Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]

By AlphaFemale127

63.7K 1.6K 3.8K

Loosing family is hard, soul-breaking. It causes trauma in people, especially when you see the people you lov... More

First Day of UA
Being a 'Hero'
Pervert in a Store
Class Rep
Villains at USJ
2 Days Later
Friend Greetings
Some Company
Pain Isn't Wanted
Days Of Silence
Waking Up
Just Some Talks
The First Night
A Mishap
Just Some Fun
A Helpful Conversation
Birthday Surprise
Don't Worry
Sports Festival
Mira vs...
The Final Round
No Noise
A Bath
Just A Day
Answering A Question
Hero Names
An Invitation
Only 1 Week
The Change*
Top Of A Building
Girl Talk
Morning *
A Massage*
Family Lunch
It's Not The Blood-loss
The Crash
Deleted Scenes pt 1
Deleted Scenes pt.2
Made to Be pt. 1
Made to Be pt. 2
Book 2
10K READS!!! A Special...?
Special Chapter (Completely Smut)
What I imagine Mira to look like...

All Red

520 11 48
By AlphaFemale127

I apologize for the late update! I've been having extreme shoulder pain to the point it's extraordinarily difficult to type or life anything heavier than my phone. It took me a while to write this but I finished!

I will do my best to keep up with updates! I apologize!


The sun shone bright, steaming the air around me. I looked down over the cliff, halfheartedly listening to the Wild Wild Pussycat and Aizawa explain our 'mission'. Currently, I was considering the amount of shit I'd get from Aizawa, maybe Katsuki, if I took my top and skirt off. 

I need to fight, right? And it's hot as shit. This button-up is not helping me. It's too hot and movement-restricting for what I do. Plus, I'm wearing a good sports-bra and safety shorts. Since I'm still sore, more mobility would be better. Hmm... 

"If you get back in time, we'll serve you a hot dinner right away! If not, then we'll give you some chores to complete before you cook your own food!" One of the dolls exclaimed. I barely inputted the information, my mind busy at work planning as my fingers tied my tie in a makeshift sweatband around my forehead.

If I destroy the entire zone, I'll probably get into some trouble for not letting the others get some practice in. That might also cause some real pain. So if I just destroy a strip to lead us as a group to the camp...

"Agh, I hate working in teams in tight spaces," I groan under my breath, fiddling with the last button on my top. But I can lead, and head straight down. How do I get down this cliff? Ahh, a slide will be fine. Everyone else can follow me -

"Mira what the fu- frick are you doing!?" Kaminari shouted out of nowhere, shocking me. I turn to look at him, confused, bending over as I slid my skirt off. All eyes fell on me.

"What?" I question, looking around at the shocked gazes. About half the men blushed and averted their eyes. Kirishima just laughed and Shoto shrugged. Momo and Ochaco turned red and straightened their postures, while Mina and Jiro smiled smugly. Tsu looked blank.

Katsuki looked pissed but also as if this was expected. Aizawa sighed tiredly. The Pussycat Dolls grinned devishlly.

"Why are you stripping down-"

"She's not stripping dumba- Dunce Face! It's a fucking exercise outfit!" Katsuki barely stopped his curse from spilling out. I made a sound of understanding and balled my school clothes in my hands, heading for the bus.

"I had a feeling we were going to do some workout, so I had wore my training clothes underneath. What's the problem?" I asked, concerned, as I stuffed my balled clothes into my bag and zipped it up.

"Well, most people don't normally strip down in the middle of a crowd. Or while heroes are giving students an explanation of their assignments," Aizawa said, deadpanned. Kirishima stifled some laughter.

I rolled my shoulders and shook my legs. Then turned a straight face to Aizawa.

"I had hoped you realized this sooner, but I am far from normal." I snapped my fingers and my Air Quirk shut on, easier than it was a week ago.

I didn't do nothing for a week and a half. 

"So, defeat the rock monsters and get to the camp. Yep, got that." My voice was less than respectful, but my body was not in the mood for some heavy activity right now and I was pretty damn hungry, so I could care less.

