Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]

By AlphaFemale127

62.6K 1.6K 3.8K

Loosing family is hard, soul-breaking. It causes trauma in people, especially when you see the people you lov... More

First Day of UA
Being a 'Hero'
Pervert in a Store
Class Rep
Villains at USJ
2 Days Later
Friend Greetings
Some Company
Pain Isn't Wanted
Days Of Silence
Waking Up
Just Some Talks
The First Night
A Mishap
Just Some Fun
A Helpful Conversation
Birthday Surprise
Don't Worry
Sports Festival
Mira vs...
The Final Round
No Noise
A Bath
Just A Day
Answering A Question
Hero Names
An Invitation
Only 1 Week
The Change*
Top Of A Building
Girl Talk
Morning *
A Massage*
Family Lunch
All Red
It's Not The Blood-loss
The Crash
Deleted Scenes pt 1
Deleted Scenes pt.2
Made to Be pt. 1
Made to Be pt. 2
Book 2
10K READS!!! A Special...?
Special Chapter (Completely Smut)
What I imagine Mira to look like...


734 15 60
By AlphaFemale127

"W-wait!" He panted, already out of breath.

"Why? We just started," I say, confused, looking down at him.

"Y-you're going to fast!"

"But we haven't even gotten to the fun part yet. Where's your stamina?"

"You took it all yesterday!"

"That was yesterday, today is a new day. Don't stop now."

"How can you do this for so long without a break?"

"I did manage to run from the heart of Tokyo to Hosu city without any water, so this is a walk in the park."

"Kazacchannnnn!" Midoriya whined, hands on his knees, sweat dripping down his forehead. I tsked and crossed my arms, jutting out my hip.

"Midoriyaaaaa," I responded. He pouted and looked up with tired eyes. Trying to plead his way out of it. If it wasn't for Katsuki giving me a heart attack almost every day, I would have fallen for Midoriya's trap.

"Two more laps. Then I'll give you a ten minute break," I concede. Midoriya huffed, puffing out his cheeks.

"Fine." He stood up again and shook out his legs. "Let's go." I nodded and instead of heading back into a sprint, we went at a smooth, jogging pace.

It was Sunday, a two weeks later (from last chapter), and I was spending the majority of the day training with Midoriya. I haven't gotten much time, since I started my Quirk training Monday, and my body has been out of whack for most of the week. I was sore, filled with headaches, trembling.

Then I managed to feel better after Katsuki, miraculously, gave me a message without doing anything too much to my tired body. So I went back to training Midoriya Saturday's and Sunday's.

Yesterday, we did a lot of cardio and stamina. Then we worked on some of his flexibility and movements in battle. He wasn't a prodigy at fighting, but he picked up fast, and could now throw a solid punch and kick. 

I may have pushed him a little bit yesterday. Because when we met up at the park thirty minutes ago, he looked tired and his body was sore. 

And was oh so glad when I told him we were going to do ten laps around the park, which would add up to almost four miles, I would say. Now, we are shorting it to only five.

I wasn't tired yet, though the sun was giving me a bit of sweat. Midoriya, on the other hand, struggled a bit to keep up. At the end of our second lap, he tumbled onto the grass, eyes closed and splayed out as he heaved in breaths.

"I thought you did cardio training with Toshinori?" I asked.

"W-well... yes. But whatever we did yesterday really wore me out," Midoriya admitted. 

I shrugged. "Yeah, combat training isn't as easy as some people think. Okay, ten minutes and we are onto stability and flexibility!" I say cheerfully. Midoriya gave me a half-hearted Plus Ultra.

I walked across the walkway to where our bags lay, carrying sweat towels, water bottles, and out phones - which wasn't a good idea to keep in a bag while we ran around, but oh well we did it anyways. I grabbed them and walked back over, Midoriya sitting up once more. He took his water bottle thankfully and slowly nursed it, knowing he would still need it. 

I sat to the right of him, stretching out my legs and arms, a lot on my mind.

Katsuki was going to be a frowning baby today. Mina and Kyoka are sleeping over again, so he'll be even more upset. That dinner with Enji is coming up soon. Shoto said he wanted to go out with me this week, to see a weird movie, but he doesn't know when. Hawks tried calling me yesterday, but I ignored his call. I don't want to answer him just yet, but I know I will sometime this week, the damned bird.

