Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]

By AlphaFemale127

62.6K 1.6K 3.8K

Loosing family is hard, soul-breaking. It causes trauma in people, especially when you see the people you lov... More

First Day of UA
Being a 'Hero'
Pervert in a Store
Class Rep
Villains at USJ
2 Days Later
Friend Greetings
Some Company
Pain Isn't Wanted
Days Of Silence
Waking Up
Just Some Talks
The First Night
A Mishap
Just Some Fun
A Helpful Conversation
Birthday Surprise
Don't Worry
Sports Festival
Mira vs...
The Final Round
No Noise
A Bath
Just A Day
Answering A Question
Hero Names
An Invitation
Only 1 Week
The Change*
Top Of A Building
Girl Talk
Morning *
A Massage*
Family Lunch
All Red
It's Not The Blood-loss
The Crash
Deleted Scenes pt 1
Made to Be pt. 1
Made to Be pt. 2
Book 2
10K READS!!! A Special...?
Special Chapter (Completely Smut)
What I imagine Mira to look like...

Deleted Scenes pt.2

178 5 1
By AlphaFemale127

This last scene is a long one: it was going to be originally 2 chapters (this is part one) but I decided against it. 

This takes place right after Morning*

"This is fucking embarrassing."

"Relax, you look good."

"I'm wearing a yellow top! With a blue floral design! And a blue miniskirt!"

"And? Too unique for you?"

"Did we have to go to a cafe? I don't want to be seen right now."

"Oh, just relax. You look beautiful. If I was a male, cough-Bakugo-cough, I would be thinking if the fastest way to lay you flat and fuck-"

"Kyoka shhhhh!"

"Sit down. We're gonna eat, so stop freaking out."

I grumbled and slid in the booth farthest away from the nearest customer. Kyoka slid in, after grabbing a menu, to sit next to me. It was a rectangular one, easily able to fit eight people, with red backing and a light-wood table.

Tuesday afternoon. It was about two hours after classes ended. Before I could even leave the lunch room, after cleaning the cafeteria and doing kitchen duty, Kyoka whisked me away to her house. Apparently, sensing my major hesitance to wear the new clothes, she snuck away some of them. And forced me to change into them, holding the fantasies I told her about over my head. Thankfully, she didn't press me about the flat bracelet that the sleeves covered.

So now, I currently am wearing colors. No red, no black or gray. Yellow and blue.

A v-line yellow crop-top. Long sleeved, pale-yellow rib-nit top, with mini, cerulean blue flowers decorating the sleeves up to my shoulders like vines. Then a cerulean blue, flared mini-skirt, just about to hit mid-thigh.

Kyoka wore a peach-colored t-shirt with a graphic design on it with, paired with khaki, straight leg jeans. After my complaints of her always wearing purple, she put on the top. And now we sat here, waiting for the others, me grumbling as we went over the menu.

"I still don't get why I have to wear this. Can't just shorts and a regular tank-top work?" I ask with a pouty voice, my bag on the table, chin propped on my palm. Kyoka sighed, done with me.

"You need to expand your wardrobe. Stop being stuck in a routine. That's why." She slammed a menu in my face. "Pick something, since you wanna pay."

"Shouldn't we wait for everyone first?"

"They'll eat anything."

Sighing, I glance down at the the menu, looking over the appetizers. "Your parents are cool."

In the corner of my eye, I saw Kyoka blush. "Yeah, they like you."

I felt my shoulders straighten. "Well, I'm glad. The least I can do is have a good first impression.."

Kyoka snorted, raising five fingers. "Let's get five appetizers."

"Will that be enough to feed four growing guys who exercise daily, along with three females that eat a whole ton?" Kyoka quirked a brow at my tone of voice.

"That's just the appetizers. What's the problem, Miss Billionaire? Can't afford dinner?" She teased me and I felt a blush hit my cheeks, sighing out.

"Five apps, six sides, whatever you guys want to drink, and a hot pot?"

She clapped. "I've been craving hot-pot!"

I nodded. "So how about-"

"Oh my gosh, Mira! That's the shirt I picked out!" My eyes went to see Mina running to us in the corner, bouncing, eyes alight. I sighed even more, feeling my cheeks heat up. "Stand up!"

I could feel Kyoka's smile as my eyes stayed downcast, sliding out of the seats to stand for Mina. Squealing, grabbing the attention of workers and customers within the calmer atmosphere of the cafe. She grabbed my hands, widened my arms, and jumped.

"Yellow and blue fit you so well! Look how your hips are accentuated, your legs! My gosh, your boobs are delicious, looks amazing-"

I covered Mina's mouth with wide eyes. "Can you stop shouting about my tits in a restaurant, please?" I ask lowly, majorly embarrassed. Mina's beautiful eyes twinkled mischievously as she looked to the side, not at me.

From where she came.

"I just needed to shout his thoughts for him, since he won't say shit."

That's when I heard familiar male laughter. My hands were slack by my side, eyes wide. At first, I wasn't blushing intensely.

But then I felt my face bloom in heat.

Of course, there was Katsuki. With pink ears and a smirk on his lips (which I felt a strong urge to taste once more) getting laughed at by Kirishima and Kaminari, Sero smiling and shaking his head.

And there was a dark promise in Katsuki's eyes that sent heat flaring through me.


I turned away from them and glared at the smiling Kyoka, sliding back into the booth. Though Mina sat across from us. I was still incensed over what Katsuki did to me today. How hard it was to keep myself from snapping at his little touches and teases as we walked side-by-side, ate lunch.

I was pissed with him.

"Kaza, you look good in yellow and blue! You should wear it more often!" Kirishima said, sliding in next to Mina and across from me. I huffed, still trying to get used to the nickname, picking up the menu to hide my blushing face.

"Thanks, Kiri," I mumbled, and he smiled at me wider.

"So what we getting! I'm starving!" Kaminari slid in so hard that Mina almost hit the wall.

"Bro, be careful!" Kirishima scolded with a light smile.

"Fucking dumbass!" Mina shouted over Kirishima, who held her back from throwing a rock (from her purse) at Kaminari. I sighed.

"Sorry bro!" Kaminari smiled, leaning forward on the table, snatching the menu away from Kyoka. Who rolled her eyes.

"Just get your own damn menu, Sparks."

"Yeah, yeah, what we getting Kaza?" Kaminari called me as well.

"Five apps, six sides, and a hot-pot. I have to place the order, and you can pick your own drinks."

"Apps? How can we get apps? Aren't those only online?" The other four of us froze.

I blinked at Kaminari's innocent face. So honest.

"You are the dumbest fucking person, Dunce Face," I almost jumped at Katsuki's voice, looking up as he sat next to me. A sneer on his face. "Did you really ask that question?" I huffed and looked away.

"Hey, what's the problem!?"

"Apps is short for appetizers, Denki," Sero sighed out, taking the last spot in the opposite booth. So it sat Kyoka, I and Katsuki, then Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero in the opposite booth.

Katsuki did his manspread, thigh and knee pressing against mine, leaning on the table, chin in a propped up hand.

Clearing my throat as my friends began arguing with Kaminari, trying to ignore the warmth and scent of Katsuki, I took out my phone to jot down the menu options.

"Okay, five apps and drinks! Lets go!" I cut off their argument.

"I want the Cha-Cha Gyoza and sweet iced tea!" Mina declared. I typed it down.

"Yaki Buta, and Calpico," Kaminari winked at me with finger guns.

"I don't know what sides, but I want unsweet iced tea," Kyoka said softly, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Shrimp Shumai please? With lemonade!" Kirishima added in nicely. Three apps gone.

"Sero?" I question, noticing the way Katsuki's knee pressed against my thigh more. I fought my blush and anger, focusing on Kyoka's head.

"Yakki and also a lemonade." I nodded, adding to the growing list.

