Dragons: The Nine Realms (Jun...

By TheRavenclawPrince03

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Ryu Kullersen is Tom Kullersen's older brother. This how the story would go if he had an older brother. All r... More

Season 1: Bio of Ryu
First Flight: Part 1
First Flight: Part 2
A Hole New World
Dragon Club
Learning about the new dragons
Writing down Alex's dragon info
Fault Ripper
Season 2: Bio of Ryu
New things being made
Magma Breather
Poll name for the male OC (Votes closed)
Dragons of the Undead
The Tangled Web
Follow the Lightning Part 1
Follow the lightning Part 2
Season 3: Bio of Ryu
Fire Escape
Ride or Die
Empty Fireworm Nest
Dr. Catastrophe
It Flies in the Family
Magma Comes to the Surface
The Sky Torcher
Season 4: Bio of Ryu
Cold Open
Uncharted Territory
Journey to the Snowcano
The Decoy
The Night Lights Part 1
The Night Lights Part 2
Season 5: Bio of Ryu
Punishment and Torcher
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Dragons
Barrel of Vine Tails
Scent of a Dragon
Sting it On!
Deep Freeze
Season 6: Bio of Ryu
Dragons Everywhere!
Break in Case of Emergency
Webs' Masters
Sledkin Stakeout


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By TheRavenclawPrince03

The audience sees the Kullersen dome at night

They see Ryu shaking around in his bed, having a nightmare, as he is seeing flashes of the Fault Ripper

3rd person dream p.o.v.:

Ryu is remembering when he was being dragged down by the Fault Ripper

He pulls out his small pickaxe and hits it against the claws of the Fault Ripper

He lets go of him & Thunder as they fly up a bit as it continues to fall down the fissure

The Fault Ripper catches himself and starts to fly towards them again

"Thunder, light him up." Ryu tells Thunder, pointing at the Fault Ripper.

Thunder starts preparing a lightning stream. Suddenly the dragon stops and flies in place, making a confused grunt as Ryu can see its milky pupils

Ryu is confused as to why he stopped doing anything

Suddenly, Thunder hits him with a lightning stream as the Fault Ripper widens its milky pupils. It gets hit by the lightning, roars, and plummets into the depths of the fissure.

3rd person real p.o.v.:

Ryu woke up with a gasp as he woke up from the intense nightmare

He looked at his little brother, hoping he didn't wake him up; luckily, he was still asleep

He then looked at his Viking helmet, which has the same symbol as Thunder left on the rock formation at the lair

*Later that evening*

After school, the group decided to put sensors in place that would warn them if a dragon came too close to the fatal spots, which could cause an earthquake again

They were all flying through the hidden world holding a sensor pole, but Ryu's mind was still on the flashback/nightmare he had last night

Suddenly, D'Angelo flies past him, gaining the group's attention

"Watch out! Coming through!" he yells as he throws the sensory pole. "Bullseye!" he yells, cheering to himself. "Tom! You're up!" he yells to Tom.

Tom throws his sensory pole

"Jun, your turn." he tells her.

Jun throws her sensory pole as well, lodging it into the ground as she turns to look at Ryu

"Alright, Ryu." she says to him.

She sees him staring at the sensory pole

"You're gonna stare at it all day or throw it?" she asks him, gaining his attention.

"Right. Yeah. Come on, bud." Ryu tells her and then looks at Thunder.

Ryu makes him land where they have to put the sensory pole and slam it into the ground

"Sensors in place, perimeter set." D'Angelo announces. "How we looking, Alex?" he asks, turning to look at Alex on Feathers, who's looking at her tablet.

"They're connected and..." she begins as she drags it out, looking at her tablet. "...synced." she finishes as she looks at her tablet, seeing the red dots turn green. "These sensors will create a nice virtual barrier to warn us if any dragons get too close to the fissure." she explains.

"So, we won't get blindsided by another dragon like the Fault Ripper." Jun says, getting off of her dragon and standing next to Ryu.

Instead of adding something, Ryu stares ahead wide-eyed, having a flashback to the Fault Ripper roaring while falling into the fissure

Jun sees his worried and a bit scared expression and tries to talk to him

"You okay, Ryu?" she asks her boyfriend, hoping he'll tell her what's wrong.

