Hagrid's Lessons

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-Lizzie's POV-

Hagrid is teaching for the first time. I am so happy for him. He will do great. I walked to where Hagrid's class would be and there in front of the students is a hipogriff. It's so beautiful. Wait that's Buck beak. I walked over to Hagrid and smiled when he jumped.

Hagrid: professor when did you get there?

Lizzie: just now thanks. 

I look to the students and I see its Harry and (y/n)'s class. I waved at the two and they waved back. I felt something poke my cheek. I look to the thing and Buckbeak was standing next to me. I pet his head as Hagrid began his lesson again. He asked if someone wanted to pet him, but everyone backed up and the only person there was (y/n). Draco stood next to her and I smiled. I backed up a bit as the two bowed. Hagrid and I watched carefully. After a couple of minutes Buckbeak bowed as well. 

Lizzie: they are ready to pet him. Now nice and slow let him come to you.

They did as told and Buckbeak let them pet him. I smiled at that. Hagrid then picked both of them up and placed them on his back. Oh this will be fun. Hagrid gave buckbeak a tap and off he went with the two love birds. 

-(y/n) POV-

Draco and I just took off on Buckbeak's back. I was scared. I clung onto Draco since he was in front of me. 

Draco: (y/n) Open your eyes.

I did as I was told and opened them. It was beautiful. I sat up straight still holding onto Draco's back. I raised my arms up and laughed. I then placed my arms around Draco's waist and we both laugh as we landed. We heard clapping. Aunt Lizzie came over to us and helped us down.

Hagrid: How am I doing you guys?

(y/n): brilliant. 

I then heard some yelling and Aunt Lizzie pushed Draco and I behind her as Parkinson stops over saying she could do it. We warned her we did, but she didn't listen and got scratched. Aunt Lizzie got in front of Buckbeak and he calmed down. Hagrid threw a farret and went to take care of the bitch who had to go to the hospital wing. Class was dismiss. Harry did the stuff Draco and I did to buckbeak and came over. 

Lizzie: you guys get to class I will make sure Buckbeak doesn't go anywhere. 

We all nodded our heads and we all left.I looked back and I see Aunt Lizzie petting buckbeak.She is so great with everything. I hope I grow up to be like her. Beautiful, graceful, and caring. She is such a role model and she doesn't even know it. We then headed to our next class of the day. I am so going to kill Parkinson. I know she is going to do something bad. 

The Three Survivors (The Twin Of A Potter Sequel) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon