Will Love Last//Fred Weasley...

By mrsfredweasley22

54.8K 613 156

Mallorie Valentine and Fred Weasley had been best friends their whole lives. Their parents gone to school tog... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Authors Note
New Story

Chapter 41

555 5 1
By mrsfredweasley22

Hey guys!
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, I've been pretty busy. I'm going to try and get this whole story uploaded this week but I have a lot to do so no promises. Thank you all so much for reading!💛

I woke up the next morning with the sun shining in through the windows. I reached out beside me expecting Fred to be beside me but I didn't feel him. I opened my eyes to see he wasn't in bed. I soon heard something coming from the kitchen.

I got out of bed slipping on a pair of underwear from my drawer and and grabbing one of Fred's t-shirts to put on. I walked about to the kitchen seeing Fred mixing something in a bowl and a bunch of stuff scattered on the counter.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Fred looked over at me and I saw that he hand flour on his facing making me laugh.

"I was trying to make you breakfast," Fred said with a smile.

"And how's that going for you?" I asked walking over to sit by the counter.

"Umm not well," he replied looking around at everything on the counter.

"Let me help you," I said.

I walked over and grabbed the bowl from Fred and started stirring it. Fred walked over to the stove and finished cooking the eggs he had put on. I continued to help Fred cook and we finally finished. We had made eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes. A lot of food for only two people but that it what Fred wanted to make.

We sat down at the table among all of the food and started eating. After I ate more food that I could take I sat back in the chair.

"I am stuffed," I said.

"Me too," Fred said putting his fork down.

"I think we made too much," I said looking out at all of the food we had left over.

"Well usually George is here to eat too," Fred said.

"Very true," I said.

Fred and I had spent most of the day in the flat just enjoying each other company. We would have gone out to the shops in Diagon Alley but most of them had closed down. They had either been raided by death eaters or the shop owners were scared so they closed up.


Today was opening day at the shop. I could tell both Fred and George were nervous but I knew the shop was going to be a hit.

"Are you two ready?" I asked walking out of the bedroom.

"Ready," the boy said.

They were each wearing brown colored pinstripe suits. George was wearing a purple tie while Fred was wearing an orange tie. I however was not as dressed up. I had on a pair of jeans and a Weasley Wizard Wheezes t-shirt that was orange with purple writing.

We walked down to the store and Fred went to unlock the door and flip the open sign. Once he did the store came to life. The twins had charmed the store to when the sign was flipped to open things came to life. Different game started going off and fireworks zipped through the sky.

I stood behind the counter looking at all of the madness with a smile. I was so proud of the both of them for perusing their dreams.

The store quickly filled with people. We almost couldn't keep up with the amount of people in the store. There was finally a break at the cash register so that I could go walk around the store.

"Step up. Step up," the twins said together.

"We've got Fainting Fancies," Fred said.

"Nosebleed Nougats," George added.

"And just in time for school."

"Punking Pastilles."

Fred and George walked around the room checking up on customers. Theywalked up to a boy who had just put a Puking Pastille in his mouth.

"Into the cauldron, handsome" the said putting one in front of the boys face.

I caught sight of Hermione and Ginny near the love potions and walked toward them.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey, Mal," Ginny said.

"How's the married life?" Hermione asked.

"Honestly, the same as before," I laughed, "Not much has changed except for my last name."

"Hello, ladies," George and Fred said walking over to us.

"Love potions eh?" George asked.

"They really do work," Fred added.

"They again, the way we hear it sis you're doing just fine on your own," George said.

"Meaning?" Ginny asked.

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" George asked.

"It's none of your business," Ginny said walking away.

"Leave the girl alone, boys," I said.

The twin walked away leaving Hermione and I. I turned back to Hermione and noticed her attention was on someone behind me. I turned around to see Cormac McLaggen staring at her.

"What's that all about?" I asked turning back to Hermione.

"No idea. I looked over and he was staring at me," she said.

"Maybe he fancies you," I said.

"I highly doubt that," she said.