He turns to look at her and gives her a reassuring smile

"Yeah, fine. Right, bud? All good here." he says to her quickly, patting Thunder.

Jun doesn't believe what her boyfriend is saying

"You know, you can tell me if something's wrong." she tells him reassuringly.

He looks down, sighs softly, and then looks back at her

"I know; I'll tell you later. I promise." he tells his girlfriend.

Suddenly everyone hears a loud thud, making him and Jun gasp as they see dust coming up in the distance

"Something's wrong." Ryu tells the group.

A thud is heard as rocks and crystals continue to crumble, and the group hears growling as they go check it out and see those 3 Gembreakers again.

"What are those gem bullies up to now?" D'Angelo asks angrily.

Thunder snarls as he goes to check on what happened

All the others follow him as they get off their dragons once they land

The group hears a sad growl coming from the rocks, which is followed by quiet growling.

"Careful, Jun." Ryu says to her.

"Like you even know the meaning of the word." she tells him while smiling and chuckling, walking forward as he gives her a deadpan look.

Wu & Wei snarl at the set of crystals as a high-pitched shriek is heard, making Jun gasp

"Oh! Wu, Wei, back off. The Gembreakers trapped something in there." she tells her dragons as Wu had picked her up, and Jun's dragon held their tail in front of her.

"I think Jun's right." Ryu says, agreeing with her. "Okay, everyone. Look out." he informs the group "Open it up, bud." he says to Thunder, looking at him.

He lowers down a bit, roaring and growling as he charges up an lightning stream before shooting it, making the crystals clatter and a lot of dust come up

They hear something snarling as suddenly a small dragon runs by, shrieking and then hiding again, making Ryu gasp a bit

"Friend or foe?" D'Angelo asks, yelling at him.

"If-if you're a foe, you're not required to respond with violence." Alex says in a matter-of-fact tone.

We hear a small squeak and purr as a small white dragon with 2 front buck teeth and a small single horn on its head lets out a high-pitched shriek

"It's a baby unicorn!" Jun says excitedly, running to it.

Wu & Wei growl at their rider's excitement at seeing the new dragon

The small dragon squeaks and jumps on Jun

"Oh!" she yelps while laughing.

"It's definitely unicorn adjacent, Jun, but I think it's actually a dragon." Ryu says to her in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Ooh! I call dragon dibs!" she says quickly, standing up extremely fast, shocking him and her dragon behind him.

"Dragon dibs? Is that a thing?" D'Angelo asks, confused, looking at his dragon.

Ryu tries to calm her down about the new dragon

"I know he's cute, but we barely know anything about this dragon yet." he explains to her.

"I know he's adorable." she tells him as the small dragon squeaks.

Wu & Wei sad grumble as Ryu pats their side and they look at him

"Jun has always been kinda obsessed with anything unicorn-related. Don't worry, she still cares about you." he tells the dragon, reassuringly smiling at them.

"Aw!" she giggles, and the small dragon squeaks.

She lets out a happy sigh as purple bubbles start popping outta the horn. This makes Jun gasp in surprise

"Oh my gosh! It has a bubble horn!" she says happily.

Hey, that's a good name for the new dragon species. Bubblehorn." Ryu tells the group.

A purple bubble goes over to D'Angelo as he goes to pop it, and it explodes, startling him

"Ah! Oh!" he yells out, making Plowhorn grumble.

Seeing the bubbles explode shocks Thunder, but then he goes down, getting battle ready, and growls

"Whoa! The bubbles are weaponized! Watch your brows!" D'Angelo yells out as a purple bubble goes towards Alex.

She starts screaming and runs to her dragon. Not used to running, she pants while she runs and hides behind Feathers

The bubble poofs close to Feathers face, making her stand straight as she growls and exhales

"That little dude's dangerous!" Ryu tells Jun.

"Well, what do you expect? He's so tiny. Naturally, he developed a way to protect himself." she tells him to defend the small dragon.

"Naturally." Alex repeats, not happy with the situation.

