Rusger Oneshots

Door Emo_warrior365

238K 6K 13.9K

One thing I noticed in this fandom. THERE IS NOT ENOUGH RUSGER. and I'm probably not a good choice to do this... Meer

some stuff first: How to navigate
You just never learn, do you?
When can we meet again?
An easily flustered boyfriend
A Jealous Commie
Meet you at Hell's Moon?
Friends, Lovers or Brothers
When can we meet again? (part 2)
1.1k(and counting) reads special
Bed Head
A Demon and A Werewolf
A Demon and a Werewolf (part 2.)
2.3k(and counting omg) Special
The German Harem
Artworks!!!(6.5k Reads Special)
Let me Go
...hOw ThE HeCk dID tHiS gEt 10k+ ReAdS
When It's that Time of the Month
Incorrect Quotes part 2(10.9k read special)
Lasst uns feiern!!(Let us party!!)
See, this is What happens, when you get drunk in a Bad mood
Voting time :D
Schlaf ein (Go to Sleep)
Tangled up in You
A Blessing despite the Curse
Ice Skating with You
I got tagged :3
Incorrect Quotes part 3 (20k+ special)
Midnight snack
Vote for your Poison
Happy Valentine's day, meine liebe
tagged again (plus IncQ)
The Boathouse
Sing me to sleep
Harem Shenanigans 1.
Be Gay Do Drugs
32k Reads Special
Hallway Meeting
Harem Shenanigans 2.
Q and A (40k reads special)
First Watch
Soft Movie Night
One Sick Commie
One Sick Commie (part 2.)
The 50th Oneshot
Public Affection is not allowed in Hogwarts
Falling in-(love with you)-to the Ocean
Harem Shenanigans 3.
The German Harem (part 2.)
Lazy Sunday (Morning)
Lazy Sunday (Afternoon)
Lazy Sunday (Night)
Safe and Sound
My R
My R (part 2.)
Nightmares and Reality
Kidnapping a Demon leads to Getting Murdered
Our Scars Make Us Stronger
Happy 'birthday', Deutschland!
Oktoberfest is cancelled and Ger is sad
RusGer's Love Song
'Tis the month of Autumn
Countryhumans but in Among Us
How to Keep a Demon in your House
Halloween Special
Bedtime snuggling for the soft feels
Kidnapping Both A Demon And A Werewolf Leads To-
Cute Pregnancy Fluff Moments
Angsty Whump for the Soul
Snow day
New Year's Eve!
National Cuddle Up Day
Demon's Guilt
Adorable Little Nerdy Nerd
Paper Airplane (Valentine's Day Special)
Wholesome Nesting and Cuddles
Office Problem
Bleeding Out
Kiss It All Better
Patching Up Our Broken Pieces
No Thoughts Just Airborne
Who had the Worst day?
Cuddling Undercover
Crystalized Meth
Say you won't Let Go
Say you won't Let Go (part 2.)
A needlessly long car drive and ice cream
The 100th Oneshot
Family Gathering
Bouquets of Flowers (Valentine's Day Special)
A Little Thunderstorm
Abandoned Hospital
Childhood: Soviet Union Edition
Pack Nesting
Birthday Wishes
Worst Nightmares: Germany
Worst Nightmares: Russia
Minishots in a Oneshot
Cute Animals
Knowledge: Assignment
Knowledge: Self Defense
Christmas Eve
Tell me a Love Story
Berlin 1993
Handmade Gifts (Valentine's Day Special)
You were all my Family
Big Brother
Impromptu Dances
The 120th Oneshot
One Bed
Minishots in a Oneshot (part 2.)
5 Days to Christmas!
Hand Holding (Valentine's Day Special)


1.1K 26 46
Door Emo_warrior365

Thank you for 156k reads first of all :D

You guys are the best, most amazing people on this planet ❤️

And sorry for taking so long, this oneshot spiraled out of control and the characters got out of their enclosures-

This was literally just to be something fun and some more character personality solidification but it ended up to be 10k words long I'm terribly sorry please read this in breaks.

And I speedran the ending because I was so tired of this oneshot being not done, so the quality of this decreases rapidly. I don't know, its 12 am :'DD

More children time what more shenanigans will they get up to before The Big Angst hits-

I hope you enjoy reading!!



"When is RSFSR going to get here?" Hans asked for the umpteenth time impatiently, bouncing on his feet and looking out the window. "Soon, Hans." His father repeated with a sigh, also for the umpteenth time, legs crossed as he sat in his armchair, donning his black uniform and the red armband on his left arm.

"That's what you said 5 minutes ago..." He grumbled under his breath to himself, playing with his own armband which he was allowed to wear for this occasion. His white collar was tight around his neck, the straps of his suspenders digging into his shoulders. 

'It's not that bad, Hans' His father had consoled when he complained about it, and he had to agree it wasn't exactly a very pressing issue. It was simply because he was bored, and those were the only sensations he could focus on right now. He scuffed the soles of his black polished shoes against the rough carpet, pacing the room like how his father did sometimes.

"Hey." Nazi beaconed to him with his fingers, making him perk up and walk over to where he sat with excitement. "You remember what I told you about right? Follow our rules, and behave well, okay?"

"Mhm! We won't disturb you or Soviet." Hans nodded, smiling at his father, clasping his hands behind his back. "Clever boy." Nazi said approvingly, standing up from his chair and patting his son's cheek, making him giggle, looking back up adoringly at him.

"Herr Keller tells me you've been performing well in your tests." His father continued with a slight smirk, crimson red irises glimmering. Once a week, Herr Keller would come and give him a test, assessing his academic skills in math, science, history, geography, language command.

Hans smiled smugly, knowing full well that his father was bringing this up because of his full marks in science, particularly the physics. He knew he was about to be rewarded, like every other time he performed well. 

"Go on. What would you like this time." Nazi sighed before laughing softly, adjusting the belt over his shoulder. Hans giggled again, this time in glee, thinking rapidly about the multitudes of toys or candy he could ask for with this opportunity.

"There's this new toy train set in the toy store. Kurt has one already. It's called Hornby's, and I want one in red. It's an electric train set too!" He chattered excitedly, clapping his hands together and beaming at his father.

"Alright then." Nazi grinned, patting his shoulder and going over to check the window himself. Hans followed along, holding on to the wooden frame and flat on his feet. "See? I don't think they'll be here soon." He whispered, smiling cheekily when his father narrowed his eyes playfully at his statement.

"I'm sure they should be here any minute now." Nazi said, drawing his shoulders back with confidence. "I don't see any cars." Hans answered in a sing-song voice, rocking back and forward on the balls of his feet.

"Is that so." His father grinned, one corner of his mouth quirked up in a cunning smirk that made Hans laugh again, eyes childishly bright, glinting under the midday sunlight streaming in through the window.

"Look again." Nazi gestured with his chin, smiling as his son squinted his eyes to see further, gasping as the tiny moving dot in the distance turned into a black car, rumbling down their driveway and the gates opening wide for it to pass through.

"It's them!!" He shouted gleefully, rushing away from the window before suddenly turning back around to grab Nazi's hand, dragging him along with all the strength of a five-year-old, already chattering excitedly in anticipation of seeing his friend again.

