The letters and meeting Hagrid

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(y/n POV)

Dudley and I were standing next to each other in our uniforms for our new school. My ankle healed up fine just twisted it when I fell. Dudley is going to Smeltings I am going to HillCrest. I don't like the uniform really, but I can't pick the outfit. While Aunt Petunia was taking pictures of us Harry asked if he was going to the same school as Dudley. I looked at Harry and walked over to him while the other three laughed. Harry is getting Dudley's old school uniform. He was then told to get the mail. I followed after him.

Harry: you will do great at HillCrest.

(y/n): so I want to be with you Harry.

Harry picked up the mail and went through it. There was two letters one for me and one for Harry. Harry hands me mine. It had my full name the room I am staying in and the address. We were walking into the kitchen. Harry hands Uncle Vernen the mail and was about to open his when Dudley took it.

Dudley: look Harry got a letter.

Harry: give it back it's mine.

Uncle Vernen and Aunt Petunia looked at the letter then at Harry. Aunt Petunia looked at me when they heard a ripping noise. I was about to open my letter when.

Petunia: (y/n) can we have that letter dear?

I looked up and there was Aunt Petunia. I looked back at the letter.

(y/n): why it's my letter shouldn't I open it and read it first. It is quite rude to look through other people letters that don't belong to you.

Petunia: yes but please for us?

I sighed and handed it to them. Then Harry, Dudley, and I were pushed out of the kitchen. The boys were fighting over the key hole. I sat on the stairs and waited. Hogwarts sounds like a weird school. I never sent a form to join, but oh well we will see.

-time skip still your pov-

Everyday Harry and I would keep getting letters, but Uncle Vernen won't let us read them. They even let Harry stay in my room. When that happened Harry's letter changed from the Cupboard under the stairs to the first bedroom to the right which is my room. It is now Sunday. Dudley and Aunt Petunia were playing cards I think and I was reading a book on the couch.

Vernen: fine day Sunday. My opinion the best day of the week. Why is that Dudley?

Dudley shrugged and Harry answered it.

Vernen: No post on Sunday Hah. No letters today. no sir not one bloody letter not one.

Uncle Vernen was about to take a bit of his cookie when two letters flew right pass him. The house began to shake then all of the sudden letter was fling everywhere. They were coming from the chimney and every appliance in the kitchen. Harry got a hold of two of them and we both ran. Uncle Vernen on our tail. Harry was about to open the cupboard door when Uncle Vernen grabbed him. The board that was on the letter slot broke off and more letters came through it. I was trying to get Harry out of Uncle Vernen's arms when.


Dudley: daddy's gone mad hasn't he.

That day we all packed out things and moved. Each placed we moved the letters would follow. The Hotel, another house, even to a motel. Now we are at a light house in a middle of no where.

-time skip-

It is now night and we are at a lighthouse. Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernen where sleeping on the bed. Dudley got the couch. Harry and I are laying on the bed. Harry drew a cake out in front of us with 11 candles on it. I looked at Duddley's watch and it hit midnight.

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