Lockhart's lesson

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-(y/n)'s POV-

Great Lockhart's class is coming up next. I was with Draco walking to his class. I already read his books. Really they were idiotic. All about him. Really not that smart. I looked to the door that we were just about to pass and noticed it was my aunt's classroom. I tapped Draco on the shoulder and pointed to her room. 

Draco: you want to see her don't you?

(y/n): if we can yes. I need to know about this Lockhart person. 

He just nods his head and we both walked into her classroom. There she was at her desk grading paperwork. We walked up to her and I tapped her desk. She looks up at us and smiled. SHe set her quill down and gave us her full attention.

Lizzie: Hey you two. What can I help you with?

(y/n): I want to know more about Lockhart.

Lizzie: Ah Lockhart. Why do you have his class soon?

Draco: Yes it is in 30 minutes.

Lizzie: I see. 

She gets up and heads to her book shelf. She grabs an old yearbook and opens it to a page. 

Lizzie: Lockhart was never satisfied. We was achieving all good grades during school. 

Draco: with your help I am guessing?

She nods her head. She set the book down and there was a young Lockhart. Wasn't really that good looking. She then went back to her desk and sat down. 

Lizzie: really he wasn't really that smart in my eyes. He was good with memory charms though if I remember correctly. Now I bet you two don't feel comfortable with his lessons since you read his books.

We both shook our heads no. Then Draco asked her if she will come with. She sighed and looked at her schedule.

Lizzie: well during his period with you two I don't see a problem. Come on lets go. 

She gets up and fixes her dress a bit. I don't understand how she can handle those tight dresses and the dresses with the giant skirt, but that is just her. She placed her wand in the holster that was on her hip and we began to head to Lockhart's classroom. There was girls already sitting up in front for his class. I sat in the back with Draco and his friends. (f/n) does not look happy as well. We both looked at each other and groaned. The whole classroom had pictures of him. Some class stuff. Plus in the front behind his desk was a giant photo of him painting a photo of him. Wow he sure does love him self. Aunt Lizzie stood at the back corner which was next to my table. Harry walks in with Ron. When he saw Aunt Lizzie they walked over to us. 

Harry: Aunt Lizzie I thought you would have class this time?

Lizzie: It is one of my free times. Plus I need to see if he will be a good fit for this class, but sadly I don't think that is true. 

Harry nods his head then they both went to their seats. After everyone walked into the classroom it started. 

Lockhart: Let me introduce your defence against the dark arts teacher. Me   Gildaroy Lockhart Order of Merlin Third class. Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five times winner of Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award. But I don't talk about that; I didn't get rid of the Banden Banshee by smiling at him.

He then began to laugh a bit. Man his laugh is ugly. I feel bad for anyone who dates him. Bet Hermione would love that. She is a giant fan of his. Really what does she see in him. He finally stop laughing and pulled out his wand. 

Lockhart:Now, be warned. It is my job to arm you against the foulest creatures known to Wizard kind.

He tapped a covered cage with his wand and it began to move. I looked to my aunt and she was about ready to reach for her wand. I got my wand ready as well. I tapped Draco on the shoulder and told him to get his wand ready. He did and made sure it was tight in his hand. 

Lockhart:You may find yourself facing your worst fears in this room. Know only that no harm will befall you whilst I am here. I must ask you not to scream. It might provoke them!!

He removed the cover and there was Cornish Pixies. I looked at them closely and they did not look tamed. I looked to my aunt and she got ready.

Seamus: Cornish Pixies?

Lockhart: Freshley Caught Cornish Pixies. Laugh if you will Mr. Finnigan. These Pixies can be Devilish little blighters. Lets see what you think of them NOW!!

He then opened the cage. Smart move Lockhart open the cage. Tons of students began to run for the door. Aunt Lizzie Gathered me and Draco and made a shield around us with out her wand. When did she learn to do that. 

Lockhart: come on now. Round them up. Round them up. They are only pixies. 

This is so not a great class as well. We had to do a test about him and now fight Cornish pixies. Neveil was paced on the chandler by his ears. Lockhart tried to fight them, but failed and the Pixies go his wand. 

Lizzie: The spell is Immobulus. When I remove this sheild we raise our wands at them and yell it. 

We all nodded our head. I look to Hermione and we both nod our heads. AUnt Lizzie dropped the sheild and all four of us yelled Immobulus and the pixies froze where they were. Then Harry, Ron, Draco, Hermione, Aunt Lizzie and I began to put them back in the cage. Aunt Lizzie Had to get Nevile down. 

Nevile: Why is it always me?

Lizzie: Sadly I have no answer for that dear. Now come I need to speak to Dumbledore about this. You guys head to class. Really freshly caught Cornish Pixies.

Aunt Lizzie picked up the cage and then we all left the classroom. 

Hermione: what are you going to do with the pixies Professor?

Lizzie: going to let them out in the Black forest. Really taking them away from their family and friends. Bet you these guys will be glad to be loose. 

We then all separated.  Aunt Lizzie went to the forest I guess. While us students went to our next class. 

(Y/n): He has to be barking mad to do that. 

Hermione: He was probably trying to get us hands on experience with them.

Draco: No he is a bloody idiot. He lost his wand if you don't remember. 

(y/n): I think that crush of yours Mione is blocking your train of thought on him. Now come on potions is next. 

We then all went to potions. I so need to ask for a new Professor for DADA maybe Professor Snape can teach me. I heard from Aunt Lizzie he is  great at that. Well I will have to see if he with teach me. 

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