Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]

By AlphaFemale127

63.6K 1.6K 3.8K

Loosing family is hard, soul-breaking. It causes trauma in people, especially when you see the people you lov... More

First Day of UA
Being a 'Hero'
Pervert in a Store
Class Rep
Villains at USJ
2 Days Later
Friend Greetings
Some Company
Pain Isn't Wanted
Days Of Silence
Waking Up
Just Some Talks
The First Night
A Mishap
Just Some Fun
A Helpful Conversation
Birthday Surprise
Don't Worry
Sports Festival
Mira vs...
The Final Round
No Noise
A Bath
Just A Day
Answering A Question
Hero Names
An Invitation
Only 1 Week
The Change*
Top Of A Building
Girl Talk
Morning *
A Massage*
Family Lunch
All Red
It's Not The Blood-loss
The Crash
Deleted Scenes pt 1
Deleted Scenes pt.2
Made to Be pt. 1
Made to Be pt. 2
Book 2
10K READS!!! A Special...?
Special Chapter (Completely Smut)
What I imagine Mira to look like...


790 25 101
By AlphaFemale127

*Happy New Years! Hope Everyone has a Good and Healthy and Happy Year!*

My resolution is to strengthen my body so my shoulder stops popping out, write better, and just be a nicer person. 

Alright, let's start.

I came out of the locker room, wearing a red sports bra underneath an exercise tank-top and black, elastic shorts. I was adjusting my sparring gloves and took in the room once more.

I was unaware of a sparring area the school had. It was about a 20x20 square, each section, mats lining a spot on the floor by the array of blurred windows. A gym, really. Punching bags and weights and exercise machines.

This was where Katsuki brought me. After commanding me to get my workout clothes from the women's locker room, I followed him here and went to change. I was also ordered to grab some sparring gloves, to protect my fingers and knuckles, and meet him in the middle spar mat.

That was where he stood, a form-fitting black tank-top. Biceps and triceps on full display, the shirt doing little to make me imagine what his back and torso looked like, though I already knew. He had black shorts with red outlines, and finished strapping his own gloves on.

He heard my footsteps, and turned to look at me. Katsuki's ruby eyes roamed over my attire and nodded swiftly, rolling his shoulders.

"We're going to spar. Best of fifteen rounds." Short sentences. Commands.

"Why?" I asked, still a bit confused as to why he brought me here. Katsuki speared me with his gaze.

"Because you need to let off some fucking steam!" Katsuki growled, and I froze at the corner of the mat. He turned to face me fully, hands on his hips, a heavy frown on his face. Then his lips twitched up in a smug smirk. It was my turn to glare.

"If I win, you'll not use the fucking bracelet. If you win, you can do whatever the fuck you want with that shit."

He angled his head back, his body practically screaming 'take the challenge!'. I stared into those ruby eyes for a good twenty seconds, trying to deny it in my mind. But I couldn't.

"Better not fucking whine when I beat your ass," I take the bait. I began rolling my shoulders and wrists and neck, shaking out my legs.

He tsked. "Only in your fucking dreams, Vampy." I huffed going to the blue line that marked the start position for each person. He stood on the opposite one. We both settled into our starting positions. Mine with my right leg and arm facing him, his more spread out.

"My dreams about you don't involve fighting, Katsuki," I tease, and he smirked back at me.

"Hold or knock down your opponent to win."

I attacked first.

A fake punch with my right hand, which Katsuki didn't fall for. He stepped in close, reaching out his left hand. A decoy, which I angled my torso away while simultaneously leaning in that direction as his right hand spread past my shoulder. I gripped his right hand with my left and, with the flexibility I had, turned in spot and landed my right foot on his abdomen - nope, his forearm, which he used to block.

Katsuki grunted slightly, and stepped back - way farther than my kick would have sent him, almost making me fall off balance. Except I quickly let go of him, landed solidly, and jumped before his leg could swipe me down. I brought my legs up, and aimed a kick at his chest as I jumped, and his hands were there to deflect. I dropped down, angling to lessen the contact, rolling over swiftly and standing up, narrowly dodging a punch.