"Aw, Nibbles is hungry." Jun explains to the group, seeing the small dragon nibble and suck on her pointy finger.

"Nibbles?" Ryu and D'Angelo ask simultaneously.

"Does anyone have a snack?" Jun asks the group.

Alex pulls out a bag of Cheesy Loops as the small dragon lets out a happy squeak

Alex throws it as Jun gets ready to catch it

The small dragon flies up, snatching the bag before Jun can catch it and making her gasp

The dragon lands, opens the bags, and shakes them, making the Cheesy Loops fall out.

"Aw!" Jun says still adoring the small dragon as it squeaks.

"She named it, she fed it, she loves it." Alex whispers to the group, minus Jun. "We're in trouble." she says in her matter-of-fact tone.

The small dragon continues to squeak as Jun walks to it

She picks up the small dragon

"I'm gonna bring him home, feed him a real meal." she says, feeding 'Nibbles' the Cheesy Loop that was on its horn.

"Jun! Rule number 3 of Dragon Club. What happens in the Dragon World stays in the Dragon World." D'Angelo tells her the 'rules' of Dragon Club.

"But he's so small. Nobody will ever know, and I have to protect him from the Gembreakers." Jun tells the group, trying to protect the small dragon.

"I think he'll be okay." Alex tells her.

They hear D'Angelo's watch beeping

"Come on, it's getting late." he tells everyone.

Ryu goes over to Jun to convince her to put the dragon back

"We'll check on him first thing tomorrow." he says to her reassuringly. "Anyway, the Gembreakers think he's trapped in that cave. He'll be fine." he tells her, trying to convince her. "Promise." he says while smiling at her.

Jun looks down at the dragon as it squeaks at her

After some time, she decides to put it back

The dragon squeaks as it turns around to look at Ryu & Jun, confused by what's happening

"It's almost curfew. We should go." D'Angelo says seriously.

Jun sighs. "Okay, okay. Just let me say goodbye." she tells the group.

Ryu gives her a serious look, knowing her all too well

"Just goodbye. Promise." she says, looking at him as he nods his head at her.

The small dragon looks at Jun, squeaking

"Jun! Come on!" he tells her, already on Thunder and waiting for her.

Her dragon growls, looking at him as he flies outta the Hidden World and to the lair

They're all waiting on Jun in the lair

After some time, she arrives sitting on Wei, carrying her backpack on her back and holding it close

"Okay, let's go. Quickly." Ryu tells the group.

The group goes outta the lair into the forest and runs to the domes through the sensors after deactivating them temporarily

After some time, they finally get outta forest and arrive back at Rakke Town

"Okay! Well..." Jun says, fake yawning. "Oh, so tired." she tells the group, smiling weirdly at them and her right eye twitching. "See you guys tomorrow!" she says quickly, running off to her dome.

"That was weird." Tom admits out loud.

"Of all the things Jun does, you think that was weird?" Alex asks Tom.

"Well, everyone is probably thinking it. I'm just gonna say it." Ryu says speaking up. "Jun brought that small dragon outta the Hidden World and put it in her backpack." he states.

"Yeah, definitely." the group says, agreeing with him as Alex starts to walk to her dome.

The Kullersen brothers hear D'Angelo's watch beep again, and this makes him gasp

"Curfew!" he yells and runs off to his dome. Ryu & Tom went to their dome as well.

*Later that night*

Ryu & Tom were sleeping in their beds when they were woken up by a loud howl

As they got up and looked at each other

"Told you she brought the dragon with her." Ryu says to his little brother.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on. We gotta get that dragon back to the Hidden World before somebody else sees it." Tom tells his big brother.

Ryu nods his head at him as they get dressed, sneak outta their dome, and run to Jun's dome since Ryu knew the way

On their way there, they saw Jun looking at a fallen trash can and holding a banana peel

"Jun!" Ryu yells out to her.

She turns around and jumps scared to hear her name being called. She calms down when she sees that it is just Ryu and his little brother, followed by the rest of the group

"Ah! Oh! Hey, guys." she tries to say casually.

"You heard that weird noise too?" D'Angelo asks, as he went out to check it out too, along with Alex.