I sat up from my middle split, seeing Midoriya continuously glancing at me as he did his own stretches. An obvious question, or many, many questions, in his eyes. I sighed.

"What do you wanna know?"

I guess I took him by surprise, because he began rambling.

"Oh, uh, wow that's a lot. I mean I have a lot. Like how were you trained and why do you like running so much and what does your Quirks entail like how does it effect you and why is Kacchan so receptive and nice to you I think he even smiled at you once the other day and he seems to be the only one to calm you down does that have something to do with you drinking his blood or your Quirk reacting to certain types of Quirks or is it becauseofwhathesaidthat dayandwhatisyourrelationshipwithhimandwhyareyousointentonhelpingmeandyouareabeautifulwomanandyoushouldbeproudofyourselfandyou bodyandstophatingyourselfandevenifithurtsyoushouldtrytomakeupwiththelastmemberofyourfamily-"

"Okay, okay! Calm down!" I cut Midoriya off as his face turned res from not taking a single breath. He blushed some more and rubbed the back of his neck. 

The thought process on that ramble was all over the place, but I got the majority of it. Especially the part where he was telling me to stop hating myself and to try to get back with Yuuko. Which was sweet, of course, and I just wished I could change everything in an instant.

"S-sorry about that," he mumbled. I scoffed.

"Don't apologize for anything when you did nothing wrong. Anyways, I'll answer two questions now, and each time you complete a set of what I give you, I'll answer another question. Midoriya nodded brightly.

"Which two do you want answered first?" I asked. Midoriya put his thumb and forefinger to his chin, thinking hard. I was hoping he'd give me an easier question, but it seems as he knows that I have some hard work in store for him today.

He nodded. Locked eyes with me. I mentally prepared myself.

"What are your Quirks and what is the status of your relationship with Kacchan?"I breathed out in relief.


Pretty simple.

I crosses my arms and shrugged. "Easy enough. Though since you write notes down, might want to - of course you have it on you," I tsk, Midoriya magically pulling his Quirk notebook out, opening to a fresh page and clicking on the butt of a pen.

"Well, Katsuki and I are boyfriend and girlfriend, or as he eloquently put it 'you are mine and I'm yours and I don't give a shit'. " I said it all nonchalant. My entire friend group knew, I was pretty sure Aizawa and Midnight guessed it, and Toshinori gave me the look when he was in the room. So I wasn't prepared for Midoriya's reaction.

"Yes that makes sense, as you both are - wait, huh?" He froze mid-sentence, eyes going wide. He looked at me. "Y-y-y-ou and Ka-Kacchan?????!!!" Midoriya shouted, dropping his notebook and pen.


His eyes were as wide as plates and his mouth dropped open. "Kacchan!!?? The Kacchan!? The one who always claimed that dating and romance was 'a waste of fucking time'!?"

I gaped at Midoriya's use of a curse word when quoting Katsuki. 

He can form those words in his mouth!? The fuck!? What was Katsuki teaching him - nope, never mind, he mimicked Katsuki perfectly.

"Y-yes- Midoriya are you all right?" I asked, getting a bit worried he wasn't breathing.

"K-k-k-k-kacchan!??? You honestly like him, even if he's mean and says mean things!?"

I almost began laughing, stopping my chortle. Midoriya looked as if I just have birth to a dog.

Clearing my throat, I answer as beat as I can. "He's not that bad all the time. He can actually be sweet, in his own way."

That's when smoke came out of Midoriya's ears.


After his literal meltdown, I had him drink water and take a little walk to calm down. Then I explained my Quirks to him, and he jotted down notes as if his life depended on it. He kept trying to ask me more questions that I didn't answer seeing as we haven't gotten anything done.

So he eagerly listened to my orders.

After every set, he asked me a question. 

'How long have you guys been together?'

Three weeks.

Another short meltdown.

'Can you use the blood of people you bite?'

I don't know, but I can always try it.

'How were you trained?'

Harshly. I wasn't given any rest or treated as my age. I was beaten to the point where I had to get better or I would die.

Midoriya cried a bit on that and gave me a hug. He swore that I wouldn't have to go through something like that again. 

