There is Room For Rebirth of...

By jeffelyncosme

106K 1.9K 97

Author: Meng Xuan Status: Completed Classification: Rebirth Raw Links: ... More

501-506 Fanwai


2.5K 51 1
By jeffelyncosme

36. Decided to go to Haicheng

"Stone mentioned it after I came back... He said, I'm actually a little tempted. You don't know that we usually take advantage of the slack to get some things from the mountains to sell, save a little money, and then make a little trouble. Dumping the goods, then the money is much better than farming, and you are still at ease."

Lu Aiguo explained Shitou's words to Xia Yuan in detail, and added his own thoughts.

"Now that we have that wild ginseng as our capital, we can go to Haicheng to open a small shop to buy all kinds of food, game, and the like. I believe that our life will not be worse than anyone else's in the future."

"But That ginseng is made by stone. What if It loses money?" When it came to living in Haicheng, Xia Yuan's face was obviously looking forward to it. She could leave the village that was not good in her memory and go back to her hometown. Tens of thousands of people were willing to give up Lu Yun before, and then Lu Aiguo was added.

"That wild ginseng stone doesn't want to be monopolized by one person. We have been brothers for so many years. His temperament is iron-clad. But he discovered the wild ginseng after all. I just tried my best, and I also I don't want to take advantage of him." It was not difficult for Lu Aiguo to see Xia Yuan's thoughts, and he immediately became more determined to go to Haicheng.

"We borrow this money, and we will pay him back twice. Now it's different from the previous years. The country's policies have changed, and they no longer stop us from doing a small business. We can't lose money. The big deal is to fall and get up again. Don't worry, I will make you and Xiaoyun live a really good life."

Lu Aiguo hugged Xia Yuan, "My grandfather wandered outside when he was young, and he followed me too. I said a word, no business is rich. I always remember it in my heart. Besides, if you leave here, you don't have to worry about the Su family having the opportunity to contact Xiaoyun again." 

Shi Shi's words are right, only by going out can you live a good life . The shadow that the Su family has brought to his wife is too heavy, and he can't get rid of it for a while, maybe only by leaving here, the wife can really be happy. After a long time, she will really take those hurts lightly and let go. down. So just for the sake of his wife, he had to go out and fight.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. Marry a chicken and follow a chicken, marry a dog and follow a dog. Anyway, I will follow you wherever you are in this life." Xia Yuan also made a decision at once. There was no chance to get close to Xiaoyun, she buried her head on Lu Aiguo's shoulder, tears falling like beads.

"Okay, we'll never be apart in the future."

Lu Aiguo hugged her tightly and patted her back with his big hands, "We've always been together in this life. In the next life, we will always be together in the next life. "

...Aren't you being too greedy?" Xia Yuan laughed at him with tears in her eyes, and patted him lightly. The pear blossom with rain was called Lu Aiguo. Looking at it, I couldn't help but feel the wolfishness.

"How can I be greedy, I only have enough to dislike it. My wife, I want to eat meat." .

"Why would it be considered rude to eat meat with my wife in my arms?" Lu Aiguo hummed confidently.

"Oh, it's so itchy, why are you so annoying, oh, don't break it, the light hasn't been turned off." Xia Yuan's shy and annoyed voice gradually lowered.

"Don't worry, it won't cost much to drive for a while." Lu Aiguo was as itching as a cat scratched.

"...The ginseng, it's still there, don't break it." Xia Yuan finally remembered what she had forgotten, kicked Lu Aiguo, sat up and jumped out of bed, wanting to go out , "No, I have to ask Xiaoyun to put it in her big warehouse."

"It has already been put in Xiaoyun's big warehouse." Lu Aiguo sighed and rushed over to carry the person back, and pulled the light by the way. , "I asked Xiaoyun to put it away after eating."

"Really?" Xia Yuan's hesitant voice.

"Really. It's more real than real gold." Lu Aiguo endured the pain, almost answering with gnashing teeth, and people couldn't wait to go over. In order to prevent his wife from suddenly thinking of something, he simply blocked the sound source with his mouth.


Meanwhile in another room, Lu Yun couldn't fall asleep, tossing and turning, and couldn't help calling Shitou, "Shitou, do you think my parents are already discussing this matter? You say they will agree?"

