Info on the chamber

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-(y/n)'s POV-

I was sitting in trasfiguration class. We were learning how to turn animals into water goblets. Sadly when Ron tried doing it on his rat it failed since his wand was broken. I was sitting next to (f/n). Hermione then raised her hand. 

McGonagall: Yes Miss. Granger.

Hermione: I was wondering if you can tell us about the chamber of secrets. 

Professor sighed at that and nods her head. 

McGonagall: Very well. Well, you all know, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago, by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age. Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Now three of the founders co-existed quite harmoniously. One did not.

Ron: three guesses who

McGonagall nods her head and began to speak again.

McGonagall:Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all magic families. In other words, pure bloods. Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets. Though shortly before departing, he sealed it until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. The heir alone would be able to open the chamber and unleash the horror within, and by so doing, purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic.

Hermione: Muggle-born.

I sighed at that. I looked to (f/n) and they just shrugged their shoulders. 

McGonagall: Well naturally the school has been searched many times. No such chamber has been found.

After that was said it was the end of class. We all got up and I got together with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. When we were walking they began to speak. They were talking about how they thought Draco was the heir of Slytherin. I pushed right pass them pissed. I then went to Aunt Lizzie's Classroom. When I got there students was exiting her classroom. I got in and sat at a desk in the front row. 

Lizzie: So many questions about the chamber. 

(y/n): we just had a giant speach from McGonagall during class. 

She looks up to me and smiled. She then got up and walked to me. 

Lizzie: So how was it?

(Y/n): Intresting really, but now Harry and Ron thinks Draco is the Heir of Slytherin. 

She laughed at this and pulled a chair over to sit in front of me. 

Lizzie: they are way wrong with that thought. 

(y/n): so you know who is the Heir of Slytherin?

Lizzie: yes I do, but I am not telling or you might get shocked at it. 

(Y/n): Oh come on you might be able to stop them from opening it again. 

Lizzie: Sadly it isn't a student. I fear someone is making them do it, but it isn't the true heir of Slytherin. 

(y/n): what do you mean Aunt Lizzie?

Lizzie: now that is for another time really. 

(Y/n): damn it Aunt Lizzie always with those cliff hangers. Does Mr. Malfoy know where it is though. 

Lizzie: No he never did. Lucius isn't the Heir and never was. The Chamber was open 50 years ago. Now come bet you want a snack. 

I nodded at this. We both got up and began to head to the classroom door. 

(Y/n): are you going to the dueling club tonight Aunt Lizzie?

Lizzie: Yes I am. I really want to see Lockhart get his ass beat by someone. 

I laughed at this and we both head to the kitchen. There we had a snack and some tea. 

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