Voldermort's Grand-Daughter

By KaiBuzz02

409K 9.6K 1K

Lilith Severus Marvolo Snape. Daughter of Severus Snape and Grand-daugther of Tom Riddle/Voldermort. ... More

Introduction - Snape's Daughter
Chapter 1: Growing up with Tom Riddle
Chapter 2: Meeting the Malfoys
Chapter 3: Lilith's 5th Birthday
Chapter 4: Hogwarts Letter
Chapter 5: Diagon Alley
Chapter 7: Eeylops Owl Emporium
Chapter 8: Aftermath
Chapter 9: Day Before Hogwarts
Author's Note
Chapter 10: Hogwarts Express
Chapter 11: On the way to Hogwarts
Chapter 12: Arriving at Hogwarts
Chapter 13: Meeting Harry Potter
Chapter 14: The Sorting Hat
Chapter 15: Professor Snape's Daughter
Chapter 16: First Night at Hogwarts - Lilith
Chapter 17: First Night at Hogwarts - Draco
Chapter 18: Starting with Potions Class
Author's Note
Chapter 19: Potions with Snape
Chapter 20: Making Their First Potion
Chapter 21: End of the First Day
Chapter 22: Flying Lesson Part 1
Chapter 23: Flying Lesson Part 2
Chapter 24: Halloween Feast
Chapter 25: First Quidditch Game
Chapter 26: Going Home for the Holidays
Chapter 27: Christmas at Home
Chapter 28: The Malfoy's New Year's Ball
Chapter 29: Returning to Hogwarts
Chapter 30: Norbert the Dragon
Chapter 31: Detention in The Forbidden Forest
Chapter 32: Family Meeting
Chapter 33: Having a word with Mr. Greengrass
Chapter 34: House Cup Winner
Bonus: A Chat with Dumbledore
Chapter 35: Before Second Year Starts
Chapter 36: Gilderoy Lockhart
Chapter 37: Malfoy and Weasley
Chapter 38: Power Surge
Bonus: So, What Exactly Happened?
Chapter 39: Heading Back to Hogwarts
Chapter 40: Why Are They Not Expelled?
Chapter 41: Herbology and Howler
Chapter 42: Professor Lockhart
Chapter 43: Quidditch and Mudbloods
Chapter 44: Enemies of the Heir Beware
Chapter 45: The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 46: The Heir of Slytherin
Chapter 47: Dueling Club
Bonus: What Just Happened?
Chapter 48: Something's Different
Chapter 49: What happened to my boys?
Chapter 50: Petrified
Bonus: Why Her?
Chapter 51: Voices in the Wall
Chapter 52: Down into The Chamber
Chapter 53: Young Heir
Chapter 54: Relocating Grandfather
Chapter 55: There's No Such Thing as Dark Magic
A/N: Year 2 Complete
A/N: New Story Out

Chapter 6: Ollivanders

10.6K 239 24
By KaiBuzz02

Lucius, Draco and Lilith walk up to the entrance of Ollivander's wand shop. Lucius leads them inside to a man, who the other two presumed to be Ollivander. The man looks up at the three just as they come up to the counter.

"Ah, Mr Malfoy. Lovely to see you. This must be your son".

"Lovely to see you as well Ollivander, and yes this is my son Draco".

"And who is this fine young lady with you?".

"This is my god-daughter, Lilith".

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Lilith".

"Pleasure to meet you too sir".

"Now, Mr Malfoy, I assume you've brought them here for their wands. Why don't you come up first, Draco?". 

Draco walks closer to the counter as Lilith and his father stand off to the side. Ollivander puts a few different wands in front of Draco on the counter.

"Now Draco, what I want you to do is wave your hand over each of these wands and tell me which one you feel the most pull towards". 

Looking down at the wands, Draco closes his eyes and starts to wave his hand over them. He feels a small pull from a couple of them, but eventually lands on one. Picking it up, he carefully hands it over to Ollivander.

"Let's see. 12", Hawthorn wood and a Thunderbird tail feather core. A wonderful wand. Here, give it a go". 

Grabbing the wand, Draco turns to his father, who gives him a nod of encouragement. He does a small flick motion with the wand, which creates a small flash of light that goes straight to the shelf behind Ollivander and knocks some books off of it. When this happened, all four of them flinched and ducked, with their arms over their heads. 

Looking shocked, Draco stutters, "U-uh, I'm s-so sorry, Mr Ollivander".

Standing up, he responds, "That's quite alright, Draco. Happens more than you think. It just means that it's not quite the right wand for you. Let's try a different core. How about this one? It's 10", Hawthorn wood with a unicorn hair core". 

Carefully grabbing it, Draco waves it around slowly. This time, there were just some sparks that came out of it. Smiling, Draco turns towards Lucius and Lilith, who looked amazed.

Ollivander smiles at Draco, "I guess you found your wand, Draco. A pretty good one at that. Well done. Now, Lilith, I believe it's now your turn". 

Draco takes his wand and walks back to his father, as Lilith takes his place in front of the counter. Just like with Draco, Ollivander puts different wands on the counter. He looks at Lilith quizzly and reaches underneath the counter.

"Hm. Interesting".

"Is there a problem, Ollivander?".

"Not at all Mr Malfoy. I just want to test something".

All three looked at each other, confused. As soon as he put the wand on the counter, Lilith immediately felt a very strong pull towards it. As she waves her hand over it, the pull only gets stronger. Immediately, she grabs it and hands it to Ollivander.

"Ah. Just as I suspected".

Confused, Lilith asks, "I'm sorry?".

"Oh, not to worry, my dear, it's a good thing. This wand is 12½", made from ash wood and a phoenix feather core. A very powerful wand indeed".

Lucius questions, "How did you know that would be her wand?". 

"Oh well, when she walked up and I looked into her eyes, I saw she has some immense power within her. I thought this wand might be a showcase of how powerful she is".

Looking slightly stunned, Lilith takes the wand and looks back to Lucius and Draco. The both of them also looked shocked and impressed. "Severus and Tom definitely need to hear about this", Lucius thought. She walks back and stands next to Draco.

"Well then, Mr Malfoy. I assume you will be paying for these?".

"Yes I am".

"Wonderful, that will be 14 galleons for both wands".

Lucius hands Ollivander the money for the wands. He thanks him and escorts Draco and Lilith back towards the entrance of the store. As the door closes behind them, Lucius ponders where this source of magic must have come from. Yes, she's Tom grand-daughter, but not biologically. It should be near impossible for her to match him in magical power. Now he really should talk to Severus about this. Maybe her mother is more powerful than they thought.


Now that school is finished, I have a lot more time on my hands to focus on writing. So this means that updates may be occuring more than once a week, but there is no set schedule for that as this time. 

I would also like to put on the record that I am writing this story on a Google Doc and then putting in on here when I finish writing a chapter. 

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