The match that went bad.

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-Lizzie's POV-

It was raining badly during the quidditch match. I was in my rain cloak. The game was Gryffindor Vs Hufflepuff. I was trying my best to watch the match. I was already began to shiver. I then felt something wrapped around me. I looked and Severus had his arm and cloak around me to keep me warm. 

Severus: if you are cold go get warm inside the school. 

Lizzie: No I have to watch this match I need to make sure Harry and (y/n) Stay safe Severus I don't need what happened on the train happen here as well. 

Severus sighed and made a heavier rain cloak appear and wrapped it around me. I thanked him and went back to watching the match. Things were going fine. Then I saw Harry and the Seeker for Hufflepuff go up to the clouds after the snitch. I then saw Dementors go after them. I tapped my uncle on the shoulder and he saw them as well. I pulled out my wand yelled out accio nimbus 1700. My broom came flying over. I really need to get a new one. I jumped on my broom and flew to where the dementors went. I then saw Harry falling off his broom I yelled out expecto patronum and they all flew away. I saw Harry fall right by me and I went after him. I couldn't get to him fast enough. I jumped off my room and grabbed a hold of him. I wrapped my wings around both of us as we fell to the ground. I saw my broom break and is landed with Harry's in the womping willow tree. I then felt myself hit the ground and something soft. I then heard running coming to us. I looked to Harry and saw him out cold. I made sure he was okay and sighed. I then felt a tap on one of my wings and I opened my wings and saw all the professors around us plus the students. I sat up and handed Harry to Hagrid. I got up and groaned a bit. I may have landed on something soft the ice from the rain did some cuts on my wings. I won't be able to hide them for a while. I folded my wings in with a groan. Severus and Remus both lead me to the hospital wing. I sat on one of the beds and sighed. Madam Pomfry came over to me and sighed. 

Pomfry: Still getting hurt huh Elizabeth?

Lizzie: yeah. This time protecting Harry from a nasty crash to the ground. 

She nods her head and checked out my wings. I groan a bit when she touched a cut. She wrapped up my wings and told me to let them heal before I hide them again. I nodded at that and waited for Harry to wake up. I saw his team and friends around him. I stood up and everyone looked to me. 

Lizzie: what can't I get up?

We then heard groaning and Harry woke up. Ron showed Harry his broom. Sadly his and mine didn't make it. I walked over to his bed I stood behind Fred and George. 

Ron: If your aunt didn't catch you. you would of been in worst condition. Now she had wings. 

Harry: yeah she has.... Wait she has wings?!?!

Everyone turn to me and i waved my hand. 

Lizzie: now everyone go get change and let Harry rest. 

They all nodded and left, but not Ron, Hermione, (y/n), and Draco. 

Lizzie: you guys have more questions now. 

They all nodded and started to ask questions. I sighed and told them all to be quiet. 

Lizzie: okay one I am an anamigus. My anamigus form is a dragon. Two I can make wings on my back appear, but if they get injured badly they have to stay out to heal. Three I have my license to be one got it when I was at Hogwarts. and four I am not going to show you guys my form. 

They all groan at that. I laugh at that it isn't the end of the world. I then left to go get the cloaks off of me. When I got to my living quarter Severus and Remus was there. 

Severus: you need to be careful Lizzie. 

Lizzie: I'm fine you guys just some cuts on my wings they will heal up. They should be healed in a few seconds. 

Severus unwrapped my wings and they were healed already. I sighed and made the wings disappear. I turn to look at them and sighed. I went and changed my outfit since it was wet from the fall. I come back in a floor length black dress. 

Remus: I'm sorry about your broom Lizzie. 

Lizzie: it is fine I can always get a new one. I already have a plan to buy a new one since that was one was old. plus I have my original nimbus 1700 is hanging on my wall. That one was an extra. 

They both nodded their heads. I yawn a bit. Remus told me he will see me later. I nodded my head to that.Severus picks me up and set me on his lap when he sat on the couch. I cuddle up to him and slowly began to fall asleep. 

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