I grabbed onto the hand and used it to swing my legs out, wrapping around his torso. He dropped his hand, and me with it, and held onto my thighs. I fell down, and used the motion to pull him down with me. Of course, he was expecting it, and his hands tightened on my thighs, pulling me back up.

I couldn't help the excitement that bubbled up at the strength of Katsuki. Able to completely stop my momentum with a grip on my legs. It warmed my body, made me want to see how far that strength went.

So I used my abdominal muscles to swing myself up - the opposite of what Katsuki expected from me. And I slammed my hands into his chest and knocked him over. Together we went flying backwards, but Katsuki had to have his fucking fast reflexes.

And turned us around mid fall, hands moving to my waist to do so.

I had the training, but he had the reflexes and strength. Plus, he picked up shit fast.

When I hit the mat, I couldn't help but try smiling, staring into Katsuki's eyes. My legs wrapped around his torso, hands smushed against his chest, caging me in with his hands.

And Katsuki smiled softly at me. My heart froze and my eyes widened. I breathed out slowly, forgetting what just happened.

His smile is really beautiful.

His soft smile turned into a smirk. "Round one goes to me."

I barely stop myself from rolling my eyes, pushing for him to move. "Yeah, yeah, get up so I can win next," I said, hiding the words I wanted to say about his smile. He leaned down, a bit closer to my face, and I fought the blush hard.

Katsuki breathed slowly, breath panning my chin, and his eyes darkened. They flicked down to my lips, and I felt a sudden urge to lick them. I didn't.

"Your legs are too tight, Vampy," Katsuki said low. I blushed then, forgetting about them around his torso. I popped them open.

With a short groan, Katsuki was suddenly standing up and reaching a hand down to pull me up. Seeing him tower over me, a mischievous idea hit me.

I took his right hand with my own, and Katsuki pulled me up like I weighed nothing. And I took advantage, using the momentum to place my left foot on his right knee, ramming my right knee into his gut. Damn, it was hard, but my plot worked.

Taken by surprise by my less-than-fair actions, Katsuki fell back, pulling me with him. But I was on top, a knee over his diaphragm, a hand on the floor by his neck. I leaned forward, close, Katsuki sneering and glaring at me, hand tight on the one he still held. My hair brushed down, and almost hit his chest.

"Second round won by me," I cocked my head cutely, and Katsuki growled.

"I was trying to fucking get you standing!" He pushed at me and I pulled away, standing up.

Shrugging, I responded. "Heh, you said we're sparring, right? Then you shouldn't give me a big opening."

Shaking off my words, he settled into a fighting position. I copied his movements.

"Don't be a sore loser, yeah?"

Katsuki attacked the second the words left my lips.


I was having fun. Katsuki may have just won his sixth round, tied with me once more, but it was fun. Dodging punches and finding ways to work around his reflexes, his strength. It made me realize how much I loved daily training with Katsuki - no Quirks, except now and then. The fighting and the teasing, the learning of ways to get around our skill set. Though spar mats are much better than the forest.

And no negative thoughts were on my mind. Only how to win against Katsuki, how to stop letting him overwhelm me and get him back, the fun I was having.

I shook out my legs, sweaty, my tank top sticking to me. Uncomfortable now.

I took the edges in my hand and slid it off of my head, tossing it to the side. It felt as if a breath of fresh air brushed my body, my torso, and I swung my arms.

"Why are you getting fucking shirtless?" Katsuki questioned. I looked to see him glaring me down, annoyed.

"What's the problem?" I ask, innocent. He sneered.

"It's a fucking unfair advantage!" I laughed, flexing my fingers at Katsuki's reasoning.

"Unfair advantage? I'm sorry, but have you looked in a mirror recently?" I toss the question back, standing five feet from him now. Katsuki readies his arms.

"Need to use all your assets to win?" He said, and I scoffed. Though some part of me was happy that just being in a sports bra and tight shorts affected him.

"You're telling me that being half-naked is the way to constantly beat you?" I teased and Katsuki snarled.

"Let's go-" His eyes weren't focused on my arms. No, they were a bit more focused on my upper torso than my arms. Ignoring the flare from where his gaze lingered for a few seconds, I sprinted forward.

In one quick jump I was in front of Katsuki. His reflexes had him throwing his arms up to protect himself, and I threw out my arm - under his arms. As if Katsuki was a pole I was swinging around. I wrapped around his back and push his legs out from behind his knees, wrapping my arms around his neck in a false chokehold.

I landed with a light grunt, Katsuki heavier and squishing me a bit as he landed on top of me. Back on me, head on my breasts between my arms, laying down between my legs.

"That's seven for me," I murmur, hands softening to rest on his neck and collarbone. Katsuki tsked sharply, hands coming up to grip my forearms. He spread his legs, knees pushing mine apart more.

It was hot. Feeling him pressed against me, his back to me, as if I was holding or comforting him-

I licked my lips quickly, feeling my mouth go dry.

"Mira, you're a fucking cat," Katsuki growled. He dragged my arms down, hands sliding until they connected with mine.

"I hope that's a compliment," I responded, trying to focus more on his words, not his touch. Which was harder due to the heady scent that his sweat was producing.

I felt the muscles of his chest under my fingertips as Katsuki slowly, slowly, moved my hands off of him. So fucking slow. My heart was starting to speed up.

"It means you contort around fucking whatever shit you touch!" I chuckled, hands free, pushing myself up. Katsuki slid down a bit, but has yet to move off of me. Instead, he angled his head back, pushing against my breasts to look up at me.

I felt my cheeks blush. His spiky hair was pushed back to reveal his forehead, his eyes. Which were dark.

"Just jealous of my flexibility," I responded, trying to keep my thoughts clean. It wasn't working.

Katsuki tsked, but pushed back into me a bit more. My face reddened even more in turn.

"They're squishy."

I gaped. My body froze and Katsuki finally got up. My mind went blank and I just... froze. Katsuki had the biggest, smug, shit-eating grin on his face as I gaped at him with wide eyes, blankly letting myself be pulled up by his outstretched arm.

I stumbled when I stood, and catching myself, I flush deeper.

"Katsuki, what the fuck?" I ask, shocked. Katsuki emitted a sound between a snort and a tsk.

"Your thighs are more firm then they are soft because of muscle. But your breasts are soft and squishy."

I just felt my body freeze up. Hearing those words come out of Katsuki's mouth, with his deep voice and signature smirk. Realizing he pays attention to my body as much as I do his...

I was both mortified and pleased and shocked out of my mind. And Katsuki said something- I saw his lips move and heard something like '... ready?' and absently nodded yes. Still stuck on the fact that Katsuki pays attention to what my body feels like.

And, when a flash of movement came at my face, only my reflexes moved me back. Just an inch from being punched. And the harsh jerk of my head backwards caused me to lose my footing. But I didn't want to go down alone, especially being tricked into a match after Katsuki messed my mind up.

So I kicked my leg out and hit his knee. Hard.

Katsuki cursed and, after I already thudded on the mat, fell on top of me.

He put his hands out to catch himself, missing my face by centimeters. I had half the mind to open my legs before he broke my knees.

"Seven wins for me." I tsked as he said that.

"You're a dick," I ground out, glaring into his intense and amused ruby eyes.

"I can give you dick if you want," Katsuki said in an amused voice, lowering his body. When his mid-torso and down was flush against mine, letting me feel that he was being honest, I regretted opening my legs.

But looking up at Katsuki now, the lighter expression to his face and brightness to his ruby eyes, made me realize: no one else has seen this version of Katsuki Bakugo. The teasing, body-confident, smiling Katsuki Bakugo. Only me.

My heart bloomed at that.

