ELUSIVE (Book 2)

By hidden_1nk

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Sawyer & Opal, how it starts. More



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By hidden_1nk

I don't know what to do. We all just stand in the same spot. I inch forward a little and I feel Sawyers grip on my arm tighten.

"Joseph!" I run to him and hug him.

"Hey." He gruffly says. He looks tired and worn out.

"Joseph." I feel Sawyer behind me. They shake hands and Sawyer pulls him in for a short hug.

"I didn't know you were coming." I smile.

"Yeah, me neither. Surprise." He softly smiles.

"Thank you for the mug. I love it." I smile up at him and he looks down at me confused.

"Mug?" He questions and I look to Sawyer who is eyeing Joseph with a secret message. So Sawyer got me the mug, not Joseph but he said Joseph to make me feel better. I feel the tension so I change the subject.

"How long are you here for?" I question.

"Just a couple of hours before I fly out." He frowns.

"Well I'm glad you're here." I hug him again.

"I need a drink." Joseph pulls away from my hug and heads to the bar section.

"Why is he here?" I turn to Sawyer.

Sawyer is staring down his brother and he finally turns to me.

"I'm not sure." Sawyers eyebrows crease in confusion. "Be back." He says and he follows after his brother. I stand there alone and feel like him being here isn't something good.

"I heard Joseph is here. Evan got to bring him back on an early flight. Where is he?" Avery excitedly pulls at my arm. I point in their general direction and she quickly walks over there. So he's here because Evan.

"Party is going good." Evan sneaks up behind me.

"Yeah I think I'm just going to head to bed." I look up at him with a sad smile. My vision goes back to Sawyer, Avery, and Joseph all talking like they've been friends forever.

"Goodnight. I don't think I will make it until midnight." I laugh but he doesn't and looks down at me. I start walking off but he says something that makes my heart sink.

"I know what you're hiding." He casually says.

I stop in my tracks. I'm pretty sure Sawyer knows as well, right? I hope he doesn't.

"I've noticed a few things, but I want to hear it from your own lips." He says and I look at him confused. He sticks his arm out for me to take and he leads me to his office, where we're both alone. "I've noticed your appetite change and you you keep denying alcohol. Surprised Sawyer hasn't picked up on your little quirks."

I stand in his office unable to move or say anything. Play dumb or just confess. I don't know what to do in this situation. He sits and waits for me to say something. "Sawyer isn't the only one who is observant, who do you think taught him." He says and I keep quiet until I just blurt what I wanted to keep secret out.

"I am pregnant. I have the right to keep this a secret." I say defensively.

Evan just smiles and slowly nods.

"So please, don't say anything." I add when he doesn't say anything.

"Like I say, instinct is a funny thing. You've fallen for Sawyer, haven't you?" He says and I look to the ground. What does this have to do with the baby?

"The baby isn't his." I confess further. "If that's what you're thinking." I'm just digging myself into a deeper hole. Why can't I shut up?

"Opal. I feel sorry for you. We welcome you with open arms and this is how you thank us? By being reckless?" He sits forward. I've never seen Evan this intimidating before, but I'm used to it because of Sawyer.

"Am I being kicked out?" I question a little bit scared. I have nowhere to go.

"No, I'm more sensible than that." He says and I'm inwardly relieved.

"Then can I go?" I slowly walk away but he stops me.

"Am I right? Have you fallen for Sawyer?" He asks. He seems less hostile now, more curious than anything.

"Yes." I quietly say, I tilt my head down in embarrassment.

"Then I pity you." He leans back in his seat and  I'm stuck in place. I feel like I'm in trouble with my father and he's about to ground me.

"Do you think he'd get rid of me when he finds out it isn't his?" I ask for Evans honest opinion, scared of what the future might hold. He takes a sip of whatever he's drinking.

"He's too soft." He takes another sip.

"Soft?" I ask, a little confused.

"Soft. Like you." He says and I'm not sure if he's complimenting me or mocking me. "Believe it or not Opal, you saved his life. That's why we're having a proper conversation. We owe you."

