UnEvLo (Unconditional Everlas...

By NaviSK7

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Alicia, an innocent soul with lost past gets admission into St. Louis college, the most famous college of Lon... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Questions-Answers (readers' request)
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Author's Note.

Chapter 56

840 45 218
By NaviSK7

This chapter is dedicated to crazyadzzi

Oh she is the one who has supported and loved this book from the very beginning. :') She never left any chapter without her long cute comments. I'm proud that she is a reader of my book and my sweet friend :')

I swear you are my one of the best motivational pillars for me and you always make me laugh with your colorful words haha....Your long ass comments are life. I loveee you xxx

Picture to the side OMFG HE IS SO CUTE XX

Alicia's POV

Zayn placed me on the bed gently and slowly. A sweet more-like a soft moaning breath left his mouth hit my face as he placed my head on the pillow and I...I was just staring, staring in his deep chocolate merged moon like eyes. The shine, the spark in his eyes was igniting every small fiber in my body making my heart to play its own rhythm.

It's quiet. The surroundings were just quiet. It's only me, him and our breaths. 

I stirred and shrank in my place as his hands slowly started slipping underneath my neck and knees. I blink at the tingling sensation his hands left on my neck and knees and I immediately tighten my grip around his neck not wanting to let him go. He stopped as in cue, his hand just right under my neck.

I kept staring.

I couldn't just stop staring in his eyes carefully observing his pupil contracting and expanding momentarily. His eyes were still, watching me, not moving, no blinking, nothing.

His eyes are so beautiful. So damn beautiful!

I feel the bed dipping with his knee and soon he half-lie down beside me, watching me. His free hand was draping around my waist as he pulled me closer while leaving soft audible breaths on my face. My hand instinctively, on its own slowly started reaching up to his eyes. He tilted his face a little towards my hand before setting his gaze back to me.

I was just in a trance looking at him, admiring him.

His eyes were soft as he looked at me lovingly. I hesitated a bit over his left eye before slowly and softly touching his eye lid with my index and middle finger.

Momentarily he closed his both eyes on a slight touch. I brought my thumb on his eye and slowly let it linger there. His eyes are soft and smooth just like I always imagined. My fingertips brushed his cheek as I slowly moved my hand down his face while Zayn dipped his face down towards mine.

His nose touched mine and I closed my eyes when his eyelashes slightly fluttered over my own. His hand was slipping back under my neck securing me fully while other pulled my torso closer to his.

"What is it?" He whispers.

Oh, his voice...so soft....

He opened his eyes and looked at me for a moment before saying. "My eyes." He referred his question to his eyes indicating my fingers-touching-them gesture.

"Hmm?" He dipped his nose a little into mine as he hummed.

I blink under his long eyelashes and shook my head slightly. Shaking my head, I moved my face to submerge it in his neck. "Nothing." I said tightening my arms around his shoulder blades. His arms tightened against my body as he pulled me in a kind of hug.

Why my heart is racing so damn fast?

Because you are in his arms! Safe and protected!

I pressed my face into his neck as he kissed my hair before caressing them with his soft fingers.

"Damn! You are so warm." He said while plastering my body to his making my heart go crazy.

I'm shaking.


Because he is holding me like this, the way I always craved for him. He is holding me the way I wanted him to hold me when I was fastened with the bandages at Louis' house. I needed his soft hands caressing my hair. I needed his warm body to numb my pain.


I blink in his neck and released my tense posture hearing his voice.

"You are crying?" He whispered, unsure. His voice soft and worried and then I realized I was actually crying.

"No." I shook my head scooting closer if possible.

"Yes you are. I can feel your tears on my neck." He said worriedly while pulling my legs in between his.

My body is completely glued to his and that made me cry more.

He pressed his arm against my back tightly giving a kiss on my head. "Tell me what is wrong? Your crying makes me weak-"

"I missed you, Zayn." I sniffled.

"I missed you." I said again while resting my cheek on his shoulder and staring at the wall in front of me.

I felt his leg moving over my leg as he pulled it more in between his. He slightly pulled out and grabbed my face forcing me to look at him.

Moving my hair away from my face he whispered.

"I'm sorry."

I shook my head to stop him as he bumped his forehead slightly with mine. "I'm sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you. I promise partner." His words were so genuine, determined that even a heartless person would melt in a second.

Staring in his eyes, I whispered. "Say sweet nothings to me? Please?"

I ducked my head down and rested it on his chest. He adjusted me properly placing his chin over my head.