"Didn't you already make up your mind?" Shitou laughed in the dark, only to realize that she was not like a six-year-old child, and now she was worried about gains and losses like a child again.

"Yes." Lu Yun wrinkled her nose, "but I'm still worried."

"Go to sleep, I'll know tomorrow." Shitou rolled over and closed his eyes.

"I can't sleep, can you talk to me?" Lu Yun said sullenly, but she didn't hear a response for a long time, so she couldn't help muttering, "Are you really asleep?" In the darkness, Shitou reluctantly opened his eyes, Endured ignoring her. It wasn't until he heard Lu Yun's breathing that gradually calmed down that he closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep.

The next day, when Lu Yun woke up, the stone's bed was empty, the thin blankets on the bed were neatly stacked, and the mosquito nets were also hooked on the hooks on both sides.

Lu Yun looked at the bright sunshine outside and stuck out her tongue. She was used to being lazy in her past life, and it became a habit to go to bed late and get up late every day.

She took out her clock to check the time, seven-twenty.

After tidying up the bed, putting on the clothes and trousers that her mother had put on the bedside, and casually smoothing her short hair, Lu Yun ran to the kitchen.

"Go brush your teeth and wash your face quickly, then come over and drink a bowl of boiled water first."

Xia Yuan saw Lu Yun and remembered yesterday that she asked to wait for Lu Aiguo to come back in the morning to have dinner together. So don't rush her to eat.

"Are you hungry, why don't you eat an egg first?"

"No, Mom, I haven't brushed my teeth and washed my face yet." Lu Yun shook her head, then looked at Xia Yuan expectantly.

"Why are you still stunned, why don't you hurry up?" Xia Yuan looked at her puzzled and couldn't help urging.

"Mom, did Dad tell you?" Lu Yun decided to ask herself.

"What did she say?" Xia Yuan stirred the porridge in the pot. Seeing that it was almost done, she put the snake meat cut into small pieces and added salt.

"It's just to go to Haicheng." Lu Yun was anxious, "Mom, I want to go to Haicheng."

"Oh, that's what happened, I said." Xia Yuan looked at her strangely and said, "How did you know? You Do you know where Haicheng is?"

"Stone said last night that Haicheng is my mother's hometown? Mom, I want to go, how did you and father decide?" Lu Yun "sold" the stone without hesitation. , She was really anxious to know the answer, and at this moment she suddenly felt that her mother was very ink.

Can we happily announce the results quickly?

37. Emollient Cream

"Xiaoyun wants to go, then let's go together." Xia Yuan saw Lu Yun's anxious little face turning red, and couldn't help pinching her face in a funny way, "But if you really go, you can't cry and want to come back. ."


"I'm not going to cry and want to come back."

Lu Yun jumped up, jumped over and hugged her mother's thighs and dragged down the hem of her clothes, and then gave her the left and right cheeks when she bent down. A hot wet kiss.

"Mom, I love you."

Xia Yuan touched her cheek and looked at Lu Yun, who had turned and ran away, with a look of happiness and emotion on her face.

"Mom loves you too."

When Lu Aiguo and Shitou came back with their hoes, they saw Lu Yun staring at the door from a distance.

"Daughter, why did you come to the door today?" As she approached Lu Aiguo, she asked with a smile, "What are you looking at?"

"Dad, Mom said you decided that we are going to Haicheng together?" Lu Yun looked forward to it again. asked again.

"Yeah, why can't I hide anything from you, and let your little ear report know so quickly?" Lu Aiguo was surprised by how well-informed Lu Yun was.

"Xiaoyun, do you want to go? Haicheng is very big, but it's much bigger than our village, and it's much more interesting."

"Of course I want to go." Lu Yun nodded quickly, and received confirmation from her father again. Lu Yun could finally put her heart into her stomach.

"Why don't you wash your hands and come to eat? What are you saying at the door?" Xia Yuan stood under the eaves at the entrance of the main room and raised her voice, "This child doesn't know what's going on, she just wakes up early in the morning and thinks about it. That's it."

Lu Aiguo and Lu Yun looked at each other and smiled, Lu Aiguo said, "Let's go, don't let your mother urge us." The breakfast was very rich, snake meat porridge, leek pancakes, beef with sauce, cold okra, sweet and sour cabbage .

