The end of year two part 1

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-Lizzie's POV-

We finally got back to Hogwarts Lockhart was taken to the Infirmary. Severus came running and held me close.

Severus: you and me will talk later.

Lizzie:I'm in trouble

Severus:yes you are.

Severus let go and walked away. I looked infront of me and saw my Uncle with the boys. Shit we are in trouble now. We all head up to his office and stood infront of his desk.

Dumbledore: you four realized you guys in the past few hours have broken perhaps a dozen school rules.

Harry,Ron: yes sir

Dumbledore: there is sufficient evidence to have you guys expelled and fired.

We all said yes sir

Dumbledore: therefore it seems fitting that you four both receive..... special award for services to the school. Now Draco Ron why don't you owl this to Azkaban i feel it is time get our game keeper back.

Draco and Ron left and I looked to Harry and my Uncle. I stopped listening to them for a bit as I was looking out the window. I then heard the door opened and in walked Lucius and Dobby. So his master is the malfoy.

Lucius walked right by harry and pushed him aside with his cane. Wait how did Harry get the sword of Gryffindor????? Oh the fight it appeared in the hat. I slapped Lucius on the back of the head and he was gonna give me a death glare but his eyes softened when he saw it was me. He looked back to uncle Albus.

Dumbledore: so it's true you're back

Dumbledore: when the governor learned that Mr.Weasley's daughter had open the chamber. Saw fit to summon me back.

Lucius mutter a word and I slapped him on the back of the head again. I was pissed when I heard that some of them were under the influence of Lucius cursing their families. I elbowed him hard in the side and he groaned cause of that. I muttered in his ear my office after this. Lucius got back to saying he was looking for the best for the school and it's students

Lucius: so the culprit have been found?


Lucius: well who is it?


Dumbledore: but he acted through a student with a help of this.

He holds up Tom's diary I stopped listening from there. I knew Lucius had something to do with this. He then began to leave after saying something. I watched him leave and Harry asked for the diary and ran after him and dobby. I followed after him.

Harry: Mr.Malfoy Mr.Malfoy wait!!!


Lucius stopped and turned to look at us.

Harry: we have something of yours

Lucius: really now.

Harry handed him the diary and he looked pissed.

Lizzie: you slipped that into ginny's cauldron at Diagon Alley.

Lucius: you don't say

Lucius handed dobby the book and said why don't we prove it. We didn't say anything and he began to walk away. Harry told dobby to open in and inside was a sock.

Lucius: dobby?!

Dobby:master have given Dobby a sock?

Lucius:I didn't

Lucius turned to us again and saw the sock. He looked to Harry as Dobby said he was free. Harry pulled up his left trouser leg and he had no sock

Lucius: you lost me my servant!!!

Lucius pulled out his wand and walked to Harry I got in front of Harry and Dobby stepped in front of me.

Dobby: you shall not harm Harry and Elizabeth Potter.

Lucius was gonna do the killing curse but I punched him hard in the chest and he went flying. I looked to him sad and when he saw my face he stopped what he was about to say and left. I told Harry I will see him soon and tan after Lucius. I grabbed his arm and dragged him to my office where Severus was. I pushed him in and locked the door and placed a silence charm on the room.


Severus looked shocked. He walked to Lucius pissed

Severus: we both agreed to protect Lizzie not kill her or her family!!

Lucius: I know I was


Severus: how did????

Lizzie: I know it was simple you guys keeping an eye on me everywhere I go and making sure I don't find the chamber!!!! Pretty simple if you ask me.

Severus: look Lizzie we didn't

Lizzie: you guys are still followers under Voldemort.

They both look down and nodded their heads. I groan at that and sat in my desk chair. Lucius got up from the ground and walked over to me with Severus. Lucius got down on his knees to look me in the eyes as Severus got behind me.

Lucius: we are sorry my love, but this war will be over soon.

Lizzie: you think so or are you guys guessing?

Severus: we know. Just calm down for now and listen to us when we say don't do anything stupid snake.

Lizzie:you guys know that won't happen.

Lucius: we know just for now until the war is over be safe and stay hidden so Voldemort don't find you.

I looked to both of them and nodded my head. They both sighed and gave my forehead a kiss. Lucius stood up and headed to my fire place. He blew us both a kiss and flew powdered his way to his house. I sighed and looked to Severus.

Lizzie: these years will not be easy will they.

Severus: no they won't dear. Now let's go to dinner then after you still need to get your papers done so you can give them to the courts so you can get full custody of the twins.

I smiled and nodded my head. We both got up and headed to the great hall.

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