"Katsuki?" I ask, not looking up at him. He didn't answer, and I heard Mina snicker.

I could feel his gaze burning into my head.

With a deep breath, I looked up at him. I held onto my breath as Katsuki's ruby eyes barreled into mine. I almost choked on air.

"What do you want, Katsuki?" The way he smirked made my mind go straight to the gutter.

"Nitamago and coke." I nodded mutely, finding it hard to look away. But I managed.

Though I found it weird how I was oddly closer to his torso.

As I placed my own options down, I jumped.

There was now a large hand on my right thigh, right at the edge of the skirt, sending heat through me. I froze, mid-type, as the hand held onto the inside of my thigh. Squeezing it, claiming it as his as he drew me closer.

"Yo, I just realized that with Kaza's haircut, all you girls have basically the same hairstyle!"

I think this time Mina succeeded in smacking Kaminari. I was too focused in the hand currently squeezing my thigh, massaging. Heat pooled in the center of my body, down there, and I just knew another pair of ruined underwear was on me now.



Fuck him.

"See, we're soulmates. Having similar hair is just one of the things we do together," Kyoka said matter-of-fact as I type a coke for myself, and the side dishes.

"What else do you guys do in common?" Sero asked.

"Hey, it isn't manly to ask about girls private talk!" Kirishima defended. I tried to keep my mind focused.

Clearing my throat, I spoke, trying to ignore the hand. "The questions I have asked you, Kiri, would be an intrusion of privacy. But you've answered them-"

Katsuki tsked/snorted. "You ask some of the weirdest shit, Vampy."

I froze once more, the hand inching up higher. Just higher than mid -thigh, almost fully covered by my skirt. I knew I was red, but I refused to jump away.

"That's Mira's way of life! Bluntness!" Mina nodded her head sharply.

"But, like, seriously, what else do you guys do together? I'm honestly curious!" Kaminari leaned in as I turned the menu over.

"Well, we talk..." I trailed off, both purposely and because Katsuki squeezed, hard. I sucked in a breath, hating how that simple act affected my whole body. I was... wet (that's what the internet, Mina, and Kyoka called it), now.


Shit, shit, shit.

"About certain subjects and people..." Mina said.

"And cry while laughing together..." I added on, desperate to get my thoughts on other subjects.


"Oh, fuck it with the vague shit," Kyoka groaned, getting off of my shoulder. I almost groaned. Her head was an anchor to the world for me.

All eyes went to her, except me. For the reason that Katsuki's hand inched up a bit more. And I slammed my thighs shut, tight.

"Vamp, you good?" Katsuki's voice was low, not heard by the others. An amused tone to his voice. And he pulled my thigh back to him. Well, with how tight I was squeezing my thighs, my whole body moved over to him. His hand was trapped between my thighs, and I couldn't move.

I refused to answer him, mouth clamped shut.

"We talk trash about bitchy people." One finger was up. I tried focusing on her fingers instead of the hand. "We talk about our emotions together, good and bad." Two fingers up. "We force Mira to get into fanfic and learn about her body."

My eyes widened and face bloomed red. That was three fingers. I turned to look at her. Using my state of shock, my thighs were opened once more and Katsuki moved even higher. I whimpered, at the heat of his hand, but it was overshadowed by Kyoka's voice.

Why the fuck was he doing this right now!? I slammed my legs shut again, feeling him about to move higher. Not safe for my heart. Not safe at all.

"We eat ice cream together and watch movies." Four fingers. The she smirked evilly, and I avoided my eyes. Looking down at my phone, with the list of food items typed in.

"And most importantly..." I was not ready for shit. "We complain about certain people who take too long to get shit started!"

"Why the fuck you looking at me, Ears?!" Katsuki growled at her.

"No reason!" She said innocently.

I groaned. She was looking at Katsuki, of course. Because of my complaints about what I wanted to do to him and how he was going slow!