They stumbled down the stairs, Hans tugging on his hand relentlessly until Nazi finally had enough, growling playfully and scooping him up into his arms, making him squeal, bursting out laughing as they hopped down the last few steps, his father gently putting him back down on the ground.

"Remember, be nice to them. Head high, shoulders straight, behave well, okay?" His father rambled slightly, squatting down to his level and smoothing out any creases in his white shirt, straighten the straps of his suspenders, and brushing his fingers through his pale hair till it looked presentable.

"Yes, Papa." Hans answered dutifully, hands already clasped behind his back. Nazi nodded, quickly going through his own uniform, making sure everything looked pristine, and then standing straight as a board before pausing a bit.

"English, ja." He looked at him quickly, reminding him what language he should be speaking when their foreign guests were here. Hans nodded again, making his father reach out and tuck back a lock of hair that had slipped loose, going back to standing at attention, staring at the front door to their house.

Hans took his place next to him, also waiting in anticipation, glancing over a couple of times before imitating his father's position, drawing himself up as high as he could and holding his breath, excitement held at bay.

The doorbell rang loudly, making Nazi take a deep breath in, putting on a smile and stepping forward to reach for the doorknob. 

"Ah, Soviet! Good day, how was the trip?"

"Relatively smooth, surprisingly." Soviet answered in a voice that just sounded tired, still managing to smile back. "Say hello."

"Good afternoon, sir." Three voices recited in English in perfect unison, and Nazi quickly looked down in surprise, grinning widely. "You don't have to address me like that. Call me Nazi, please."

"Папа says you're a soldier." Ukraine piped up first, staring up into blood red eyes and equally red flag colours. "Yes I am. A commanding officer, if you prefer." He answered with a slight bow, looking quite pleased with himself as he answered the young boy.

Belarus glanced behind him into the house, blinking in surprise at the little face peaking out from behind Nazi, pale eyes wide with shock and awe. She grinned, showing off the large gap in between her teeth where she'd ran too hard into a concrete pole and knocked two teeth out at once, waving to him.

"Come inside! I have drinks prepared." Nazi gestured for all of them to enter the house, crimson eyes looking at his son proudly with silent instructions. That little boy that Belarus saw quickly put on a bright smile, hands clasped behind his back and standing tall.

"Hello, Hans. We meet again." Soviet greeted, reaching out a hand to ruffle the boy's hair and making him laugh. "You're grown. How old are you now?"

"I'm five!" He chirped proudly, turning his attention back to her, curiosity flickering in his eyes. Nazi held out his hand towards a tray of glasses set on a small table, filled with a sweet fruit red coloured drink and chilled with ice cubes. 

"Hello! My name is BSSR! But you can call me Belarus!" Belarus walked up confidently to him, reddish-brown irises paired with her beaming smile giving a friendly, happy look. "My name's Hans!" The boy smiled right back, taking her outstretched hand and shaking it.

"That's Ukraine." She pointed at her brother, taking it upon herself to introduce them all as the only responsible one here, seeing that her brother was more occupied with taking one of those red drinks and gulping it down, both hands clasped around the icy glass.

"And then there's-"

"RSFSR!" Hans cheered, eyes alight with joy. The shadow of their father, mister grumpy pants himself, hands clutched tight at the bottom of Soviet's brown coat and ignoring his surroundings completely, stood RSFSR in the flesh.

In contrast, you could say that Hans was quite literally vibrating with excitement, so much that it attracted Ukraine's attention and he came wandering over, crunching ice cubes between his teeth and wiping his upper lip free of any remaining juice with the edge of his sleeve, much to Belarus' disapproval.

"He got air sick. I didn't think the flight was That bad." He commented, also staring at the sorry excuse of an older brother he had right now. RSFSR seemed to have heard, tilted his head over and glaring at him, half his face still buried in the brown fabric of their father's coat.

"I'm Ukraine." He continued without a care, thrusting a hand forward boldly. Hans looked up at him in surprise, before grinning and shaking his hand too. "I'm Hans. Welcome to the Fatherland!"

"What's the Fatherland?" Ukraine cocked his head to one side, purplish-pink irises flaring intensely as he looked down at him. He was about the same height as RSFSR, but so much more intimidating.

"It's... the name of our country! Or the Großgermanisches Reich, my father." Hans said confidently, flaunting his school knowledge, hands clasped behind his back again.

"Huh." Ukraine answered curtly. Hans looked at him in confusion for a brief second, before turning away. He was used to being fawned over, by all the adults, rewards and compliments showering down whenever he did something good. These kids were different, they were all older than him, bigger and stronger and smarter, with their flag colours. He couldn't help a sudden twisting feeling in his chest, the smile falling temporarily from his face.

RSFSR whined in protest when Soviet started to nudge him away, laughing along with something Nazi said. Wide purple eyes stared with betrayal as his father prised his fingers loose from his coat, followed by simply a pat on the shoulder before he was walking away, gesturing for RSFSR to go be with his siblings.

"Хреново выглядишь, брат-(You look like shit, brother-)" Ukraine snickered, laughing at how disheveled he looked, getting himself another glare. Belarus nudged him with a shoulder for using a bad word, but didn't comment otherwise, holding back a smile of her own.

"Чувствую себя хреново.(I feel like shit.)" RSFSR grumbled, trying not to wobble on his feet as he walked over to them. He was interrupted by a soft excited squeak, making him look up and start to smile as Hans waved at him enthusiastically, a toothy grin spread over his face.

"Ich habe dich vermisst!! Du was gone for so long! Es ist ein ganzes Jahr her-" He chattered excitedly in a wild mix of both languages, knowing now to keep a respectful distance.

Ukraine and Belarus both just looked confused, but their brother laughed softly, seemingly relaxed after seeing him.

"Have you met Kazakhstan?" He asked, grabbing onto another silent boy's arm standing beside their father and pulling him along. Hans couldn't believe he didn't notice him at all, and soon found himself staring into a pair of bright mint green eyes framed by red locks of hair that looked down at him sort of shyly as well.

"Hello. My name's Kazakhstan." The boy smiled, holding out his hand to shake too, but in a gentler way compared to Ukraine. Hans took it politely, and couldn't help look down at his outfit.

3 of the 4 children that accompanied Soviet here were identically dressed, a plain white shirt and a bold red neckerchief over their shoulders that was tied with a knot around their neck. At the edge of each one, Hans could just make out intricate golden embroidery threads, spelling out what he assumed were their names.

Kazakhstan was the only one different, a sort of dark brown cloak wrapped around him loosely and held together by two brass button clasps right over his collarbone. It went all the way down to his knees, the cut at the bottom extended lower towards the back. There were no sleeves, so his arms were hidden underneath the large piece of fabric until he lifted them.

But it was summer time, if it was winter than maybe he could understand the choice of dressing. Wasn't he hot under that? Hans was just about to open his mouth and ask until a short noise from Soviet made all 4 children look up at him, his large hand beaconing Kazakhstan over to stand next to him again.

"Go on. You can show him." Soviet said. Nazi stood opposite him, crimson eyes glimmering brightly as he waved at the boy.

There weren't any normal humans around, all their servants and even Anna was in the kitchen or out of the house. Kazakhstan exhaled softly and reached up to undo the clasps under his neck, pulling the cloak over his head and off his shoulders. A really broad belt wrapped around his chest and waist, the metal buckle clinking as he took it off with deft fingers.