Finally, there is a bowl of stewed eggs per person. The stewed eggs are as tender and tender as tofu. They are also poured with a tablespoon of sauce with minced meat, soy sauce and chopped green onion. Looking at the past, I feel very tempting. appetite.

Of course, most of the dishes were provided by Lu Yun's "big warehouse".

Under Lu Yun's suggestion, Xia Yuan directly put some easily broken things into her space to "keep it fresh".

The stewed egg will be one bowl per person. Xia Yuan was worried that the scene of pushing and swaying on the dining table yesterday morning would happen again, so it would save her worry if she had one bowl of stewed eggs. Sure enough, Xia Yuan announced before the meal, "Each person has a bowl of stewed eggs, and no one is allowed to leave it."

Lu Aiguo obviously understood what was going on, so he couldn't help laughing, but his heart was sweet, and it was his wife who was distressed for him.

Xia Yuan glared at him, "Don't make excuses for not eating, set an example for how old you are."

Lu Yun snickered while hiding.

"Wife, I promise to complete the task." Lu Aiguo raised his hand to his ear and shouted funny.

"Pfft." Xia Yuan laughed, her face bright like peach and plum, and she said, "If you have a double portion before lunch, so does Shishi.

" It's like giving Xia Yuan a smile.

"Wife, do we have to eat so many dishes in the morning?" Lu Aiguo asked Xia Yuan unaccustomedly while drinking snake meat porridge while grabbing a leek pancake and biting it.

"What your daughter said, the emperor's breakfast, the minister's lunch, and the beggar's dinner. I don't know where she learned it. She insisted that I cook so much, and most of the meat and vegetables were taken from her large warehouse.

Xia Yuan looked at Lu Yun helplessly, "She still insisted that I cook more, and said that it would be hot when I put it in her large warehouse, and if I don't want to cook in the future, I can just take it out and eat it . "

"That's not bad. In the future, our family will cook one meal a day, enough for the whole day, so you can save yourself some trouble." Lu Aiguo nodded in agreement with a smile.

"How can I do it? You have already refused to ask me to go to the ground, and I will save time on cooking all day, so what should I do? There are so many chickens at home, and I have enough free time. Let others see that there is no smoke in our house, and they still don't know how to laugh at me behind their backs?"

Xia Yuan gave Lu Aiguo a white look.

"It's up to you, as long as you're happy. We don't live our lives for others to see." Lu Aiguo smiled helplessly.

"Mom, even if we don't have to do it every day, we can take a break every now and then. It's tiring just to do housework without going to the ground, okay?"

Lu Yun looked at her mother's face. It's pretty good to watch, but it's hard to guarantee that it won't age quickly if you don't maintain it.

Fortunately, the most important thing she wore in her last life was moisturizing cream, and the effect was different depending on the price.

She took out a bottle of Essence Body Lotion and pushed it towards her mother. In her past life, she sold this moisturizing cream to a sky-high price. Even though it is limited to 1,000 bottles per year, and only diamond-level VIPs can buy it, it still sells out within ten minutes every time it appears. It really sucks for her.

It will be sought after by people like this, and it is expensive for a reason. Any skin care products she sells are guaranteed to be of absolute quality. The first time you use them, you will not be able to say that they will work quickly, and they can really improve skin quality. After use, it will not rebound even if it is disabled.

Unlike some brands that add some mess of contraband, beauty comes at the expense of overdrawing the vitality of the skin.

"Mom, I'll give you this face paint. Well, it can also be applied to the body. I have a lot of it. You have to remember to use it, or you will look old if your skin is not good." Lu Yun frightened Xia Yuan seriously.

"Am I very old?" Xia Yuan picked up the bottle of moisturizing cream, and saw the light grass-colored cream in the crystal bottle the size of a child's palm, which was lustrous and translucent, with a lustrous sheen.

"Why is it so beautiful? This bottle is as beautiful as crystal." Xia Yuan was amazed, she couldn't put it down, she couldn't even bother to eat it. Most women always have a natural love for delicate things. resistant.

It was originally a crystal, right?

Lu Yun didn't break it with a smile when she heard the words. She happily took a mouthful of snake meat porridge, and changed the topic intentionally or unintentionally, "Mom, I heard that snake meat can strengthen the body and bones and prolong life, right?"