He sighed.

"I'm gonna tell you a small story." He whispered.

"Hmm." I hummed and cuddled closer. My hand reached up his chest to hold his chain pulling it to the side from under my cheek.

"Once there was a girl, very sweet and kind hearted girl." I closed my eyes at his voice, so soft voice, like a lullaby. His hand slightly slipped under my top as he rubbed soft circles on the small of my back. I slowly started releasing my tense posture.

"She was like an angel, like a fairy, so soft and fragile like a doll." Zayn whispered tightening his arm around my back while rubbing his cheek on my head. I was feeling so secured under his warmth.

"One day she met a boy and unfortunately, she fell in love with him." He said, his voice was lost somewhere.

Is he talking about me? Why did he say unfortunately? I pouted sadly.

"The boy was a complete shit. A complete fucked up idiot. He never understood her love for him rather-" Zayn paused as I felt him swallowing.

Is he talking about himself? My eyes watered.

"Rather he hurt her, broke her." Zayn's voice was below a whisper and I pressed my lips in a brim line to stop myself from crying.

"He made her cry. The girl kept telling him that she was not what he thought about her but he never listened. And one day..." He gulped while meeting his forehead to mine, resting it gently as if I was going to break.

"...he broke her promise falling her apart." My eyes became extremely wet at his words.

"Zayn stop!"

"He left her alone when she needed him the most. He broke her heart, partner."

"Please stop." My voice felt suffocated.

"But the shocking thing is...she still loves him. Why? She still loves him so much why partner." His forehead dug deep in mine as he whispered.

"These are not sweet nothings..."

"She should hate him! Leave him to rot in hell but if she would leave him you know what would happen, partner?"

"Stop!" I said as my tears come out.

"The boy would surely die."

"Ugh!" I hit his chest as I cried. "I asked for sweet nothings! These are not sweet nothings. I hate this story." I hit his chest again before hugging him.

"Don't ever leave me partner."

"I won't. I will never. It's you! You don't leave me." I sniffled.

"You need to know that it's not only you who need me the most. Rather it's me Alicia. I need you the most, partner." He said planting a kiss of love on my forehead.

I didn't reply. I just leaned on his chest again. Hearing his heartbeat and gripping his chain, I closed my eyes.

"You are my angel of love, happiness and blissful life." He whispered and I smiled softly with my closed eyes. We remained like that for long blissful minutes, hearing each other's breath in a comfortable silence and under each other's warmth.

Slowly as the time passed, my mind raced back to Zayn's past. I couldn't stop myself thinking about the way his brother got killed.

He died in his arms!

Oh my god, how that girl could do that? My hands shake to even kill a mere fly and she just...banged....jeep in him? Oh my god!

Why would she do that? She could have kidnapped him or something. She could have stolen all his money and left the town or there are many other possibilities. Why did she just kill a person who loved her so much?

Zayn thought that I was like her? I would attempt to kill him? Oh my god I would kill myself before doing such a thing to my superhero.

My hands instinctively tightened over Zayn's chain as I snuggled closer to him.

Zayn told that she said everything was going according to plan before Ryan knew the truth. What kind of truth? Is it just the drug dealing truth or something more to it?

She said master would have killed her if Ryan-


My body tensed up.


It reminded me something I never wanted to be reminded of.


"I'm your master princess! I will keep you happy in my place. You will be mine soon."


Oh my god! What if that was the same person?


"You are my princess! And one day you will confess this yourself to me! I promise princess. I won't get you by force! You will come to me by yourself, on your own feet."


Oh my god! No! What if this all...this all which happened between me and Zayn was his plan to make us hate each other as he wanted to take me away? What if Rick knows something about it? Why would Rick want to make us hate each other?

CR position!

But... You will come to me by yourself, on your own feet....

Who was that man?

My heart raced at the jumbled thoughts in my mind.

You will be mine soon.

"No!" I said it out loud as I choked on my breathing.

Zayn pulled out a little and looked at me. "Are you okay? You are shaking." He said softly while panic was there in his eyes.

Should I tell Zayn about it? Should I tell him about master?

No! He just came back to his happy mood! Don't spoil it! My thinking self scolded.

"Partner, I'm sorry. I'm such a stupid person that I doubted on you. Pease stop shaking-"

"Zayn, what if another person would try to take me away from you?" I asked abruptly.

Zayn stirred. His eyes darkened, arms held me firmly in his grip.

"That person would have to cross over my dead body first." His each word was so emphasized. His voice noticeably low and I felt his heart beating fast under my hand.

"Don't say dead word!" I scolded him.

He pulled me back into a hug again. "Why would you ask such a question, Alicia?"

I adjusted my cheek on his chest resting my ear on his beating heart. "I'm sorry. I- I'm just...scared."

"Then don't! Don't think this way. You know how it bothers me don't you?"

"I know. I'm sorry." I whispered.

He is right. Why am I spoiling the moment by thinking too much?

I don't have to worry. My superhero is strong! A smile crept on my face slowly.

He will kick that master's ass pretty bad if he would try something on me. Didn't you see how he punched Louis?

I frowned.

"Talking about another guy-" He paused and I shifted a bit and looked up at him. "Who was that at the airport? I'm still pissed." Zayn frowned.

"Bãstard backfired the punch with same force!" He scowled and I chuckled.

"He is a very strong man." I said proudly but soon subsided my smile as Zayn glared.

"I'll break his neck if he would try to kiss you again!" He scowled and I hit on his chest.


"Shut up!" I hit again. "He is like my brother." I told him.

"Brother?" Zayn's expression softened and I smiled.

"Hmm." I nodded. "He is the one who...uh...when the man stabbed-" I stopped as Zayn's body tensed up. "He saved me by giving his blood to me. I was at his home the entire time. He is a brother figure, Zayn." I told him and cupped his cheek afterwards.

"Don't feel guilty or sorry about what happened. Now you don't think about this. I'm completely fine. In fact because of this I got a brother. It's a good thing." I assured him with a smile.

He didn't say anything but tightened his arms and legs around me. I smiled while caressing his hair. I love when he shows how much he cares.

God, I love him.

"Your brother....Now he most probably be hating on me because I just punched him! Daaumn! What a fůcking first impression!" Zayn groaned.

I giggled at the way he spoke.

"There is nothing to laugh!" He huffed and I controlled hard not to giggle again.

"What's his name by the way?" He asked.

"Louis Tomlinson. He is Detective." I said and Zayn abruptly pulled out.

"What?" His eyes widened and I pressed my lips together before rolling my eyes.

"He has already told you that he is Detective?" I raised my brow.

"Oh! Yeah! Whatever. I don't care." Zayn rolled his eyes before placing his chin on my head.

"But he is my brother. What if he would ask you to stay away from me? As you punched him...A detective..." I teased as I bit on my lip.

"Sleeeeeep Partner!" He said and I pouted.

"No! I'm not going to sleep." I pouted again.

"Then what do you want to do?" Zayn looked at me and raised a brow.

"I don't know." I shrugged and pouted again.

"Stop pouting. It's driving me crazy." He said and I instantly looked in his intense eyes.

Blinking afterwards, I looked down as...the blush is not transparent. It is of red color you know?

I scowled internally.

"Do you wanna go on the roof?" I looked up only to see his smiling face.

"Yes!" I said in excitement.

Well, fresh air is well needed to both of us now. We have been locked in one room almost the entire day and now night.

"Okay. Let's go!" He chimed while pulling out but I clutched his shirt and pulled him back quickly. He, kind of fell over me, his hands on either side of my body and my heart raced.

God, did I really dare to do that?

His eyes got filled with amusement as he stared at me with a breathtaking smirk playing on his lips.

Why is he so beautiful-

No! Stop drooling!

"Err...where-where are you going?" I asked while trying to gather up some confidence.

"I was actually going to pick up a quilt and sheets from cupboard, so that we could comfortably sit under the moonlight on the roof. But..." He lowered his body over mine and I held my breath. "Seems like someone just doesn't want to let me go." He whispered in my ear and I blushed.

"But I'm okay with that." He cooed before giving me a lopsided smile while lowering his face down more.

I immediately placed my hand on his chest to push him away slightly. I closed my eyes momentarily to embed his beautiful face in my mind before opening them again.

Stop drooling!

"Uh...um no! You got it wrong." I said looking directly in his eyes with confidence. "Erm...as you punched my brother in front of me and you just called him bãstard so you got a punishment." I said by making as much stern face I could manage.

"But he punched me too." Zayn furrowed his eyebrows.

"But you started first." I mimicked.

Gosh, I'm falling for his eyes all over again.

"Oohh!" He raised his eyebrows in utter amusement. "And what is that punishment Miss Redwood?" He grinned.

"You got a punishment! Not reward! So stop grinning." I frowned. Zayn nodded his head more than required while suppressing his smile.

