The chamber of secrets have been open.

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-(y/n)'s POV-

I was sitting next to Draco and I looked to the Gryffindor table. Harry was not there, but Ron was. Harry must be still be doing his detention. I got up and walked over to the table. 

(y/n): Hey where is Harry?

Hermione: I don't know we should look for him. 

Ron groaned at that and got up as Hermione did. We then began to walk to know where he was. While we were walking I began to hear something. A voice I think. 

??????:Must kill. must blood. Let me rip you Let me kill you. Kill Kill kill

I then began to run and ran into Harry. We both fell onto the ground. We both got up.

(y/n): did you hear it?

Hermione: Hear what?

Harry: you heard the voice as well?

Hermione: Voice what voice?

Harry: I heard in Lockhart's classroom then again. 

I heard it again and I saw Harry did as well. 

Harry: It's going to kill. 

(y/n): this way lets go. 

Harry and I began to run to the direction the voice was coming from. We got to a hallway and began to walk down it. Harry stopped us and there was spiders trying to get out of the school. In a file line. 

Harry: Weird I never seen spiders act like that before. 

Ron: I don't like spiders. 

I looked over to the opposite wall and there was water on the floor. I tapped Harry on the shoulder and they all followed where I was looking. There was writing on the wall.We all looked to the wall and gasped. 

Hermione The chamber of secrets have been opened enemies of the hair beware. It's written in blood. 

Harry looked over a bit and gasped. I looked over as well. 

Harry: It's Filtch's cat Miss. Noris. 

When Harry said that all the students began to fill the hallway. There in front was Aunt Lizzie. She runs over to us. Draco followed as well reading the wall. 

Draco: Enemies of the hair beware you.....

I covered his mouth right then and there and shook my head no. He nods his head then he dragged me over to the group of Slytherin. 

We then heard Filtch. 

Filtch: what is going on come on make way make way. 

He got to the front. He looked to Harry with an evil glint in his eyes. 

-POV change to Lizzie-

Filch: Potter what are you.....

He spotted Miss. Norris. He muttered her name and went to harry. 

Filch: you murdered my cat. 

I stepped in front of Harry so Fitch doesn't grab him. 

Dumbledore: Argus....I

Uncle Albus appeared. Then told  the students to return to their houses at once, but sadly he kept Harry, Ron, and Hermione. (y/n) and Draco stayed behind as well. They stood next to Hermione and Ron. 

Dumbledore: she's not dead Argus. She has been petrified. 

Lockhart: Potter so unlucky I wasn't there I know the counter curse that could of spared her. 

The Three Survivors (The Twin Of A Potter Sequel) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora