First Day back at Hogwarts and checking on the twins.

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-Lizzie's POV-

I woke up. I looked around the room and sighed. First day being a Professor at Hogwarts. Well I don't have classes today since no one picked my classes yet. I got up and got ready for today. I let my hair hang today I added a few curls to make it look nice. I then got into my dress for today. (dress on top). I looked to one of the corners where I set up Salazar heating area. He wasn't there. I looked to the door and there he was at the door looking at me.

Lizzie: you want to explore today don't you?

Salazar: yes and maybe find some food. 

I nodded my head and went over to him. I opened the door to my dorms and let Salazar out first. I grabbed my wand which was by the door and placed it on my wand holder on my hip. I then began to walk to the front entrance of the school with Salazar slithering right next to me. Some students freaked when they saw a 8 foot snake slithering next to a teacher. I opened up the door to the outside world and began to head to the dark forest. All the creatures there knows Salazar so they won't hurt him. I kneel down and kissed Salazar on the head. 

Lizzie: you be safe okay. I bet you your girlfriend is out there waiting.

Salazar: she isn't my girlfriend.

Lizzie: yet.

Salazar: what ever. 

He then slithered away. I got up and headed back to the school. It should be breakfast. I muttered accio camera. I lift up my hand and my camera flew into my hand. I headed to the Great hall. There at the Slytherin table was (y/n). I walked over to her and tapped her shoulder. She turns to look at me then smiles. She got up and hugged me.

(y/n): Aunt Lizzie is it bad I think Harry hates me?

Lizzie: for being sorted into Slytherin?

(y/n): yeah.

Lizzie: well your father was pissed when I was sorted into Slytherin, but he will get over it. if not I will put him in detention. Now come I need to get a good picture of you in your new Slytherin robes. 

(y/n) Laughed and backed a way a bit to pose. I smiled and took a picture of her. I looked at the entrance and saw Hermione. 

Lizzie: want to take a picture with Hermione?

(y/n) thought a bit then nodded her head. We then walked to her. 

(y/n): hey hermione lets take a picture.

Hermione looked at us and nodded her head. The girls got together in a hug and I snapped the picture. I smiled and hooked the camera on my hip. 

Hermione: Hey (y/n) are we still friends even if we are in different houses?

(y/n): Of course. 

I smiled and watch them walk to the Gryffindor table. Sadly I didn't see Harry or Ron. I shrugged my shoulders and went to the Professor's table to eat. 

-time skip-

I was leaning against a wall during my aunt's class. Slytherin and Gryffindors first years. Harry and Ron didn't show up for this class. I was about to ask my aunt something when the door to the classroom opened up. Aunt McGonagall was in her can form so they didn't see her.

Ron: few we made it. can you imagine the look on Mcgonagall's face if we were late. 

Then Aunt Minerva transformed in front of them and walked to them. I had to hide a giggle. 

Ron: that was bloody brilliant

McGonagall: Thank you for that essemption Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I transfigure you and mr. Potter into a pocket watch. maybe one of you will be on time.

Harry: we got lost

McGonagall: Then perhaps a map. I trust you don't need one to find your seats. 

They both sat in their spots and class went as normal. I sighed and shook my head. Just like his father on his first day, but he got in trouble with Professor Slughorn. 

-time skip again-

I was standing in a corner of Severus' classroom. At least Harry didn't get lost this time. All the first years of Gryffindor and SLytherin were talking untill the door slammed open. 

Severus: There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few...

He stares at Draco for a bit then crossed his arms bringing the side of his cloak with him. 

Severus: Who possess, the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death. Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention!

I looked over to where he was staring and saw Harry put his quill down. Damn it Harry you really are like your father sometimes. I stayed in my corner.

Severus: Mr. Potter our new celebrity. Tell me what would I get if I mix asphodel with worm wood. 

Hermione threw her hand up instantly.Followed by (y/n).

Severus: you don't know. Tell me mr. potter were would I find me a Bezoar.

Harry: I don't know

Severus: tell me what is the difference between monkshood and wolfbane.

Harry: I don't know sir.

Severus: pitty maybe fame isn't everything is it Mr. Potter.

Harry: Clearly Hermione and (y/n) it's a pitty not to ask them. 

Severus: fine Miss. Potter care to answer the questions?

(y/N): yes sir.   Asphodel and Wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of the Living Death, a Bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for Monkshood and Wolfbane, they are the same plant which also goes by the name of Aconite. 

Severus: very good Miss. Potter. well why aren't you all coping what she said down. and Gryffindors take note that five points will be taken for your house from your class mates cheaks. As for Slytherin ten points thanks to Miss. Potter. 

I groan at that. Severus I will be having a word with you after this class. After the class was over and everyone left, but Severus and I he finally spoke to me.

Severus: are you ever going to come out of that corner?

I walked out and crossed my arms.

Lizzie: you changed Sev.

Severus: why should you care. 

I rolled my eyes and walked over to him. I placed my hands on his desk and he looked up at me.

Lizzie: was being with you - know- who change you this much. what about Lucius is he the same way?

Severus: I don't think. 

Lizzie: think what Severus? I finally get to see you again and I don't get a hey Lizzie it is so great to see you. 

Severus: would it change anything really?

Lizzie: no not really. 

Severus: are you happy now?

Lizzie: no just disappointed. The only question I have now is will I ever have my two boyfriends back. 

I then headed out of the classroom with a sad look on my face. I didn't look at Severus as I walked out. Please to anyone who is listening to me. Please let me be able to have my dear Severus and Lucius Back. Just please let me have that. 

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