Kiss me and I'm yours - A Sev...

By SeverusSnapeFan2002

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Severus Snape: Most students hate him. He is not liked by lots of people. People refer to him as a bully. Peo... More

Chapter 1: Interesting encounter
Chapter 2: False name?
Chapter 3: Quidditch Match
Chapter 4: Accident
Chapter 5: The Marauders Map
Chapter 6: Kiss me and I'm yours
Chapter 7: Dangerous encounter?
Chapter 8: The Yule Ball
Chapter 9: Mission Number Two
Chapter 10: Nightmares
Chapter 11: Serious discussion
Chapter 12: Severus's birthday
Chapter 13: Lucius Malfoy's visit and Valentines Day
Chapter 14: The second task but the last mission
Chapter 15: Is love stronger than death?
Chapter 16: The truth always comes to light
Chapter 17: Professor Moody
Chapter 18: The dark Lord's return
Chapter 19: Gone all summer
Chapter 20: Who is Kimberly Knight?
Chapter 21: A new school year begins
Chapter 22: Umbridge or Umbitch
Chapter 23: Trouble in paradise
Chapter 24: Thanksgiving
Chapter 25: Catching Up
Chapter 26: Dumbledore's Army and Arthur's attack
Chapter 27: Christmas at Grimmauld Place
Chapter 28: Done
Chapter 29: Little Chat with Minerva
Chapter 30: Caught by Umbridge
Chapter 31: The Ministry of Magic
Chapter 32: Taking his place
Chapter 33: Minerva McGonagall
Chapter 34: Memory Loss
Chapter 35: Expexto Patronum
Chapter 36: You did what?
Chapter 37: The Unbreakable Vow
Chapter 38: New school year
Chapter 39: Slughorn's party
Chapter 40: Helping Draco
Chapter 41: Dumbledore reveals the truth
Chapter 42: Finally, a team
Chapter 43: The astronomy tower: Part one
Chapter 44: The astronomy tower: Part two
Chapter 45: The ministry has fallen
Chapter 46: Potter's return
Chapter 47: The Battle

Chapter 48: Voldemort's downfall

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By SeverusSnapeFan2002

"You have performed extraordinary magic with this wand, my Lord, in the last few hours alone", Severus said gently.

"No", Voldemort replied. "I am extraordinary, but the wand resists me".

"There is no wand more powerful. Ollivander himself has said it. Tonight", he continued to change the topic, "when the boy comes, it will not fail you. I am sure of it. It answers to you, and you only", Severus replied casually.

It was hard to control my breathing. I didn't know what was going on. Why isn't the Elderwand working for him? Why is it resisting him it doesn't make any sense to me. I so desperately wanted to open the door just a bit and peek an eye through so I could see something, but I restrained myself from doing so.

"Does it?", Voldemort said. "My lord?", Severus asked in a confused tone. Someone was moving, but I didn't know who it was. "The wand, does it truly answer to me? You're a clever man Severus. Surely you must know. Where does its true loyalty lie?", he asked him so openly. I heard Severus reply with: "With you of course, my lord".

Voldemort continued. "The Elderwand cannot serve me properly because I am not its true master. The Elderwand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner".

No. I was puzzling everything together. Voldemort believed that Severus is the owner of the Elderwand. I started sweating even more and got more anxious. I couldn't move a muscle.

"You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live, the Elderwand cannot truly be mine. You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus, but only I can live forever".

"My lord", Severus tried to reason but it was already too late. I heard a nasty noise and that's when I regained the control of my body again. I moved towards the door, tears already threatening to fall down my cheeks. Potter held his hand up to stop me and just when I wanted to kick down the damn door, did I hear a body fall against the glass.

