Aunt Lizzie's pass part 1

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-Lizzie's POV-

Lizzie: so where should I start. 

(y/n): How about when you first met them. 

I sighed at that and smiled. Meeting Severus for the first time was interesting. 

Lizzie: Now how do I put this. I met both of them at a different time. One being when I was getting my school supplies for first year. the second on the train. 

(y/n): who were they if you don't mind me asking?

Lizzie: Well the first one was Severus Snape. 

Draco: Professor Snape was one of your boyfriends?

I laughed at their shocked faces. It is quite shocking that the mean and angry Potions master had a girlfriend when he was at Hogwarts. 

Lizzie: Yes he was. I also met your mother as well (y/n). I was walking around by myself James and I seperated so we can get it done faster. I wasn't looking where I was going and ran into your mom Lily. 

(y/n): Lily sounds like a beautiful name. 

Lizzie: It is. isn't it. 

Draco: what happened next. 

Lizzie: well we apologized to each other and told each other our names. Then out of no where we heard a boy calling her name. 

(y/n): It was Severus wasn't it. 

I nodded to that. Both (y/n) and Draco sat on my old bed. 

Lizzie: After that we all went to get the school supplies we needed.  Now as for the second one. Draco you will be shocked about it. Look at the photo over on the bedside table. 

He went over to the photo of me with my boyfriends and looked closely at it. He walks over to us and gasped when he saw it. 

Draco: it's my father. 

Lizzie: you are right on that dear. 

Draco: so wait which one of them didn't follow their heart?

Lizzie: Sadly Draco that would be your father, but he has a reason for that. 

Draco nods his head and sat right next to (y/n). He set the photo on the bed and ask for me to continue. 

Lizzie: I met Lucius on the train. Wasn't a really nice meeting. I just said goodbye to my parents and got into a compartment to wait for Lily and Severus. As I was waiting Lucius came in and asked to sit with me since the hallways were busy. I told him he can and we talked for a bit. 

(y/n): what did you guys talk about?

LIzzie: About what house will I be in and he also asked if I was a pure-blood?

Draco: Are you?

(y/n) elbowed him in the side and he looked at her. Then said he was curious. I laughed at that.

Lizzie: Yes I am a pure-blood. Since Lily was a muggle born that makes (y/n) and Harry a half-blood, but who really cares about that. 

(y/n): Draco's family. 

Lizzie: I remember the lessons I had with Mr. Black about how pure-bloods are better then others, but that is for another time. 

Lizzie: After the craziness went down out in the hallway he got up and went to the door. Before he left he told me he hopes I get into Slytherin and left. 

(y/n): you were sorted into SLytherin then. 

I nodded my head with a smile. I went to the heating lamp area and made sure it was still able to work. 

(y/n): why show us this room? How did you get your own room?

Lizzie: well one I will be letting you have this room (y/n) as for why I had my own room I will tell you another time. I was shocked as well when I found out why I had this room. Now lets go Draco. We should let (y/n) get comfortable in her new room. 

Draco and I both left. When we were walking down they stairs to the common room he looked a bit down. 

Draco: So was my dad force into the marriage by my mother or?

Lizzie: No he wasn't really your mother and him didn't really like each other. It was an arrange marriage really. Now off to bed dear, but know this. Your parents love you. So don't be upset about what I told you okay. Just think about what is best for you and what you want to do with your life. 

Draco then ran to me and gave me a hug. 

Draco: Thank you Professor Potter. 

I smiled and hugged him back. After a couple of seconds I pushed him gently to his room. When I made sure that he was in bed I went to my bedroom. When I got there I saw Salazar and Luna cuddled in front of the fireplace. Salazar woke up when the door closed and he looked at me. 

Salazar: So did you tell them?

Lizzie: a little bit of it. I haven't told them I am able to speak to snakes and that I am Salazar's female Hare, but I just hope that doesn't happen. I am still trying to figure out how that is even possible. 

Salazar nods his head and went back to sleep. I then went to bed myself. I hope nothing bad happens this year.  

The Three Survivors (The Twin Of A Potter Sequel) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