Red feathers shook themselves out as he spread his wings, shyly looking down at the ground. They arched in the air behind his back, muscles twitching slightly after being bound for so long.

"Wow." Nazi breathed out in amazement. It was his first time seeing an actual countryhuman with wings in real life. A near identical look was on Hans' face, sheer fascination and wonder and childish curiosity, mouth falling open as he stared at them from behind, seeing how they came out of Kazakhstan's back through two slits in his white shirt.

"Thank you, Kazakh SSR." Soviet said quietly, patting his shoulder. Red wings tucked themselves neatly against his back, the curve right at the top just extending faintly over his shoulders and the feather tips touching the back of his knees. "Can he- fly? They look huge-" Nazi asked, still in awe.

"No. None of those with wings can actually fly, you know." He answered, gesturing to Kazakhstan that he could leave his wings out the open for now, which earned him a happy smile. He ducked his head down to Nazi in respect before scampering back to his siblings, his cloak and belt tucked under one arm.

"Yayy Kazzie." Ukraine greeted sarcastically, to them his wings were common fanfare anyways. RSFSR jabbed him in the shoulder with a finger disapprovingly, which made purplish-pink irises flare up angrily as he snapped his head around to glare at him, shoving him playfully back in return.

"Don't fight!" Hans blurted out, eyes wide with fear. He couldn't imagine RSFSR in a fight, based on his memory of that boy who climbed up a tree to hide when they first met a year ago, he didn't want him to get hurt. Fighting was strictly not allowed too, they would get in trouble!

"We're not fighting." Ukraine said, looking at him weirdly as both boys turned their heads turned him. His purplish-pink eyes were starkly contrasted to RSFSR's purple, despite being supposingly so similar. He couldn't explain it, but he was quickly siding towards RSFSR more.

"Ignore them, they're always like that." A soft voice said followed by a gentle touch over his shoulder, making Hans turn around to see Kazakhstan again, and his red wings.

That previous excitement surged through him again, and he turned all his attention to them, mouth open with a silent gasp as he stared at them in awe.

"What?" Kazakhstan giggled, wings twitching under the attention.

"You look like an angel!" Hans blurted out at last, bouncing up and down excitedly like a kid on a sugar high, accent fluctuating everywhere in his joy. "Flügel! Du hast Flügel!! That's so cool!! How long have you had them what does it feel like?" 

Kazakhstan burst out laughing, seeing their younger siblings all the way back home in this young boy, Georgia, Armenia, and Turkmenistan. His grin was contagiously bright, a type of sheer excitement and admiration on his face that just felt so much different from how adults always acted when they saw his wings. 

"Can I- Can I-" Hans breathed out after his burst of excitement, colourless irises sparkling, hands outstretched. Ukraine's eyes flinted uneasily, full on knowing Kazakhstan's displeasure of people touching his wings.

He was surprised instead as Kazakhstan only smiled and extended his left wing towards the boy, trusting him to be gentle. Hans gasped as his fingers touched the soft feathers, feeling the downy texture as they rustled, like the long leaves of willow trees in the wind. He giggled gleefully as both hands reached up to touch them now, petting his wing ever so carefully.

Soviet's sharp whistle made all of them look up, eyes alert and staring up at him. Hans blinked innocently and grinned at him still, so much like a child version of his father with his cheeks still pudgy with baby fat, young and inquisitive. Soviet's golden eyes passed over him quickly, scanning through his own kids.

"Don't do anything bad, got it? Stick with Hans." He instructed in a firm voice, looking at each of the four of them eye to eye until they nodded. Nazi was clearing away the cups, tucking them away back into the kitchen.

"Everyone okay?" Soviet asked once he was out of ear shot. "Да, Папа." Ukraine answered first, followed closely by Belarus.

"Good. How are you feeling, цветочек?(1)" He turned to his Eldest, switching to Russian as well. "Better now, Папа." RSFSR muttered softly with his head ducked down, trying to look away from the smiles and playful nudges passed between his siblings. He was definitely getting way to old for that nickname.

Hans snickered, quickly clamping a hand over his smiling mouth to stay quiet, catching the embarrassed red tint beneath RSFSR's flag colours. Reading all the Russian books he could find was paying off, and being able to understand certain words as they were spoken was just boosting his confidence.

Purple irises flinted over and caught his own, and he smiled very sweetly back at him, hands clasped behind his back again as he swung back and forward on his feet. RSFSR groaned internally, Hans wasn't fooling anyone and even he knew about this childish nickname of his now, which was just great.

"Okay then. Look out for one another." Soviet said, touching RSFSR's cheek with the back of his hand to check for fever. "Yes, Папа."

Four voices spoken in perfect sync. The heavy sound of his boots faded of after he stepped away, walking after Nazi to his office. Belarus looked around, glancing at each of them in turn.

"So, what now?" She asked. "Do we have to stay here until Папа is done?" Ukraine groaned in Russian still, shoulders slouching now once Soviet was gone, one finger tugging at his shirt's collar to pull it away from his sweaty neck. "Can we ask for more drinks?"

"Папа said that we will stick with Hans." RSFSR spoke up, using English so that it was understood by all of them. Four uniquely gleaming pairs of eyes turned towards the boy, the youngest one, the only one without flag colours.

"Okay then." Ukraine said, purplish-pink eyes narrowed, unimpressed. Kazakhstan was quite happy with the arrangement though, smiling at him kindly and standing by his side. "What can we do now?"

"Um... we could go to my playroom!! Come on!" He said chirpily, clapping his hands together and walking towards a flight of stairs. RSFSR struggled and beaconed for his siblings to follow, falling into step beside him and smiling softly as his friend started chattering again, animated and cheerful.

"You never got to see my playroom the last time you came! It's good because it's further away from my Papa's office, so we won't disturb him." Hans smiled excitedly, leading them down a carpeted hallway. Pictures and paintings were framed along the walls, a newspaper clipping in German with a picture of a fully uniformed man holding a small, grinning boy in his lap.

RSFSR looked around observantly until a sharp tug on his sleeve drew his attention down, lagging behind as Ukraine pulled him away. "What's a... Playroom?" He whispered into his ear.

"Not sure." RSFSR whispered back, eyes flickering back to look at Hans. "Why do we have to stay with him? Can't we explore on our own?" Ukraine hissed under his breath in Russian, scowling slightly.

 Hans stopped smiling again, going silent as their conversation continued on behind him, whispered Russian words that he could understand. Kazakhstan cocked his head curiously, trying to stoke the boy's interest again as he asked about the paintings on the walls.

"Remember Папа's instructions. We are guests in their house. Don't be rude." RSFSR said lowly, purple irises glinting as he stared at Ukraine.

"Of course not. We have to be on our best behaviour. I can be polite." He snarked with another scowl, imitating their father's tone. He sighed again after seeing RSFSR's glare and quickly smoothed it out into a very sweet, mocking smile that could fool most politicians or rich nobles they met back in Moscow.

RSFSR rolled his eyes, a small smile forming over his own face. "Yeah right." Belarus snickered, overhearing their entire conversation as well and causing Ukraine to fall back into a scowl again.