He is so cute! He is so cute!

"Erm...the punishment is...you have to take me with quilt-" I watched him as he kept nodding with every word I was speaking. "Plus sheets and pillow and one water bottle on the roof in one go. And if you failed or drop any of the things I listed you would have to start it all over again." I said while patting my back internally.


"That's it?" He tilted his head to the side while asking. Am I just getting lost in his cuteness again?

"Yeah. That's it." I said after composing myself.

"Lame punishment." He made a face before pulling out again and I pulled him back yet another time.

"What? Let me collect the things you listed?" Zayn widened his eyes.

"Nooo!" I whined before pouting. "You didn't get me. I said with me! You have to collect things with me!" I explained before realizing that he was staring.

Shi-t! Pouting drives him crazy?

"Now let's go!" I said to stop him from staring like that.

"Oh, you mean you will be in my arms the entire time?" He asked.

"Yes!" I nodded. "And once you collect a thing you can't drop it or place it anywhere to collect another one. That will be considered as foul." I explained and he just smiled at me making my heart go wild.

"Hmm...now it's not lame I think." He smirked before hopping me up in his arms.

Oh my god, the butterflies.

"Let's get started!" He said while adjusting me in his arms. I put my arms around his neck. I stared at him like an idiot as the butterflies danced in my stomach.

"Umm....pillow I will grab in the end. It's easy. First the quilt and sheets." He murmured to himself as he turned around towards the cupboard. Smile was never leaving my face as I kept thinking that he actually agreed to my lamest ever sayings.

Oh, my superhero is the best.

I moved my hands very slightly at the nape of his neck feeling his hair under my palm as he walked to cupboard. His jaw line is the only line in the world which can't be drawn, so perfect. 

I saw him struggling a bit while opening the closet door and I giggled.

He narrowed his gaze at me and I put my finger on my lips shushing myself. As he resumed opening the door, I again circled my hand around his neck but slowly. Zayn twitched his neck before looking at me.

"Partner, stop that! It feels ticklish!" He glared and I quickly nodded mouthing 'okay'.

He finally opened the closet door and bent down to pick up the quilt. I gripped on his nape tightly preventing myself from falling down while his hands tightened around my upper back and knees. My face coming closer to his hair just above the ear and I inhaled the sent by slightly sinking my nose in his hair. My lips were almost touching his earlobe.

He smells heavenly. Oh, how I want to rub my nose in his hair...

And you are acting shameless Alicia! My thinking self scoffed and I literally pulled my head back.

Way to embarrass me girl. I glared.

I diverted my attention back to Zayn as he stood up fetching the quilt. He struggled with his hands to hold a large quilt while I was still in his arms. I smiled as he was looking so cute while making faces with his tongue slightly out. He slightly jolted me up in the air properly holding both me and quilt in his hands.

"Daaaumn! It's fucking big!" He grimaced and I chuckled looking at his already frustrated face.

"Partner?" He glared. "This is actually not funny!"

I smiled cheekily without saying anything as I looked at the quilt which almost covered me in it.

It's really big. And I'm really small.

I pouted.

"Oh shît!" Zayn pulled a face as I saw him looking up.

Being confused I asked. "What happened?"

"The sheets are on the upper shelf. Would you pick it up for me?" He requested gesturing me to the upper shelf of the closet but I shook my head.

"What?" He looked at me incredulously. "I can't reach my hand there with you and quilt in my hands?!" He widened his eyes at me and I giggled.

"I can't do that because my hands are busy." I smiled cheekily again.

"Busy doing what? Tickling my neck?!" He raised his brow and I nodded while smiling sheepishly.

"Every difficult task has a hurdle or distraction. And in this, that's me." I said proudly while shrugging.

He sighed shaking his head.

"Okay then! If you fall down I'm not responsible." He stated.

"You can't let me fall down." I pouted and his eyes softened. "If you would, my superhero will punch you Mr. Malik." I said proudly while smiling cheekily.

Oh...the look on Zayn's face. Can I just kiss him already? He didn't even give me a kiss. Why?

I pouted.

Can't believe love confession will change you like this Alicia! Control your hormones?! My thinking self shook her head in disappointment and I bit my lip mouthing 'sorry' in the end.

"Damn Partner!" I came back from my thoughts and looked at Zayn. "Stop making cute f-ucking faces. I'm going nuts here!" He said while tightening his arms sandwitching me between his chest and quilt.

My heart just jumped in my chest and is ready to run.