"Nagini, kill", was all he said. I didn't even realize that the snake was there as well. The snake attacked him, my hand flew to my mouth, hiding the muffled cries that were trying to leave my mouth. When I heard the already known apparating noise, I bursted inside. I heard his ragged breathing. "Severus", I cried and hurried towards him. My knees hit the floor and I tried to prevent the blood from leaving his body. The trio came in behind me and was looking at the scene. One of their favorite professor and member of the Order of the Phoenix, was trying to help the man who murdered Dumbledore in cold blood, but I couldn't have cared less.

Slowly, Harry made his way towards us. "Please, Severus. You can't leave me", I whisper cried and I couldn't control my tears any longer and let them fall freely. He wasn't looking at me, but at Harry. A few tears were very slowly leaving his eyes. "Take them... take them, please", he tried to say it, but the pain and blood loss wasn't making it easy for him. Harry turned around towards Hermione and hurried her to find a vial in her purse. Seconds after she found one and handed over. Harry stepped closer to us again and very gently collected the Severus's tears. "Take them to the pensieve", he murmured, and I knew he would lose his conscience any moment now. He was holding the vial safely in his hands, making sure not to drop it.

Severus onyx eyes were looking at me now. His hand managed his way up to my face and he wiped a few tears away with his thumb. "I love you. Always have, always will", and then, he took his last breath and I bursted out in tears. "No, no, no", I screamed, not caring for anyone to hear me. My body burned with pain. I couldn't comprehend anything anymore. I only heard my own echoing scream in my own head.

Suddenly I heard discordant sounds and I knew Voldemort was in all their heads, but I wasn't able to listen to a word he was saying. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his body. I lost him. I hated myself and I felt such anger, anger I never realized I could feel this much all at once.

"What are we doing now", I heard Hermione whisper. I wiped my tears away, trying to find my voice again. "Harry needs to see the memory", I said with such a stern voice, Severus would have smirked if he would still be here. "What does it contain", he asked. "Go to Dumbledore's office and watch it. Harry this is the answer you have been looking for. I only know a small part but whatever is in that memory, you will understand everything once you've seen it, and only you", I said to him. Harry knelt down beside me and patted my shoulder. "You love him, don't you", he said, and I flinched and closed my eyes rapidly. I slowly nodded my head. "Dumbledore promised me to keep him safe", I whispered. "He lied to me". I took a deep breath. "You need to go, Harry", and the trio left the Shrieking Shack.

I was alone. Severus was gone and I didn't know what to do anymore. My arms rested on my sides when I noticed something in my pocket. I reached inside it and found a vial. I remembered that Dumbledore gave it to me, but I didn't know how anything was supposed to save him from this. Besides, he took his last breath already, but the teeny tiny hope inside me had to try anyway. I carefully opened the vial, and I slowly forced the little potion down his throat. For 10 minutes, I had watched him, and nothing happened. My heart couldn't take it anymore. I needed fresh air to clear my mind somehow, even though I believed it to be impossible. Before I left though, I slowly leaned in and kissed his still warm forehead. "Thank you. Thank you for being everything I ever needed". I knew he would never hear my voice again, but I needed to say it.

I left. My heart burned and I hated myself, but I just needed to leave. It isn't going to do me any good. I hurried back to the castle, worried to death when no one was outside. I carefully opened the door the Great Hall and what I found inside, made me almost puke. Dead students were covered with blankets. Some were sitting down; others were crying, and some teachers were trying to comfort them. I walked further down and found the Weasley family crying for someone. No. I thought. No, not one of them too. I fastened my pace and when I reached them, I couldn't believe my eyes. Remus, pale but still peaceful looking... and Tonks was laying beside him. I gasped and tears spilled once again. Fred and George hugged me, and I buried my face on one of their chests.

When I regained control, I was making my way to Dumbledore's office, hoping that Harry was still there. The Weasley's tried to stop me, but I couldn't let them. When I opened the door, I saw him sitting on the stairs. When I entered, he looked up at me. Harry got up and hugged me. "I... I never knew. I understand now. I am so terribly sorry. I never wanted anyone to die for me", and he started sobbing quietly. I gently stroked his back and tears once again, threatened to leave my eyes, but I had to control myself. When we broke the hug, I spoke to him. "Severus always made sure that you were safe. He didn't have the best way of showing it to you, but he cared. He cared so much about you Harry. Whatever you're about to do now, I know you can do it. We will finish him. There is no way that he will get to live while so many others sacrificed their lives for us", I promised him.