"We're here!" Hans piped up, pushing open a door with a silver doorknob. He stood on his tiptoes and hopped slightly to flick on the light switch, smiling softly as the four other children stepped into his play room, looking around.

The walls and ceiling were painted a light blue colour, as blue as the sky itself. Large round rugs covered most of the floor, plush under their feet. A big child-sized table sat at the center of the room, topped with a stack of white paper and a large container full of colouring pencils, crayons and even a neat set of graphite pencils meant for professional art.

Perhaps the most eye catching thing was the giant box, as large as a crate, filled to the brim and overflowing with all sorts of toys beyond their imagination. A massive cupboard took up half of a wall, model airplanes, cars, battle ships, and in the centerpiece, tanks, were arranged neatly on display.

It was hard for them not to think that they'd just walked into a toy store. How could someone own so many toys?

"Do you like it?" Hans said quietly, looking up at RSFSR first. The older boy was silent, which he was quite used to now, purple eyes taking everything in.

"Woah." Belarus broke the silence first, startling the both of them. Reddish-brown irises glinted with excitement as she walked further into the huge room, barely believing that this place was for one person alone. "These are all yours?"

"Yeah! And plus a few more in my bedroom." Hans answered cheerfully, stepping after her. She was standing over the toy box, mouth hanging open and brushing her fingers over a toy. Kazakhstan dropped his cloak and belt on one of the chairs, just as in awe as his sister.

"Look, do you like these?" He scooped up a bunch of stuffed animal toys from the box, some of them falling out of his arms. They were the closest thing he could think of that Belarus might like, to be fair he'd never had a girl come play with him before! He hoped they could be friends.

"They're cute." She said indifferently, touching a elephant with a smiling face and squeaking ears when you pressed them. "But I'm more interested in those." Belarus grinned and swiveled around, pointing at his cupboard.

"Wait, really?" Hans asked curiously, letting the toys pour out of his arms and back haphazardly into the box. "Yeah! They're cool!" She ran over, reddish-brown irises glimmering as she picked up a model car gently, made of high quality metal and openable doors. Why would she want to play with stuffed toys when there're these?

"My Papa says that this is a Ford. They have them in Amerika!" He chattered happily, pointing at the one she was holding in her hands. "I know. I've seen one before."

Well at this point Hans was ecstatic. He didn't know girls could be this fun. Little guy took his first sip of respect women juice that day.

Besides that, Ukraine was over there still shell shocked and honestly quite flabbergasted. He grabbed RSFSR by the sleeve again and dragged him down to whisper rapidly into his ear in Russian. "Holy shit?! How can someone own so many toys?! He's one kid! We have 11 of us total and we barely have a quarter of the stuff in here! Is he rich or something?"

"Stop whispering like that in my ear, eww-" RSFSR wriggled away, pawing away the sensation of his warm breath on his ear with a shudder. Ukraine huffed and dug his hand into his brother's hair, messing up his red and blue hair and causing the strands to mix up, cackling softly.

"But- you've been here before. Is there like gold or something?" He whispered again, eyes shifting around. RSFSR snorted and nudged him with a shoulder. "There's no such thing. His father just... spoils him more."

Purple irises flickered up again and quickly found Hans, who had allowed both Belarus and Kazakhstan to look at and touch his collection, looking quite pleased with himself and smiling happily. 

Those pale eyes glanced back at him, then toward Ukraine, who was once again talking in his ear, this time about how he was just slightly- perhaps a little more than usual- impressed by Hans' toys. And Ukraine typically wasn't impressed by a lot of things.

The corners of his mouth quirked up more and RSFSR had to hold back a giggle at his friend's smug grin, listening in on their conversation. Little did Ukraine know that he understood Russian, and RSFSR decided that it'll be funnier if he didn't say anything to his brother either.

"Come play!" Hans beaconed to them, bouncing on his feet excitedly. An entire shelf on the cupboard was dedicated to tanks alone, tiny armoured machines crafted with every detail, in so many versions and country's models. But that was nothing compared to the huge array of airplanes. Taking up two entire shelves, in almost every colour both realistic and childish, the metal shiny and glistening.

"I used to really like airplanes. But now I like tanks! Both of them are cool, but the tank fires shells!" Hans chattered, mimicking the sound of a tank firing, then the huge explosion afterwards, flailing his hands up excitedly. The other four children didn't quite seem to return his enthusiasm.

He quietly put down his hands again, suddenly shy. Right, these were countryhumans. Bigger, older, more mature, smarter. Better than him.

"BT-7. Made in 1934."

RSFSR glanced over to look at Ukraine, seeing his purplish-pink irises fixated on one tank in particular. They darted away to turn at Hans, who was wide-eyed with surprise.

"...that's correct." He said softly, staring right back at Ukraine. The older boy stepped forward, cocking his head to one side as he looked at the model from all directions. "Our tank. Made in the USSR." He stated, glancing back at him. The added shade of pink in his irises made him look more cunning, sly even, like a fox.

"I like tanks too." Ukraine said with a sharp grin. Hans blinked a couple of times, but by then Ukraine was already having a field day going around looking and poking at the rest of his tanks, saying their types and classifications without a hitch. 

He should feel- excited! Right? None of his friends in Berlin could ever name out his tanks like this. And here was someone that could. Hans glanced at the other three, seeing RSFSR with a smile soft on his face, listening attentively to his brother. Belarus contradicted, argued, and laughed along with Ukraine, Kazakhstan kept them from swinging their fists at each other, red wings flurrying everywhere.

They were smiling. If they could smile, he should be smiling too. It was effortless, easy and fun! He liked them all, they were all nice.

"Look, look! This one is special, guess what it is!" Hans bounced on his feet excitedly, scooping up one of the tanks in his hands, presenting it to Ukraine. The older boy narrowed his eyes, staring at it hard.

"Can't guess huh?" He said cheekily, making him snap his fox-like eyes back up at him. 

"Of course I can! It's-" Ukraine snarled, looking back down at the toy and itching not to just take it out of his hands and inspect it from all angles. It was like nothing he'd ever seen before. No model that he'd studied before ever looked like this.

"It's wrong." Ukraine declared, making Hans freeze, eyes wide in surprise. "There is no such tank in the world. And second, tanks aren't black in colour!"

"They're models, Ukkie!" Belarus laughed, grabbing the sides of her long skirt and swishing it around in the air. "And?" Ukraine looked at her bewilderedly, crossing his arms over his chest. "If they're black, they can't camouflage! "

"What tank is that?" RSFSR asked gently, pointing towards the black tank cradled in Hans' hands. He blinked at him and then stared back down at the toy in his hands again, a small smile creeping back up his face.

"This is a Panzer IV! I got it for my birthday last month." He answered, presenting it to the older boy excitedly. It was truly something he'd never seen before, but the details on it were so intricate it was hard not to imagine it existing in real life.

"Hear that?" RSFSR nudged Ukraine by the shoulder, getting his attention back. "It's a Panzer IV."

"I've never heard of that." He said defensively, cocking his head to one side and glancing at the toy again. "It's new! Made here! In the Fatherland." Hans grinned, holding it close to his chest.

"Hm-" Ukraine huffed, one eyebrow arched and arms still crossed over his chest. Belarus snickered, reaching over to ruffle his hair just like he did earlier with RSFSR, messing up the red locks. "You're copying Папа's behaviour again! Copycat!" She teased in Russian, reddish-brown eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Am not!"

"Am too!"

"I swear we're better behaved than this." RSFSR said in English quickly, staring at the chaos his siblings were creating.

"You're one to talk, Russ!" Ukraine said incredulously. "Yeah. You're the absolute worst out of all of us." Kazakhstan agreed, smiling angelically. He played the tantrum game like it was nothing, had their father basically wrapped around a finger, and after causing all that destruction, was simply referred to as 'charming' behaviour. 

"Russ?" Hans tilted his head to one side curiously.

"What? We're talking about him." Belarus pointed out helpfully, her finger aimed straight at her brother.

"But his name is RSFSR?" He said immediately in response, before realizing that that sounded kind of dumb. And dumb was one thing he was certainly not.

"And isn't that such a mouthful to say?" Ukraine asked cockily with a patronizing smile, hands clasped together. "We call him Russ, it's faster, easier, and definitely the smarter move. You can call him whatever you want." 

"Украина-" RSFSR hissed under his breath, picking up on the hurt that flashed over Hans' face briefly, his smile falling away.

"You can call me Russ too. It's part of the first word in my full name." He turned back to the younger boy, reaching out slowly to touch his shoulder. Hans looked at the point of contact in surprise, before glancing up at him again, that reliable smile returning once more. "Okay."

"So, what else is there to do around here?" Ukraine said, looking around at the four corners of the so called playroom. Besides admiring the sheer number of toys he had and play with his models a bit, there really wasn't a lot to do here for him. He didn't like playing in enclosed spaces.

"We could draw." Kazakhstan piped up helpfully, already taking one of the sheets of paper and a pencil. Ukraine eyed them and finally took one as well, but started to fold it into shapes against the table, a small smile forming over his face.

"I draw a lot back home, after all my lessons." Kazakhstan said when Hans hopped over to join him at the table. He brightened up considerably, leaning closer. "What do you learn there?"

"Oh, not much. Russian, maths. I like to draw buildings." He said vaguely, red wings twitching behind his back as he sketched out a rough square.

The square started to flesh out into an actual town's square, coloured in red crayon. Hans looked on in curiosity at the strange bulb-like things Kazakhstan was sketching out on top of the tallest building in his drawing.

"The one in the middle is actually red and white." RSFSR spoke up from behind them. Hans turned to look at him, then back at the drawing, which was filling with more and more colour. What a funny drawing. He'd never seen any building look like that before. "What is that?"

"Home. Moscow." RSFSR said with a fondness in his voice. It took him by surprise, he honestly couldn't believe someone's home looked like this, it looked like it came out of a children's book. "Really? That's what your home looks like?"

"We don't live in here, but we do live nearby." Kazakhstan explained with another smile. A paper airplane darted right in front of them, followed by a loud laugh from Ukraine as it continued to soar in the air before crashing back down.

"I win! My plane's the best!" He crowed proudly, running to pick up his plane across the room and flinging it hard again. Belarus shouted in protest and refolded another plane, throwing it up in the air as well.

"No running!" Hans blurted out, pressing a finger to his lips like he was trained to do. No loud noises when his father was in a meeting. No running around. No shouting, screaming, or misbehaving.

"What else do you want me to do? This is a playroom, right?" Ukraine exclaimed, his footsteps loud over the floor that wasn't padded by the rugs.

"Oooh, what's out there?" Belarus said while looking out the window, her brother following close behind. She reached up and unlocked the latch, letting the glass panes swing open and fresh air to rush in.

"Don't open the window-" Hans started again, one hand raised towards them but getting cut off by Belarus' happy laugh. "You have a whole garden out here? Look at your view! Wow!"

The window shouldn't be open. Anna would not like that. Hans tried to ask them to close it again but now even Kazakhstan and RSFSR was walking there, chatting and staring outside. Leaving him alone. He was used to being alone, he was an only child.

"Can we go outside?" Belarus asked her siblings cheerfully, earning a big smile from RSFSR. Kazakhstan hesitated a bit with his wings pressed tight against his back. "Don't worry, Kazzie! Look- there's even walls! Bet no one will spot you! Come on!"

She grabbed his hand and was prepared to start sprinting towards the door before spotting that little pale-faced boy again, staring at them wide-eyed and holding his hand close to his mouth, shy and nervous.

"... Can we go outside?" RSFSR asked him softly, head tilted to one side.

Hans looked at all of them quickly, then out of the window. It was a warm, summer day, and honestly if they didn't have guests he would've been begging his father or Anna to take him outside to play in the park.

"Do you like playing here, at least?" He asked shyly, biting at his thumb. It was a bad habit, he'd been told countless times in the past month. They were midway through training him out of it, but he couldn't help it, it felt good to do especially when he was nervous. Why was he feeling nervous?

"Um- yeah! Of course we do." RSFSR said, glancing around the play room. With its blue walls and ceilings that could never truly replicate the sky, which was everchanging and mesmerizing in a completely different way than motionless displays of toys.

"I like it, it's really fun here. But- outside we could have so much more!" Belarus replied honestly, still smiling and extending her free hand towards him.

Ukraine hummed and looked over at the cupboard again, giving him a brief nod of approval.

"... I guess we could go. But we have to be quiet, okay?"

"Woo!" Belarus cheered, swinging Kazakhstan's hand in the air and hopping up and down excitedly.

Hans cracked a smile again as he watched their enjoyment, glancing over to see Ukraine still having one last look at the rows of tanks on his shelf, a sort of look he was familiar with.

"Let's go, Ukkie!"

He quickly ran over to his cupboard again, scanning over all his tanks before finally picking up one of them, cradling it between his palms one last time. "Pst! Hey."

Ukraine's purplish-pink irises flashed brightly as he stared at him again, then back at the toy tank being presented to him. "Here. You can have it." Hans said, offering him the BT-7.

"I have many, so... you can have it, if you like it. Let's be friends?" He continued when the older boy stayed silent, looking between him and the toy uncertainly.

Ukraine finally moved, reaching out and taking the toy tank with two fingers before holding it properly against his chest, staring down at its details and the turret painted in camouflage colours. "...спасибо.(Thank you.)" 

"Добро пожаловать. (You're welcome.)" Hans smiled cheekily, clapping his hands together and skipping away while Ukraine snapped his head up to stare at him in shock. "Come on! Let's go outside!"

Five sets of feet padded down the carpeted hallway again, the siblings' whispered chatting making him feel slightly uneasy. They tiptoed down the stairs, and Hans pulled open the front doors as silently as he could, ushering them all outside.

Belarus laughed happily as they finally stepped into a sunbeam, the smell of fresh cut grass and blooming flowers in the air. The gate unlatched with a metallic clink and they poured into the garden, taking a minute to look around.

The oak tree was lush with green leaves and green acorns, branching creaking in the gentle breeze. RSFSR was smiling softly, admiring the view of the now different garden, the golden sunlight shining over his red hair gleaming and everchanging making it look like fire.

"Let's go!" Ukraine yanked him along by the sleeve in a mad sprint towards the huge tree, one hand reaching towards the trunk. By the time he'd managed to get a good grip, RSFSR was already midway up a branch, hand over hand effortlessly. Hans wondered if he actually remembered all those footholds from over a year ago, grinning as well before running after them.