"I don't know Mione, kind of looked like it."

Before Hermione could respond the bell at the counter went off meaning someone was ready to check out.

"That's my cue," I said, "I'll see you at Holidays."

I walked over to the counter and started checking people out.

"Bye Mal," Ron said as he walked by the counter.

"Bye," I said waving at the group as they exited the store.

The day went on and we had sold a lot of things. It was now closing time and George flipped the sign. I started counting up the money so that we would know how much we had made for the day.

"Well boys, will all of that I'd say the day was a smashing success!" I exclaimed.

"I thought there for awhile we were going to run out of supplies," George said.

"Me too," Fred added.

"I think we need to hire someone, maybe not full time but just to help out," I said.

"I agree, it was almost overwhelming at times today," George said.

"We'll start interviews next week," Fred said.


The store had been open for a weeks now and we were still pretty busy. Things had slowed down due to Hogwarts being back in session but people were still sending in owls to have things sent to them while they were at school.

Fred and George had been conducting interviews but had not found the right person quite yet. They were supposed to be conducting more interviews today. It was around lunch time when the bell rang making me look up. The store was slow right now, like it typically was around this time.

"Hello, welcome to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes how can I help you," I said looking up to see a small blonde haired girl.

"Hi, I'm here for an interview," she said.

"Oh yes, they're just finishing up with one in the back. They should be done any minute. You're welcome to look around until they are ready," I said smiling at the girl.

I watched as the girl looked around the store a bit.

"So, what bring you in for an interview?" I asked.

"To be honest I just really need a job. But I also like a good prank here and there," the girl replied.

"My names Mallorie by the way," I said extending my arm to shake the girls hand.

"I'm Verity," she said shaking my hand.

"So, how long have you worked here?" Verity asked.

"I've actually been apart of this since before the store was even a thing. I've known Fred and George my whole life," I said.

"So are you dating one of them?" Verity blurted out.

I looked at her shocked not expect that to come out of her mouth.

"Sorry," she said seeing my expression, "I've over stepped."

"No, no. Sorry, you just caught me off guard. I'm actually married to Fred. We got married in August," I said.

"That's so sweet," Verity said.

Fred and George exited the office with the person that they were interview.

"It was nice to meet you, we'll be in touch," George said shaking the boys hand.

The boy walked out of the shop as Fred and George walking over to the counter.

"Boy's, this is Verity. She's here for an interview," I said introducing the girl.

"Nice to meet you," Fred said sticking his hand out to shake the girls hand.

"Nice to meet you too," the girl said smiling.

I had liked the girl but something about her smile  and the change of the tone of her voice rubbed me the wrong way. It was probably just nothing.

"Right this way," Fred said motioning for Verity to follow him.

"I'll be right there Fred," George said calling after his twin.

They had been doing this all day. I was told to talk to the people that came in for an interview and then they would ask me what I thought.

"So?" George asked as the office door closed.

"She seemed nice," I said.

"That's it?" he said looking at me.

"Yeah, we really didn't get to talk much before you guys came out," I said.

"Well hopefully she's better that they last guy," George said with a groan.

"That bad, huh?" I asked.

"One of the worst yet, at this point I'm beginning to think we won't find anybody," he said pushing himself off the counter and heading to the office.

I sighed going back to cleaning the counter. The twins had been struggling to find anyone to help us out on the shop. With all of the recent attacks from death eaters we didn't have much to pick from. Some people had already gone into hiding.

The twins had been back in the office for awhile now, I hoped that was a good sign. After about an hour the door to the office opened and all three of them walked out.

"It was nice meeting you," Fred said shaking her hand.

"We will definitely be in touch," George said also shaking her hand.

"Thank you both so much," Verity said.

"Have a good day," I said to her as she walked by.

"You too, it was nice meeting you," Verity said before exiting the store.

"So? How did it go?" I said turning to the twins.

"She's the best one we've interviewed so far," Fred said.

"Yeah. I think we are going to hire her," George said.

"Perfect. I'm glad we finally found someone," I said.

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