But I didn't tell her that we kissed, or his bout this morning that grates on my nerves. Still. And she definitely didn't know about his fucking hand.

"I-I'm going to make the order. Nabeyaki Udon hot-pot. Dessert can be ordered later!" I push out tensely.

"Thank you for the food Mira!" Kyoka and Mina sung together.

"Thank you Kaza!" The boys, except Katsuki said.

"Don't need to thank me." I swallowed, my mouth dry. That damned, fucking hand.

Mina was giggling. "Who do you talk trash about?" Kaminari asked.

As they got in that subject, Katsuki wouldn't let me out.

"Katsuki, let me leave," I ask, pushing annoyance into my voice. Unable to look at him.

"Just fucking crawl over me. I ain't moving."


Fucking shit.

I had to open my legs to stand up enough to scoot over Katsuki. And he knew it. And he was going to fuck with me and my mind and my body just for me to go pay for the food.

"You fucking asshat," I growl under my breath, opening my legs and lifting my hips to go over the first thigh.

Of course, his hand inched up and my body tensed. This was a bad position for me to be in. With my ruined undies, crawling over Katsuki's lap, in a public setting with my group of friends who would no doubt make a shit-ton of fun of me if they knew what was happening.

Then the fact that I didn't mind the hand. Just at the wrong moment, I suppose. And because we were at the back of the cafe, no one would see him. Great.

"What's the problem?" I can just see the smug fucking smirk on his lips despite my back to him.

I was now between his legs, and I was focused on getting out. Then I was almost over the second of Katsuki's legs, about to rip away from his grip, as he switched to his right hand gripping me.

And then his hand was less than a fucking inch away from my apex, and he gripped so tightly that there was no doubt a hand print was left behind.

And I gasped, legs failing me and I fell on his thigh. Red-faced, heart beating. Breasts tight, heat pooling in my low abdomen. And I almost rubbed against his fucking thigh as I faltered, trying to get my mind back as my body straightened, wanting to fall back into Katsuki.

"Whatever fucking panties you're wearing, they ain't doing shit." I almost moaned at Katsuki's deep voice pressed to my hear, against my hair. Almost.

But, as he spoke that, his fingers brushed at the very top of the inside of my thigh. So close to there. I almost moved my hips.

Then he removed his hand and I almost growled.

Except he showed me his fingers. Which was a bit wet with a stickier, shinier substance than water.

I never wanted to slam my head through a wall more than now.

My mouth opened and closed like fish, and I was barely aware of the others at the table. Oh, I am seriously fucked. Like, what the fuck Mira!? Can't you control your body! Why are you aroused by the sight!? Oh -


That was all I could say to myself as Katsuki hummed a noise of curiosity. The his fingers moved, and I watched with wide eyes and flamed cheeks. Until -

Until Katsuki placed his fingers in his mouth, licking experimentally.

I was gaping, eyes wide, body absolutely fucking frozen.

Oh my fucking gosh, he put them in his fucking mouth! In a fucking restaurant! As if we'd been fucking for a while! And he - how am I not having a heart attack!?

Katsuki's eyes were indescribably dark, trained on mine. His lips were in a smirk, and he lowered his face a bit.

"I want to taste more, Mira."

I gulped. "Y-you fucking d-"

"Don't you have food to get?" He abruptly pulled back, eyes dancing with evil amusement. Oh, the shit I want to say to him -

"Yes," I grounded out. Then jumped off of his lap, knowing full well why Mina and Kyoka were laughing at me.

And no matter how I tried, I couldn't stop blushing. Not as I ordered the food, or stopped in the bathroom to splash water on my face. Not with the image in my mind, or his words, or the way I could feel the touch of his hand lingering on my thigh.

Fuck him.


"You had two, I had one. Just give it to me," I said in a low voice.

Kaminari smiled at me. "You had two vegetable gyoza, and I had one. I think it's fair."

I clicked my tongue, hands clasped together on the table. "How do we settle this?"