"Hey!" He called, touching the base of the tree trunk as he tilted his head upward, seeing glimpses of them through the leaves, a red neckerchief here and there, a little flash of purple. Ukraine was cackling, shaking the tree and sending little twigs falling to the ground.

"Bela!! Здесь желуди! (There're acorns here!)" He shrieked after a second, making his sister look up from where she was tormenting at a caterpillar eating one of the lettuces growing in the Germans' garden, and ran eagerly towards them.

Hans jolted as the tree rustled loudly from above him, and looked up to see a pair of shiny purple eyes right on top of him. "Boo." RSFSR giggled upside down, the backs of his knees hooked over a branch, letting him swing in midair.

"Showoff!" Belarus shouted from the other side of the tree. Kazakhstan laughed as well, wings flapping behind him and the red vibrantly bright in the sunshine.

"Wow- how do you do that?!" Hans asked excitedly, running around in circles underneath him. His neckerchief was flopped over the wrong way, blue and red hair messily tangled up. It made him look goofy. Hans squealed and giggled along with him, marveling at his accomplishment.

"My Papa never lets me do stuff like that. He says its dangerous." He chirped. "It's fun, though." RSFSR said, swinging himself back and forward, arms outstretched beneath his head. 

"It looks like fun." He agreed with another bright smile.

"Heyy!! Look! Я могу видеть город отсюда до самого конца! (I can see the city all the way from here!)"

"Don't climb up there!" Hans cried in alarm, eyes wide as he watched Belarus shield her eyes from the sun with her hand, standing on top of one of the walls surrounding the garden. The sunlight glimmered around her, catching on her flag colours as it shone directly overhead.

"Come down." He said in a sort of demanding voice, all smiles gone. 

"Why?" Belarus shouted back in answer, a childish grin spread over her face, the hair from her braid loosening from her hair tie. "It's nice up here! If I were you, I'd stay up here all day."

"But-" Hans started, heart pounding in his chest as he shoved his thumb back against his teeth nervously, biting his fingernail. It was forbidden. It was bad. You can't climb the wall because it was the rules. Because it was what Papa said.

"Don't worry, she's fine." RSFSR's voice said softly, having pulled himself back upright and sitting down over the tree branch, brushing his hair back to some form of order. He said it as casually as if he'd seen her do stuff like that a thousand times. Which he had. Hans on the other hand-

"No! You have to come down now." He shouted, crossing his arms tightly.

"What's the problem, Hans? We're just having fun." Ukraine said, climbing from one of the far-reaching branches of the oak tree and clambered up the wall as well.

That was no way to have fun. He bit down harder as now two of them stood on top of the wall, overlooking the view far ahead.

And the way he said his name. RSFSR, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, they were all countryhuman names. They were all- a step better than him. He didn't have any power here.

"Look- you think that's a church?" Belarus asked her brother, finger pointing far ahead. "It looks like those in books."

"We should go check it out!" He grinned excitedly. "I want to see this Ber-lin city."

"No, no!" Hans exclaimed, hands curled up tight by his sides. "You can't climb the wall, and you can't go to the city!"

"Why not?" They said in unison, staring down at him.

You have to behave. Behaving well is good.

We'll get in trouble.

Papa will be angry. He'll be sad. We don't break the rules. Why can't these kids behave? I thought they were supposed to be better why can't they sit and listen like I do I don't have a choice why aren't they doing what they're told to do like me?

"Back home, we get to go wherever we want. Moscow is our turf. Haven't you ever thought of exploring?" Ukraine said, sitting down with his legs dangling over the wall. "What else would you do with your free time, then?"

"Not all of us get that type of chance." Kazakhstan piped up, walking up to stand beside Hans with one red wing arched closer towards him.

"And- watch! It's fun up here! I can even do a cartwheel here!" Belarus shouted happily, palms spread wide in front of her as she prepared to flip forward with giddy excitement.

"No!! Nein!! You can't do that!!" He shrieked, shaking his head furiously. Firstly because they were still on the wall when they shouldn't be. Secondly because he watched another kid attempt to do a 'cartwheel' before, and got hurt and went home sobbing his eyes out.

Hans wasn't used to being not listened to. Yet-to-be countryhuman or not he was still the son of someone important in their government.

"We can't climb the wall, and we do not go to the outside towns. We have to stay in the garden." He said slowly, enunciating each word, narrowed eyes downcast and arms still pressed tight by his sides.

"Pshh-" Ukraine rolled his eyes, the slightest inkling of likeness he had for the younger boy rapidly diminishing. Belarus stood still as well, glancing over at the tree where her other brother was moving quietly, climbing down the tree.

"Делайте что он говорит. (Do what he says.)" RSFSR murmured, prompting both of them to move at last although a little hesitantly. The oak tree rustled one more time as the last one of them dropped back down to the grass, standing in awkward silence.

"... well then. What are we going to do now?" Belarus spoke up first, giving a small smile.

Ukraine smirked, side-eyeing his brothers. "We can play another game!"

Pale eyes glanced up again at the mention of a game, shyly fidgeting with his fingers. He liked games.

"What kind of... game?" Hans piped up hopefully. "One that only the toughest can survive." Ukraine answered smugly, barely sparing him another glance.

He grinned and lunged at RSFSR, tackling him to the grass with a thump. Hans jumped in shock, wide eyes staring at his friend. But RSFSR started laughing instead, grabbing ahold of Ukraine and rolling over the ground, their clothes getting crumpled and messy with dirt and pieces of grass as they swung at each other playfully.

"Ты идешь ко дну- (You're going down-)" Ukraine growled, squealing as RSFSR batted him in the face, suddenly gaining the upper hand and tipping them over. 

"Doubt it." He answered right back in Russian, ruffling Ukraine's red hair rapidly until he was squawking for mercy. "Surprise attack!" Belarus cried from above and jabbed him right in the back, cackling and pulling them both to their feet before tackling RSFSR herself again.

This couldn't be considered playing, he'd never seen anything like it. This was sheer and utter chaos and he wasn't sure that he liked it.

"Cука-!" Ukraine yelped again when Kazakhstan's wing slapped him right across the face. "It was an accident! And Language!" He scolded in return, battling it out with Belarus who was chopping her teeth a few inches away from his arm. 

Hans froze in place as he watched them, standing aside from their battlefied, wincing at how rough they were being, that looked like it hurt, playing wasn't supposed to hurt.

"Come play!" RSFSR laughed, extending one hand towards him, pausing slightly as he noticed the fear in the younger boy's eyes.

"It's okay, come on!" He coaxed, waving him over again. Hans glanced over at the rest of his siblings but scurried over anyways.

"What are the rules?" He asked uncertainly. A game always had to have rules. He wasn't familiar with whatever game this was.

"Rules?! There are no rules when We're playing!" Ukraine cackled, purplish-pink irises gleaming. "Come on, scaredy-cat!"

Hans yelped as the older boy shoved him roughly by the shoulders, falling on his backside on the grass, eyes wide and shell-shocked. He wasn't physically hurt, at least he didn't think so, but his heart was racing in his chest, the thoughts whispering in his head getting louder and louder as he stared petrified at the four older children, vision blurring out as his breathing quickened.