I don't know whether to feel grateful or they're just keeping me around because I 'saved' Sawyers life.

"What was he like before all of this?" I slowly walk over to Evans desk and sit down. Evans eyes wander off as he remembers Sawyer.

"He was always laughing. He wanted to work with animals, but he never pursued that dream."

I smile at the thought of Sawyer brining home stray animals.

"Did he win awards?" I curiously ask.

"He burned them all." Evan chuckles, his face turns serious as he frowns at a thought. "So many things have changed."

I sit there quietly as he takes in another sip. "You know after this is all over, he might forgive you. He might even take you in. You can never tell with Sawyer. But I need you to understand one thing. You've ruined two lives. I don't think I can forgive you or accept you or take you in if something happens. And it's me who runs the business of the heart in this family. As far as I'm concerned, you're a mistake. And if you don't tell Joseph about the baby, I'll tell him myself. You can go." He says and I stare him down.

I've never felt more betrayed in my life. I've always felt a bit of resentment toward me coming from Evan but he never acted on it and now I'm here shocked and trying to hold back tears. I start walking away but find my courage and turn to Evan.

"Maybe what really upsets you is the thought that one day you might lose the both of them." He doesn't say anything. "And you need someone to blame when the chance comes and you chose me."

He stares at me and I slowly make my way out of his office.

I breathe and head to the bathroom. My cheeks are burning from how angry I am. How did I get myself into the situation. I should know better. But I'm just a stupid teenager who knows nothing.

I splash my face with cold water and look in the mirror. My lips are pink and swollen. My eyes are rimmed red like I'm about to cry and I'm a little pale like I'm going to be sick. I sit on the toilet until I'm calm enough to attend the party.

I slowly walk around the party trying to find Joseph and avoid Sawyer.

I finally find Joseph talking to a group of girls and a drink is in his. Hopefully he isn't too drunk for the conversation we're about to have.

"Joseph." I tap his shoulder and make myself as small as possible in case Sawyer pops from out of nowhere.

He turns to me and raises an eyebrow. "Opal, what are you doing?" He asks. He looks around and back down to me. I think he's trying to avoid Sawyer to.

"We need to talk." I tell him and he kind of brushes me off and continues to laugh at something someone says.

"Opal," he says and looks at the group of girls he's talking to. "This is not a good time."

I pull at his arm, not sure how to get his attention or make him listen.

"It's really important. Please." And I think the worry in my voice and eyes makes him realize that this is an urgent conversation. It's almost midnight in ten minutes so I better hurry.

"Okay." He finally says. He excuses himself and he leads me to an empty room upstairs making sure Sawyer doesn't notice.

"What is all this about?" He asks "what ever it is Opal, can it wait?" He asks. We're in a dimly lit room and he pushes us to the corner of the wall.

"It can't wait." I hurry and say. "I'm pregnant." I blurt out. Joseph seems slightly shocked as he holds onto me. His mouth hangs slightly open as he tries to process what I'm saying. "And the baby is yours." I whisper. I don't want to keep this a secret anymore. I want the new year to be a clean slate...sort of.

He starts to breathe a little bit harder and he looks up in hopes of catching more air. He stares back at me. His mouth opens and closes and finally he says something.

"Make Sawyer believe that it's his." He urges and I am shocked by his words.

"Is that what you really want me to do?" I ask, worried. I'm not sure if this is drunk Joseph talking.

"Opal," he grabs both sides of my arms. "Listen to me, I seriously have things to do. I'm not going to be able to be here and raise a baby."

"But am I right not to tell Sawyer yet?" I ask.

"You're right." He says and I sigh out. "If you want a chance with Sawyer, listen to me and don't tell him yet."

"A baby, Joseph." I tell him but he doesn't seem to be happy. He seems worried more than anything.

"You need to make Sawyer believe he's the father. Who else knows?" Jospeh quickly asks.

"Avery and Evan." I tell him. He paces back and forth.

