The Ray Family

By Chucky_fan02

1.7K 145 4

This is the sequel to 'Friends til the end' STARTED ON JULY 14TH 2022 ENDED ON APRIL 30TH 2023 THE COVER... More

Epilogue part 1, 2 years later
Epilogue part 2, 1 year later
Epilogue part 3, 8 years later
Epilogue part 4 90 years later


25 3 0
By Chucky_fan02

We went up to the house and knocked on the door. Charlotte's mother opened the door "hey, my mother Tiffany said I could bring my daughter over for Charlotte's birthday" I said with a smile.

"Of course, I'm Melinda," she said as she let us inside.

"I'm Maya and this is Carley," I said.

"Hi," Carley said.

"Charlotte honey come meet Carley," Melinda said, Charlotte came over carrying her Chucky.

"Carley, this is Charlotte remember be nice," I said to her. She nodded before running off with Charlotte.

"That's weird, Charlotte is usually so shy about meeting new people," Melinda said.

"It could be because they both have good guy dolls, they can bring out a side of people that you never expected," I said with a smile as Melinda and I joined the rest of the parents.

"Where did you get your doll?" Melinda asked.

"I actually got him when I was 10 from my grandmother, I was such a shy kid that I never really had any friends so my grandmother bought me a friend, after I got him I actually opened up and made new friends," I said, "Carley wanted me to bring him so she wasn't alone even though I told her that other kids would have dolls as well. You know how kids are."

"Yeah, they just want to fit in and not stand out," one of the other parents said.

"I'm sorry I should've introduced myself I'm Maya," I said with a smile.

"I'm Jackie," she said.

"I'm Selena," she said.

"I'm Jeff," he said.

"And I'm Jared," he said.

"It's nice to meet you all," I said.

"It's nice to meet you as well," Jared said.

"So why are you limping?" Selena asked.

"I had an accident at work, I dropped a stapler on my foot and it went off," I said.

"What do you do?" Jeff asked.

"I'm a teacher at the school," I said.

"Which one?" Jackie asked.

"Perry Knights," I said.

"Isn't that the one they merged both middle school and high school?" Melinda asked.

"Yes, it is," I said, "they now have grades 7-12 in one building."

"Those poor middle schoolers must be terrified," Selena said.

"From what I've witnessed it seems to be working smoothly," I said. Then Carley started crying, "I'll be back," I said and walked over to her. I knelt down so I was at eye level with her "hey munchkin why are you crying?" I asked.

"Because Chucky said that I was being a bad friend to Charlotte by not telling her about her doll," Carley said.

"You pay no attention to Chucky right now, with the last kid we decided this time to hold off for a few days. Chucky don't go saying that to Carley, she is doing an amazing job right now Charlotte can't know, she is still in the transition phase" I said.

"Are you sure?" Carley asked.

"Positive, now why don't you and Charlotte go play," I said with a smile. Carley nodded and bounced off to play some more with Charlotte.

I walked back over to the parents "is everything okay?" Jeff asked.

"Yeah everything's fine, she just fell and hit her leg, but she's okay," I said.

"That's good, I thought it was something more serious," Melinda said.

"So did I," I said, "but I'm glad that it wasn't." I watched the kids play, mostly Charlotte stuck with Carley leaving the other four kids to play by themselves.

"Okay it's time for some hotdogs, burgers and fries" Melinda called out, all the kids ran to the table and grabbed a plate of food and put on it what they wanted. Charlotte sat next to Carley, and Carley placed Chucky next to her, the other kids sat opposite of them.

"If it's okay with you and Charlotte I think we should get together more often," I said to Melinda as we watched the kids interact.

"Yeah I think that would be nice," Melinda said.

"I actually live a few houses up, we just moved there recently," I said, "so if you ever want for them to play here's my number, I wouldn't mind watching her if you want she seems like an absolute sweetheart," I said and wrote my number on a plate.

"Which house?" Melinda asked.

"220, it was Michelle Cross's house," I said.

"Is it only two of you living there?" Melinda asked.

"No there's three of us, me, Carley, and Glenda," I said.