We left the office together, but parted ways soon. I went back to the Great Hall and Harry went to find Hermione and Ron. When I reached the Great Hall, my instinct to help let me forget for a short amount of time what had happened. I was able to mend a few broken noses and heal a few wounds here and there. Even though I thought I was distracted, I caught my mind wandering back to...him.

"Everything alright dear?", McGonagall asked me. For me, there was no need to pretend anymore. Harry already knew the truth, which is what counted. "No", I whispered and shook my head. Her arms reached me, and I gladly accepted a hug from her. "He's... he's gone", I told her. "Who's gone?", she asked. I took a deep breath. "Severus is gone", I answered. McGonagall was about to answer when we noticed more and more students going outside.

Pretty much everyone was assembled outside when they arrived. "We won, we won, we won. Hahaha", Bellatrix screamed happily. "Who is Hagrid carrying?", I hear Ginny ask. Before anyone could answer hear, Voldemort walked a few more steps and was clearly visible now. "Harry Potter... is dead", he yelled calmy. "No, noooo", Ginny screamed, and Arthur had to gather every strength he could muster to held her back. Her scream only reminded me of my own that happened hours ago. "Silence. Stupid girl", he accused her. "Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith... in me", he smiled wickedly. Hermione and Ron were breathing hard, not really believing their best friend to be dead.

"HARRY POTTER IS DEAD", he yelled this time louder, and all the death eaters laughed hysterically and Voldemort himself laughed as well before he continued. "And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us... or die".

No one moved. No one uttered a single sound until I heard someone say "Draco", across the yard. It was his father. "Draco", he ushered him again, but the boy wouldn't move. Only when his mother addressed him, did his legs start to move. He didn't want to go. He looked broken. His lips were trembling with fear. He took a step, and another. He took 4 more steps and I couldn't take it anymore. For who knows what reason I stopped him. I was behind Fred and George when my hand caught his wrist. He abruptly looked up at me, shocked I reached out to him. "You don't have to go", I said to him quietly. "You can still choose your own path, Draco", and he looked at me with such admiration. No one has ever done that for him probably and I felt honored that I finally reached him. It eased my pain a little bit, because for so long have Severus and I tried to help him.

He stood his ground and didn't move an inch. It surprised me that Neville suddenly limped forwards. No, it couldn't be. Not him.

"Well, I must say I'd hoped for better", and the entire group behind Voldemort laughed hysterically. "And who might you be, young man?", he asked.

"Neville Longbottom".

Laughter erupted once again. "Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks", Voldemort reassured him, but Neville stopped him before he could continue.

"I'd like to say something", he said. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. He wasn't going over to their side, yet I didn't know what his motive was, so I decided to sneak my way more forward. Surprisingly, Voldemort let him speak.

"It doesn't matter that Harrys gone", he started when Seamus interrupted him, but he continued. "People die every day. Friends, family, yeah... we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us... in here. So are Remus and Tonks. All of them. But they didn't die in vain. But you will. Because you're wrong. Harry's heart did beat for us. For all of us", he started to yell, when Bellatrix suddenly screamed. "Traitor" and pointed her finger at me. "She's a traitor. What's she doing on their side", Bellatrix became more hysterical by the second. All eyes were on me, and I decided to step forward. Even Voldemort himself looked surprised. He must have thought that I would have joined him already. "Kimberly... come", he said in a threatening tone, but it couldn't scare me. I was visible for everyone to see now, and I was only waiting for a moment like this. I would give it my all. I closed my eyes and opened them again.