"Noise?" she asks rhetorically while laughing nervously. "No! It was just..." she drags out, trying to think of something. "... me howling for Bigfoot. You know, like I do." she says, trying to convince the group and then doing a weird and weak howl. They all gave her a deadpan look since they knew none of that was true. She sighed "Okay, fine. This is what happened." she begins.

"You brought the Bubblehorn home." Ryu says, finishing her sentence for her.

"Knew it." Alex says bluntly.

"You. Did. What?" D'Angelo asks in concern.

"I never should've left you alone with him." Ryu tells her sternly, not happy with what she did.

"He was hungry!" she yells out, trying to defend herself.

"That's no excuse!" D'Angelo tells her sternly.

"We gotta find that little dragon before someone else does." Ryu tells the rest of the group. "This is bigger than Jun breaking rule number 2." he adds sternly, walking past Jun.

"It was rule number 3!" D'Angelo yells out, holding up 3 fingers. "Does no one read my handouts?" Alex smiles at him and shrugs her shoulders.

"No, D'Angelo. Nobody did." Tom tells him simply.

"Alright. Let's split up and search the grounds." Ryu says, looking at the group.

They all heard flapping and saw Thunder flying above them. "Looks like Thunder is here to help us search." he says, simply looking at Jun.

"Even the dragons know I took Nibbles?" Jun asks in shock.

"You don't have a very good poker face, Jun. Your eye twitches when you're hiding something." Alex tells her matter-of-factly, and right at that moment it was twitching again.

That confused Ryu, so that meant she was hiding something else

She quickly covers the twitching eye and starts to walk forward

"It does not!" she tells them, annoyed.

"It totally does." D'Angelo tells Alex while smirking.

They all split up and went to look for the Nibbles

After some time of looking, the group hears Alex yell out, "Ah! Help!" then they hear the dragon chirping

When they arrived at the place where they heard Alex yelling, they saw her on the ground with Nibbles on top of her, who was eating from the bag of Cheesy Loops

"Ah! I'm being Loop-mugged!" Alex yells out.

"Whoa! Cheesy Loops are like dragon nip! Interesting." Ryu says out loud.

"What's dragon nip?" D'Angelo asks him.

"In my books, it's been said to calm dragons down if they were a bit agitated." he informs him.

D'Angelo goes to pick up Nibbles, but it bites him

"Ah!" he yells out in pain as he backs off.

Nibbles shrieks, preparing to fly towards the Cheesy Loops, but Tom grabs him

"Got him!" he yells out.

Nibbles hits Tom with his tail in the nose, making him let go of him as Tom falls to the ground

"Oh!" he shrieks as he falls.

"Stop it, guys! You're scaring him!" Jun tells the group.

"Scaring him?" Tom asks, confused.

They hear flapping above them as they see Thunder. They follow him, and the group sees him hovering over the big dome, indicating Nibbles must be in there.

"Nibbles must be in the big dome." Ryu tells the group.

"But how'd he get inside?" D'Angelo asks the group, confused but looking at Ryu.

"I think I know." Jun tells the group as she starts to walk to the big dome. "Looks like he bubble-blasted the door." seeing the round burned hole in the big dome.

"So, how do we get inside?" D'Angelo asks.

"Leave that to me." Alex tells the group.

She types some things on her computer as the door unlocks to the big dome, and they walk inside.

Ryu opens the door to the 'store' as they hear Nibbles chirping and squeaking

"I hear him, but I don't see him." he informs the group.

"I hope he's not afraid of the dark." Jun tells them still worried about the dragon.

"Really?" D'Angelo asks, confused.

They all walk into the 'store'

"Split into 2 groups. We'll cover more ground; Tom, you can come with us." D'Angelo informs them as they all nod.

D'Angelo, Alex, and Tom walk into a different direction of the store to go look for Nibbles

When they were gone and that left Ryu & Jun alone, he turns away from her, still mad for what she did

"You're really mad, huh?" Jun asks him.

"Why'd you do it, Jun?" Ryu asks her, turning to look at her, wanting to understand why she would do something like this. "You know it's against Dragon Club rules." Ryu explains, using air quotations for the word 'rules' and turning away again.