"And your superhero will punch me eh? Who is your superhero?" He smiled in amusement biting his lower lip from corner.

Oh no! Don't bite your lip.

Shaking my dirty thoughts away, I tangled my hands in his hair and pulled him closer before saying.

"This is my superhero." I smiled running my hands in Zayn's hair while looking at him lovingly.

"And I'll punch myself? How is that possible?" He asked licking his lower lip while smiling.

"No!" I hit his chest. "My superhero will punch Zayn Malik who is not doing the task properly." I glared.

"Mr. Malik you are cheating." I said in full fake attitude. Zayn remained silent for a moment, just watching me.

"I can't believe that this cute piece is mine." Zayn shook his head as I watched him with flustered face.

"I can't believe you can be this cute! Gosh! I can't believe I'm doing this sick so called punishment thing just to hold you in my arms." He whispered lowering his face down before nuzzling his nose in my cheek. I instinctively closed my eyes while scooting closer to him.

"It feels so good seeing you happy, Partner. So good!" He murmured while planting a soft unnerving kiss on my cheek.

"Same." I mumbled feeling the heat on my face.

I abruptly opened my eyes.

Oh my god, he is manipulating me so that I melt and pick up sheets for him!

"No!" I said while backing away a bit. "I'm a distraction here not you!" I glowered. "Pick up the sheets." I ordered.

"Partner." He smiled his most fakest smile. "Revenge! Sweet revenge is coming Partner, for teasing me with your freaking cuteness." He smiled wide again before narrowing his eyes.

"What?" I straightened up a bit. "I-I am not scared of you." I made a meh face.

"Hmm...we'll see." He nodded to himself while smirking.

Oh my god! What's running in his evil mind?

He abruptly forwarded his arm up resting my head on his bicep and I gripped him tightly in the fear of falling. He struggled to pull down the sheets but managed. Picking them up properly, he threw them in my lap and all over my face too and I gaped.

"What is this?" I asked.

"I can't hold them so..." He smiled sheepishly.

Similarly, he picked up the pillow from the bed and placed it on me. So basically, I'm completely hidden under the sheets pillow and quilt but still in his arms.

"Where are you my cute teaser?" He cooed with a chuckle.

I shook my head vigorously to remove the cloth from over my face slightly pushing the pillow away with one free hand. "I'm here!" I chimed pulling out my face and smiling at him.

He laughed making me drool over him more.

"Water bottle?" I twitched my brow.

"Oh!" He pouted sadly. "Can we leave that? Pleaseee?" He pleaded and I was about to shake my head when I realized something. I smirked.

"Okay." I smiled mischievously.

He was completely loaded with me, sheets and blah blah. There was no way he could move his hands.


"Thank you!" He sighed. "Okay let's go upstairs now." He said while turning towards the door.

"Oh freak!" His jaw fell down as his eyes widened.

I burst out into fits of laughter. "The door is locked! And so your hands! Yay!" I said more like singing while laughing.

"Now you have to drop something to open the door aaand we are gonna get it started all over again." I giggled as he looked down at me.

"You know what?" He said pokerfaced. "Fuck the punishment because now no one can save you from me." He dropped everything down while making me stand on my own feet. Soon, he started tickling my stomach and I widened my eyes.

"No!" I laughed and ran towards the door. He chased after but I quickly opened the door as I ran outside and towards the staircase.

"Zayn you are a cheater." I laughed while running up.

"Cheater my foot! Stop!" He chased and I  quickened my pace while clutching my heart.

"Cheater! Cheater! Cheater!" I giggled while coming out on the roof in fresh air.

"No I'm not! Stop running!"

I looked back and adrenaline rushed through my veins as he was an inch apart. And I was about to quicken my speed when he swiftly pulled me back and I got crashed in his chest.

"Oh my god!" I gasped as I clutched his shirt to steady me while his hands started wrapping on my waist.

"Cheater!" I giggled before he slowly placed his forehead over mine.

He didn't say anything which slowed down my giggles. I looked up at his closed eyes and I felt so many goosebumps on my body.

"Erm..." I slowly stepped back. "Let's go back and bring up the sheets." I smiled before turning around only to be pulled back by Zayn.

My back touched his chest while he circled his arms against my stomach. Bringing his soft lips near my ear he whispered. "Forget about the sheets. Just stay."

I relaxed myself in his chest placing my hands over his. "Are we gonna stand-"

I held my breath in my throat as he pressed his lips on my neck. I closed my eyes as his hair tickled my cheek. The air is on Zayn's side, teasing me.