I pointed my hand over the cliff, eyes shifting to the sense of my Quirk. TO feel those lifeless rocks in forms of different creatures, waiting still in the forests. Which trees hid the most and which trees held more wildlife. Which had no obstacles and which had a lake or river to cross.

I chose a path. Twenty meters wide. Going up just before the camp. Least amount of animals, most amount of rocks. I barely made out how my classmates moved away from me, tensing up. 

Closed my eyes. Felt the air wrapped around me, spread out far in a radius, encompassing life and light. Honed into that path I chose. 

And crushed down. 

A heavy destruction sound rose up from below the cliff and I opened my eyes. Dust rose high in the air from where I selected, a gasp sounding out from everyone except three people. I snapped my fingers again, pleased with how my body only trembled, not cave in on itself.

Jiro was right. Training without Katsuki, Aizawa, or the bracelet made it way easier to try to control my Quirk.

"So.... Anyone up for an invisible slide?" I teased, forming a hard-air slide down the cliff, to where the path started. I hopped onto the start of it, right off the cliff's edge.

"Yeah. Let's finish this already," Shoto spoke up immediately, walking to my side. My lips twitched as I sensed his body stiffen up at the height, despite his unfazed face. 

Katsuki growled and stomped to my other side. "You damn showoff," he grunted, a tinge of pride mixed in with his annoyance. I smirked at him.

"You like that, don't you," I whispered up at him. Katsuki's lips turned to a grin, and he looked down at the long expanse before us.

"Make sure you stay still! There are no railings if you decide to slide sideways!" I warn and turn my back to the forest, a precarious stance.

I smiled and waved at the two boys next to me. "Hope you don't piss your pants."

And before Katsuki could curse me out, I fell over, shouts of alarms crying out. 

And slide headfirst down to the forest below.


I dodged just in time as an explosion ran past my head, blasting the last of the rocks into debris. I rolled to a standing position and breathed out, turning to glare at the smirking male covered in sweat. If only his shirt was off-

"You should have shouted a warning or something!" I shout at him, hands on my hips. The sun was still high in the sky, seeing as we made quick work of the monsters. It was easier since I destroyed one-third of them. 

"Yeah, yeah, you dodged didn't you!?"

"Only because of my fucking Quirk! I could have gotten my head blown off-"

"I wasn't going to hit you, dumbass! I can maneuver!"

"Then there was no need to hit right by my head-"

"Guys, stop shouting! We have an audience!" Kirishima broke in, stepping between Katsuki and I. I huffed as Katsuki tsked and looked to see the Wild Wild Pussycat, Aizawa, and a little kid.

"Well... You guys certainly did extremely better than what we expected!" Ragdoll exclaimed, her constantly wide eyes full of joy. My focus, however, honed in on the small kid, probably coming up to mid-thigh on me.

He looked pissed off. 


I zoned off as Mandalay began explaining what the purpose of the morning test was for, what the next three weeks would like. Instead, my eyes remained on the brunette standing near the barracks, red cap low on his face. The heavy frown and angry eyes, the slouched shoulders and hands stuffed into pockets.

He seemed too angry for a... five year old? He couldn't be older than six.  Somethings wrong with him. Too bad that I suck with kids.

I blinked back into the present as my classmates began to talk. Mandalay just explained who Kota was - that his Pro-Hero parents died to save civilians and that she, as his cousin, took him in. Don't take his anger so personally, for he shares that for all heroes - pro or soon-to-be. 


Izuku walked past me to go greet Kota. He extended a hand. 

"Hello Kota! I'm Izuku Midoriya, and I would like to get to know you better- umph!" Izuku cut off in a surprised groan as Kota reached out and just... punched him in the balls. My eyes widened in brief shock. Izuku fell to the floor as Ida freaked out.

"Don't talk to me, weak hero," Kota said darkly. Well... should I intervene?

"That kid's got spunk," Katsuki said lightly, a smile on his lips. 