"And you know, I've believed in unicorns my whole life." Jun tells him, trying to justify herself.

"I know that! But he's not a unicorn!" Ryu whisper yells in frustration, throwing his hands up, getting madder by the second, and turning to look at her.

"I know that! But it's the closest I've ever been. I just wanted to spend time with him, study him, see what I could learn." Jun explains to him, making Ryu turn away again.

"Do I regret it now?" she continues, asking the question rhetorically. "Yes." she admits. "Haven't you ever done something you regret?" she asks Ryu.

When she said that Ryu could only hear the Fault Ripper roaring and remembering what he had to do, and let out a deep sigh, calming down now, forgiving her for what she did, and turning to her

"Yeah." he says softly.

"See? Neither of us is perfect." she says, smiling at him.

They start to lean towards each other when suddenly someone comes between them and yells loudly

"Busted!" the person yells as he starts laughing

When Ryu gets his thoughts together and sees Eugene, Jun's big brother

He did not like him

Eugene was 2 years older than Ryu, and he always bullied Ryu & Tom before they moved somewhere else

"Ah! Eugene!" Jun yells and jumps scared.

"Totally got you guys." he says, laughing at the duo pointing at them.

He walks in between them and forward

"Eugene?" Ryu asks in confusion. "What is he doing here?" he thinks to himself.

"Ryujikins? Haven't seen you since you were 7. Nice hair. You cut it yourself?" he tells and asks Ryu rhetorically before snorting and laughing.

Ryu laughs nervously at him being here

"That's funny, Eugene." he says to him, sarcastically pointing at him. "You haven't changed a bit either." he adds, annoyed.

"What are you doing here?" Jun asks him.

"Well, you weren't in the dome. Figured you're up to no good." Eugene tells her.

"We're not up to anything." Jun says to him simply, also annoyed with him and wants him to leave.

"Yeah, sure you're not." he mocks, not believing her. "So, what are we doing? TP the station? Grease the floor with lard? Throw a million fizzies in the fissure?" Eugene asks, listing off his ideas.

"No!" Jun yells at him angrily.

"You need me to lead this. I'm a pro!" Eugene informs her, pointing at himself and boasting about himself. "And there's nothing else to do around here." he grumbles.

"Uh, Eugene? Yeah. Can you give us a sec?" Ryu asks him rhetorically, holding onto Jun's shoulders, and walks away to talk in private with Jun, not giving him time to answer.

"Did you know he was here?" he asks her, pointing at Eugene.

"I found out earlier." Jun tells him sadly, looking down.

"Is there anything else you're hiding from us today?" Ryu says, getting mad again.

"Seriously? You're one to talk, Kullersen." she says to him angrily, turning away.

Ryu sighs

"I know, I know. I told you I was planning to tell you. But this all is happening now." he tells her, gesturing his arms, meaning the dragon. "And Jun, if Eugene sees that little dragon, the secret's dead." he explains to her.

"Just go help D, Alex and your brother. I'll handle Eugene." she tells him, walking to Eugene as Ryu goes to find the others.

After some time, he's able to find the rest of the group as he appears behind them

After some time, D'Angelo sees Ryu

"Ah!" he shrieks since he didn't know Ryu was standing behind them.

Ryu sees Alex grabbing a Cheesy Loops bag

"Didn't you already try that?" Tom asks her.

"It ended in disaster!" D'Angelo whisper yells at her.

"Yeah." she states simply. "But this time, when he goes for the Loops, you guys grab him." she explains to them. "Here, dragon, dragon, dragon!" she says nicely to Nibbles, shaking the bag.

The dragon looks at the bag, shrieks loudly, and flies straight at them, grabbing the bag, knocking them down to the ground, and flying away

"That is 1 tough little dragon." Ryu tells the group.

Jun comes sliding in as she sighs

"Time to go on the offensive." Alex tells everyone.

Tom grabs a broom, and D'Angelo grabs a small trash can with a lid as they go to approach Nibbles

They see it on top of bags of Cheesy Loops

It sees them and glares at them

"I got a bad feeling about this." Tom tells the group.