He ducked his head down more and I tightened my grip on his hands which were already squeezing my belly.

I gulped feeling the unnerving feeling as he placed a sloppy kiss in the crook of my neck. His one cheek touching my shoulder while other touching lower part of my jaw line, chin pressed to the nape of my neck and hair tickling my face. I was going wild with every wet kiss his lips were leaving on my neck.

"This is your sweet revenge isn't it?" I managed to ask through closed eyes while inhaling deeply.

His hands moved over my belly pressing the small of my back to his torso. He squeezed both sides of my stomach in his hands while whispering in my ear. "Ummhuh. Not yet." He placed a tingling kiss under my earlobe and a moan escaped my mouth.

He quickly spun me around catching me off guard. His one hand draping around my waist while fingertips of another moved my hair away from my face painfully slowly.

I leaned my face in his hand closing my eyes holding my breath. He cupped my cheek bringing his face closer. His thumb started rubbing my cheek while his fingers pulled me closer to him by my neck. My heartbeat raced and my breathing hitched.

My hands, without my knowledge squeezed his shirt on his chest as he pressed his lower body to mine.

I'm panting because his hot breath on my lips is driving me completely insane.

I opened my eyes slowly to peek at him when his thumb touched the corner of my mouth.

I mentally clutched my heart to stop it from jumping as I watched his slightly tilted head, lips parted, an inch away from mine and the intense eyes looking at me desirously.

His forehead touched mine, his thumb gliding over my lower lip left me panting and I closed my eyes immediately.

I know I'm going to faint. My chest is heaving heavily.

His hand moved up my back pressing my chest to his and I quickly circled my arms along his shoulder blades.


Okay! Don't call my name because it's unnerving. I'm nervous. Hell I think I need to pee.

His lips brushed my own and my body automatically jerked towards him, my lips towards his.

Just put the damn lips on my own already!

He exhaled, his breath entering my mouth and sorry to say my heart is already out.

"Zayn..." I moaned in frustration.

"I could fůcking kiss you all day all night but not now!" He whispered in frustration quickly moving his lips to my cheek pressing them there deeply.

My lips quivered craving the touch as I slipped my fingers in his hair pushing his lips more into my cheek.

His thumb still rubbing my lower lip and he placed an open mouth kiss just under my lips on my chin.

Oh my god! I can't handle this!

I quickly hugged him burying my face in his neck.

My chest heaving heavily matching his chest's rhythm, my knees going weak, I'm falling down but his arms are holding me in place.

"I hate you! Why do you do this to me? I hate you!" I mumbled in his neck. His arms tightening around my waist while his lips leaving my shoulder wet.

"You are fůcking so velvety I can't help it." He groaned while pulling out and planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

"It's quite late. We should sleep." He whispered while caressing my cheek and looking at me lovingly.

Oh, I'm still in the trance of fůcking feels. Kiss me!

He hoists me up before I could say anything and walked downstairs.

I was still looking at his lips and then in his eyes. Fůcking kiss me!

We came back in the room and I could see the mess I'd created by breaking things. He carefully took me to bed and gently placed me down lying himself besides me. Pulling me into a hug he caressed my hair and I pressed my cheek to his chest.

"Wanna know one more secret?" Zayn asked.

I nodded in his chest while closing my eyes.

"After the incident when Rick tried to abuse you and till the incident when Rick created misunderstandings between us...." He paused. I clutched his chain reminiscing that beautiful time.

That phase was the most amazing phase of my life.

"What about that?" I smiled.

"There wasn't a single night when I didn't come into your room to kiss you goodnight on your damn soft cheek." He whispered and I immediately pulled out my face to look at him. My mouth was open ajar in surprise.

"I never knew?" I said blinking.

"You never knew." He confirmed.

"You would come when I would be sleeping?" I asked and he nodded.

"Wicked!" I pouted.

He chuckled. "But you would always smile in your sleep when I would kiss you. Every. Time." He smiled pulling me back into a hug.

"You are a wicked person. I hate you." I pouted but the secret he just told is making me fall for him more.

I love him so damn much!

"Sleep, Partner." He kissed my forehead and I automatically smiled.

"Good night." He whispered while rubbing circles on my upper arm.

"Good night, superhero." I adjusted myself in his embrace before slowly drifting to sleep.

I'm gonna get a good sleep tonight.


Who is smiling? :)

I love you guys anyways :')

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