"This isn't good." He says.

"Do you want to help name him?" I ask.

"No." He angrily says and I frown. I thought Joseph would be more excited than this, more helpful, hell maybe even more caring but I feel like I'm being brushed off.

"Everyone three minutes!" We hear a random person shout from downstairs.

"Happy New Year, Opal." He says and kisses the top of my forehead, he quickly walks out of the room.

I stand there lost and confused.

I slowly make my way back downstairs and I'm pulled into a different hallway this time by Sawyer. I gasp surprised and ran into Sawyers chest. "Ouch." I move my hair from my face.

He smiles down at me and I can't help but give him a sad smile.

"What's wrong?" He asks, with a frown. I know he knows Joseph was just talking to me. "Was it Joseph? I saw you two." He says and I look around to make sure no one sees us. "Is that why he left in a hurry? What did he say?" Sawyer curiously asks.

"It's nothing important. He's just different." I shrug. "Does he seem different to you?" I ask.

"You're not attracted to him?" Sawyer almost seems scared for my answer and I roll my eyes.

"I'm attracted to you."

"I'm serious." He says.

"So am I." I counter and Sawyer stares at me and blinks once. "Don't you believe me?" I ask. He looks away. "Can't you tell? Can't you feel it?" Either I'm losing my mind or Sawyer just blushed.

I don't notice the people around me counting down from five all I see is Sawyer smiling.

"Happy New Year, love." He leans down for a kiss and I hear everyone cheering and fireworks going off.

Someone walks by and I push Sawyer away from me. "Where's the food? I'm hungry." I randomly say in hopes that whoever walked by just thought I was asking Sawyer a question and not just kissing him.

"You suck at sneaking around." Sawyer mutters into my ear as he softly nibbles it. "You're lucky I know what I'm doing." Now it's my turn to blush and we walk back to where everyone is. Sawyer walks away from me like we just weren't making out ten seconds ago and pretends like nothing happens.

This is going to be harder than I thought. How does he walk around unaffected?

"Happy New Year!" Avery screams into my ear and I laugh. She's definitely drunk.

"Happy new year." I tell her and give her a hug.

I look around for Sawyer but I don't see him anywhere.

I feel alone as every one else is celebrating so I just end the night and go to bed.

I reminisce on previous New Years and how my parents would never let me party with my friend Rain but now I can because of Sawyers watch.

It's been a couple of hours and I sneak into Sawyers room. I hear his soft snores and I pray he doesn't wake up.

I look near his side table drawers and don't see the watch anywhere.

Sawyers clothes are thrown on the floor. His pockets it has to be in his pockets.

I slowly crouch down in front of Sawyers bed where his pants and jacket are.

I check his jacket pockets and find a photo of a girl. It's the same girl from that time I found a photo album. It says Italy and a random date. Now that I'm seeing it she looks younger than Sawyer by a lot. She's just wearing a lot of make up like she's trying to look older.

Who is this young girl?

Sawyers phone starts to ring and I duck down flat on my stomach in front of Sawyers bed. I stay as quiet as possible and I hear Sawyer stir awake. He clears his throat before he answers the phone.

"It's fucking four in the morning." His gruff voice barks and my eyes widen. If he found me like this I don't even want to think what might happen. He sounds pissed.

"This can't wait until later today?" He asks and the other person sounds like they're yelling.

"Deal with it. Better figure out a solution before I meet with you tomorrow." He says and I feel sorry for whoever he's talking to. He hangs up while the person on the other line is still talking.

I don't move an inch for a long time. I can hear Sawyer playing on his phone. He watches a few documentary videos and I'm assuming he's trying to go back to sleep.

His phone still continues to play videos when I hear him starting to breathe heavy. Then the snores come in and I finally am able to breathe.

I look through his pants and find the watch. I quickly type in the year and time and in an instant I'm engulfed in black.

I'm back in my hometown and I know my parents and old me aren't home. They're in a cabin somewhere celebrating New Years.

