First Christmas With Aunt Lizzie Part 1

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-(y/n) POV-

It was finally time to go to my aunt's house for the first time for Christmas. Professor Dumbledore is letting Harry, Aunt Lizzie, and I leave a day early. It's December 23rd. I was bringing my small trunk down to the common room. There at the bottom was Draco. I smiled to him and hugged him when I set my stuff down.

Draco: I'll walk you to meet with them.

I nodded my head. We let go of each other. Draco kissed the top of my head and we began to head to Aunt Lizzie's office. When we got there Aunt Lizzie was waiting in front of her fireplace. She had a medium trunk with her. Harry was there as well. He looked over to the door when he heard it open. He rolled his eyes when he saw Draco.

Harry: is Malfoy coming with us Aunt Lizzie?

Lizzie: be nice Harry one day he might be your brother-in-law.

Harry: yeah like.....

Aunt Lizzie slapped him in the back of the head. She then smiled at us.

Lizzie: you ready to go (y/n)?

(Y/n): yeah I'm ready.

I turned to Draco and hugged him. He hugged me back and kissed the top of my head.  I let go and grabbed my bag from him. I walked to Aunt Lizzie. She grabs a small vase full of flu powder.

Lizzie: now you will have to say Elizabeth Potter's House

We both nodded our heads.

(Y/n): say it clearly this time Harry

Harry: I know I know

Aunt Lizzie went first. Followed by Harry. When I got into the fireplace Draco came to me and placed a gift in my bag. I smiled and threw down the powder when he backed up and said Elizabeth Potter's house. I closed my eyes . When I open them again I saw I was in a different fireplace. I grabbed my bag and got out. When I got out I saw Harry and Aunt Lizzie waiting for me. I looked around the place and saw we were in a living room. The living room was huge. It looked like a vintage living room. I looked to my aunt and she gave us a smile.

Lizzie: Welcome to my house. Cimpey Dardey you two here?

I looked to Harry with a raised eyebrow. We then heard running. Then in came two elves. They don't look like Dobby, but maybe treats her house elves better. They came over and hugged Aunt Lizzie's leg.

Lizzie: hello you two. Harry (Y/n) this is Cimpey and her brother Dardey. Dardey Cimpey meet my niece (y/n) and nephew Harry.

Both elves let go of Aunt Lizzie and looked at us with a shocked face.

Cimpey: it's a pleasure to finally meet lady Lizzie's family come we will show you two to your guys rooms.

Cimpey took my bag as Dardey took Harry's. Then they began to head up the stairs. I looked to Aunt Lizzie and she smiled. She began to head up the stairs as well. Harry and I followed as well. Harry went to the door Dardey was at and I went to Cimpey. Cimpey opened the door and I gasped the room was big. Like bigger then the one at the Dursley's. Cimpey placed my stuff on the bed.

Cimpey: I hope you enjoy your room miss. (Y/n).

She then left the room so I can get comfortable. I then began to unpack. While I was almost done I heard a knock on the door. I looked over and there was Aunt Lizzie. She smiled at me.

Lizzie: how do you like you room?

(Y/n): I love it it is so big.

Lizzie: I'm glad. Want to go see what Harry is doing?

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