"Uh-oh." RSFSR whispered quietly as he began to sob, still sitting on the grass and holding his hands close to his face, teardrops starting to drip down his chin.

"Hey- hey!! It's okay! He didn't mean it-" Belarus blurted, quickly butting in for damage control and waving her hands in front of his face to get his attention. "Look! Look everything's fine. We'll make him pay, okay? You can punch him in return, come on."

Hans sobbed louder, clumsily wiping away the tear tracks on his cheeks, breathing choked up as he continued to cry. "Hans, it's okay. Don't cry- please?" Kazakhstan said while kneeling down beside him, voice slightly urgent as he reached over to touch his shoulder. He whined and shoved him away, curling himself into a tight ball.

"Look what you did." RSFSR hissed disapprovingly at Ukraine, who gasped offendedly back at him. "I didn't know he was going to cry like that-" He hissed right back in Russian, an expression of angry innocence on his face. "It was just a small push!"

"Please stop crying, we'll do whatever you want okay? You want to get revenge, what about favours, you can order Ukraine around, we'll make him do whatever you say, yeah?" Belarus pleaded as Hans cried even louder than before after hearing Ukraine's voice again, till the point that he was wailing, face red and tears uncontrollably pouring down. He clamped his hands over his ears, blocking out everything.

"I can't get him to stop crying-" She whispered harshly, the sobbing clearly getting on her nerves as well. None of their siblings ever cried like this. There wasn't any point of crying when you had to be in constant motion to keep up with 10 other siblings. "It wasn't my fault!" Ukraine insisted again, glaring at the boy and Kazakhstan still hopelessly trying to get him to stop bawling already.

"PAPA!!" Hans screamed at the top of his lungs, hands clamped tight over his ears and leaving his tears alone on his face, kicking out with his legs while continuing to scream, ignoring everything else around him.

The back door to the house flew open and Nazi Germany barged right out, followed closely by Anna, pale blue eyes filled with concern as she hiked her skirt up before rushing down the short stairs towards him.

"What happened, schnucki-" Nazi said softly under his breath as he skidded onto his knees, sweeping his son's hair out of his tear-stained face. "Are you hurt?" Anna asked right after, placing her hands over his shaking shoulders as she checked him over, prompting the screams to fade away at last, replaced by hiccupy sobs.

Soviet walked out more calmly, more curious than bothered about the childish shrieks, golden eyes taking everything in quickly. First thing he noticed was RSFSR's terrified expression, standing protectively over a cowering Kazakhstan, wings pressed impossibly tight to his back in fear, little fingers trembling as he struggled to unfold his cloak, eyes fixated on the only normal human in their presence.

"Shh... Papa's right here. You're fine." Nazi murmured soothingly, picking his son up and holding him against his chest, running one hand up and down his back as he sniffled and hiccupped a couple more times, hands clutched tightly around his father's black uniform.

"Joseph-" Soviet said softly, getting the other man's attention before nodding subtly to the servant, who was still fussing over Hans and drying his tears with a handkerchief. Kazakhstan had managed to get his cloak on shakily, wings hidden from sight, Belarus helping to shied him too.

Nazi's mouth fell open in a 'o' as he realized what he meant, and lowered his voice as he murmured to Anna, assuring her that he would see to Hans himself. She left reluctantly with one more glance at the little boy, before rushing back towards the house.

Heavy boot crunched over the grass as he finally walked over, scanning over his own kids. No one seemed to be hurt. Just scared. Ukraine was scowling slightly more than usual.

"What happened here." Nazi asked again in a sterner voice, holding his son tightly in his arms. Five year old Hans sniffled again and snuggled closer against his father's chest, his eyes red from crying. Soviet didn't say anything and simply snapped his fingers, his children quickly getting up and standing in a straight line shoulder to shoulder.

Kazakhstan was fidgeting behind his cloak, staring down at his shoes. RSFSR was purposefully avoiding his eyes. Belarus's expression betrayed nothing and her hands were clasped behind her back. Ukraine stood with his arms straight by his sides, a scowl set deep on his face. All their outfits were disheveled and their hair was messy.

"Ukrainian SSR? Do you want to explain?"

"He wasn't playing right!" He exclaimed loudly, hands clenching tight by his sides. "We didn't hurt him!"

"It was an accident." Belarus backed up her brother quietly, polite and obedient, reddish-brown eyes glancing up at their father. Soviet hummed and nodded, turning back to look at Nazi.

He listened to it all in silence, crimson red eyes sharp as he glanced at all the children in turn. Hans' forehead bumped against his chin, and he couldn't shake the feeling of hearing his son wailing like that even in their own garden.

"If you could, I'd like to know what happened in specific detail, please?" He asked gently, smiling as he looked at all of them in turn, and then finally landing on the Eldest, RSFSR, the first one of them to play with Hans.

Those purple eyes were just as piercing as he remembered, staring at him uncertainly. RSFSR glanced away for a second to look at Hans, who was peeking out shyly with one eye, finally calm again. Ukraine was still beside him, head downcast.

He finally stared back at Nazi and clenched his teeth shut tightly, not willing to say a word. None of his other siblings uttered a single word either to answer his question.

"It's simple, really. They were just playing, and a little accident happened. Nothing to get worked up about." Soviet sighed as he rubbed his temple with one hand, making himself give a little friendly smile back as well.

"'Just playing' doesn't make kids burst out crying like that." Nazi said firmly, hoisting his son up higher. "Well, I'm pretty sure it's nothing. You get used to it when you live with 11 of them."

He stared at Soviet for another second, deciding whether or not should he believe him.

"Let's go back inside. The issue's over. We still have work to do." Soviet continued, stepping forwards his kids and adjusting Kazakhstan's cloak, buttoning up the brass clasps. He could've carried on with this, obviously. His kids were just as scared. What was that human servant doing out when he'd specifically requested that no non-countryhumans were to be present during their visit?

One hand pressed against RSFSR's back, guiding him and his siblings back inside the house. Nazi slowly followed as well, still cradling his son unnecessarily. He was five years old, his own kids were well independent by then. Such soft genes.

"Are we in trouble, Папа?" RSFSR whispered softly in Russian, looking away. He glanced down at his son briefly, his siblings following in silent close succession. "No. You did nothing wrong."

RSFSR could sense Ukraine perking up at that, relief flowing through them like calm waters. He didn't want to see Hans hurt either, but he cared for his siblings more. Technically, there was no harm done. They were all fine.

He glanced back behind them to see that young boy still in his father's arms, staring right back him. Ukraine glowered at him, purplish-pink eyes narrowed angrily before he turned away with a huff. 

"I don't like him." He stated in a growl, crossing his arms over his chest. RSFSR stood beside his father, watched slightly as the last of the sunlight hit Hans' face, still splotchy and stained with tears, before the door closed with a resounding slam.


Surprise angst :D

It's character development I need you to understand that those are their childhood personalities especially Hans, it's essential.

I'm not sure how else to fully describe it, but if you have any questions comment them I'd love to read them and I'll do my best to explain!

RSFSR is important too this wouldn't be a Rusger book without him. We watch his career with great interest.

I FORGOT ABOUT HIS NICKNAME: (1) цветочек means little flower 

Don't judge; Fun Fact Soviet had a wife and he used to call her his rose. 

