Severus takes over Remus' Class.

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It was Harry and (y/n)'s time in Remus' class. I knew last night was a full moon. I walked into Remus' class and sat at a desk in the way back. I had no class this time. After all the students came in and waited for Remus to come in. Severus walked in with the slam of the door and began to close all the windows. 

Severus: turn to page 394.

I had an extra book for this class and opened it to the page. Werewolves really? I am so going to beat Severus' ass when he is done with this class. I heard Ron complain. I then look behind me and in walked Hermione I saw her hid the time turner. Knew it Aunt Minerva gave it to her. As the class went on I was plan up ideas to beat up Severus. Really lets scream out Remus is a werewolf. When class was over and everyone left, but Severus I got up.

Severus: shouldn't you be heading to your next class?

Lizzie: shouldn't you be teaching potions?

He turned around and looked shocked to see me. 

Severus; when did you?

Lizzie: was here during the whole class. Really now Werewolves? I would of just picked up where they left off Sev.

Severus: They....

Lizzie: they don't need to know anything Severus. It is like me teaching your class about how to make truth potion and use it on each other.

Severus sighed at that knowing I won. 

Severus: fine I will teach his class with what they are learning now. 

Lizzie: Sev Remus never had a part in you getting bullied by my brothers. 

Severus looks away. I went up to him and hugged him. 

Lizzie: As I said before. You may not like him or trust him at all, but he is a professor here and we must work with him like grown up and not like we are back as students got it. 

Severus: Of course Lizzie. Now you go to your class. Your students must be waiting for you. 

I nodded my head and kissed his cheek. 

Lizzie: You behave I will have both Luna and Salazar watch you while I am gone.

Severus nods his head and I left the classroom. I go into my class and began to teach. I placed my hand in the pocket of my dress and pulled out a note. It was from Severus. Great he saw the scratches on my back this morning. He knew I helped Remus out last night.  Well better get ready for that talk really. As the day goes on I would check on Severus. He has been teaching the right lessons. WHich is good. I then went to go see Remus. 

Lizzie: How are you feeling Moony?

Remus: Okay. Sorry about last night

Lizzie: it's fine Remus. 

Remus: but...

Lizzie: no buts I am your friend and Friends are there for each other. 

He nods his head and I told him about what Severus has done to some of his classes. 

Remus: really why doesn't he say oh yeah you DADA teacher is a werewolf. 

Lizzie: really I thought the same way, but really he just has bad memories of our Hogwart years. Still holding a grudge really. 

Remus: guess so. Now you go get some rest. You have not slept and inch of sleep today I bet. 

I sighed at that and knew he was right. I wished him a good bye and went to go take a nap in my bed room. I hope nothing bad happens this year. I am already getting sick and tired of Voldemorts shit as it is. 

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