Kaminari quirked a brow. "Rps?"

Rock, papers, scissors. I nodded.

Currently, with almost all the food gone except the last piece of pork gyoza that Kaminari and I were fighting over, the sky was darkening and conversation was split. Mina, Kyoka and Kirishima were arguing about his use of 'manliness' for everything, saying girls don't need to be 'manly' to be strong, and even though Kirishima was agreeing, Mina wasn't having it.

Sero was in his own world, the inly one to get dessert; vanilla ice cream. Katsuki just returned from the bathroom, already tsking at Kaminari and I.

See, when I returned from the bathroom after getting the food, I was hoping that he would go easy in me. For the most part, he did. Katsuki kept a hand on my thigh for almost the entire time, massaging it now and then, moving it up and down. When the food came, it took priority and he let go to eat. And when he finished, he put his thigh back, though not as high so I wouldn't choke on food.

Now his hand returned, and I did my best to ignore it.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" Kaminari and I said in tune.

I cheered. I threw scissors and he did paper. "Hehehe! Mine mine mine!" I said happily.

"Man, why do I always lose to you!" Kaminari groaned as I grabbed the gyoza with my hand, too excited to pick up chopsticks.

"Not my problem!" I shrugged, dipping the gyoza into a sauce and raising to bite. The last bit of food for me today, or my stomach will burst.

I opened my mouth and was about to place it in. However, a head pushed mine out the way and swallowed the gyoza in one bite. Taking my prize.

An ash-blonde, caramel scented head. Took my fucking food, right after I won it.

"Ten dollars Kaza kicks Bakugo's ass," Kaminari half-whispered to Sero.

"Fifteen that the argument won't end here," Sero replied.

I just stood still for a second, still comprehending what just happened to the last piece of gyoza.

"What the fuck did you just do?" I asked incredulously, turning to glare at Katsuki. He didn't look the least bit bothered, not even moving his hand.

He swallowed. I felt my body go straight.

"That was my fucking gyoza! Why did you just- out of my hand!?" I demanded an answer.

He gave me a lazy brow and a half-sneer. "Cause I fucking wanted it. Why else?"

I've had enough.

"See, you've been fucking with me since this morning, Katsuki. And I will not take it any longer!" I raised an accusing finger, pointing it into his chest as I ground out my words. Katsuki sneered, not liking that.

"You decided to fuck with me just as much, Mira. Don't act all fucking innocent." Katsuki leaned down a but, my finger almost bending. I stayed firm.

"Me? I was blatantly open about what I wanted! And you went slow as shit and said 'just keep wanting me'," I mocked with a terrible deep voice impression. I think Kaminari laughed, but I was focused on the fucking hot male who has been messing with me.

All. Fucking. Day.

A smirk came to his lips. Evil and angry and sending a thrill down my spine as his hand heated on my thigh. "You're on Aizawa's shit list. I wasn't gonna let you blame me for making it worse! And you got your fucking 'vengeance' or whatever!"

I grabbed his shirt with my fist. "Really? I don't think I go any vengeance yet. Cause from the second you've sat next to me, I have not had a break, Katsuki. And what you did, 'I want to taste more', then test my limits the whole fucking time - I have a lot of shit to get back at you for right now."

I pulled him down a bit. Katsuki was having too much fucking fun, the way his hand slid up and held tight. "See? Even now, you're still playing with me, dammit! I've been calm and holding back. But then you eat my gyoza!"

I growled and Katsuki's smug-ass shut-eating grin was wide as fuck. Cause he knew just how horny I was right now, all because of him. And neither of us really cared much, anymore, where we were.

"I've had enough - ah, fuck it!"

I pulled his lips down to mine. And Katsuki eagerly kissed me.

Sound was drowned out, and my thoughts slowly ebbed away. Katsuki's lips were forceful on mine, returning the tension and passion I out into it. Heat flowed from his lips into me, through my body and joining the pool of heat in my low abdomen, a muffled moan escaping.