I didn't have the heart to tell him I wasn't in the clear yet.

'Why do you like running so much?'

It makes me feel free.

'Who is the best hero?'

I would say Toshinori, only because he saved me when I was little.

'What's your motivation behind being a hero? Your goal?'

I want to save the smiles of people. Someone who is seen as undying, that never loses and no one has to worry about. That a little girl I met pushed me even more to want to be a hero. 

Midoriya cried some more.

Is his Quirk crying instead?

The last question stumped me.

'Do you like the way you fight?'

I fell on my face when I was doing a standing thigh stretch. Letting Midoriya worriedly help me up while I went blank. I tried to think of an answer, but nothing came to mind, kept slipping away. 

And I still couldn't think of an answer, not as I walked a tired Midoriya to his apartment complex - which was surprisingly only a five minute walk from my home. He took me up to get me a snack, seeing as he now knew the side effects if my Quirks and would not let me go five minutes longer without water (we emptied our bottles). 

And I met Inko Midoriya. A plump, cute lady that Midoriya looked just like, except for his curly hair. I kept saying Midoriya when addressing both if them, so I was told to call them Inko and Izuku, and now I'm on a first-name basis with Izuku.

Katsuki is going to be thrilled.

"Excuse me for being so excited, but this is the first time Izuku has brought home anyone. And a beautiful girl like you! My oh my!" Inko said in a whisper with a smile as Izuku went to the bathroom. I blushed and rubbed the bass of my neck, feeling in desperate need of a shower.

"Yeah, we are good friends. I wasn't expecting to live just a few blocks away from him," I reply honestly, still trying to think of an answer to his last question. I held onto my glass of water, already downed two of them, sitting at the table across from Inko.

The apartment was quaint, but cute and looked easy to live in. Pictures everywhere. And Izuku's room looked like an All Might shrine. He quickly closed the door with red cheeks.

"What were the two of you doing today? And what about Saturday?" Inko asked.

"Oh, we're training. I'm teaching him how to fight so he has a better chance in battle."

Inko's eyes widened and watered, a shocked expression on her face.

"Y-you worry about him? Enough to teach him to fight?" She said gently, lips quivering. "You are trying to look after him?"

I didn't know what to say. It seems the Midoriya's are prone to tears. I cleared my throat and nodded my head. "I would like to keep him out of as much danger as I can, so the least I can do is teach him to fight properly."

She sniffled, doing her best to hold back tears. "T-thank you! Thank you so much, Mira!" (If I call her Inko, she can call me Mira).

"I-its no problem, don't cry...!" I think Katsuki is better at handling crying people than I am. Cause I have no idea what to do.

Izuku came walking back to the room. Inko turned to him. And she put on a falsely harsh face, lips still in a bit of a pout, eyes still watery.

"You better marry someone who is willing to spend their time helping you to stay safe and get better! If you don't, I'll be disappointed! And if you are dating this wonderful girl right here, tell me right now so I can be extremely proud in you!" 

I blinked, processing her words. Izuku froze. We looked at each other, than back to Inko.

"O-oh I am not dating Izuku-"

"M-Mom!!! Sh-she's Kacchan's girlfriend! Even if I was interested I don't have a chance!"

"Wait, don't be so hard-"

"Kacchan? Oh my, you bagged a hottie! Wait, I should be upset since he's been mean to my poor Izuku," Inko huffed.


"It's okay Mom, we all know Kacchan is good looking," Izuku sighed out.

"Yeah, but-"

"Okay, good, because that boy is stunning! He took after Mitsuki so much in appearance and man it worked out! Good for you, Mira!"

"Well, thank you-"

"But he's so calm around her! It's amazing-"

"Yes, thank you, Inko and Izuku!" I cut him off, tired that I couldn't put out three words. "In my opinion, Izuku can get with anyone as long their is mutual interest. But for Katsuki, yeah he's hot I mean seriously, it hard at times, but we have a mutual respect- shi- let me answer that."

I snatched my ringing phone off of the table before either of them could get a good look at Katsuki with a light blush and cat ears on (yes, the pic from my birthday trip). And although Izuku has heard me cuss... a lot... I didn't want to do so before Inko.

