They finally arrive

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-Lizzie's POV-

Oh come on it couldn't take that long to find this place. Well they are kids.....wait I hear something. Sounds like the door to this chamber is... opening finally waited for about an hour if not more. I looked out from my hiding spot and saw Draco and Harry. I smiled and went back in the pipe. I heard talking and then I got bored again so I just walked out.

Lizzie: took you guys long enough. I was about to fall asleep in the pipe.

Both Harry and Draco turned to me with a shocked look. I walked over to them and saw Tom looking impressed.

Tom: the great Elizabeth Potter.

Lizzie: I wouldn't say great dear

Harry: Aunt Lizzie how?

Lizzie: story for another time dear you guys need to save and.Weasley.

Tom: she can not be saved as Ginny grows weaker I grow stronger.

Lizzie: enough with the talking I am so bored. Anyways Harry......

Harry: Tom is

Lizzie: Voldemort I know I heard everything.

We heard a bird and in came phox. Okay we have a healing bird. Now what to do next. I then heard hissing and the words come out baskilisk. Shit shit shot tom is summoning slytherin.

Tom:now let's see the heros of Hogwarts vs the heir of Salazar slytherin.

I then looked to the mouth and saw it opening. Out came Slytherin. I ran to the edge of the water and yelled Slytgerin's name. He stops and looked at me then at Tom.

Tom:what are you doing you stupid snake attack I am the heir of Slytherin so you must obey me.

Slytherin slithered behind me and laid his head by my feet. I smirked at this.

Tom:oh I see I am not the only heir to the Slytherin Name. You Elizabeth are the Prophecy. The daughter of Salazar Slytherin, but not of blood.

Harry:Aunt Lizzie what is he......

Lizzie :I will tell you later for now help me destroy Tom Riddle.

Harry Draco and I ran at Tom, but I stopped and thought of something. The book as I was watching Draco and Harry fight Tom. I went for the book. I took it out of ginny's hands and ran to Slytherin.

Tom: what are you doing Potter!!!

Draco:which one?

Tom:female Potter!!!!

I held the book out to Slytherin and told him to bite it. He did and the diary began to leak out black goo. I heard screaming and looked to the fight there Tom was glowing sadly I moved to quickly and my hand got cut by Slytherin's fang. I held my hand as I saw Tom disappear. I look to Ginny and saw her wake up I told Slytherin to go back into the carve face and hand me the diary. He listened and did that. Harry ran to Ginny as Draco stood next to me. All three kids looked to me and saw my hand.

Harry: Aunt Lizzie??

Lizzie: don't worry I can heal myself you guys need to get out.

Draco: not with out you.

Phox landed on my shoulder. I smiled and pet his head. I looked to the group and smiled. I lead them out of the chamber and freed Ron and Lockhart. Didn't know he was here. I grabbed onto phox and Lockhart as everyone grabbed onto me and we were off.

Lockhart: amazing this is just like magic!!!

I looked down to Harry and he mouthed later. Great I am gonna have a blast talking to the twins and everyone. We flew right back to Hogwarts.

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