The Three Survivors (The Twin...

Por GamzetteMakara8

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The Sequel of the twin of a Potter. James and Lily has twins. Dear Elizabeth Rose Potter is back will she be... Más

The Halloween I wished never happened
farewell for now
Dudley's birthday
The letters and meeting Hagrid
Meeting with Hagrid and the twins
The train ride and being late
First Day back at Hogwarts and checking on the twins.
Harry's and (y/n) first flying lessons.
The twins learning about quidditch
Troll in the school
first game of quidditch for this year.
Christmas at Hogwarts.
Finding the mirror of Erised.
Finding out who Nicolas Flamel is and meeting Norbert
Detention in the black forest.
The day with malfoy and the plan
Under the trap door.
The fight between the Potters and the mystery person
The End of first year feast
The goodbyes for now.
Dobby the house elf
breaking out of the Dursley's house.
Seeing Lucius and meeting up with the twins.
The flying car ride to school
Harry and Ron gets in trouble.
Ron's Howlers
Lockhart's lesson
Talking with my Uncle and my Niece's question
Draco the new seeker.
Aunt Lizzie's pass part 1
The chamber of secrets have been open.
Slytherin vs Gryffindor quidditch match
Info on the chamber
Dueling Club
training with Aunt Lizzie
Aunt Lizzie's Back story
another person petrified.
The trio doing something stupid.
Aunt Lizzie past part 2
First Christmas With Aunt Lizzie Part 1
First Christmas with Aunt Lizzie part 2
Things get more interesting.
two important people get petrified.
Hagrid's HUt and visiting an old friend.
Visiting the chamber
They finally arrive
The end of year two part 1
End of year 2 part 2
The court visits
The night Harry blew up our Aunt Marge
Sirius Black escaped.
The train ride
Old friends meet again
Hagrid's Lessons
Remus' Lesson
Aunt Lizzie's past part 3
Sirius tries to break in.
Severus takes over Remus' Class.
The match that went bad.
the marauders map
How it all went down
The patronus lessons
Catching Harry with the map
The day they meet Sirius Black
We save Sirius
The end of year 3
The world Quidditch match
The rules for the tournament.
Fred and George do something stupid.
Moody's first lesson
The night I won't forget.
The interview with rita skeeter.
Finding out the first task
Figuring out a plan for the first task
The first task
Dress shopping
The outfit for the Yule ball.
The day Viktor ask Hermione to the Yule Ball.
Talk about the next task.
The second task
Plan for the third task
The third task.
The fight with Voldemort.
The End of 4th year.
Harry got into trouble
The order meeting
The history behind the map and Harry's trial
Welcome miss Umbridge

The Yule Ball

200 8 3
Por GamzetteMakara8

Lizzie's POV

I was in my classroom grading some papers. Both Lucius and Severus asked me to the Yule Ball. Me thinking they want me to choose I told them I am not picking. I sighed and continue to grade papers. Sadly I can't pick who to go with. Tonight is the ball and I need to find a date since the champions have to dance first before the ball can start. There was a knock at my classroom door. I told them they can come in. I looked up and there stood my uncle.

Dumbledore: why aren't you getting ready for the ball my dear?

Lizzie: I chose not to go. I have no date and it would ruin the first dance. Plus I am not picking between Lucius and Severus again.

Uncle Albus stood in front of my desk with a soft smile. I went back to grading my papers.

Lizzie: Sadly I do not think it would look good on Lucius or Severus' style if students saw me at the dance with both of them or even one of them. They are mostly caring for their picture really.

Dumbledore: Is that what you think my dear godchild?

Lizzie: I guess.

Dumbledore: you guess?

Lizzie: Lucius is married and Severus is known and the Professor with no feelings as I heard from the students.

???: well I guess we came here for nothing then.

I looked up and there at my door was Severus and Lucius in a tux. I gasp a bit and look down blushing. I heard two feet walking to me and stood on either side of me. I felt a hand on my chin and my face was lifted to look at Lucius.

Lucius: really we do not care what other people say. Just pretend that it is just you and us at the ball like we did during the New Years ball during our first year.

Severus: Beside I know Lucius would gladly dance with you for the first dance. I have to keep an eye out for some suspicious things going on during the first part of the ball.

Lucius: knowing student they can't keep their parts where they should be. Then later you can have a dance with Severus. Now I got the girls you hung out with to help you get ready. We will see you at the bottom of the stairs.

I looked to where my Uncle was and he was gone. That man is full of stuff really. I look to the door there was Hermione, (y/n), (f/n), and Ginny. I sighed and got up. I walked to them and we headed to the Gryffindor common room to get to Hermione and Ginny's room. When we got there we started to get ready. I did all of our hair and makeup. When I was done I was about to do mine, but they stopped me and told me they would do mine. I sat on the bed as they began to do their magic. I got to say they did amazing.

When we were done getting ready we saw what time it was. We got up and head to the stairs where we were meeting our dates. When we got there Ginny looked over then looked to us.

Ginny: I will go first followed by (f/n). Then Hermione and (y/n). Last but not least will be Professor Potter.

Lizzie: Please call me Lizzie when it is just us okay you guys.

They all nodded. I took out my wand and waved it a bit so there we can see everyone's faces. As we agreed Ginny went down first who was met with Neville. Then (f/n) who was meet with Blaise. Aww those two make a cute couple. When Hermione went down Harry turned to look. He and Ron looked shocked, but got more shocked when they saw Viktor take her hand. When (y/n) went down I saw Draco with a shocked face. When (y/n) got to him I bet she told him to close his mouth. I also saw Hermione, (f/n), Ginny, and (y/n) waiting for me to come down. I saw them with their dates next to them. (y/n) whispered to Harry's ear. I saw Severus and Lucius waiting by the stairs for me. I waved my wand to make it disappear and began to walk down the stairs. When I got to the top of the stairs where everyone was able to see me everything got quiet. I slowly walked down the stairs. All eyes were on me. Okay Lizzie you got this. This maybe a modern style dress, but you got this. When I got down there Harry finally spoke.

Harry: Aunt Lizzie is that you?

Lizzie: hello Harry.

Harry was trying to muster up words, but stopped when he saw Lucius and Severus next to me. They both held out their hands to me.

Aunt: you have fun Harry okay.

He just nods his head as I took both Lucius and Severus' hand. They led me to the line of champions. I was at the way back. Severus kissed the top of my hand with a hidden smile.

Severus: Save me a dance Miss.Potter.

Lizzie: Of course Mr. Snape.

Lucius: we are two lucky men for having this goddess in front of us.

Severus agreed and he went to go watch the dance. I linked my arm with Lucius and we got ready to walk in. Harry was in front of us. (y/n) and Draco was in front of Harry and his date. Then the doors open. We all walked in. I saw all the students and Professors looked shocked. I can tell it was because of me since they only saw me in Victorian clothing. We got to a spot. I looked around a bit nerves. Lucius told me where Severus was. He then made me look at him with a soft smile.

Lucius: eyes on me okay. After this we will find Severus.

I nodded my head to that. Lucius placed his hand on my waist as we got ready to dance. When the music started we started to dance. I keep forgetting how Lucius was a great dancer. Durin the song he lift me in the air and people cheered to that. After a bit everyone began to join in the dance. When the song was over Lucius led me to the side. When we were walking there I got so many compliments. He led me to the table and told me he was going to get us something to drink. I watched all the students dance. Lucius came back with some punch and handed me a cup. He sat down next to me and we began to talk for a bit. After a bit Harry and Ron sat at the table next to me. Sadly their dates left them cause they wouldn't dance. Hermione came over to ask them to join them for a drink, but sadly Ron had to be a bitch. After a bit of them fighting I looked to (y/n) and mouth get the group. She nodded and got everyone. Hermione left after Ron. I told Lucius I will be right back. I went after Hermione with (y/n), (f/n), and Ginny after me. We found Hermione sitting on the stairs crying and rubbing her sore feet. We all sat around her with me on her right.

(y/n): what happened Mione?

Hermione: Ron and Harry are bloody jerks.

(f/n): we could of told you that really. You were having fun don't let those boys say what you can and can't do.

I nodded my head and pulled Hermione into a hug.

Lizzie: just know you do what makes you happy. Don't let any boy tell you other wise okay.

Hermione: thanks guys. Oh no look at my.....

I waved my wand and her make up was fixed. I even changed our shoes to flats since it is half way through the ball. We all got up and went back to having fun. I got back to Lucius and Severus was sitting with him. I sat in between them and we had a blast. We even had a dance as a group we didn't care what anyone said. At the end of the ball We walked to my room. I went to the bathroom to change out of my dress with the help of Lucius who unzipped my dress. When I got out both males were only in a pair of sleeping pants. I smiled and we all got comfy near the fire. Severus got us hot chocolate. We sat on the couch. Severus was leaning on Lucius while I lean on Severus. Sadly after drinking our drinks I began to slowly fall asleep. I felt my self get placed in the middle of the bed before falling asleep completely.

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