After she finished speaking, she glanced in the direction of Shi Shi, Shi Shi Understood. The hand holding the porridge bowl paused for a while, then took a big mouthful.

"Well, it should be?"

Xia Yuan wasn't sure, thinking that Lu Yun was listening to someone when she was playing outside. I agree in my heart, but I feel that it is still not suitable for children to eat more, so I said to her, "Don't eat too much when you are young, you can't make up too much, let your father and Shishi eat more, you can eat the others more.."

"Hmm. Mom needs to eat more."

Lu Yun nodded obediently and reached out to grab a piece of leek cake and take a bite, because it was made by her mother, and because there was enough oil, she felt that there were leeks in her hand. The cakes are especially delicious.


"Understood, it's really a little housekeeper. Don't be stunned, eat more, now, take the stone." Xia Yuan grabbed the leek cake and gave Lu Aiguo a piece, and then a stone.

"Did you hear me, eat more snake meat porridge. And this leek pancake, I made a lot, and there are still a lot in the kitchen. You all let me eat it."

Lu Yun looked at it with a smile and drank it from time to time. A mouthful of porridge, a bite of a pancake and cabbage, and occasionally a spoonful of stewed egg to eat. A comfortable and satisfying meal.

In her last life, her memory of her mother had long been blurred, except to remember that her mother was always a face without a smile and a lonely face, she had no other impression.

After getting along for the past few days, now looking at such a lively, graceful, happy mother with a smile on her face, the missing part of her heart is slowly being filled and enriched.

The topic at the dinner table has been revolving around Haicheng.

"I went to the second uncle in the morning. The second uncle said that it would not be difficult to transfer the household registrations of you and Xiaoyun back to Haicheng. It just happened that we went to the village today to do it together. As for my household registration, I will not move it, or leave it there. The village is better, so you can attack and retreat, and if you really can't get along, you can return to the village to farm."

Lu Aiguo said half-truth to Xia Yuan in a joking tone.

Xiaoyun has reached the age where she can go to school. If her household registration is not moved to Haicheng, it will be very troublesome to study without her household registration. Therefore, the household registrations of Xia Yuan's mother and daughter are bound to return to the city.

As for his hukou, both Er Bo and Er Auniang strongly opposed his hukou moving along with them.

According to the second uncle, keep the household registration and keep the fields. When the time comes, he will help him to grow the food. He will come back once or twice a year to take it away, and he will not worry about running out of food every year. There is no need to count on the monthly ration of food in the city.

And more importantly, Xia Yuan was an educated youth returning to the city. If she only brought back the household registration of minor children, the procedures would be better.

He thought about it and felt that what Er Uncle and Er Auntian said made sense, so he didn't force it. The so-called homeland is hard to leave, and he doesn't want to leave with his household registration, so he has nothing to do with the village that gave birth to him and raised him.

"Is that what the second uncle meant?"

Xia Yuan immediately thought whether the second uncle objected to their family going to Haicheng.

"Well, it's hard to get my hukou relocated together." Lu Aiguo nodded.

Shito and Lu Yun exchanged glances, and they both saw it clearly in the other's eyes. It is estimated that it may not be all because the account is not easy to get, but Lu Erbo is reluctant. I am afraid that he is also afraid that if he even moves out of his household registration, he will not come back in the future.

"I think what Er Uncle and Er Unniang said also makes sense. I also think we can come back once or twice every year. After all, my roots are still here." I have to leave the place where I grew up, and I will come back later It was also destined to not last long, and Lu Aiguo was always a little disappointed.

"Yes, I didn't say that I would not come back in the future. There are still uncles and uncles in the village. We should come back to see them more often." Xia Yuan nodded and reassured him, "We will come back every year for the New Year, okay?"

"Really?" Lu Aiguo was a little surprised. He did not expect his wife to propose this.

"What are you doing to coax you? Xiaoyun and I can move their household registrations to Haicheng, so Xiaoyun doesn't have to worry about her studies. I will send a letter to my eldest sister, asking her to help us contact the school and find someone else. It's suitable, preferably a place where you can open a grocery store and live."

Xia Yuan gave Lu Aiguo an angry look, "Have you discussed with Shishi about opening a grocery store?"

"Well, wife, I seem to be talking about selling Food, wild things, mountain goods and other shops, right?" Lu Aiguo made a gesture of wiping his sweat.

"Really? It doesn't matter whether you open a grocery store or a grain store, you can discuss it with Shishi yourself, but I don't care. I'll show you the store and do the chores. I don't understand anyway." SHe raised her hand and waved, indicating that he would not be mixed.

"Ha ha."

Lu Yun found it interesting, and couldn't help chuckling, "Mom, I think it's better to send a package to Auntie, let's send her some more food. I have a lot of jerky and so on. And I will open a shop at home in the future. The things in the warehouse can also be taken out and sold."

"That's okay, you can keep the things in your big warehouse and use some to supplement the food at home. How can you reuse the things in the business? Don't. Evacuate ."

Lu Aiguo refused. Although the daughter said that there were a lot of things in it, he always felt that he could only listen to half of what the child said. Don't wait until she emptied her warehouse and cry again, he has nothing to compensate her.

"There's really a lot of stuff in my warehouse, and I can't use it up in eight lifetimes. It's nothing if I keep it."

"Let's talk about it later."

Hearing Lu Aiguo's obviously perfunctory tone, Lu Yun pouted the food in her space. It took her several years and painstaking efforts to go to various countries to collect it bit by bit. It's not that easy to evacuate. Why doesn't Dad believe it?

Lu Yun was deeply saddened. She is now wearing a six-year-old shell. It will obviously take a long time for her parents to pay attention to her voice.

"Send a package? Well, I have almost never sent anything back to my eldest sister in recent years. This time I asked her to do something, so I simply put the money in the letter and sent it to her. If there is a suitable house, I will call her directly. Let's rent it."

Xia Yuan thought for a while, the house is tense these days, and everyone is crowded with a large family, and it is impossible to live in it.

"Sister-in-law, I still have 200 yuan here. Let's put it where you are." Shi Shi took a simple cloth bag from his body and handed it to Xia Yuan.

"No, I have more than 100 yuan on me, which is enough. You should also keep some spares on your own." Xia Yuan quickly shook her head and refused.

"I still have." Shitou pushed the cloth bag in Xia Yuan's direction again.

"You can accept it. The stone is not an outsider. From now on, you will be in charge of our family's money. We will ask you for it when we have no money."

Lu Aiguo grabbed the cloth bag and put it directly in Xia Yuan's hand. He was on the ground in the morning. When he was working in the house, Shi Shi told him that in the future, he would put all the money he made from opening a shop together, so he didn't need to divide it up and down. He felt that it was so troublesome.

Lu Aiguo thought about it all the way, and felt that since Stone believed in himself, he couldn't figure it out so clearly with him, so let's put it together. Horizontally and vertically he could not make the stone suffer. When he got a chance, he told his wife that 60% of the property he earned in the future would be considered a stone.

"Okay, then sister-in-law will accept it." Xia Yuan looked at Lu Aiguo, since he had said that, he must have an idea, so she simply stopped talking nonsense. Xia Yuan is actually quite traditional in her bones. There is little rebuttal to Lu Aiguo's decision.

39. Wife is Distressed

It was half past nine after breakfast.

Xia Yuan went to make dumplings and boiled water to kill the chicken.

The noodles are ready and good. The work of killing chickens was snatched away by stones. Xia Yuan had to deal with the cabbage and meat. She was about to chop the dumpling stuffing when Lu Aiguo called out loudly, "Wife, go and boil the water, I'll keep the meat stuffing for me to chop. It's hard work. You can cut the cabbage and wait. Just make dumplings."

"Just chop the meat stuffing, where do I get tired?" Xia Yuan was just laughing, and wanted to push Lu Aiguo to chop the meat stuffing herself, "You go to boil water, I'll do it."

"Dear, Be obedient, you don't have the strength to chop this meat, it will be choppy and not tasty."

Lu Aiguo insisted. He just doesn't want his daughter-in-law to do dirty work and hard work. In fact, if he can, he doesn't even want his daughter-in-law to work. His daughter-in-law just wants to be pampered. She wakes up every morning as long as she wants to go to bed. As long as she looks beautiful, she doesn't have to do anything.