"POTTER, NOW", I screamed, and I rose my hands in the air, searching for all of my strength to bring them down. I heard antagonizing screams. One of them I recognized came from Bellatrix and it only gave me more strength to continue. I focused all my energy to not hurt anybody but them. When gasps erupted behind me, I knew Potter had shown that he was still alive, but I kept my eyes closed afraid it would break my concentration. "Confringo", I heard him yell and the crowd behind me erupted into cheers. Fighting broke loose once again and at some point, darkness overtook me.

I was terrified for a few seconds when I opened my eyes again, not realizing from the beginning where I was. It took me a few seconds, until my vision wasn't so blurry anymore and saw Fred and George standing on my side, watching over me, while I had passed out. "What happened?", I immediately asked. "Did we win? Is he gone?", I asked.

"He is", and I swung my head around from where the answer was coming from. It was Harry. I tried to get up, but it wasn't all too easy. "You are not to move, young lady", Pomfrey ordered very loudly. "I don't know how you're alive, you shouldn't be, but you need rest, A LOT OF IT", she assured me but I wouldn't have it. I leaned on Fred for support. "You did it", I whispered, and he nodded. "I... I wouldn't have been able to do it without... you know... him", Harry told me, and I could muster a weak smile. "What are you talking about Potter", Minerva suddenly asked. I hadn't even seen her standing there. He whipped his head around. "Professor Snape saved my life. He saved all of us", Harry said confidently. "What on earth are you saying Potter", Minerva sounded stern and a bit angry. "He was on our side the entire time, Professor. He only pretended not to be. I was wrong about him for all these years. Without him, I would not be standing here, and neither would anyone else in the Great Hall". Her eyes widened. "It's true, Minerva", I said.

This news spread like wildfire around Hogwarts. Soon everyone knew what Severus Snape had done for Hogwarts. Surprisingly, everyone was grateful. They had been grateful for what Severus had done for them and soon, cheering erupted inside for surviving the second Wizarding War.

Kimberly saw Harry leaving the Great Hall and decided to follow him. He was just about to reach the bridge when he stopped just before it. I slowly walked up to him and stood next to him. We just stood there in silence before I spoke up. "It was a very brave thing to do Harry", I told him. He had a small smile on his face. "I saw how brave Professor Snape all these years was. He risked his life for me practically every day and I never knew. He always worked in the dark, keeping me from it. I always thought that he hated me. I was never more wrong about someone", he professed to me. "At first, he did it because of my mother. He had shown me that much, but he had also shown me a memory contained of you. I don't think he did it intentionally, but I could... I don't know how to say this but I could feel all the love he held for you".

I looked towards the ground and smiled. A single tear fell and dropped on the ground. "Thank you for saying that, Harry. It means a lot to me".

We soon, walked back to the Great Hall. We were just to reach the open doors, when some students suddenly gasped and screamed: "LOOK".

Harry and I turned around instantly, internally preparing to fight off anyone who dared to come to start a fight again. Wands at the ready, we were ready to curse whoever it was. At first, we couldn't really recognize a person. Soon, I guessed it was a man, but he was limping and walking slowly. His clothes were dark, his hair was dark. "Is it... is... is this possible", Harry stammered. I thought I was dreaming. I slowly started to walk towards that person. I slowly started to make out some feature's... his feature's. I couldn't believe my eyes. I stopped dead in my tracks when he noticed a person walking towards him. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven more steps and we were only a few feet away from each other now. He looked at me, eyes filled with love and desire. "How is this possible", I cried and rushed towards him. The second I reached him, I buried my face in his chest, my hands around his back, pulling him so close to me, it was getting hard to breath, but I didn't care. I started to sob uncontrollably. "How... how are you alive", I sobbed. His hands sneaked their way around my waist and his head rested on my shoulder. He started to cry as well. "I have no idea, my love. All I know is that I will never leave you again", he promised me. I broke the hug a little bit, but only to make enough space to let my lips crash on his. When we were out of breath, we broke the kiss. I looked into his onyx eyes and stroked his cheek gently. "You did it", I started to whisper. "He's gone. He's gone for good".

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