Nibbles starts roaring so loud that it could wake up all of Rakke Town

They all cover their ears to drown it out

It dives into the bag, throwing Cheesy Loops around and making the stand fall.

"D!" Tom yells to D'Angelo as Tom sweeps up Nibbles, pushing him to the trash can.

This makes Nibbles squeak as it rolls towards the open trash can in D'Angelo's hands

He goes into the trash can as D'Angelo puts the lid over it

"Goal!" he yells out.

This makes Nibbles shriek, pawing against the trash can, trying to get out

"Okay, okay, we got him." Jun says quickly. "Be gentle. Aw, poor little guy." she says, looking at Nibbles and taking the trash can.

"Poor little guy? He is the devil incarnate!" D'Angelo asks confused and yells out.

"What are we going to do about Eugene?" Ryu asks Jun.

"Wait, Eugene is here?" Tom asks his big brother as Ryu nods his head.

"Wait, I thought his name was Nibbles." Alex asks them, confused.

"It's a long story." Jun clarifies.

"We'll explain when we get this little guy out of ICARIS." Ryu tells Alex as they all walk outta the 'store'.

*Sometime later*

Once they got outside, they ran into the forest, past the sensors after temporarily deactivating them, as Jun was explaining about Eugene and Thunder was flying above the group

"It's cool you have a brother! I've always wanted one!" D'Angelo says to Jun and confesses what was on his mind.

"Really?" Jun asks him sarcastically. "You can have mine." she jokingly says as they stop running.

"I'll bring Nibbles home on Thunder." Ryu tells her while waving at Thunder to land.

"Wait a sec." Jun says quickly. "I'll come check on you tomorrow, okay?" she tells Nibbles.

Suddenly, they heard beeping from Alex's tablet. "Uh-oh." she says worriedly.

"What-oh?" D'Angelo asks her.

"The sensors from the early warning system are going nuts." Alex tells him. "Something's coming up from the fissure." she tells the group, looking at her tablet.

They all run to the edge of the fissure as the beeping gets faster

Ryu looks at Alex's tablet and sees a lot of green dots coming up from the fissure.

"That's a lot of beeps." he tells her.

"We got movement, 12 o'clock!" D'Angelo shouts, pointing upward.

They see a big horde of Bubblehorns as they chirp and squeak

They keep flying upwards as they release bubbles from their horn

Ryu sees 3 separate bubbles come together, forming 1 big bubble and releasing a bigger blast

They keep flying around, releasing bubbles, and the bubbles exploding

Ryu sees Thunder flying around them, trying not to hit the smaller dragons

Jun laughs nervously

"Looks like everyone gets a unicorn." she tells the group jokingly.

"He is not a unicorn!" Ryu yells at her angrily.

"He called in the cavalry. We are being invaded!" D'Angelo yells out.

"I knew anything that cute had to be evil." Alex says, glaring at Nibbles.

Nibbles shrieks at the other Bubblehorns, making them turn around and start chirping

As a group of Bubblehorns fly toward them, they release more horns from their bodies

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me." Ryu thinks to himself.

Everyone in the group except him recoils when they see it happen

"Okay, he's not as harmless as I thought." Jun confesses as she looks at Nibbles. "Maybe you guys were right." she adds.

The Bubblehorns start a small fire above the horn on their heads as they shriek

"Maybe?" Ryu asks her sarcastically, holding out his hand to the Bubblehorns coming toward them.

"Retreat!" D'Angelo shouts out loud to the group.

They start running away from them as they come after them and start shrieking

"Leave me alone! I'm defenseless!" D'Angelo yells out to the group of Bubblehorns while running with the Bubblehorns chirping and following them.

"Ah!" Jun gasps when Bubblehorns appear in front of her as they squeak. "Oh! They're trying to free Nibbles!" she informs the group as Bubblehorns surround her.

Ryu waves his hands at them, making them fly away from her

"That's it! Let's use Nibbles to lead them back to the fissure." he says, explaining his plan to the group.

"But how do we get through that platoon of bubblers?" D'Angelo asks him as he points at all the Bubblehorns.

They chirp and squeak as they all line up

Suddenly, a purple lightning stream hits the group where they are

Ryu looks up and sees Thunder and the other dragons

"Thunder got us air support!" Ryu says to the group while smiling.