I sneak into my house and change into proper clothes. How I miss my clothes. It's still a little early so I jump into my bed. My comfy bed, not that the beds in Sawyers aren't comfy they just don't smell like home.

My room is a little messy and I'm annoyed with how old me left everything. I clean up even though I know it will all go back to how it is.

Since it's snowy outside I wear a knit brown turtleneck and white mini skirt with my black boots and nylons. I quickly put makeup on and head over to Rains house.

I see a lot of cars parked and her parents greet me at the door.

"Opal, glad you're able to come. I thought you were going on a family trip?" Rains mom asks and I nervously laugh.

"We were but the roads are closed, so I'm able to hang out here for a while." I lie to them and they smile.

"There's hot chocolate. Come get warm." She says and eyes me suspiciously.

I hope she doesn't call my mom because then everyone will be confused and I would have to jump back to my time.

"Opal? The one and only Opal? Partying here?" Rain teases and she gives me a quick hug.

"My parents let me finally." I tell her.

"Something is different about you." She steps back and looks me up and down. "Cute outfit." She smiles. "Come, I want to show you something." She pulls me by the arm and I follow her into her room.

"Okay, don't be mad but I invited Cole. I didn't know you were coming or else I would not have. Opal, I know you have a crush on him. Just try to be nice." She says, "I don't know why you say you hate him. It's obvious you don't." She gets out a hair straightener and fixes my hair.

I used to have a crush on Cole but I always thought he was in love with Rain.

"Rain, he likes you." I tell her and I feel like I'm in high school all over again.

"Mmm, no." She denies but she's just being nice.

"Make an effort. Stop being anti-boy and maybe he might talk to you." She smiles.

"Right." I nod and we head back to where everyone is. There are a lot of people from high school and they're all dressed up.

"I'll find you later. Go mingle." She says.

Mingle. Right. I walk around the house with hot chocolate in my hand.

I just decide to follow Rain everywhere.

"Opal, at a party?" A guy in my third period class teases.

"Yeup." I laugh, not really knowing what to say.

"Come on lets play twister." Rain wiggles her eyebrows when she sees Cole walking in. "Cole! Come play." She waves him over and I turn to her.

"What are you doing?" I question and she just laughs.

"Come on. This can be fun. Live a little." She pulls me to the carpeted room and everyone who is playing follows after her.

"I don't think I can play with this skirt on." I panic.

"Cole you stand here. This is the order." She tells the four of us. Two boys and two girls.

"Okay this should be fun." I mutter to myself.

"Okay Cole, left hand on blue." Rain says and she turns to me with a smile. "Opal, right hand yellow." She says and we continue like this until I'm some how hovering over Cole.

"Opal?" Cole says and I look down at him.

"What?" I say, a little irritated and uncomfortable.

"I didn't realize it was you." He says with a laugh. I roll my eyes. "You look different. A good different." He smiles. Cole is one of the most popular boys in school. But not football popular more like the shy, mysterious boy type. Everyone always wanted to hang out with him because he's so funny. His hair is how I remember, blonde and wavy. His eyes are a deep brown and soft.

"Thanks?" I say, trying to take the compliment when I forget I'm not in high school and I can actually start flirting.

I lean in close enough to slightly touch his lips and his eyes widen.

"Sorry, I slipped." And I stare into his eyes. He swallows hard and I try holding in my smile. I can't believe I have this affect over him.

"Can we talk after?" Cole asks, he clears his throat and I nod.

"Sure." I smile. The end of the game I'm beneath Cole and someone is over him. He isn't able to keep his balance and he falls on top of me. My eyes widen at how close is he is to me.

"Ah shit." He breathes out as he tries to keep himself hovered over me and not fall again. He pushes everyone off. "I'm done." He laughs and he helps me up.

Rain eyes the both of us, unable to contain her smile.

"Are you flirting?" Rain finds me in the kitchen. "Opal, I didn't know you had it in you." She laughs. I choke on my drink and she taps my back as I choke.

"I'm not flirting. Just having a little fun." I tell her.

"Well I'm proud of you. Look Cole is coming over here." She says.

"Hey, Opal." Cole awkwardly smiles.

"She's all yours." Rain taps his back and my eyes widen. 

"What are your New Years resolutions?" Cole asks as we walk outside into the cold.

"I'm not sure. Eat healthier." I shrug. "What about yours?"

For some reason I find this conversation very boring. It's not like Sawyer. He would be making fun of me by now.

"Work out more." He chuckles to himself. "I'm glad you came. I'm always disappointed when you don't show up to any of Rains parties." He says and I frown.

"Really?" I say a little too excited. "My parents are a little strict." I shrug.

"I've been meaning to ask for your number, but I always thought you hated me." He laughs.

"You were mean to me half my life." I remind him.

"That's how guys are when they like a girl. I guess I did hate you but then you kinda grew up into this." He says and he takes a step back to admire my beauty.

"Right." I say, not believing him. I know for a fact that before I left to the cabin Cole pranked called me with a few of his friends.

He moves closer to me, starting to lean in and kiss me and I realize someone is watching us. It's Sawyer when I get a better look. He walks past us and throws me a small smile.

What is he doing here?

"Hey, aren't you the guy from the book store?" I turn my attention to Sawyer. His eyes seem to widen and he gives me a confused look.

"What?" He asks.

Now I'm confused.

"Do you watch me?" I genuinely ask, walking closer to him. Each step I take the further he gets from me.

"Opal, who is this guy?" Cole angrily asks and Sawyer eyes him and one look Cole shuts up.

"Do you keep an eye on me to make sure I'm safe? How long have you been doing this?" I question.

Sawyer seems to be processing everything.

"How do you remember?" He questions.

I take out the watch from my coat pocket and dangle it in front of him.

"How?" He asks.

"Future you let me." I tell him and he takes a step closer.

"You're lying." He says and my smile falters. Dammit.

"Opal. The countdown." Rain shouts and I give her the wait signal.

When I turn back to talk to Sawyer he's gone.

"Who the hell was that? He seems dangerous." Cole says as he pulls me back inside.

"He's not." I defend Sawyer and look around everywhere for him.

"Opal, come here." Rain pulls me away from Cole and gives him a dirty look.

"I just over heard one of Coles friends saying Cole just wants to get inside your pants." She warns and I laugh.

"I was never going to let him." I tell her, her worried expression relaxes and she grabs my hand.

"This hear we have to save up for Disneyland." She says. "We need to do something fun before you leave for the summer." She smiles.

I nod smiling and remember we never got to go to Disneyland.

"That's our New Years resolution. We save up." I smile and she nods.

"Happy New year." Rain pulls me into a hug and starts blowing the whistle that she gave everyone. She starts hugging everyone.

I catch Sawyer from the living room window and race back outside.

"Do you always follow me?" I ask and he looks down at me.

"Just making sure you don't fuck up the future." He rudely says and I roll my eyes. I don't miss this Sawyer, but I know how to handle him.

"For your information, the real me of this time is up in the cabins with her family." I smile and he laughs.

"I know." He smugly smiles and my smile falters.

"Right." I start to walk away.

I click back to home time and I'm engulfed in darkness.

"Don't ever try to go back in time alone, again." Sawyer snarls and slams me against the wall. I'm caught off guard. For several beats we stay there, his grip crushing my wrist. Finally his mismatched eyes softened. "It's dangerous and I don't want to lose you." He says.

"I just wanted to see my friend." I tell him.

He shakes his head. "I don't care. If you asked me I would have said yes and gone with you." He says and I look down.

"I thought you would say no." I whisper.

He lifts my chin up so I'm looking right at him.

"Did you talk to anyone?" He asks, worry is written all over his face.

"Yes, you." I tell him and he drops his head down.

"Shit, Opal." He says. "I need to be alone." He tells me and gently pushes me out of the room.

Another update! Hope you guys enjoy! ❤️❤️

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