The night Harry blew up our Aunt Marge

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(y/n) POV

Aunt Marge was about to come over for dinner. I was sitting on the arm chair reading a book. While duddley watchs tv. There was a knock at the door and AUnt Petunia yelled at Harry to get the door and in came Aunt Marge. I already ask Aunt Petunia and she signed my form to go into hogsmead. Sadly Harry didn't get his signed yet. He asked Uncle Vernon and he only said when Harry behaves. I now that won't happen with Aunt Marge around. 


We just got done eating and Aunt Marge was being a bitch as always to Harry and our parents. I looked to Harry when Aunt Marge's glass broke. Then she said something I wish she didn't she disrespected our parents Harry yelled at her to shut up. I was shocked at what happened next when I ran to Harry Marge began to swell like a balloon. When Marge flew out of the house I pulled Harry with me to our room and we began to pack our things. When we were done we ran down the stairs Vernon yelled at Harry to bring her back now.

Harry: No she deserves it. 

Uncle Vernon went to attack Harry but he pulled out his wand at him. After we were done with Uncle Vernon we ran out of the house. We ran as far away as we could. I sat down when we got to a park. I heard rustling in a bush. Harry looks at the sound and fell when we saw a giant wolf. 

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