Thinking of the time when my wife first came to their village, she could drip water when she pinched her tenderly, her fingers were thin and soft, and there were no calluses at all. The skin is also fair and fair, and at first glance, it seems that the family is pampered. How many years has it been? His hands became thicker, and his face became black and rough, and it made his liver hurt when he thought about it.

In the past, there was no way, in the future, he must try his best to make his wife live the best life.

"You can't treat me as a crippled person. I won't do anything to raise me in the future. It'll make me anxious." Xia Yuan yelled at Lu Aiguo angrily. Seeing Shishi and Lu Yun on the side, they laughed secretly.

"It's better if you really don't do anything. I'm willing to ****. I'm willing to serve my wife. Isn't my daughter-in-law just to be not distressed?" Lu Aiguo said indifferently.

"I'm really afraid that you will dislike me in the future." Xia Yuan was really worried, she was afraid that Lu Aiguo's freshness was still there at the moment, it was nothing, but after a long time he should dislike her.

"In the future, apart from the stone's share, the rest of the money we make will be yours. What are you afraid of when you hold financial power? It's me who should be afraid." Lu Aiguo leaned over and asked in a coquettish tone. Said, "Wife, will you despise me in the future?"

That soft, unbearable tone, paired with a vicious face with scars, was so disrespectful that one would not dare to look directly at him. Lu Yun suddenly remembered Beauty and the Beast.

The parties involved did not feel it. I saw that Xia Yuan was coaxed into a radiant face, as shy as a little girl, she also looked at Lu Aiguo affectionately, and patted his cheek lightly, "As long as you don't despise me in the future. , I won't despise you. If you dare to change your mind in the future, I will take your property and marry someone else, so that you have nowhere to cry."

Lu Aiguo was still very intoxicated when he heard the second half of the story . His face changed, and he jumped up, "Don't think about it, wife who can't know."

Xia Yuan looked at him provocatively, as arrogant as the queen. That means, you see if I dare! Lu Aili's horse wilted.

This style of painting is changing so fast that it is impossible to watch.

Lu Yun covered her eyes.

The corner of Shishi's mouth twitched, as if he had never heard of it, he lowered his head to compete with the dough in his hand.

After a busy half-morning, the hot dumplings and chicken soup finally came out at eleven o'clock.

There were a lot of dumplings, so Xia Yuan used a thick porcelain bowl for soup to put two bowls with spikes, put them in two baskets, covered them with clean gauze, and asked Lu Aiguo to send them to Uncle Lu and Erbo Lu.

The homes of Uncle Lu and Erbo Lu were not far from them. Lu Aiguo came back quickly, and the basket was not empty. The auntie packed a basket of fresh water spinach. Er Auntie packed a big winter melon and a big bottle of pickled white radish sticks.

"Second Uncle hasn't come back yet. Second Uncle asked us to go to dinner tomorrow night, and let Shito go too. It is said that the eldest sister and the second sister's family will come back tomorrow, and let you and Xiaoyun meet people."

Lu Aiguo sat down at the dining table and said to Xia Yuan while dipping dumplings in the sauce.


Xia Yuan nodded and helped Lu Aiguo scoop a bowl of chicken soup, "You go to Er Uncle's place to see how the household registration is going in the evening? By the way, put some meat, vegetables, rice, and noodles in order for them. They, by the way, also brought a bucket of the oil. Tomorrow, the eldest sister and the second sister will come back with the whole family. I am afraid that the food will consume a lot of food."

"Okay." Lu Aiguo ate several dumplings in a row, "The taste of this stuffing The tune is just right, my daughter-in-law is really capable."

"Able and thoughtful." Lu Aiguo added.

"It's just that you're glib all day long. Could it be that you go out and see other little girls and daughters-in-law like this?" Xia Yuan was complimented at first, and then she became puzzled, staring dangerously at Lu Aiguo.

"Heaven and earth conscience, wife." Lu Aiguo was so frightened that he choked on the chicken soup, and he coughed a few times before he recovered, "Wife, I only speak my tongue at you, I haven't even looked at others, you don't believe me. Ask Shishi."

 "Shishi, please tell your sister-in-law the truth quickly." Lu Aiguo couldn't help feeling anxious when he saw Xia Yuan's expression of disbelief, and reached out to touch Shishi. "Speak quickly."

