Sundrop/Moondrop x Reader

By EnochWright

54.5K 1.3K 911

Yn has recently been hired at the Pizzaplex as a night guard after an opening appeared. They were given the r... More

-Part 1-
-Part 2-
-Part 3-
-Part 4-
-Part 5- (male)
-Part 5- (female)
-Part 6-
-Part 7-
-Part 8-
-Part 9-
-Part 10-
-Part 11-
-Part 12-
-Part 13- (male)
-Part 13- (Female)
-Part 14-
-Part 15-
-Part 16-
-Part 17-
-Part 18-
-Part 19-
-Part 20-
-Part 21-
-Part 22-
-Part 23-
-Part 24-
-Part 25-
-Part 26-
-Oneshot 1-
-Part 27-
-Author's Note-
-Part 28-
-Part 29-
-Part 30- (male)
-Part 30- (female)
-Author's Note-
-Part 32-
Discontinued :(
-Oneshot 3-
Discontinued, again

-Part 31-

325 11 3
By EnochWright

{Sup, bestie baddies, quick disclaimer, everything seems everywhere, and some shit is going to be implied in this chapter, just, catch up on your MatPat, Security Breach theories and hang in there}

Yn woke up, metal arms overlapping their body. They gently removed the arms of their lovers off their chest and waist before raising from the, now, mess of blankets. They viewed their surroundings and let out a breath as they stood up, making sure not to wake either Moon or Sun.

Yn walked down the flight of stairs, landing them in the daycare. They glanced at the security desk, remembering the moment when they and Moon first met. Him pinning them against the wall. As much as they hated it in that moment, they grew to love his physical way of affection. They grew to love Sun's gentle words and nature. Nurturing and lovely. Yn found it hard to believe they were once in the same body, thought it felt like mere days ago.

Despite the pull to go back and continue to cuddle with Sun and Moon, they were also drawn to Rock Star row, for whatever reason.

I'm not quite sure why I went.

As they walked, they were reminded of their brother. How he sounded as the life was drained out of them, the sorrow in his voice as he lost his last sibling. What happened to him? Yn forced themselves out of their pained recollection.

They found themselves at the door of Freddy's green room, staring at the star in the red door. They were called to enter, called to see Freddy. "What are you doing?" A child's voice spoke from behind Yn. They spun back to see Gregory. "Oh, hey, kid. I forgot about you, honestly." The boy scoffed and mumbled something to low to hear and entered the room. Freddy rose from him spot on the floor and grew visibly happy to see Gregory. Yn felt an odd familiarity to the situation, although something was off, missing.

"Oh, good morning, Yn!" Freddy said, noticing them at the door. They blinked back to life and replied with a greeting before leaving. It was just strange, they wonderes what was missing and what was off.

No, it's nothing, it's fine, don't worry. The 'if you ignore, it'll go away' mentality began to sleep into Yn's mind and they walked away, seeking Sun and Moon's comfort.

Right on queue {is that how you spell it?}, as always, Moon appeared right in front of Yn. They jumped, startled by how silent he could be. "Where in the hell did you come from?" They half yelled. He smiled, almost proud of himself for frightening them. "I followed you out here, I wake up easily." They smiled and opened their arms to embrace him. He blinked, almost stunned as Yn hugged him, not expecting it, but he eventually hugged back, lowering down to be on their level.

"Something's off, Moon. About me." He didn't move to look at them, just continued to hug them. After a few seconds on loving silence, Moon asked what was troubling them. "I'm not sure, something's just, weird, I'm not sure what."

"Aside from being a ghost," he choked on the word, he still hadn't accepted their being dead yet, "I'm not sure what would be wrong. I'll love you either way. Sun, too, he loves you so much Yn." They smiled, their vision blurred with tears, and throat sore from choking down a sob of joy and hugged him tighter. "Okay, let's get back, I don't want Sun to be jealous of all the affection you're getting."

They walked back, Sun was up by the time they arrived and he embraced Yn as soon as they entered his sight. "Where were you? I was worried something happened to you and Moon!" They smiled as they assure Sun they had just went on a walk to clear their mind. "You seemed to have fun last night." Sun's eyes widened ad be stumbled with his words. "Uh, yeah, I did." He began to ramble about something Yn couldn't make out in the jumble of words quickly spilling out of his mouth. Moon knocked him on the head and told him to call down. Sun responded by half yelling at him to keep his hands to himself, explaining it like he would to a kid, which pissed Moon right off as they began to argue.

Yn stared, watching the two yell at each other, Moon hurling insults, Sun seemingly was trying to calm him down while he tried sad attempts to insult back. They laughed at the two quarreling and shouting. It highlighted how they were more like siblings than just friends. It sort of made sense, having shared the same body. Yn didn't much care what they were like. They loved the two, and that was that.

Consciousness. Something he had grown painfully aware of, once more swarmed his mind like a hoard of wasps in attack. His bones, brittle, broken, and burned still carried him. The fire had long gone out and he still had the same taste for blood as he had all those years ago. Dead. He should be dead. Yet, there he stand, wearing the skin of what he made, but newer. New wouldn't be the right word now, but it was unimportant what world was used or not used. It all meant the same to him. Words weren't important.

The body he had worked so hard to control, to break, mold into his puppet, to cause the same pain he caused to those poor souls that continue to cry in anguish and sorrow to that day, was gone. All those years, all that work, was for naught. He had to do something, but his mind was empty. He could do nothing but stand and wait for thought to return and an idea to find itself in the jumble of memories of pain, and sorrow, and broken family.

Waiting, waiting, waiting.

{That was not three days, I am so sorry. I'll be honest, I forgot about this story untill tonight. Anyways, I sprained my ankle, but that's what I got for leaving you guys hanging, I'm sorry ;-;


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