"Who's Glenda?" Jeff asked.

"She's my wife," I said.

"Isn't it confusing for Carley?" Selena asked.

"No it's no different than having a father, she just happens to have two mothers who love her very much," I said, getting slightly angry. I felt a tap from Chucky warning me to calm down.

"I think it's sweet that you are with someone you love, and raising a child to be accepting of other types of relationships," Melinda said.

"Sabrina, it's time to go," Jeff called out.

"But Daddy we haven't had cake or watched Charlotte open her presents," Sabrina said looking over at us.

"I don't care I don't want their thoughts of what is acceptable corrupting you," Jeff said, Sabrina stood up and they left.

"You too Sebatiean," Selena said.

"Same with you Mindy," Jackie said.

"And you too Freddy," Jared said.

They all left and I felt angry that they were like that, I wanted to kill them but with the deal, I made with Chucky I can't. "I am so sorry about that. I didn't mean to make them leave" I said to Melinda.

"Hey it's okay Charlotte wasn't even hanging out with them anyways, and I don't think I want to be friends with people who look down on other people's relationships just because they married someone of the same sex," Melinda said.

"Thanks," I said with a smile.

"Charlotte, would you like to have the cupcakes now?" Melinda asked.

"Yes, mommy," Charlotte said, so Melinda headed inside and came back out with a tray of cupcakes. She placed them on the table and sat down where the other kids were sitting, I also sat down and placed Chucky next to me. Melinda and I grabbed a plate of food and started eating while the kids ate their cupcakes.

"Charlotte, what's your doll's name?" Carley asked.

"His name's Chucky," Charlotte said.

"Mine too," Carley said.

"What about yours?" Charlotte asked me.

"Hi, I like to be hugged," Chucky said. I picked him up and gave him a hug, "you should probably go with Terry as only 2% had Chucky, it'll be weird if three good guys had the same name" Chucky whispered.

"His name's Terry," I said with a smile.

Carley looked a little confused but shook her head and jumped right back into conversation with Charlotte. "So we should be best friends," Carley said.

"Okay," Charlotte said, "I never had a best friend before."

"Well now you have me," Carley said, Melinda and I stood up and cleaned up the table, I left Chucky at the table as I needed both hands, we brought the dirty plates and food in, and I threw the plates in the garbage while Melinda put the food into containers and placed them in the fridge.

"It looks like they have become fast friends," I said.

"Yeah, I think they'll have a lot of fun with each other. To be kids again and not be scared of making new friends" Melinda said.

"Yeah, but some friends you make are for life, I met Glenda when I was 15 and we became friends within the first month of meeting and we just got married," I said.

"Yeah, it's nice when you meet that one person who will be there for the rest of your life or at least you hope," Melinda said. We went back outside and watched the kids play. They were running around chasing each other while the three Chucky's were at the table. "Come on Charlotte it's time to open your presents" Melinda called out, they stopped running and looked over at us. They ran to the table and grabbed their Chucky while I went over and grabbed Chucky. We went inside to the living room where Charlotte opened her presents, she wasn't even paying attention to what she was getting as she mostly talked to Carley. Melinda shook her head "all day she was wanting to open her presents but now she couldn't be bothered" Melinda said.

"I think she's happy to have a new friend, and when we leave she'll be more interested in her presents," I said as we watched them.

"Yeah, she's always had trouble connecting with people so I just found it a little weird but I'm not complaining, I'm glad that she has a friend," Melinda said.

"Yeah, anyways it's starting to get late and we should probably head home. Just shoot a message whenever they want to meet up again, I am open to having her over or bringing Carley over here" I said with a smile.

"Sure thing. It was nice meeting you Maya" Melinda said.

"Same with you Melinda, Carley come on, it's time to go home," I said, I went over to the two girls.

"Okay, I'll see you later Charlie," Carley said.

"See you later Ley" Charlotte said, Charlotte stood up and ran to her mother "mommy, can Carley come over and play again tomorrow?" Charlotte asked.

"If it's okay with her mother," Melinda said.

"Can I mommy?" Carley asked.

"How about you guys come over to my place instead?" I suggested.

"Of course, would you mind if I dropped her off? I have some errands I would like to run alone" Melinda said.

"Of course, I don't see a problem with that, how about 12?" I suggested.

"Sounds good to me, would you like that Charlotte?" Melinda asked.

"Yes mommy," Charlotte said.

"See you tomorrow Charlie," Carley said.

"See you tomorrow Ley," Charlotte said and gave her a hug, Melinda looked proud of her daughter. Carley and I left, I held her hand and we walked home.

"How do you like Charlotte?" I asked.

"I really like her," Carley said.

"That's good," I said with a smile.

"Why did you call Chucky, Terry?" Carley asked.

"Because only very little dolls were made with the name Chucky and having three in one spot could be bad and draw unwanted attention, it was actually Chucky's suggestion that I call him Terry," I said.

"Oh okay," Carley said as we entered the fence to our house. "How long will I be here?" Carley asked.

"Three months," I said, "so we'll enrol you in school here and you may be in Charlotte's class."

"Okay, does everyone think you're my mother?" Carley asked.

"Yes, that way there are no questions on why I'm with you in public," I said.

"Okay," Carley said as I opened the door.

Carley went in and put Chucky down and I put Chucky down when the door closed. "How was the party?" Glenda asked.

"It was awesome, Charlotte is so nice and she's coming over tomorrow for a play date," Carley said.

"What she said," I said as I gave her a kiss, "Melinda is dropping her off at 12 while she runs some errands. They really hit it off, but I hate the other parents that were there."

"Why?" Glenda asked as we went into the living room, we sat on the floor as there were no other chairs.

"Because once they found out that I was married to you they all took their kids and left," I said.

"Give me their names" Glenda said.

"Okay there was Jeff and his daughter named Sabrina, Selena and her son named Sebatiean, Jared and his son named Freddy, and Jackie and her daughter named Mindy," I said.

"I'll find whatever information on them that I can," Glenda said.

"I love you," I said, Glenda leaned in and gave me a kiss.

"Okay so with that settled, shall we see what Rachel is doing," Glenda said. I grabbed my computer and hooked it up to the tv and sat back down between Glenda's legs.

"Yeah, this is what she gave me," Rachel said as she passed the picture to Jake.

"And we can't even bring this to the cops," Jake said.

"I know, it sucks because I want justice for him but they ruled it an accident," Rachel said.

"It's weird that she didn't do it though," Jake said.

"She said she can't kill anyone this week," Rachel said.

"Why is that?" Jake asked.

"She made a deal with Chucky to show me an audio, which is why we're meeting at your house because I think they bugged mine," Rachel said.

"Well right now we have nothing to worry about as no one knows where I live besides you, I moved as soon as Kevin died," Jake said.

"Maybe we can still get justice for Freddy," Rachel said.

"How?" Jake asked.

"Well right now she can't kill anyone and she is seriously injured, how about we get rid of her and Chucky in one move," Rachel said.

"We can't kill her Rachel, it will make us just as bad as her, and that'll put a hit on you, I already know they are after me and I'm taking precautions to protect myself, I don't want you to be targeted," Jake said.

"It seems like she's taking Chucky with her again as she brought him to school today," Rachel said.

"They are a dangerous duo, they have come up with a way to communicate while with others, and it usually is whenever Chucky says that he likes to be hugged, as back then that is usually when Maya would ask something after the hug, or for her to leave," Jake said.

"Can I stay the night Jake? I'm honestly scared to be home now" Rachel said.

"Yeah, maybe we should look at selling your house and you moving in. That way as long as I'm alive I can protect you" Jake said.

"Thank you so much, Jake. You don't know how much this means to me. I can go to the realtor on Monday to talk about selling and until then I can bring over the things that I want here" Rachel said.

"It's no problem, I want you to be safe whenever you are interacting with Maya or the kids," Jake said.

"I will, I promise," Rachel said and hugged Jake. "I'll go cook supper, what would you like?" Rachel asked.

Chucky turned the tv off "that's enough of that. I don't like the fact that they know so much about our relationship" Chucky said.