"Clear a path, bud. Shoot to stun! Shoot to stun!" he informs Thunder.

Thunder shoots lightning blasts at the ground in front of the Bubblehorns, knocking them back and making them shriek and chatter

Thunder keeps it up as the dragons fly through the Bubblehorns, making them scatter and shriek

"Commence with Operation Hot Potato!" D'Angelo announces it, yelling as they run forward.

"Wu! Wei!" Jun yells out to her dragon while holding the trash can.

They look at her and blast the incoming Bubblehorns with their fire and ice shots, making them shriek and fly away

Ryu smiles at Jun when he suddenly sees the Bubblehorns coming for Jun

"Incoming!" he yells, warning her.

"Catch!" Jun tells him as she throws the trash can over to Ryu.

He catches it and keeps running as a group of Bubblehorns is coming straight for him, but Thunder shoots a lightning stream right on the ground where Ryu is just about to walk, so he jumps over it

"Ah!" he gasps. "Alex! Go deep!" he yells at her. He grunts as he throws the trash can.

Ryu sees her running quickly, eyeing the trash can, she holds out her arms, closing her eyes while running, and whimpers, hoping she'll catch it

When she feels the trash can in her hands, he sees that she stopped running

"I actually caught it!" she yells at him, smiling big and holding it above her head.

"Run!" Ryu yells at her, remembering what she had to do.

She realizes again what the situation she was in

"Oh, right." she says as she starts running.

Ryu, Jun, Tom, and eventually Alex start running after D'Angelo and to the edge of the fissure

They see him stumble, making him drop the trash can as it goes into the fissure with the lid still on it, preventing Nibbles from flying out

"Nibbles!" Jun yells out, concerned.

They all go to look in the fissure and see some Bubblehorns holding up the trashcan while others take the lid off as Nibbles fly out

"He's fine. Evil, but fine." Alex tells Jun.

"Okay. Crisis averted." Tom states to the group.

"Now, let's send our dragons back to the lair and get home before my dad wakes up and busts us." D'Angelo tells them as they walk away from the fissure.

Ryu sees Jun still at the edge of the fissure, looking down

"You coming, Jun?" he asks her.

"Bye, Nibbles." Jun says to Nibbles.

Ryu can hear it roaring loudly

"Uh, guys?" she asks the group, worriedly looking at them.

They all started to hear some weird bubbling sound. "You guys hear that, too, right?" Alex asks the rest of the group.

They all gasp when they see a giant purple bubble

"What is that?" Alex asks, confused

"They combined their powers to create the ultimate bubble bomb!" D'Angelo yells out, afraid.

"Based on the explosive power of one small bubble..." Alex begins analyzing the big purple bubble, looking at it.

"That one's gonna blow up the entire town." Ryu says finishing her sentence. "Quick, Thunder!" he yells out to Thunder as he runs to the edge of the fissure, jumps, and lands on Thunder.

They fly up to the big purple bubble. "Thunder! Lights out!" Ryu tells him.

Thunder releases an electrical wave, shutting down the power of ICARIS

"What do we do? If we blast it, it'll just blow up." Alex asks the group, explaining it to them.

"We have to somehow move it out of town without making it pop." Ryu explains to the group.

"I got it! You guys get underneath and get ready to catch." she explains, telling them what to do as she flies off.

"Again?" Alex asks her, confused.

They all wait underneath the bubble, waiting for Jun to execute her plan

"Wu! Freeze it!" Jun tells Wu, pointing at the bubble.

He growls and roars and shoots an ice blast, freezing the bubble as it lowers it down to the group

Ryu groans when he holds up the heavy, frozen bubble

"Got it. I think." he says to the group.

Ryu hears D'Angelo groan "Good over here!" he says to the group.

"Alright. This is enough catching for one day." Alex tells the group, annoyed.

"Got that right." Tom adds, holding up the heavy frozen bubble next to Alex.

They all grunt as they throw it down into the fissure

"Light it up, pal." Ryu informs Thunder.