"That's right." Shitou swallowed what was in his mouth, nodded to Xia Yuan, then lowered his head and continued eating the dumplings.

"Wife, listen, Shitou never lies." Lu Aiguo raised his eyebrows smugly at Xia Yuan, "I can't see other women except you in my eyes."

Lu Yun lowered her head and chuckled silently, feeling a little bit in her heart astringent.

Dad's words are true. In his last life, no one introduced him to someone, especially after he bought a house in Haicheng with a few strengths. There is a big girl in the nearby village who also works in Haicheng. When I got on him, I confessed to him frankly. My father's uncle and second uncle also came to persuade him in my hometown. As a result, my father was stunned and refused to let go of the marriage.

"No, no, why are you yelling so loudly?" Xia Yuan's expression loosened, and she shyly blamed Lu Aiguo.

"If the dumplings are delicious, just eat more. I've roughly counted them. The few of us put together more than 300 bags. The rest will be fried at that time, eat a little at night, and put the rest directly in Xiaoyun. Next time I will eat it in the big warehouse."

Xia Yuan moved her chopsticks to eat, and asked Lu Yun, "What else do you have in that big warehouse? Take some out and let your father take it to your second grandfather's house. "

Well, fried dumplings are definitely better." Lu Aiguo picked up the bowl and took a sip of the chicken soup. He found that it was not hot, and the taste was delicious. He couldn't help but take another gulp.

He heard Xia Yuan ask Lu Yun and said to Xia Yuan with a smile, "How many things can she recognize as a child? I'm afraid that salt and sugar can be mixed, so it's no use asking."

40. How To Send Things 1

Don't be so condescending.

Lu Yun's eyes widened in dissatisfaction with Lu Aiguo, "Dad, I can tell the difference between salt and sugar."

It was someone who had frequently misplaced salt and sugar in his past life, and not only that, but also smashed the pot and caught it... .Even simple rice can't be cooked well, either too much or too little water. Cooking apparently good ingredients like dark dishes made her not dare to protest for a long time, and she swallowed the food "without changing her face".

It wasn't until she found an opportunity to show off her skills once, and finally the job of cooking rice and vegetables fell to her, and they could eat normal meals--I burst into tears just thinking about it!

But those days eventually became her fond memories, one of the rare good times in her life.

"Okay, okay, you can tell the difference clearly, is it your father who can't tell the difference?"

Seeing the girl's puffed-up appearance, Lu Aiguo had a cold sweat on his forehead, and hurriedly coaxed him. Dear, his wife and daughter are his ancestors, and not something he can afford.

"It was originally."

Lu Yun muttered in a low voice, and couldn't help but lowered her head and smiled secretly. Shi Shi, who was sitting next to her, looked at it, and probably had experienced Lu Aiguo's dark cooking. He heard the sound and looked in her direction, revealing a tacit smile, and there was a bit of pity in his expression.

"Pfft, cough, cough..."

How could Xia Yuan not know about Lu Aiguo's dark history, she looked up just when she saw the interaction between Shi Shi and Lu Yun, and she burst into laughter. To save some face for Lu Aiguo, he abruptly changed his cough to cover up.

Lu Aiguo blushed at first, then turned black, and finally looked at his wife's desire to hide in embarrassment. He lowered his head and turned his grief and anger into appetite, and launched a violent attack on the dumplings in front of him.

The other three quickly glanced at each other, all saw the smile in each other's eyes, and hurriedly snickered and lowered their heads to eat.

After dinner, Lu Yun pulled the others into the yard, closed the door, and put a lot of things in the yard at once, including bottled edible oil of different sizes, various processed chicken, duck, fish, Fresh fruits and vegetables, rice, flour, all kinds of vermicelli, vermicelli, quick-cooked noodles, as well as bacon, salted ham, all kinds of ham sausages, canned meat, canned fruit, soft candy, hard candy...... .

It was full of things, and it was all food, and it almost filled the open space of the yard.

"Why so many?"

Lu Aiguo and Xia Yuan subconsciously covered their mouths and looked around, obviously frightened. It seems that there are many more things in the big warehouse of the daughter than they imagined?

"It's actually just a little bit here." Lu Yun drew a large circle in the air, and then pinched her fingertips to describe it to them, "There are other things besides food, clothes, pants, quilts, Shoes...anything, anyway."