"Let me take this real quick..." I mutter with a short bow as I slid out of the chair, answering and putting the phone to my ear. 

"No problem~" Inko said sweetly before she nabbed Izuku by the arm and  started whispering. I walked over, near the door, as the line connected.

"Helloooooo," I drawled, Katsuki tsking back.

"Chicken or beef?" He asked gruffly.


"I'm making dinner! What do you want?"

I gasped in joy. "Really! Oh-oh- uh I want beef!" I said excitedly. "When are you going to start it? What type of flavoring?!"

Katsuki gave a low chuckle, and I felt my cheeks heat. "I'm at the store - damn brat - and I'll be over in about ten minutes. Where you at?" 

I blinked and looked at my surroundings. "Well... I am at the Midoriya household drinking water, and I am about to head back."

"Midoriya- wait, you're at Deku's fucking house!?"

"I'll see you soon! Starving!"

"Mira the fuck-"

I hung up before the whole world heard him get pissed off. Clearing my throat, I looked over my shoulder to see the Midoriya's staring at me with round eyes. I turn and rub some loose strands back.

"Well, someone is waiting for me! I'll have to go, now." I bow to Inko. "Thank you for your hospitality and for giving me a drink of water."

"Oh don't thank me for something so simple, dear," Inko tutted, coming over to hold my hands. She was half a head shorter than me, and her hands were small but warm. "I do hope you would come over again. I'd gladly make dinner for you!"

I did my best to smile. "Thank you, Inko. I'll take you up on that soon." Izuku came over and I eyes him. "Make sure you take a long bath and do the stretches I taught. If you can't walk tomorrow, I'll up our schedule."

Izuku laughed nervously. "I'll listen well, Kazacchan! Thank you for your time! You are a really nice, kind-hearted lady and I am glad to be your friend!"

"Stop thanking me for simple stuff," I responded with red cheeks. 

As I was about to leave, Inko forced Izuku to get my number. And then for us to exchange numbers. And then what was my favorite type of food and if I had the confidence to bring over all of Izuku's friends and all that good stuff.

I left about five minutes after I initially opened the door. Checked the time. Knew Katsuki was going to do a competition on who'd get to my home first.

So I sprinted the blocks back.


I changed five minutes to two minutes. Got home the same time Katsuki was keying in the code, two bags of groceries in his hand.

To ease him, I tried to give him a kiss. He stopped me with a hand to my face, feeling how sweaty I was.

He chewed me out afterwards. For multiple reasons.

1- running with no food in my body. 2- for tryna hug him when I was covered in sweat. 3- for me saying 'I thought you'd like me hot and sweaty'. 4- for going to the Midoriya's. 5- to get my ass in the shower.

So after a nice shower and leaving to my room with a delicious smelling house, I quickly began to dress in comfortable clothes.

I had my underwear and shorts on, back to the door which apparently was open, trying to decide whether I should put a bra on underneath my tank top or not. 

I've been wearing a sports bra for basically eight hours today. It wouldn't hurt to go bra-less, right? Maybe I should get one of those soft bedtime bras for these moments. But what would be the usefulness? An extra layer of thin protection? Against Katsuki, he could probably rip one of those soft ones with two fingers.

"I don't wanna..." I mumble to myself, holding up the most comfortable one I had. A new one that I snuck in - black and wireless but extra support. And full coverage. 

"Then don't," a deep voice grumbled behund me. I froze and dropped my bra, looking over to see Katsuki leaning forward a bit, both sides holding onto the doorframe. With his tight, white t-shirt and jeans, I finally understood why people liked this pose on men.

Crossing my arms, making sure nothing was fully exposed, I faced him and cocked my hip. His eyes instantly went down but jumped back up, the lightest blush hitting his cheeks.

"Well why not?"

"Easy access. And so you won't be uncomfortable, dumbass," he tsked. I felt my cheeks redden.

"You always want easy access," I mutter, stalking forward. Katsuki smirked, eyes tracking my movements.

"Well, why the fuck wouldn't I?"

I sighed and stopped centimeters from him, his scent hitting me softly with the other delicious smell. Dangerously, I put my arms around his waist, squishing my chest against his - damn it's still fucking thick. "Will you kiss me now that I am clean?" I ask in a babying voice. 

