Old friends meet again

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-Lizzie's POV-

I was sitting next to Severus. I was making sure that everything was good. Severus could tell I was worried. He grabbed my hand and placed it under the table and began to rub his thumb over it. I took a deep breath and squeezed his hand.

Severus: nothing is going to attack don't worry. 

I nodded my head and looked at my uncle. As he began to speak. 

Dumbledore: Welcome welcome to a new year at Hogwarts. I would like say a few words before we start our feast. First I would like to welcome Professor R.J Lupin.........

Wait Lupin as is Remus Lupin. No that can't be. I looked over to the person next to Severus and it was Remus. Oh wow he looks great. I will have to see him later. I then looked back to my Uncle as he was talking about the dementors. Great they will be here. I already have enough to deal with as it is. After dinner I told Severus I would see him later and went bolting after Remus. 


Remus turned and you could hear him say oh shit. I then tackled him to the ground. At least there was no students around or they would look at us weirs. I sat up and was straddling his waist. I am so glad I am not wearing a hoop skirt today. I heard a groan and looked down and laughed. 

Remus: you haven't change one bit snake. Still hyper.

I got off of him and helped him up. We both laughed and hugged each other. We then began to walk down the hallway talking. 

Remus:How have you been snake?

Lizzie: good. Been working here and dealing with people finding out I'm the famous Elizabeth Potter. How are you?

Remus: I've been good. dealing with my problem, but besides that doing fine. How is it seeing one of your boyfriends?

Lizzie: oh hush we haven't dated since the ending of seventh year. I still love to annoy him though. 

Remus: but he loves you though. 

Lizzie: that is true and I love him and Lucius, but we don't tell students that. 

Remus laughed at that and messed my hair a bit. I pouted at that and took my hair out of it's bun. It fell to my rear. I sighed at that and followed after him. 

Remus: did your hair grow?

Lizzie: yeah I usually cut it, but I have been so busy that I haven't been to a hair dresser in a long time. SO sadly it has. 

He nods his head and we walked to his classroom to have some tea. 

Lizzie: did you hear about Sirius?

Remus: yes. He should be coming here soon. 

Lizzie: you are going to help him aren't you. 

Remus: yes, but do not tell anyone that. 

Lizzie: I want in.

Remus: no I am not going to let you help and knowing Sirius he won't either. 

Lizzie: I don't care Mooney you and Padfoot are getting my help and that is final. 

Remus: no reason to change your mind is there snake? 

Lizzie: yep so deal with it bitch. Well thanks for tea I'm heading to bed. 

We said our goodbyes and I left to go to my quarters. WHen I got there Severus was sitting on the couch close to the fireplace. He got up when he saw me. 

Severus: you are not going to help Black.

Lizzie: But sev he is my friend he didn't do anything wrong I got to help him.

Severus: yes , but I don't want anything bad happen to you if they find out you are helping black getting into this school. 

I went up to Severus and hugged him. He let out a sigh and hugged me back. He began to mess with my hair a bit. 

Lizzie: I will be safe. I will do it in secret, but please let me do this. I know my brother and Lily would want me to help him. He is also Harry and (y/n) Godfather. JUst like I am their Godmother. 

Severus: fine. Just be safe okay I don't know how Lucius and I would be if you got hurt. 

I nodded my head at that. I kissed Severus on the cheek and we both began to get ready for bed. This year we both agreed to share a room since we both know Voldemort will be trying to find a way back. I hope he doesn't appear this year. 

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