By the_seven_signs

13.5K 829 196

I was a beast deceased with the ability to destroy whatever he needs... Trauma changes you to who you don't w... More

introduction ❣
First impression💎
Is he alright?🌸
why is taehyung treated that way?🥀
The untold truth...💫
Can i trust you? 💟
Just hold onto me tight
The trouble continues 🖤
You can't have me
Your still hiding!
we can make it right🍁
will thing's fall apart♠️
Everything's changed
I'll try my best
U can't be my cure
Thing's HURT🦋
Danger creeps In☠
I wish i could protect you!
emotions 💟
Is this right?
You belong to me!
Everything I can do for her
Hope is all that we have
May you rest in peace🥀
Why I am, the Way I am!?
The pain is unbearable!
I'll always remember you
Let's stay strong
Life goes onn...
Time flies by-
The proposal
You hurt me
Loving you is Hard!
Past beholds
Hating on you is a curse
Post Graduated🎉
Is it a 'Yes or a No?'
The grand wedding of the town
Married life troubles
Author's notice
Unexpected Honeymoon trip
Finding my Serendipity
Rising conflicts or connections?
Shadows of Envy
♡Tangled in ecstasy♡
Heated confessions
Fractured desires: the dual struggle
Obscured Intentions
Serenade of smiles or melancholy
Entangled emotions
Unknown deliveries and feelings
Unexpected connections.
Vengeance Unleashed
Party bash or new dangers unveiled?
Blurry days and dawning realisations!
Whispers in the shadows
Hoseok's unrequited Echoes

this shouldn't have been this way!

234 19 8
By the_seven_signs


Taehyung Pov-

As I observed the lively conversations and laughter around me, a message from my manager abruptly stole my attention:

"Taehyung, we require your immediate presence at the office. It's an urgent matter."

"I can't come right now, I'm enjoying my time with my friends!"

"Taehyung, you must come. It pertains to the Japan incident."

Those words widened my eyes with concern. However...

"Don't worry, I'll handle it from here!" I swiftly replied.

It no longer felt like me taking charge.

Casting a quick gaze at everyone, my eyes fixated on y/n...

Feeling a sense of urgency, I decided to speak up, unable to wait any longer.

"Y/N, I regret to inform you that an emergency requires my immediate attention. I'll see you at the airport in two days. Goodbye!"

Without further delay, I turned to depart, my mind consumed by the impending tasks ahead.

Y/n pov-

While sitting in Jungkook's car, he unexpectedly posed a question to me.

"Um, y/n, something feels off about Taehyung's behavior around you. Are you truly safe with him?"

His concern was evident in his voice.

"I-I assure you, Jungkook, I'm safe with Taehyung. He's just going through some personal issues, nothing to worry about."

"On a serious note, y/n, you do know the circumstances surrounding Hyun-wu's death, right? Even though it wasn't directly aimed at him, it was somewhat connected."

Those words ignited a surge of anger within me. Of course, I knew everything. I wasn't a child, and neither was Taehyung. Why was Jungkook prying so much?

"Jungkook, I'm well aware of all the details and I understand the complexities. You don't need to worry so much about me."

As I spoke, I sensed Jungkook's gaze fixed upon me, but I refused to meet his eyes. I was already infuriated enough.

After a tiresome ten-minute drive, we finally arrived at my place. However, before I could exit the car, Jungkook seemed intent on continuing the conversation. Fed up, I swung open the door and slammed it shut in his face, storming inside through the gate.

Heading straight to my bedroom, I locked the door behind me. Changing into comfortable attire, I collapsed onto my bed, contemplating the sudden change in Taehyung's behavior and the unsettling conversation with Jungkook. Unbeknownst to me, fatigue took over, and I fell into a deep slumber.

Jungkook's POV-

In a dimly lit room at his house...

"What's gotten into her? Can't she see the truth? That arrogant Taehyung, he acts as if he owns her! NO, HE DOESN'T! She belongs to me. I love her deeply, and I'll do anything to make her mine! No one can stop me, you hear that, you jerk!"

I glance at the figure lying in front of me, barely conscious, almost lifeless. He's my dear friend, someone I've cherished since middle school. But well, not as much as my beloved y/n...

"There was no need for you to ask such a foolish question to my sweetheart, y/n. Huh, Felix? But you did. Did you really think I would let any other man get close to her when she's all mine?" I sneer, delivering a harsh kick to his stomach as he groans in pain.

