Talk about the next task.

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-Lizzie's POV-

So I was in my office with both Severus, and (y/n). We had both eggs with us. I looked at them closely. There are mermaids in the black lake they would scream if they are out of the water. Water that is it. I instantly picked up an egg and went to small bathroom in my office. I made a giant pail appear and filled it with warm water. When I did I placed the egg in it  then my head. 

Egg: Come seek us where our voices found. We can not sing above the ground. An hour long you have to look to seek out what we took. 

I took my head out of the water. I turned to grab a towel, but one was placed on my head. I dried my hair and fixed myself. I got up and turned around to see Severus and (y/n) looking at me weird. 

Lizzie: the black lake that is the next task. 

(y/n): How did you?

Lizzie: only mermaids scream if out of water. The next task will have to deal with mermaids and finding something with in an hour under water. 

(y/n): but how we can't breath underwater unless we have.....

Severus: gillyweed. 

Lizzie: do you know if this school has some?

Severus: I do. I can grab some from the match. Now (y/n) come back to this office tonight so we can talk more. I need to speak with your aunt alone. 

(y/n) nodded her head and took her egg. She left my office and I sat down on my desk. I look to Severus with a questionable look. 

Severus: I believe Harry and his friends are stealing from my stash closet for the Polyjuice Potion. 

Lizzie: that can't be true though. Harry and his friends told me they would never do it again. Any ways why don't you ask Madeye. He has been acting very strange since he has been here and I'm worried for Harry. 

Severus looked at me, but then sighed. He got behind me and hugged me. 

Severus: I will ask him after the second task, but for now you be safe and try to stay away from Madeye got it. Don't need you getting hurt worst then you might be during these tasks. Now let's figure out what they will be taking during the second task. 

Lizzie: Let's wait until (y/n) gets back. I already know she will be telling Draco and knowing him he will be coming here as well. 

Severus nods his head and we began to talk about random stuff and who we would think will win the tournament. I just hope nothing bad is going to happen. I also noticed Severus and Lucius' dark marks are getting darker which means he is coming back. Which I don't want to happen. 

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