How it all went down

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Lizzie's POV

I sighed at this. Remembering the day it all went down. I guess I can never run away from it. I sighed at this and began to speak. 

Lizzie: listen to me closely you three. This is going to be hard for me to say.

They all nodded and got ready to hear it. 

Lizzie: It was October 31st,1981. It was your and Harry's first Halloween. I was visiting at the time when it happen. James, Lily, and I were in the living. I was holding Harry while he played with your father's wand. You (y/n) was playing with a toy snake I got you guys as a gift. Voldemort came in. After your parents tried to defeat him. He came after us. He tried the killing curse, but vanished. Only thing left was our scars. Now I hid in the closet when I heard footsteps. In came Sirius Black. 

(y/n/f): to see if Voldemort killed you guys?

I nodded to that. 

Lizzie: Sirius opened the closet and pulled me into a hug. You see Sirius didn't have a family when he got disowned by his family. My parents adopted him as his own so we were like siblings. Sirius would never tell Voldemort where we were. He was actually on his way to visit them as well. He saw the green light from outside and came running in. People saw him go in and then go out. So they must of told the ministry he had did it. Even though they didn't know the truth really. Sirius did leave yes, but to go after Petigrew?

(y/n): Who is that?

Lizzie: his real name was Peter Petigrew. He was a friend of your father when we went to Hogwarts. Never trusted him really. Knew he would go to the dark side. Should of killed him right then and there, but didn't cause I didn't want James mad at me. Really Sirius would never kill James or Lily. Yes Sirius is a great friend, but knowing sirius he got caught trying to kill petigrew. 

Draco: is Petigrew still alive. 

Lizzie: yes and he is actually a rat and not just any rat. 

(y/n): scabers. 

I nodded my head at that. 

Lizzie: that rat has been in that family for 15 years. long life for a rat I think. Now with this info do not go after that rat. Knowing Ron he would be pissed at you. 

(y/n): so wait why is Sirius going after us?

Lizzie: he isn't he is going after petigrew. That stupid rat needs to die. What ever Harry or anyone else says. Do not fight it. also do not tell Remus I told you this okay. He already has enough problems as it is. 

(y/n): like being a werewolf?

Lizzie: don't tell me got it from the bugart and Severus' lesson?

She nods her head at that. I sighed and placed my mug down.

Lizzie: smart just like your mother. Now Harry will find out on his own cause knowing him he won't believe a single thing I say. 

(y/f/n): are you and Severus a thing now?

(y/n): yeah did he finally reask you out?

Draco: or are you waiting for my father to divorce my mother?

Lizzie: okay slow down and wait Draco are your parents really getting a divorce?

Draco: that is what I heard from some house elves at my house. My parents was never in love with each other when I asked them during the summer. 

I nodded my head at that. 

Lizzie: no we are not together. And Draco might be right about Severus waiting for Lucius to join our Poly group. 

(y/n): do you guys have pictures of you guys together?

I nodded my head at this and pulled out a photo album of my years dater Severus and Lucius. We then all gather around the book and looked at the photos. Me telling them the stories behind each photo. We got to the photo of both Severus and Lucius cuddling and a face full of makeup. We didn't know Severus walked until we heard a throat being cleared. We turned and there was Severus. 

Severus: what are you guys doing if I may ask?

Lizzie: Sev we were looking at the scrap book I made of our years together as a couple with Lucius. 

Severus nods his head and looked at the photo and gasped. 

Severus: you did not. 

Lizzie: Oh I did take a photo of me and Cissy's makeup job on you two. Now when I say run we run. One two three.....

I muttered a spell and Severus had makeup on his face. We laughed as I grabbed the book and yelled run. I just saw Severus pick up a mirror and yelled our names. We heard running as well. We all looked behind us and there was an angry Severus running after us. Lets just say we were in so much trouble when he got to us. Well mostly me really since it was me who cast the spell and still had the photo album. Note to self hide any embarrassing photos of him at all times. I still have the photo in the scrap book, but now Severus is sleeping in his own room as my punishment.  

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