Under the trap door.

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-Lizzie's POV-

I finally got to the third floor door that Fluffy was being held in. I walked into the room and unlocked the second door. There I saw Fluffy asleep. Qurill must of gotten here first. I then moved Fluffy's paw and jumped in. The trap door closed and I had to get passed the traps. I finally got pass the keys when I heard screaming from behind. So the kids finally arrived. I then began to wait for them in the chess part. 

-(y/n) POV-

Harry, Ron, Draco, Hermione, and I finally met up. When we got to fluffy though music was playing. 

Harry: looks like Snape was here. Come on let's move it's paw.

Ron: What?

(y/n): come on.

We all moved Fluffy's paw and Harry opened the trap door. We all gathered around the opening about ready to jump.

Harry: when I say jump we jump. Now if anything bad happens get yourselves out. Does it seem a bit quiet to you?

Hermione: the harp it stopped playing.

I looked over to Ron cause he said gross. I looked up as everyone else did and fluffy was up and ready to attack.

Harry: GO!!!

We all jumped in when Harry said that. Some how we landed on something. Oh no I know this plant. It's Devil Snare.

Harmione: Everyone all right?

Ron: yeah glad this plant thing was here.

Harry: WOAH!!

The plant began to attack us. I looked over to Hermione and she looked over at me. 

(y/n): guys try to relax it's Devil Snear. If you don't

Hermione: it will only kill you faster. 

I looked over at everyone and saw them all panicking. I calmed myself down and I was let go and sunk to another room. I heard the boys yelling my name. After a second Hermione joined us. 

(y/n): Mione you okay?

Hermione: yeah. 

(y/n): we have to tell them they need to relax.

Hermione: Got it.

Hermione looked up at the ceiling. She then began to yell up to them to relax. 


(y/n): yes now try to relax.

Draco fell down and so did Harry.  Hermione ran to Harry while I ran to Draco.

Hermione: you two okay?

Harry: yeah I think so.

We then began to hear screaming from Ron. We all then looked up.

Draco: weasley isn't relaxing isn't he?

Hermione: what should we do?

(y/n): Mione Devil's Snare hates sun light. 

Hermione looks over at me with a smile then pulled out her wand. She points it to the plant and yelled out lumos Solem. When Ron fell down he said lucky we didn't panick.

Harry: Lucky Hermione and (y/n) pay attention in herbology.

I began to hear something in the next room over. I began to walk over to the sound.

Hermione: what is that?

(y/n): sounds like wings.

All four of us began to walk to the sound. When we got there. There was flying keys. I looked to the middle of the room and saw two broom sticks.I walked over to the brooms. I then saw Harry walk over to the other.

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