Anyways sorry for the angst here's something fun I wrote please accept it as a token of my gratitude for reading this whole thing to the end. 

Blyat(Блять): The multitool of the Russian language

Or: How RSFSR accidently(?) taught Hans how to curse :D


"...Bah! I found you!" Hans poked his head through the leafy foliage, laughing as RSFSR jumped, scowling in annoyance as he uncurled himself from his hiding spot in the oak tree of the German's garden, brushing more fallen leaves that had been used as camouflage from his hair and clothes.

"You always hide in the tree, it's too easy to find you, Russ!" He grinned, hair falling over his eyes as he made the branch he was standing on swing. RSFSR grumbled something in Russian under his breath, but ending up finding the German boy's smile irresistible, the corner of his mouth quirked up too. 

"Race you to the bottom." He said softly, immediately leaping down from his branch, hearing Hans shout in surprise and scramble after him.

"No fair! Get back to where we started!" Hans shrieked, watching him move along a branch as fast as a squirrel. His eyes narrowed as he changed the game in his mind, aiming his trajectory to reaching RSFSR instead of the ground first, clambering down the tree trunk.

RSFSR could see the grass down below already, just two more timed jumps to another branch within eyeshot there and he'll win. Until suddenly two arms wrapped themselves around his neck, a loud battle cry screamed into the air as Hans' bodyweight slammed into his back hard.

He squealed in fear as they tipped off balanced, his footing on the branch slipping into open air and they were falling towards the ground.


Hans had quickly let go the moment he realized that they were falling, their bodies separating midair and slamming into grass that thankfully cushioned their fall a bit. He still had the wind knocked out of him though, wheezing as he rolled onto his back, staring at the blue sky.

"You okay?" He asked after a few seconds of catching his breath, starting to giggle at the sheer absurdity of their situation. He hadn't fallen out of a tree since he was four. RSFSR was one of the best tree climbers he'd ever met, managing even the thin branches at the tops of trees.

Said Russian boy only groaned in response to show that he was still alive. Hans tilted his head to look, laughing harder as he saw the ungraceful heap on the grass behind him.

"Don't laugh." RSFSR grumbled with his accent laced in his words as he painstakingly untangled himself, flopping onto his back too and staring at the way sunlight filtered through the green leaves of the tree they just fell out of. 

Hans' giggling faded off just barely, and then started up again, a contagious laugh that sounded like an orchestra to a ballet performance, a ballad to- this view. Spring time, warm and filled with happiness.

"What was that word you said? When we fell." His voice snapped RSFSR out of his thoughts, purple eyes blinking up to see Hans' face hovering over his own, curiously staring right back at him.

"Bliee- blyat? Right?" He pondered with a finger to his chin, sitting down on his knees, clothes still messy from their fall.

"Don't say that!" RSFSR barked in an abruptly sharp voice, snapping his head up from the grass and frantically looking towards the direction of the house. "Why not?!"

"Because!" He said loudly as he picked himself up, brushing off bits of grass on his shirt and pants. "Why can't I say it?" Hans continued to insist, scrambling to his feet as well and crossing his arms over his chest sternly.

"Because..." RSFSR gestured with his hands, face scrunched up as he tried to think of an explanation. 

Hans started to grin mischievously, slowly taking a step closer and using a finger to poke his friend in the shoulder, repeating that word.

The look of appall on the Russian boy's face made him burst out laughing again, poking him once more for good measure. "Blyat Blyat Blyat Blyat-" He chanted excitedly, running around in circles to evade his counterattacks as he continued to poke him teasingly, even trying at his ticklish spots, which made him start to see the beginnings of a smile on the boy's face as he continued his actions.

"Stop it!" RSFSR exclaimed, but it just made him laugh louder and run around him again, managing to poke him in the cheek with his finger. "Not if you don't tell me why I can't say it!" Hans cackled, standing on his tip-toes and trying to mess up his hair.

His hands batted him away, and Hans nearly half-expected a hiss like a cat. He laughed victoriously when RSFSR, still the same looking boy despite the two years passing by, ageless, finally cracked a real smile. "Don't say it again."

"What, Blyat?" He said cheekily, jumping out of the way when the Russian boy tried to punch him lightly on the shoulder. "Tell me why I can't say it and maybe I'll stop."

His face scrunched up again as he thought, hands fidgeting slightly in the air. "It is...a...word that is...not- good?" RSFSR said slowly, accent becoming more audible as he struggled to explain in English. He huffed in frustration after a while, kicking a random twig away with his shoe.

"Why is it not good?" Hans asked again out of curiosity, calming down and waiting patiently for him to continue. RSFSR paused, a small smile forming over his face again as he pretended to think.

"Not gonna tell ya-" He taunted softly, purple irises glimmering with mischief. Hans exclaimed in disbelief and he stuck his tongue out at him, grinning as they started to play chase, grass crunching under the soles of their shoes as they ran around the garden, the bushes at one of the walls surrounding the property in full bloom with red roses.

"I'll say it again!" Hans threatened, already taking in a deep breath in at ready. RSFSR quickly stopped laughing, looking at the house again, where his father and Nazi were in. He reacted faster, hand reaching down and snatching up one of Hans' many toys just laying on the grass, a red model airplane with a spinning propeller blade.

"Hey!! That's mine!" The younger boy shrieked, running full speed at him with all attention fixated on the toy. RSFSR grinned again, holding the plane above his head, even thought it didn't really do a lot, Hans could easily just jump right up and grab it. He took off running once more, fingers closed tight around the toy.

"Russ give it back! RSFSR!" Hans shouted, chasing after him with a expression that was supposed to be angry, but he always ended up laughing anyways, hand outstretched toward the silhouette of his friend, red and blue hair wild in the wind.

 A couple of minutes later, both boys were gasping and catching their breath, hands on their knees and faces flushed from running. RSFSR collapsed down into the grass again, limbs sprawled out eagle wide and simply focused on inhaling and exhaling. Hans joined him after a while, soft giggles breathed out between every rise and fall of his chest.

"You give up?" He asked, tilting his head to stare at RSFSR, the toy tossed to the space between them. "I never admitted defeat." The Russian boy uttered contently, stretching out his arms above his head and basking in the warm sunshine.

"Блять..." Hans muttered, using that word again for the fun of it and when he still could. RSFSR giggled, a short sound, and then suddenly he was laughing, purple eyes scrunching up at the corners and mouth open with a wide smile as that strangely melodic laughter filled the garden, a soloist on stage that could captivate entire audiences.

"That was good. That is how you use the word." He grinned in approval while wiping away the tears in the corners of his eyes. "There's ways to use the word?" Hans asked with fascination, sitting up again and looking over at him.

"Mm, kind of. But you don't use it in front of any adults, нормально?"

"Hормально." He nodded quickly in understanding, still smiling along. A word that is not good. A bad word. Not to be used into front of adults, or perhaps, parents. So those kinds of words that is not good. Hans was a very happy six year old.

"Want to go back inside?" RSFSR piped up, leaning forward on his elbows and looking around one last time at their surroundings. Hans hummed and quickly leapt to his feet, brushing off any grass that was stuck to the back of his clothes and flashed him another bright grin, running off towards the back door.


This is the most amount of times Germany will ever get to curse in his life :D

Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you have an amazing day/night!!

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