I flushed and placed my hands against his chest. A solid thud was felt, where his heart should be. As strong and powerful as Katsuki is. I breathed in deeply, but his caramel scent - empowered by his sweat - only made my head spin.

"Katsuki... I don't think I have control when it comes to you," I admit, closing my eyes briefly. "Anything you do or say, it impacts me hard." 

I sigh, titling my head against the floor, just taking deep breaths of Katsuki's scent.

Being here, alone with him, I could tell him how I felt more clearly. 

"I listen to you, I watch your small nuances and learn to read your expressions. What you say, the support you give me and the hard truth most don't give me has helped me so much. Being by my side even more after all my crazy shit, it amazes me at times."

Breathing out slowly, opening my eyes, I am mesmerized by his ruby stare. "I love your smile. The small one you show me, the one you hide right after. The sneer you use to hide your emotions and even the smug-ass smirk you give." 

I spoke and my hands tightened on his tank-top, beginning to grip the fabric tight in my hands. His eyes were softening more on mine, making it easier to speak to him.

"And, if I am being completely honest... I want your body almost as much as I want you." I nail him with a gaze. "Almost as much - so pretty damn fucking much." Then I got a bit upset.

"So when you do the small things, like a hand hold or a gaze, or saying the shit you say, I want you to do it. You are messing with the physical side of me so fucking hard, Katsuki. Don't say shit if you won't follow through-"

Katsuki pressed his lips against me, forcefully, my eyes fluttering close out of shock and desire as heat flared. Heat from his lips shocked through me, a low groan escaping my mouth. My hands fully fisted his tank-top, pulling him closer as our lips moved together. Hard and full of tension - and he smelled and felt and tasted delicious.

He was gone too fast, leaving me trying to pull him back. "Katsuki-" my whimper was cut off.

"I'm going to follow through on my fucking words, Mira." I almost jumped with the deepness of the growl that accompanied his words. I opened my eyes to see such intensity in his, my heart freezing before slamming away.

"Like you said - you are stuck with me whether you fucking like it or not. You, Mira Kazama - everything about you from the way you talk when you first wake up to the stupidest shit you do for no fucking reason; your crazy emotions and your body. It's mine." I whimpered at the way Katsuki grounded out those words. It's mine.

"It's mine. You are mine. I am yours and you are mine. And too fucking bad, cause you aren't escaping me now!"

I gulped, eyes wide as Katsuki breathed harshly with the force of his words.

"I love you, Katsuki."

With that, it was I who initiated the kiss. With tears pricking my eyes and my heart pounding and swelling with a vibrant emotion, I pulled Katsuki down strongly.

And kissed the shit out of him.

Passion and emotion was shared through the kiss. His firm, soft lips dominated mine, moving in a strong motion together with mine. It felt as if fire was lighting from his lips into mine, coursing through my body. Caramel scent, heady and powerful. Caramel - Katsuki tasted like the best caramel flavor to ever exist.

I relished in Katsuki. My heart sped away and my hands held onto him tight. My lips wouldn't slow down, wouldn't dare to be disconnected from Katsuki. My brain was blank, empty, except for want and desire and love for Katsuki Bakugo.

I moaned as he pressed his body down to mine, earning a light growl from him. I whimpered into the force of the kiss, more and more being poured into it from both of us. He propped my mouth open with his, and I eagerly excepted the tongue that slid in - that battled mine and spread fire everywhere it touched.

It was hot and it was messy and it was delicious and absolutely amazing. I didn't want to stop - I wanted more and more and more. Wanted to give him more, and hoped he would take it from me.

I lost the battle, and Katsuki completely dominated my mouth. His body was almost flat against mine, save for my hands between our chests. And I still wanted more, the desire hitting me hard.

I've never wanted to kiss before, never felt the urge, never even tried it. Until I met Katsuki. Now, as Katsuki's lips were on mine, it was if I was experienced. As if I could kiss Katsuki forever and never grow tired. Better than I could have imagined.

I think I waited long enough for this, whether I truly deserved it or not.