"Seems a lot like you, Bakugo," Shoto added. I snorted as Katsuki told him off. Sighing, I stepped forward to help Izuku off, inadvertently blocking Kota's departure part.

I made to walk past him, not wanting to talk to the short anger-ball, but Kota had other plans.

"Get out my way, stripper."

I paused. People within range went silent. I looked down at the shorty, to see him glaring up at me from under his cap.

He's just a traumatized child. Five years old. Don't be angry. He probably doesn't even know what he just said. Just ignore him, be the better person-

"Can't you hear me,  Around-the-World girl."

Yeah, I snapped. Apparently, so did Katsuki, if the growls and people holding back signified anything.

In one second, the idiotic bully was standing up, glaring at me, full of nasty words he shouldn't have known. The next, he was laying on his back, eyes wide, me bending down and giving him a lifeless glare that obviously scared him. 

I won't kill him. Maybe put him in his place a little bit.

"Ya know, you shouldn't insult people you know nothing about," I began, voice purposefully cold. A red mark from where I flicked Kota - seriously, flicked him to get him on the ground - blared from where his cap slid back. "Who knows what they are capable of, right?"

I leaned down a bit more, letting what I believed to be a scary-ass grin cross my lips. Making me look like a serial killer.

... Maybe I am-

"If we weren't surrounded by heroes, I'd hang your ass by your foot at the top of the cliff and watch as the blood pooled down to your head, making you unconscious. If you said worse, I might have broke some ribs with a flick of my wrist. I may be a hero-in-training, but I don't give a fuck about acting better than I am."

I pointed a thumb over my shoulder, and lowered my voice. "I'm stronger than everyone here today. I can kill you all with a single thought, and no one could stop me. So think twice before you start insulting this 'stripper' if you want to keep your teeth in your mouth."

I patted his head. Kota looked genuinely afraid of me. I nodded my head and got ready to stand up, but his chattering lips opened up and he stuttered out:

"Y-you can't talk like this to me! Mandalay said just ignore me, since I lost my parents-"

"Haha!" I laughed darkly, and Kota flinched. "You lost your parents, right? Wow, me too." I brushed a hand through my hair, desperately wanting a shower. We're supposed to go to the natural spring, tonight, right?

"Well, at least you didn't watch your mom get crushed to a puddle by flying rocks or your dad become a splat as he jumped from the second tallest skyscraper in Japan, right?" I winked at Kota, who looked speechless. I tapped his cap and he almost jumped five feet in the air. 

I'm evil laughing inside. 

"So don't pull that bullshit on me and keep those nasty insult to yourself. Or who knows what I'd do to you." And with that, I stood up, stretching my spine and letting out a sound of relief. Time to stretch, clean up, eat, and give that to Katsuki.

I waved at Kota, who was doing his best to hid his fear as he gulped and trembled. With a smile on my lips, I turned around. To see Shoto looking at me exasperatedly, since he was close enough to overhear me. I shrugged, and spot Aizawa shaking his head as he walked away. 

But a smile played at his lips.

"What did you say to him?" Mina asked, bouncing over to me. 

Katsuki snorted in a laugh. "He just got his balls verbally crushed." I couldn't help it and grinned broadly.

"Yeah, yeah, let's go relax. I'm all sweaty and feel like I am covered in smoke because of a certain someone," I ground out the last part, eying Katsuki as he cocked a brow at me.

"At least your not covered in my c-"

"Don't even start it," I warn and an evil grin tugged at his lips, my insides rolling pleasantly. If that's even possible. But Mina tugged my hand and shouted:

"It's natural spa time!" She cheered.


I don't know how well this is going to go... It's just a really short pool, made for relaxation, right?

As Mina tugged me away, I stole a look over my shoulder. To see Kota staring at me with uncertainty in his eyes. I guess I really did scare him.

I bet I just made another enemy for life. Not a problem.


I slowly slid into the water, biting my lip hard as the hot water swarmed around my led. It was almost like silk, the texture; smooth and flowy, softly enclosing around me instead of harshly grabbing hold of me. 

This is not so bad.