Katsuki's cheeks got a bit more pink. But he smirked wide. "Want to work up a bigger appetite?" He asked, voice low. 

I avoided his ruby gaze and kissed the hollow spot between his collarbones, enjoying the feel of his skin. I kissed my way up his neck slowly, feeling Katsuki's prominent adam's apple bob as he gulped.

"What does that mean, Katsuki?" I ask as I press a light kiss to his jaw. His body was tense. 

"That means I'll throw you on the bed," he began with a growl, and I kissed right next to his lips, "take your tiny-ass shorts off, and see how loud you can scream my fucking name when I go down on you."

And Katsuki kissed me like that, arms coming to my thighs and lifting me up. I groaned into the force of his lips as I instinctively wrapped my legs around his hip and moved my hands around his neck. 

This wasn't good. I was defenseless against Katsuki's kisses and heat, his hands roaming up my thighs to grip my behind tightly, eliciting a gasp from me. I was already going blank in the head, almost forgetting how starving I was, thinking of what he could do to me.

But as I moved to bite Katsuki's lower lip and pull him tighter, he pulled back and dumped me on the bed, walking around to throw a tank top at me.

"But I can't have you fucking pass out, Mira, so let's eat."

Grumbling, I harshly pulled the random pink top Katsuki threw at me and glared at him, knowing full well he saw how perky I was, especially with the way his eyes darkened.

"Why are you messing with me," I ask with a pouty voice. Katsuki cocked a brow and began to walk out of my room.

"Not my fucking fault you have the crazy ass girls staying the night. Maybe I could have done something." I flipped him off. He returned the gesture and walked out. 

My stomach growled.

I dragged my to the table grumpily. 

Katsuki gave me his food that smelled like heaven.

I was happy once again.


"So what was your answer?" Mina asked.

"I couldn't answer."

"Why not?" She pushed.

"Because it's a hard question."

"It's a yes or no question. Yes, I like the way I fight. No, I don't and need to change." Kyoka smacked the back o

"It's probably a mix or both, isn't it?" Mina unhappily went back to the black nail polish.

I scratched the back of my head tentatively, my nails freshly done in red and blue. "Yeah. I mean, I was trained to be able to tell what everyone is capable of doing, and what I do is almost impossible for the majority of the world. It isn't smart, but it works because of my Quirks. The problem is my Blood Quirk."

Kyoka nodded, eying Mina as she almost knocked over the nail polish. "Because you need to bleed for it to work, and since you heal almost instantly why not?"

"So why didn't you tell Midoriya that?" Mina continued.

I sighed, spooning out a bite of jello. "Because I don't know. I never thought about whether I like fighting this way, I just do it. And the longer I think on it, the more confused I get."

Mina snorted. "I'm sure Bakugo gets a heart attack each time he sees you bleed."

I blush. "I'm not sure that's a good thing," I mumble.

"At least he cares about you. I mean, if it wasn't for you ending up in the hospital, I doubt he would've had the courage to confess to you!" Kyoka said with a smile. I puffed my cheeks and sucked down the jello.

"Okay, but listen, I have this idea," Mina began excitedly, and Kyoka and I exchanged glances. "You know how you hate your body?"

Uh oh.

"Y-yes, I am aware of that..."

Where was this going?

Mina finished Kyoka's black nails and popped the brush back into the container, giving me a broad smile.

"How about you start an InstaCram account!? Me a Insta model!"

I blinked at her a few times. 

Mina was serious.

I wasn't interested.

"I think it's a good time." I choked on my spoon as Kyoka said that. "Of course, there will always be trolls. But I think the good feedback will be greater, and you'd build your confidence."

I set my spoon down. Flexed my fingers. Eyed my friends.

"If you can beat me five times in -video game- then I'll agree. If I win five times first, then I won't consider it."

Mina took up the challenge.

And we stayed up till 2 am playing, Kyoka the commentator and breaker-of-fights since one scenario Mina should have won but I pulled one hp on her and she jumped me. Then we all burst into laughter. 

A little late with publishing! Been a really busy weekend.

I realized that my sisters suck and probably honestly hate me. I also realize my friends truly enjoy making fun of me...

I shouldn't have told them the story 🤦‍♀️ 

Thanks for reading!

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