"Ju-Jungkook, please listen to me. It wasn't meant that way. I didn't mean to ask her anything inappropriate. Please, don't hurt me, I beg you," Felix pleads, his voice filled with agony from the wounds inflicted upon him.

"Hahaha, did you truly believe I would spare your life after witnessing my true self? Ah, Felix, you're mistaken. I'm sorry, but you'll have to meet your demise now. Count to ten, come on. These are your final breaths."

"N-No, Jungkook, please don't do this to me. Spare my life. I promise I'll never speak a word about you to anyone. Please," Felix pleads, tears streaming down his face.

"Ah, I can't kill you just yet. You're joining us on the Japan trip, and if I eliminate you now, it would raise too many suspicions. Alright, as you're my childhood friend and hold value in my heart, I'll grant you another chance at life. But remember, you'll live under my conditions, and if you ever betray me, death will find you at your doorstep. Deal?"

Felix spits out blood, his voice strained as he responds, "Deal."

"Very well then, my boy. You're granted a second chance at life. I'll leave you be for now..."

With that, I exit the room, leaving Felix behind to face his uncertain fate.

Taehyung Pov-

Stepping into my father's grand glass company, I'm greeted by the respectful employees, returning their bows before entering the elevator. As I press the button for the 21st floor, my manager joins me inside at the 10th floor.

"Ah, Taehyung, there you are. I'm glad I caught you here. Before you meet your father, come with me," he says, pressing the 17th floor button. We exit the elevator and enter his office.

Locking the door behind us, he turns to face me with a grave expression.

"Taehyung, your father is aware of your upcoming trip to Japan, but there's a problem. The person who caused your accident in Japan is aware of your return and is after you once again. It's not safe for you to be there alone. He has sent spies to track your movements, but we've apprehended them. Your father will provide you with more details. Let's go now."

Leaving his office, we make our way to the 21st floor, where I find myself standing outside my father's office after five long years.

Knocking on the door, I hear his voice faintly say, "Come in," and a heavy feeling settles within me.

"Oh, Taehyung, there you are, my son! How have you been?"

"Why is this old man suddenly acting so affectionate towards me? Ugh, just ignore him."

"Can you please be quiet?"

"Dad, I don't have time for pleasantries. Tell me the problem so I can leave. I have other matters to attend to."

"Argh, whatever. As you already know about the impending issue in Japan, we have captured the spies and secured them in a hidden facility. I'm unsure about the next steps. You'll have to take the lead, right, V?"

"Ugh, why do you always have to drag me into trouble? Anyway, fine, fine! I'll handle it. Take me to the location tomorrow. I'm too tired today. Oh, and since I'm here, I hope you'll grant me an allowance. Your son can't survive on just ramen or starve himself to death! Such a neglectful father you are!"

"Hey, you shut your mouth! I'll provide an allowance for my son. Don't worry. Taehyung, take this money with you. I know you won't accept too much, so it's just the right amount for a decent grocery shopping. Go and get something to eat, you fool. Don't starve yourself to death, you hear me?"

I simply nod in response to my father's instructions.

"Alright, you can leave now. Don't show your face until you return from the trip."

I bow to him and exit the office alone, leaving his manager behind to discuss matters further. All this information is quite overwhelming, but not for V. He truly is a force to be reckoned with.

Taehyung at home -

"Ah, that's the final shopping bag to carry up the stairs. Finally! Phew, I'm so exhausted. This shopping should last me for at least two months... Now, let's prepare something delicious for tonight, shall we?"

Y/n POV -

I woke up the next day with a pounding headache that worsened as the day went on. Taehyung hasn't sent me any messages; it's really strange considering how he was acting yesterday. And Jungkook, I feel remorseful about how I spoke to him. So, I texted him an apology and asked him to join me for lunch, to which he gladly agreed. Right now, I'm getting ready for our lunch date at a restaurant near the new park by our school.

"Mom, I'm leaving. I'll be back by the evening."

"Y/n, listen to me!"

"Yes, Mom?"

"Your uncle will be coming today in the evening. Come home early; he hasn't seen you in a month and misses you dearly, alright?"

"Oh, Uncle is coming! Yay! Okay, I'll be home early. Bye, Mom." I gave her a quick side hug and left the house.

Jungkook POV -

I've been waiting here for y/n for about five minutes, and there she is, walking towards me. Wow, she looks stunning in that blue floral dress. I couldn't take my eyes off her until she waved her hand in front of my face, bringing me back to reality.