"Miraaaa!" Mina cheered and suddenly I was lurched into the spring water, the liquid coming up to my waist as I stumbled to stay grounded.

"Mina! Don't do that!" I exclaimed through clenched teeth, breathing in and out to calm down.

"Relax, Mira! That's what we're here for!" She continued to speak cheerfully, waving her arms as she jumped around the hot water. I hummed and waddled over to sit on a bench underneath the water.

"Ahh, this is very nice," Momo spoke, coming to sit next to me. I nodded and hesitantly sat down. The water came up to just over the middle of my chest. It unnerved me, but I stayed seated. "You okay?"

I looked up to see a concerned expression on her beautiful face. I never realized just how gorgeous Momo was, but she is. Her eyes are a beautiful shade and her hair pairs perfectly with her skin. 

I nodded softly. "Yes, thank you." Sighing out, I leaned back against the rock, looking up at the sky. It was dark now, after we had to shower and eat before using this spring at night. And, I suppose it was worth it. Relaxing after a long day, to give us some good sleep...

Sleep. Shit. I need sleep. Fuck. I can do it. I'll sleep cuddled into Kyoka or Mina, it'll be fine. 



Yes it will.

Looking over the water, I freeze up, seeing a body under the surface. Than I spot the green hair and sigh out, remembering Tsu is a frog and loves the water.

The girls filed in and I did my best not to stare at their bodies, but it was hard. Sure, we've changed in the locker-room together, but we weren't completely naked and were instantly covered by our costumes. But now I can see everything. The almost invisible stretch marks from when they sprouted their boobs, moles hidden on their legs, a shave scar on one or two legs around the knee.

And despite the very tiny 'blemishes', I found them beautiful. And said as much.

"You guys have wonderful bodies," I compliment. Ochaco froze up and turned bright red, Kyoka's ears twirling.

"T-thank y-you," Ochaco stammered out, and Tsu used her tongue to keep the blushing girl from floating off into space.

"You know it!" Mina said eagerly. I laughed at how she popped her chest out for a confident pose. "And you have an amazing body too! I'm so jealous of Bakugo being able to hit that thang daily!"

I choked. Momo giggled politely while Ochaco seemed to have a mental meltdown.

"W-we don't do it daily!" I defend, feeling my cheeks turn bright red. Kyoka sidled up next to Mina, along with Tsu.

And they all gave me a smirk and a popped brow of disbelief. "Don't look at me like that," I pleaded.

"I find it hard to believe, considering how you are always sore, everyday," Momo spoke with a matter-of-fact tone. 

"I'm sore because he likes my legs, has a big ego, and has a big di- we're giving Ochaco a heart attack, so lets stop!" I complain with almost a whine to my voice, hands on my cheeks. 

"A-ah, it's f-fine, I'll listen well!" Ochaco stammered out, ready to get into all the details with the other girls. I gaped and the other girls giggled.

Kyoka suddenly grabbed my arm. "Hey, remember the question that Mina and I asked to make you blush? Well... how does it feel, huh?"

My body burned. I probably looked like a siren light. Mina gasped and bounced, taking my other hand and putting her face in mine.

"You totally like it - no, love it! But-but- have you done it to yourself or/"

"No! Not myself!" I squealed.

"What are you guys talking about? What made Mira turn so red?" Tsu asked, inquisitive. I gaped like a fish, not knowing how to answer.

"Ahh, so it's all Bakugo's doing. Well well, how good is he?" Kyoka pushed.

"And is it just his dick or is it more than that? Ya know what I mean," Mina added, wiggling her brows.

My brain fried. I tried pulling away but the two kept my hands trapped in theirs. I faltered under the pressing stares the girls were given me and blurted the first thing that came to mind.

Which was a mistake.

"A-all of it!" My voice cane out an octave higher.

Momo and Tsu, who quickly caught on, gasped.

"A-all of it? Bakugo uses his fingers and mouth too?" Momo asked tentatively.

I whined. "Y-yes! Please-!"

"How does it feel!?" They demanded in unison. I groaned, positive my whole body was flushing in shyness.

