the marauders map

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(y/n) POV

I was hanging with Harry when Fred and George came running to us. George and Fred lift Harry up and Fred grabbed my hand and brought us to some stairs. 

Harry: what the heck guys. 

Fred handed us a piece of paper. Harry asked what it was. George pointed his wand at it and said I solemnly swear I'm up to no good.  Then a map appeared.  I was shocked at that. 

harry: Mr Wamtail, moony, padfoot, prongs, and ms.snake likes to present the Marauders map. 

Harry opened it up and you can see Professor Dumbledore pacing in his office. I looked closely to a hall way and there was AUnt Lizzie and Severus. Harry asked about Dumbledore. Fred and George told us we can see everyone. Where they are, what they are doing of everyday. ALso how they took that from filtch their third year. To make it vanish say mischief manage and no one can see it.  When Fred and George left Harry made it appear again and looked at it. I looked over his shoulder and I still see Aunt Lizzie with Severus. 

Harry: wait why is Aunt Lizzie with Snape?

(y/n): ummm what now? Maybe they ran into each other. 

Harry: No they were together when we first saw it. Lets spy on them I already have the invisibility cloak. 

I groan at that. Harry covered both of us. We went to the hidden passageway Fred and George pointed us to since they were going to Hogsmeade. When we appear to the exit of the tunnel we saw we were in honney dukes. We snuck up and Harry took a lollipop from someone and began to eat it. Ewww gross. We then saw Hermione and Ron by them self looking at a shack. I pulled out from under the cloak and went to draco and hung out with him for a bit. I heard Parkinson say they were going to bother Ron and Hermione. She was already gon with Crabbe and Goyle. I ran after them. When I got there though I saw them running away and Harry appear. I looked around us and I saw (y/f/n) I ran to them and tackled them into the snow. We then began to wrestle in the snow. 

(y/f/n): where the fuck have you been?

(y/n): around just been trying to figure out about my aunt. 

(y/f/n): I bet you kinda left me and I was wondering where you went to. 

(y/n): sorry about that.

(y/f/n): it's fine. Now come on lets hang. Plus seems your brother and his friends left already. 

We then got up and began to walk around. I then saw footsteps leading to a pub. Oh no Harry is up to something. We then went to get a snack, but when we left honey dukes we saw the group of carollers fall. Ron and Hermione followed after the force. I look at (y/f/n) and we ran after them. When we got there Harry was crying. 

Harry: he was their friend and he killed them HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!!! If he finds me I will kill him. I will be ready when he finds me. 

I was shocked at that. No he couldn't have killed my parents. Harry turned around and saw me behind him. Harry got up, but before he could get to me and grabbed (y/f/n)'s hand and pulled them with me away from the angry harry. We both ran into Aunt Lizzie and Severus.

Lizzie: oh my are you two okay?

(y/n): He didn't kill them did he AUnt Lizzie?

Lizzie: who dear?

(y/n): Sirius black he didn't kill my parents did he?

We both looked at them and AUnt lizzie sighed. 

Severus: guess it's another story time huh for you three.

Lizzie: yes Sev. now come you two. well three

I turned to look and there was Draco. Draco grabbed my hand and all of us left with Aunt Lizzie and Severus. When we got to Aunt Lizzie's office Severus went to go make us some snacks as my aunt asked him.

(y/f/n): you have professor Snape wrapped around your finger huh Professor Potter. 

(y/n): they were in a polyamorous with Draco's dad. 

Draco: really now I am trying to imagine Having two dads and a mom now. 

Lizzie: don't over think it Draco okay. Now let me guess Harry over heard something he shouldn't have and you heard it from him huh (y/n)

I nodded my head to that. We all sat at a desk. A house elf come in with hot chocolate and warm chocolate cookies. 

Lizzie: Thanks misty.

Misty: my pleasure Miss. Lizzie. 

Misty left and AUnt Lizzie passed out the cookies and hot chocolate. Then she began to tell us the story of how it happened. 

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