"Neither do I, we'll have to be careful around them," I said.

"But they also don't like the fact that we know so much about them either," Glen said.

"Maya, while Carley is here, you and Glenda will care for her, it might help distract you while you're on cooldown," Tiffany said.

"Okay, I kinda figured as much," I said.

"Do you want to see your room?" Glenda asked Carley.

"Yes please," Carley said, the three of us stood up, and I grabbed her bag while Glenda led Carley to her room. When we opened her door, the room was purple, the bed was a queen, with unicorn bedding, a small bookshelf with different kids' books, and in the corner had a toy chest. The dresser was a four-drawer long black dresser, she also had a closet. "It's so pretty, thank you," Carley said, and jumped up on the bed.

"Thank you for doing up her room while we were gone" I whispered to Glenda.

"No problem, she's going to be here for three months, might as well enjoy where she's going to be sleeping" Glenda whispered back and gave me a kiss. When we broke apart, I placed her suitcase on the bed "now it's time to unpack" Glenda said.

"Okay," Carley said and got off the bed.

We put the her clothes away putting it in the drawers that she chose to put them in. "Thank you for helping," Carley said.

"No problem munchkin," I said as she got back up on the bed. "Now why don't you put on some pjs, you go wash up and we watch Moana," I said.

"Okay," Carley said and jumped off the bed, grabbed some pj's and went to the bathroom with her toothbrush and toothpaste.

Glenda set the movie up on the tv and came and got in the bed and we waited for Carley to come back when she did she jumped up in between Glenda and me. Glenda turned the movie on and we watched the movie, when the movie was over we turned it off "okay now it's time for you to go to sleep" I said as Glenda and I got off the bed and I covered her up.

"Can you read me a story, pretty please?" Carley asked.

"Okay, just one," I said and grabbed a story, I sat back in the bed.

"I'm gonna go downstairs," Glenda said.

"Okay, I'll be down in a bit," I said and Glenda left. I opened the book and read the story of Peter Pan, towards the end I looked down and Carley was asleep. So I put the book back on the shelf and headed downstairs where everyone was. Four of the kids had left by the time I got downstairs, and Glenda was sitting on the couch next to the remaining three Chuckys, I walked over and sat in her lap.

"Is she asleep?" Glenda asked.

"Yup, I didn't even get to the end of the book," I said.

"What book did you read to her?" Aurthur asked.

"Peter Pan," I said. "When did the other kids leave?" I asked.

"They walked home, Lucy and Amanda started to get tired and Jesse and Amy had to study," Glenda said.

"Okay," I said.

"We should probably head back to the hotel now as it's getting late and it's soon time to go out," Tiffany said as she stood up. The remaining kids stood up and grabbed their Chucky's and they all left leaving me, Glenda, and Carley's Chucky.

"You can stay in any of the available rooms," Glenda said as she stood up, she grabbed my hand and brought me upstairs to our room. We closed the door behind us and got undressed. I was extra careful about my leg but the little bit of blood that dried to the pants hurt when I took them off and I hissed out in pain. "What was the reason for the cuts?" Glenda asked.

"I made a deal with Chucky so that I was able to show an audio recording of Rachel calling us psychopaths in exchange that I have to take him to school with me, have him cut me two times, and not complain about not being able to kill for a week," I said as we got into bed.

"That wasn't a good deal on your end" Glenda chastised.

"It was the best I felt like we would agree on," I said.

"Well the deal is made and I know you will go through with it no matter what," Glenda said.

"Yeah, it's probably the worst thing about me. I do not break any deal no matter what" I said.

"It's definitely something that people have used against you," Glenda said.

"Yeah I'm not going to argue with you there," I said as I nuzzled my head against her neck, I let out a yawn as I was getting extremely tired at this point.

"Remember, do not get attached to Carley," Glenda warned me.

"I'll try my best," I said with a smile. "Good night mi amor," I said as I gave her a kiss.

"Good night," Glenda said, I put my head on her chest and fell asleep listening to her heartbeat as she played with my hair. 

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