He charges up a lightning stream while roaring and hits the frozen bubble right as it goes into the fog, and they can hear a muffled explosion

Ryu sighs in relief, happy that it all ended well, as he looks at Jun, smiling

*Sometime later*

After all that, they went back to the lair to put the dragons back

"Okay, so just to be clear, I'm adding a new rule to Dragon Club. No bringing cute unicorn dragons back home." D'Angelo tells the group.

Alex sighs and turns around. "We'll call it the Jun rule." she states.

"Okay, fine. I get it." Jun says, admitting her fault. "But what did you expect me to do?" she asks them rhetorically. "I couldn't just leave Nibbles down there to starve to death." she tells them.

Having calmed down, Ryu comes to her aid

"Jun's right." he tells the group seriously as he sees them giving him a confused look. "I mean, she shouldn't have brought it home..." he clarifies. "...but our mission is to protect all dragons." he explains to them.

Ryu hears Thunder growl softly as he turns to him and scratches his chin, looking up at him

"And to never hurt another dragon." he adds, looking deep into Thunder's eyes and smiling at him

"That's what it means to be a dragon rider. To me at least." he explains to the group, turning to look at them.

They all come together, and they fist bump each other's fists together

They start climbing the rock formation to get outta the Dragon's Lair

"Next time we come across a hungry dragon, we'll just grab some Cheesy Loops from the general store and make a delivery." D'Angelo tells the group while continuing to climb the rock formation.

"Dragon delivery service. I like it." Alex says jokingly as she climbs the rock formation.

"The general store..." Jun begins as she holds her head. "I forgot about Eugene!" she adds.

Ryu groans loudly in annoyance and facepalms

"Okay, gang. You all go to your domes quickly before your parents wake up. Jun and I will deal with that." Ryu explains to the group as he looks at Tom. "And if our mom should wake up as you sneak in, just say I'm taking a late-night stroll with Jun." he tells him.

"You got it, big bro." he replies.

The group members all go to their respective domes as Ryu & Jun walk to the big dome

After some time, they arrive there

"So where did you put him?" Ryu asks Jun in wonder

"I locked him in the storage closet." she sheepishly admits.

That makes Ryu smirk

"Nice." he replies, smiling at her.

They walk to the storage closet, unlock it, and see him sleeping on the ground, surrounded by bags Cheesy Loops

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me." Ryu says while sighing.

He walks in and lifts him up as he looks at Jun

"Okay, we're gonna have to do this together. 1 arm will have to be around your shoulders, and 1 arm will have to be around my shoulders." Ryu says, explaining the plan to Jun.

"Okay." she replies quickly.

They put his arms around their shoulders as they walked to the Wong dome

After some time, they arrive at the Wong Dome as Jun opens the door

They walk inside and lay him down on his bed

Ryu & Jun go outside, so they can have some private talk before he has to go to his dome

"Ryu, I'm really really sorry about today." Jun says genuinely sorry.

"Hey, it's okay, Jun. I get it. You just wanted to help out a dragon who looked like it needed help." Ryu explains to her, smiling. "It makes you a real Dragon Rider." he adds as he puts his hand on her cheek and smiles at her.

"So, could you tell me what's been bothering you?" she asks him.

That makes Ryu sigh deeply

"Just give me some more time. I need to deal with it and think about this a bit more first." he tells her. "I promise, you'll be the first to know." he adds.

"Alright, thanks, Ryu." she says, smiling at him. "I'll always be here for you." she explains to him.

That makes him smile. "I know, thank you." he tells her. "Goodnight, Jun." he says to her.

"Goodnight, Ryu." she tells him.

Ryu kisses her cheek and goes home to his dome

*Sometime later*

When he got there and walked to his room, he saw his little brother had already fallen asleep, making Ryu chuckle

He grabbed his 'Book of Dragons' as he started noting down the things they had discovered about the new dragon species they had encountered today

When he finished noting down all the things they knew about the Bubblehorn for now, he started drawing and coloring it.

*A few hours later*

Ryu saw it was 03:00 A.M. now as he put his stuff away and went to sleep

Whew! That was it! The 1st episode/chapter of the 2nd season.

I hope you all enjoyed it.

Have a nice day/morning/noon/afternoon/evening/night.

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