"Agh!" I made a sound. "Really good! Better than good! It feels fucking amazing! That's it-"

"I need a man."

"Do you do blood play-"

"Mina shut up! No! Shut up! Please!"

"Alright, alright, I think I am satisfied... for now. Let's give Mira a break," Kyoka helped me out with mischievous wording and I jumped away as Momo explained on whispers to Ochaco what that was all about.

I hid my face in my hands as Ochaco almost passed out.

I just know they are going to make fun of us whenever.

Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Don't throw me off a mountain, Katsuki! 

"Okay Girls! Let's do this! Something fun!" Mina shouted, jumping to sit on the rock behind me. My eyes instantly went up instead of staring at her crotch as she kicked her legs.

She really is all pink.

But I had a bad feeling about what she was going to have us do.

"Please don't be stupid," I heard Kyoka whisper next to me. I was too embarrassed to even giggle.

"Let's rank the guys based on their bodies!"

I blankly stared at her. Momo blushed cutely but agreed. Tsu shrugged and said why not. Ochaco was still processing what just happened. And Kyoka said:

"Well, obviously, Bakugo is in first place. I mean, come on. Mira knows full well about it."

If only I wasn't terrified about being submerged: than I could have hidden under the water.


I snuggled in, enjoying his body heat under the surprisingly cool night. The stars were strikingly visible, so far from any cities. And it was absolutely beautiful, with the accompanied symphony of the forest.

 I wore a simple, red shirt snd black shorts (of course) and sandals, laying between Katsuki's legs, back to his torso. My head nestled in his chest and his arms closed over me, holding me tight. I fiddled with his fingers and relaxed.

We sat hidden on part of the wooden porch that wrapped around the girls dorm. Next to a pillar, facing the trees. Curfew was about to hit, and after the day I just wanted to be alone with him.

"Make sure you wear the tank-top tomorrow," I grumbled, pulling his fingers lightly to flick them back onto my abdomen. Earlier, I gave Katsuki a red tank-top as a gift so we could match sometimes. Though he cursed a but, he packed it and brought it to camp.

"You told me too many fucking times," he grumbled right back. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, loving his scent. Will I ever tire of it? At this rate...


"How was it?" 

I knew he was alluding to the hot spring. 

"Well... you officially have the best body out of all the guys. And thegirlsknowalittleabouthowyouaintafraidofusingyourmouthoffingersonme," I finish in a whoosh of breath and inhale to quickly move on. "So fine in all. I didn't freak and actually liked the water-"

"Hold on a damn fucking minute," Katsuki growled, hands and legs tightening on me, trapping me onto him. "What the fuck was that part?"


"Speak normally!" He demanded. I felt my head incline into my chest more.

"Uhhh... well, they pressured me and, uh, well, uh- well they know you use your mouth and fingers...ya know for what..." My own fingers nervously played with each other. My heart raced, not sure how he's going to react.

Angry? Maybe not. Annoyed... better than nothing. Hopefully I don't need to put the moves on him to make him relax. It should all be fine-

"At least they know I'm the fucking best."

I blinked and turned my head to gaze up at Katsuki. A smug smirk spreading his lips. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened.

"Y-you're not mad?" I ask in a whisper-shout. 

Tsking, he continued to put on an even more smug-ish expression. "Why the fuck would I be? Did you tell them everything?" I shook my head sharply. "Then there's no need for me to be pissed!"

I just blinked with my jaw open. I couldn't believe Katsuki wasn't upset at all. Does he talk about us with Kirishima and Denki? Maybe not? Why am I so shy about it-

Thoughst ebbed away as Katsuki rolled his eyes and took my lips to his. I stopped gaping and willingly returned his soft kiss. If it wasn't for our position, I would've deepened it, but instead Katsuki pulled back and kisses my cheek before I settled back against his chest.

Why do I always feel such warmth with his body? How can such a calm kiss empty my head? How come I am still alive with how much Katsuki sets my heart ablaze, pounding, giving me palpitations at times. 

