Visiting the chamber

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-Lizzie's POV-

I didn't have any classes to teach today so I made the plan to go to the Chamber today. I have a bad feeling about today. I went into the girl's laboratory that moaning Myrtal haunts. When I got there she wasn't there. I went to the sink and told it to open in parseltounge. I then went down there and went to the chamber when I got there I had to open the second door and climb down the ladder. When I got to the bottom I head to the head of Salazar Slytherin. 

Lizzie: Slytherin come out please e need to speak. 

The mouth opened of the statue and out came Slytherin. He slythered up to me and looked me dead in the eyes. 

Slytherin: It has been a while Elizabeth.

Lizzie It has. have you been ordered to roam the halls and kill people?

Slytherin: sadly yes. I know I promised you not to, but when orders are said I must follow. 

Lizzie: who is coming in here and making you do these things?

Slytherin: some Gryffindor I believe. Red hair female, but as of name I do not know. She has been opening the chamber since the first attack. 

I nodded my head and thought. Red hair female and Gryffindor. Then it came to me. Ginny Weasley. Lucius placed a second book in her cauldron back in Digonally. I was about to speak when I heard some one coming I can see Slytherin can hear them too. 

Slytherin: Hide Elizabeth and do not come out. 

I nodded my head and hid in one of the tubes. Slytherin went back into the mouth of the statue and the mouth closed. I heard the chamber open and in came Ginny. She looked weak. Then all of the sudden when she got to the middle close to the water she fainted. A boy appeared. Slowly, but surly he appeared and I can tell that Ginny was getting weak. Knowing Harry, Ron, and Draco they will be coming down here to save Ginny. Hope they come down sooner then latter.  

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