Our lips moved in sync, and I was pouring my built up sexual tension into it. Not letting Katsuki dominate me completely, just yet. Not let him win, even as my mind was thinking of nothing but him and his taste and heat and touch and smell -

I whimpered as his hand on my thigh roamed up, around my hip, other hand joining. He pulled me into his lap, and my hands slid around his neck, burrowing into his hair. I was pressed into Katsuki, torso-to-torso, hips-to-hips. And because I wore a skirt, nothing but my thin, ruined panties protected me as I went flush against the rough jeans, right onto his contained girth. I groaned into him, unable to pull myself away from Katsuki.

His lips were gaining the edge, but I still fought. Still poured my energy and passion into it, letting him know just how pissed he made me. His hands on my hips gripped tight, rounding onto my behind, pulling me even closer. I couldn't help but moan, mouth opening wide, at the sensation of his jeans rubbing against me.

"Fuck!" Katsuki growled, pulling away. I tugged on his head and brought his lips back to mine. He kissed me deeply, but pulled away once more, barely avoiding my lips by pressing his forehead to mine. I had some nasty words on my mind.

"Give me her fucking bag." Katsuki's voice held no room for disobeying. I breathed out harshly, only smelling the caramel, smoke tinted scent. Eyes opening, I registered the booth, my bag full of clothes and a wallet now in Katsuki's hand.

Kyoka smiling widely at me.

I was suddenly moved, feet placed on the floor. My hands slid out of his hair, not wanting to. A hand was placed in the small of my back, and I cleared my throat.

"T-tom- ahem - see y'all tomorrow," I muttered loud enough for them to hear me. But I wasn't exactly there. Katsuki wasted no time pushing towards the door.

I heard some whoops, but all I could focus on was my swollen lips and needy body.

Do I deserve the right to be needy like this? I don't know. Do I care right now? No. Fuck no.

Even outside, with the cooler air and buzz of the streets, I couldn't staunch the feeling.

Katsuki was almost pressed right behind me, hand on my waist now, keeping me walking. I just wanted to fall into his touch, but I couldn't. Not in the middle of the street.

"It's all your fault," I grumbled.

He tsked. "What? Making you horny?"

"Horny, needy, angry, practically wanting to jump you eating my fucking gyoza," I added. He chuckled deeply, the sound making me shiver. The bus stop was just before us, and luckily there was one about to pull to a stop.

"I think it's a fucking good thing to be blamed for." I groaned lightly as Katsuki said that, the bus pulling to a stop.

We got on and Katsuki, at some point when we were walking, got our I.D's out to show the driver. The bus was almost fully empty, three people spread out. The entire back rows empty.

So Katsuki took me to the second-to-last row and sat in the seat by the window. And, even if he didn't drag me on top, I sat on his lap. I leaned, into his chest as his legs spread beneath me, head turning to his neck to breath him in.

My bag was placed in the seat next to us, and hands were instantly on me, my hips. My own lightly wrapped around his neck.

It was an intimate position. It made feel as if Katsuki was claiming his territory, ready to destroy anyone who tried shit with me. The confidence in which he held me, pressing onto him knowing full well that I was practically unprotected at this point, the way his fingers played the small strip of skin exposed between my top and skirt.

I sighed, breathing in and out deeply. Letting his scent coat me.

I may be crazy. I may have strong mental issues, had a shitty week last week, and woke up at the hospital four days ago. But...

I don't care if I deserve it, happiness. Freedom to do what I want with who I want. I don't care. Cause it's too fucking late for me now, to separate myself. Now, if I want it, I'll take it.

That is what I am going to do. And I want Katsuki Bakugo, whatever he will give me. And I will take it gladly, happy that he is by my side, that he chooses to willingly be with me.

My heart swelled at that thought.

"It took too long, Katsuki."

He froze momentarily, but quickly resumed the drawing of circles on my back.

"I know, Mira." He pressed me against him more. "I know."




Hope you enjoyed.

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