Katsuki sucked on my tongue, the action oddly satisfying. And when he removed his tongue, I groaned in a whine, not agreeing. 

Then he began painting kisses along my jaw. He pressed against me there and I moaned his name, my legs tightly closed around his hips. I felt his lips fall into a smirk as he pressed them to my neck, me arching and giving him better access.

Once more, he bit down. My canines didn't slide out despite the light pain, but the second his tongue swirled as he began sucking on that spot, pleasure smoothed over me.

"Katsuki," I groaned, exposing my neck to him. He took advantage, biting down again and again, making me whine and whimper his name softly as he made a trek lower and lower.

I felt a hand graze my waist, shivers gling down my spine. It moved, over my abdomen and up, trailing a hot blaze with his fingers. Up and up, as he bit down under my collarbone. Katsuki's hand reached the edge of my bra, and I could feel my breasts tighten with anticipation. He slowly crept it up, over my left one, and I could feel the urge to have him squeeze it overwhelm me, feel it coming.

Then a bell rang out, loud and disturbing, causing me to flinch at the sudden noise.

The lunch bell. Signaling the end of lunch. Meaning class is going to start soon - and kitchen duty for me.

Katsuki froze, hand resting over my breast, lips just finished his fifth mark under my collarbone.

And cursed. So vividly and soundly. Cursing UA and lunch bells and spar mats and 'Mira wearing fucking tight-ass, small-ass, shit clothing'.

I couldn't help but laugh. Katsuki raised his head, brow quirked.

"What's so fucking funny?" He questioned, angry at all-of-the-above. I loved the glint in his eyes, the glint of amusement at his own words.

I raised my head and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, pulling back before it was too late.

"Are you sure you hate me wearing tight-ass, small-ass clothing?" I teasingly ask him, and Katsuki groaned menacingly. He moved his hand from my breast and I fought the urge to whine in disappointment.

"If you didn't wear this shit I wouldn't have trouble keeping my cool!" He accused. I chuckled, and was cut off by his lips once more. A solid, heated press of Katsuki's lips before he pulled back once more. 

I waited too fucking long.

"I thought I could be fully covered and still give you trouble?" Katsuki tsked and dropped his head to my shoulder, raising up on his knees. He inhaled deeply, responding with a low voice.

"Anything you do or wear, you look fucking great," Katsuki said. "And when I finally get to do the shit I want with you, you won't need to wear anything around me anymore."

It took me a second to realize what he meant, as he pressed a kiss to the underside of my jaw. And I blushed deeply and slapped his shoulder.

"Go to fucking class, idiot!" I command, though my voice didn't come out as dominant as it should have.

Katsuki pulled his face back and smirked.

"Go to the fucking kitchen, dumbass!"

"I can't if you're on top of me!"

"Whose legs are wrapped around me?!"

"There - you can move now!"

"Bitch, I'll move when I want to move!"

"You're gonna be on Aizawa's shit list, asshole."

"I'm not scared of him-"

"Katsuki Bakugo, if you're late to class purposefully while I have fucking kitchen duty, I won't let you come over to my house for the rest of the week."

Katsuki got up pretty fucking quick at my false threat, pulling me up with him.

"Shit - fine." I felt smug in winning. Katsuki saw the smugness in my eyes, and wouldn't let me get away with it.

So he lowered his lips to my ear and said:

"You should moan my name more often."

Once again, I stood there frozen as Katsuki did his smug grin and left.

Too late did I yell 'fuck you!'.

My Air Quirk and bracelet was the last thing on my mind at that moment. And the fact that we didn't finish our last round.

But I was in a good mood. And I was positive I would end the week in a good mood, at this rate.


Things will be getting more fiery from here on out. 😉😏😘Warnings will accompany certain chapters!

Took too fucking long didn't it? Yeah, I guess I should speed things up a bit... in a fitting way without ruining the story😇

Also... more character building coming.

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

Just realized that I messed up. The book name is supposed to be Blood and Air, in my notes. Blood and Fire was the draft name. I never changed it.


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