Lu Aiguo squatted down and picked up a few cans of canned meat, only to see that the labels on the tin cans had only simple names, such as braised pork, pork with plums, Sauce trotters, tuna, lunch ham...

In fact, most of the foods packaged here have only this simple label, because these were actually customized for her by the factory that her own group belonged to in her previous life.

Not only the raw materials used can be guaranteed to be the best, but also no fragrance, no coloring, and no preservatives. So the only downside is that these things don't have the long shelf life of similar products sold in supermarkets outside.

"Dad, these cans of meat can only be kept outside for a maximum of seven days, and they will go bad after a while." Lu Yun felt that she had to speak clearly, so as not to do bad things with good intentions. Canned meat is kept for seven days at room temperature in summer, which she has specially tested.

"That's it, then hurry up and put everything away first, the big sun, don't waste things." Lu Aiguo looked up to see the scorching sun shining on the food at noon, and suddenly felt distressed, and hurriedly urged Lu Yun.

Xia Yuan nodded along, looking nervously at the door for fear of someone knocking on the door, "Hurry up, hurry up. We'd better go to the house to talk."

Seeing the objects on the ground disappear, Xia Yuan was obviously relieved, but the visual stimulation she received was quite large, she patted Lu Yun, "It's scary, don't do this next time, in case someone is lying on the ground. What should I do if I look at the wall?"

Lu Aiguo and Shitou nodded, looking at Lu Yun with disapproval. In fact, not only Xia Yuan felt the impact was great, but even the two of them, who often went out for business, felt exciting and excited to see such a "large-scale" thing appearing and disappearing for the first time.

"Don't worry, Mom and Dad, Shitou, I'll be careful." Lu Yun obediently agreed, speechless, who could lie on the wall of someone else's house peeping under the sun? And if there is someone within ten meters, she can't hide her mental power, okay?

Seeing that Lu Yun's warehouse contained a lot of things, Lu Aiguo and Xia Yuan finally had no worries and began to discuss what to send to each family. Lu Yun was also giving advice while chatting, and from time to time he pulled the stone to echo her.

In the end, the four of them negotiated and the result was that in addition to the second uncle's family, the uncle would also give some. The natural difference in weight is still a bit big.

For the uncle's family, a bottle of oil with three pounds, three pounds of sugar, twenty pounds of dried noodles, ten pounds of flour, ten pounds of bacon, and two cans of braised pork.

Because the second uncle has always been closer, and tomorrow, the eldest sister and the second sister's whole family will go back to their parents' house for dinner, so Lu Aiguo also wanted to support them.

Although he had been bickering with the second sister since childhood, he didn't know why he just couldn't get angry with the second sister, and unconsciously wanted to let her go. Sometimes I even feel as if I can feel her emotions. Think it's a bit wicked. Therefore, he can especially understand the imbalance in the second cousin's heart.

That's right, if your own mother loves other people's children more and puts herself in the back row, he will definitely be anxious to change him.

But he didn't dare to tell others about these feelings, not even his wife. Although they are cousins ​​and younger brothers, if he tells his wife that he and his cousin can "have a good heart", what if the daughter-in-law becomes jealous? Isn't that what you're looking for? It doesn't make sense to spread it out.

Put five liters of oil, three catties of white sugar, three catties of brown sugar, twenty catties of rice, twenty catties of dried noodles, twenty catties of flour, twenty catties of bacon, one whole ham, and four braised pork for Er Bo's family. Canned food, four canned pork trotters, four canned pork trotters, two bottles of Maotai, two bottles of Erguotou, two bottles of wine, all kinds of snacks, and a large package of candy were sorted out.

The oil and ham were both taken out and carried in their hands, and the rest could barely fit into the large back basket.

Lu Aiguo couldn't help but feel a little unfinished, "I look at a lot of these things, but if you give the eldest sister and the second sister a cent, there is not much left. The eldest sister and the second sister have to prepare another copy, but what should I do if I can't get it? ?"

"Tell my mother to go with you." Lu Yun gave an idea, wouldn't it be possible to take more things if more than one person held it?

"Yes. Wife, you can go too. Let's prepare a little bit less for the eldest sister and the second sister as the uncle did." Lu Aiguo looked at Xia Yuan eagerly. Xia Yuan nodded.

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