not answering her phone." I ask. "Of course. Now come on. You need to get changed so we can head out." Matt says, directing me back to the bedroom.

It all seems like a blur getting to the doctors. We're sitting in the waiting room, and I'm nervous. My leg is bouncing but it quickly stops when Matt gently placed his hand on my knee. "No matter what happens in there, we're going to be ok. I love you." He reassures me and I feel a little more relaxed. "Love you too." I reply.

Both our heads shoot up when my name is called, and we follow the doctor into the examination room. "Good morning I'm Dr Callahan. I believe you are here to confirm your pregnancy." She says with a sweet smile. She instantly puts me at ease. "Yes, I've done three pregnancy tests and they all came back positive." I explain and she nods, taking down some notes on her computer.

"Ok, well, we'll do a quick blood test. We have a technician here in the surgery, so we'll have the results in about 15 minutes." She says whilst grabbing a few things and putting them in a tray. "Have you had any nausea of tiredness?" She asks, whilst she starts to prepare my arm to take the blood. "Nope, I've not felt any different. I was late to my period which was why I did the tests." I reply and she nods in acknowledgement.

I hold on to Matt's hand tightly whilst she takes the blood. She labels up the vial and gives us both a smile. "I'm going to take this to the lab, and I'll be back as soon as we've got the results." She tells us, before leaving the room.

Those 15 minutes are the longest of my life. Matt and I don't speak but he holds my hand and is rubbing his thumb over my knuckles giving me all the comfort I need. When Dr Callahan comes back into the room, both Matt and I sit up straighter. "Ok Miss Goodwin. We've got your results back and, unfortunately, I can confirm that you're not pregnant." She tells us with a sad smile. I look at her and then to Matt.

I feel relief. Neither or us are ready for a baby and our relationship certainly isn't. I think this is for the best. I look at Matt and I can tell he is hiding how he is feeling, wanting to make sure I am ok. "I took three tests though. How did they all come back positive?" I ask, feeling confused. "There could be a number of reasons. Are you on any medication at all?" She asks and I shake my head. "I've only been taking aspirin recently as I've been having headaches." I reply. "Well, that is most likely the case. If aspirin is taken for a prolonged period, it can imitate hCG, which is the hormone that indicates you're pregnant. That would then cause a false-positive pregnancy test." She explains and I slowly nod in understanding. "In terms of your late period, there are a number of reasons for this, from stress to working out too much or changes to weight." She further explains.

I sit there taking it all in. Once we finish up with the doctor, the both of us walk to the car, but Matt doesn't start the engine. "How are you feeling?" He asks tentitively. I look up at him, wanting to be truthful. "Honestly, I think I'm relieved. Neither of us are in the right place for a baby right now. How about you?" I ask wanting to know how he is feeling. "A part of me is sad. But I agree with you. We're not ready." He agrees.

I reach out and hold his hand. "It's ok that you're sad about it." I tell him and he looks at me with a smile. "I know we would have made great parents. We will make great parents. Regardless of where our lives are at, we would have made it work. But it has shown me that I want this with you Sophie. When the time is right, I want to have kids with you. I hope you can see that I'm completely committed to you." His words make my heart melt and tears start to fall. "I want that too. As shit as this has been, maybe we needed this to know how we truly felt." I say and he nods, placing a kiss on my hand. "It'll always be you." He whispers and I can't help but cry.

When we both have eventually calmed down, Matt drives me to Y/n's. I still have one last thing to fix from this whole shitty experience. Matt kindly waits for me in the car whilst I make my way up to her apartment. I hesitate outside her door, nerves flooding my body. I don't remember the last time I knocked. I've always just let myself in. Before I can chicken out, I knock on the door and wait for her to answer. After a couple of minutes go by with no answer, I knock again. But still get no response. I pull my phone out and call her. But my heart drops when it goes straight to voicemail once again.

I let out a shaky breath and make my way back down to Matt, who is surprise to see me back so soon. "Please tell me she didn't slam the door in your face." He says with a hint of anger, but I shake my head. "She's not in. That or she didn't want to answer the door. Phone is still going to voicemail as well." I say and he looks at me with a sad smile. "You've got a key. Why didn't you just let yourself in? Make sure she wasn't in there?" He asks but I shook my head. "I can't just let myself in after everything that happened. Besides, she's probably not home anyway." I doubt. "You're right. She's probably just at the gym to blow of some steam and switched her phone off so she wouldn't get distracted." He shares his thoughts. It's plausible, she's done it before.

But I just want her to answer me, give me a chance to talk and apologise. Especially, now I know I'm not pregnant, I need my best friend. I need to talk to her about this. But through my own stupid stubbornness, I've lost that for the time being and I have no idea when or if I'm ever going to get that back. 

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