Moody's first lesson

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-Lizzie's POV-

I was walking Hermione, (y/f/n), and (y/n) to their DADA class. They had my art class before this, but or conversation took longer then I thought. When we walked into the classroom we saw Moody was going to the bored.

moody: Late I see.

Lizzie: Sorry about that Madeye. Or conversation after my class was longer then we thought it would of been. you guys go to your seats.

(y/n): you aren't staying Aunt Lizzie?

Lizzie: I don't know you guys.

Some of the students yelled please and I sighed to that. I walked to an empty desk and sat there. Then his class began. I was already not liking it really. I lean against the chair I was in and began to watch Moody closely. Then things began to go south after his introductions.

Moody: now how many unforgivable curses are there.

Hermione: three sir

Moody: and they are so named.

Hermione: because they are unforgivable and using one of them

Moody: can lead you one way ticket to Azkaban correct. The school you shouldn't see them I say different. You need to learn what they are. What they do. you need to figure out where to put your gum beside the underside of your desk Mr.Finigin.

Mr. Finigin muttered something and Madeye threw his chalk at him. Yelling he could hear across classrooms.He better not teach those curses..... and he is. He just asked one of them from Ron and he said imperius curse. He took out a whip spider. Then he made it bigger before casting the imperius curse. He made the spider do what ever he wanted.

Moody: witches and wizard said they did he who must not be names bidding cause they were under the imperius curse. now how did they picked out the liers. Op oh Longbottom isn't. Madame Sprout said you have an eye for Herbology.

Nevil: well there is the crusiatics curse.

Moody: correct come come.

Oh no not the torture curse. Poor Neville lost his parents because of that curse cause of Bella and Crouch's son. I watched poor neville watch the curse happen to the whip spider. Hermione yelled stop can't you see it's bothering him stop it. Moody brought the poor spider to Hermione and asked her if she would give the last unforgivable curse. She shook her head and he still did it.

Moody: the killing curse. no one has survived it, but three and they are sitting in this room.

he then went to the front of the room to look at all three of us. I so want to kill him right now. I got up and walked out of the classroom. I get to my Uncle's office. I just barged right in.

Lizzie: I do not trust moody at all.

Dumbledore: Ah Lizzie what's wrong.

Lizzie: I do not trust that is the real moody. Plus he just taught fourth years Gryffindors and Slytherins the unforgivable curses. I am about ready to hit him.

Dumbledore: Lizzie do you have any evidence that Madeye is not the real Madeye?

Lizzie: His drink when he opened his bottle smells like pollajuice potion.

Dumbledore: Lizzie as of now I will keep an eye on him. So for now keep your eyes on everything while the tournament happens.

I nodded my head and left to go do my next class. I hope anything really bad happens. I know that is not the real Madeye. I just know it. I just need to get more evidence so Uncle Albus will believe me.

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