But is he okay with it? Not the kisses and stuff when no one is watching. The public affection. The hand-holding down the street or in the halls. Sitting so close, leaning my head in his shoulder. Teasing or light kisses, maybe a bit passionate. Hugs and the like.

Is Katsuki, the one so indignant to even say 'thanks' or 'good job' to his best friends really okay with that? Or am I just acting on a whim and making him uncomfortable.


It's better to know now than hold it in and let it fester till I am uncertain with our relationship. Isn't that what Toshinori said?

I cleared my throat. Took in a deep breath.


"Hmm?" He hummed so deeply my body vibrated. Geez, that feels amazing-

"Are you actually okay with PDA? Does it make you uncomfortable or do you just no like it?" My voice seemed to quiet, almost to an insecure whisper, even though I spoke evenly. Was I that afraid of his answer?

Katsuki's body didn't react, his stroking fingers keeping their calm path, his breathing even. Did he expect this question? Why am I asking myself so many questions I don't know?

"I used to." My heart froze. "And I said to myself 'fuck that shit! That's some weak ass boy shit!'" Katsuki stayed calm, for once, as he spoke.

Yet I felt apprehension creep up into my heart, spreading through my body. Did he have a previous relationship? Does he still think that way? Can he feel me tensing?

"Tch. But I can't stop myself." The words were a growl. I almost flinched for a weird reason I wouldn't dwell on. "I don't give two rat-shits about what other assholes think- I'll do PDA with you no matter where and people can fuck themselves with a knife if they don't like it!"

And like that, all my apprehension dissolved. My body relaxed instantly, a heat in my cheeks and a warmth in my heart. I clutched Katsuki's hand tighter, raising it up a bit.

"We threaten people a little too much, don't we?" I joke and Katsuki let out a deep chuckle.

"You crush peoples fucking souls when pissed. I just tell them to die."

Rolling my eyes, I tilt my head back and sighed out. "Maybe that's why we fit together so well, huh?"

"I told my old hag-


"Fuck! - mom - that threats ain't that fucking bad."

I laughed at how pouty Katsuki sounded when saying mom. We've been working on him and his customs to insult the one who brought him into this world.

Intertwining our hands, I nudged his knee with mine. "We aren't sleeping here- of course," i sighed. A female and male giggle came from around the corner. 

Katsuki's hand tightened on mine and we turned in unison to see one, two, three - eight? shadows jump.

"I'm gonna fucking kill them in their sleep," Katsuki said deathly. I smiled and tugged his hand.

"And I'll make the girls cry with tickles," I mused, evilly. I tugged him again. "Let's go-"

"Give me one more fucking kiss before you leave me."

Playfully rolling my eyes, I turn my upper body and smirked at Katsuki. "My lips are that great, huh?"

He didn't bother answer, and sealed his to mine once more. I moaned softly ynder hum, and my hands escaped our grasp to begin an unconscious travel up his muscled abdomen. So used to feeling him, to wanting him against me, it was becoming almost second nature to want to pull Katsuki on top of me.

And the need built with the intensity of the kiss. I wanted more-

"Bakugo is soft as shit!" Kaminari whispered. Way too fucking loudly.

A evil growl ripped from his throat and he pulled away, hands on my waist. I smacked my lips, wanting more but knowing Katsuki was got to effectively ruin Kaminari's night now. I heard an eel and footsteps bound away followed by snickers.

So I snacked Katsuki's chest lightly - and almost rubbed all over it - and said: "I know he ain't talking about your body. So have fun."

Sorry, Kaminari.

It's been almost a month. Oh my gosh. Seriously.

I felt single af writing this but it's fine.

Also - sorry, Kota, for making you terrified of Mira! I think...

But, seriously, I was going through a lot. My shoulder shit is bad - torn cartilage and messed up muscles. At one point even walking hurt. So I am getting injections for pain now and can write again, so I'll be working on this story again! (Fun Sparks too). I can't promise weekly or biweekly every time, but I won't wait for a month to pass till I publish!

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

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