"Jungkook, are you there?"

"Huh, yes, yes." I blinked a few times, and she giggled. Ah, her smile.

"Come on, then. Let's go inside. Do we plan on eating outside in this chilly weather?"

"Oh, no, no. Come, let's go in."

I open the door, and the waiter guides us to two empty seats. The view from here is perfect. I pull out a chair for her, and she sits down. Then, I take my seat opposite her. We place our orders, and as the waiter walks away to give them to the kitchen, she starts speaking.

"Um, Jungkook, I'm really sorry about my behavior yesterday. I was being naive, and I didn't mean to come across like that. I understand that you were just concerned about me."

"Oh, no, it's alright, y/n. I understand that Taehyung is your close friend, and if someone said something like that about my friend, I'd react the same way. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Hush! I'm glad you forgave me. Anyway, are you done with packing for the trip?"

"Haha, yes, I'm almost done. What about you?"

"Oh, I'm still deciding on the clothes I should pack. I can't seem to make up my mind on what to wear there," she says, whining like a child. Haha, she's cute.

"Ma'am, sir, your order is here!"

"Oh, yeah. Thanks."

We both start eating our food, and I can't help but steal a few glances at her. Everything she does is beautiful. She's incredibly beautiful.

Meanwhile Taehyung POV -

"This place is so filthy and muddy. Couldn't my dad find a better location to capture these spies?"

"Shut up, V, and let's go inside!"

As I step into the building, it's filled with dust, cement, and the stench of an under-construction site. It's a banned building. I climb the stairs and reach the 7th floor, where I hear muffled sounds. That must be them.

I approach the source and see them tied up to chairs, their mouths covered with tape, and bruises all over their faces.

"Here are these assholes. Just the two of them? Haha, it's even easier for me to kill them now!" I take a step closer, and one of them tries to mumble something to me. I remove the tape from his mouth.

"Ahhh, ni appa sekiya. You're dead for sure. Just leave this place once, and only your dead body will be found in Japan. Even your father won't be there to help you. HAHAHA." He blabbered

"Oh, is that so?" I deliver a powerful punch to his face, causing him to fall off the chair onto the hard floor. I climb on top of him and relentlessly punch his face until the sounds of his cries cease. I stand up and look at the other guy. He's trembling with fear, begging for his life. Seeing him plead like this brings me satisfaction. I slowly approach him, taking out my pocket knife, and swiftly slit his throat. Blood gushes out, and I drag their lifeless bodies to the top floor of the building. I dig a grave beneath the floor and leave them there for eternity.

As I walk away from the building, blood stains my cream-colored t-shirt. I witness the brutality of V, and I can only watch with my own eyes. What else can I do? I've become the monster that my mom feared I would become. I can't even help myself. I feel sorry for my own existence. I quickly run out of the building and catch a taxi back home.

2 days later at the Airport-

Y/n POV -

"Hey y/n!" Jisyoung shouts.

"Hi, girly!" I reply as she wraps me in a hug, followed by Soojin.

"How have you both been? Ahh, you both look so pretty!"

"Oh, come on, y/n. We've been good, and you look better than us," we giggle together. I notice Felix and Jungkook walking towards us. Wait, why does Felix have bruises on his face? He seems down. Something is definitely wrong. I walk up to him and give him a sudden hug, which startles him, but he hugs me back. I let go of him.

"Hey Felix, are you okay? You look sad. Is everything alright? You seemed fine the other day when I met you."

"Oh, no, y/n. I'm all good. It's just that I had a fight with some of my soccer team members. Nothing else. Don't worry. Let's go inside now."

"Alright, you all go inside. I'll come in with Taehyung."

"Okay, as you say. We're waiting for you inside. Come soon!" they all say and head inside. I wait for 10 minutes and see Taehyung approaching me with a black suitcase and a cozy outfit. He waves at me, and I wave back.

"Hey, y/n. How have you been?"

"I'm good. How about you, master? You left that day without a word, so you tell me."

"Oh, it was nothing serious. I had some important work with my dad. Don't worry. Come on, let's go inside now, shall we?" He grabs my hand, and we enter the airport.

Little did we know, jungkook was watching us this whole time, and he didn't seem too happy about it.

"There he comes again! I'll have to find a way to make her mine. He won't come in our way anymore!" he says, smirking

Author's pov-

*Sigh* the work i had written just ugh i can't even recorrect it to make some sense!!

Stay tuned 💕
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