Remus' Lesson

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-Lizzie's POV-

It is now lunch time. I was sitting at the teacher's table eating. Draco was sitting next to (y/n) at the Slytherin table. The golden trio was sitting at their table. I was about to put some potatoes in my mouth when I heard a kid yell he's been sighted. God damn it Sirius can't keep a low profile can you. Bluff town that isn't far from here. I then heard walking coming to me. I looked up and there was (y/n) she looked worried. Bet Arthur put that Sirius is going to kill us in their head. I am so going to kill that Weasley when I get my hands on him.

(y/n): Aunt Lizzie?

Lizzie: yes dear what's wrong?

(y/n): you okay you were spacing out?

Lizzie: yes dear I'm fine.

(y/n): if you say so. Oh can we have another memory from the pass?

Lizzie: Sure?

I then heard more feet and looked and here came the trio.

Lizzie: let me guess. now since you guys found out I have been telling my life story you guys want in?

Harry: yes it might also help us figure out who black really is.

I nodded my head and got up. I told them to come to my class after Lupins' to talk. I don't have anything this time so there is that. I fixed my dress and made sure no crumbs was on it.

I then headed to remus' classroom

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I then headed to remus' classroom. When I got there I knocked on his door. I heard a come in. I opened the door and shut it after walking in.

Lizzie: did you see the paper?

Remus: yes Padfoot hasn't been keeping a low profile.

Lizzie: wasn't really good at it in the first place mooney so I am not shocked there.

Remus: I guess you are right about that snake. Now are you here to watch my class?

Lizzie: yep it is about a buggort so it is always fun watching people's worst fears come to life. I know Ron Weasley's fear is spiders.

Remus: he met that giant spider in the black forest?

Lizzie: Oh he met him and all of his children, but now lets see if he can defeat a buggort.

After a while of chatting students began to flud into the classroom. I stayed in the back of the room to watch. His class was going great so far. I then saw out of the corner of my eye miss.granger. Wait she has another class to go to this period how is. Wait did Aunt Minerva give her that time necklace? She probably did. I shook my head. Oh how I wish I can give Parkinson detention,but I will not she is just one of those bitchy kids really. I looked to the wardrobe and put came Severus. So someone is scared of him. I heard Nevil yell Ridicules and Severus was in weird clothes. I took a picture of that. Then all the kids got in line. Oh I am so going to show Severus this. I saw a lot of fears and of course Ron was a giant spider. When Harry went up it turned into a Dementor. I was about to go grab him,but Remus stepped in front and it turned to a full moon. When Remus did the spell it turned to a balloon and flew right back into the wardrobe. Class was dismissed. I walked up to Remus and pat his shoulder.

Lizzie:you okay Mooney?

Remus:yeah Snake I'm fine you better go you might have lessons to teach I will see you later.

I nodded my head then went to my classroom. I worry for Remus the full moon should be coming soon. I will be helping him with that as well. Already made him wolfbane potions to last for a while, but I fear something bad will happen.

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