Blood and Air [Bakugo X OC]

By AlphaFemale127

62.5K 1.6K 3.8K

Loosing family is hard, soul-breaking. It causes trauma in people, especially when you see the people you lov... More

First Day of UA
Being a 'Hero'
Pervert in a Store
Class Rep
Villains at USJ
2 Days Later
Friend Greetings
Some Company
Pain Isn't Wanted
Days Of Silence
Waking Up
Just Some Talks
The First Night
A Mishap
Just Some Fun
A Helpful Conversation
Birthday Surprise
Don't Worry
Sports Festival
Mira vs...
The Final Round
No Noise
A Bath
Just A Day
Answering A Question
Hero Names
An Invitation
Only 1 Week
The Change*
Top Of A Building
Morning *
A Massage*
Family Lunch
All Red
It's Not The Blood-loss
The Crash
Deleted Scenes pt 1
Deleted Scenes pt.2
Made to Be pt. 1
Made to Be pt. 2
Book 2
10K READS!!! A Special...?
Special Chapter (Completely Smut)
What I imagine Mira to look like...

Girl Talk

771 28 96
By AlphaFemale127

It was Sunday, 12 pm, and I walked into the mall of Musutafu with a group of girls. Mina and Kyoka, Uraraka and Tsu and Yaoyorozu. All of us chattering, excited for a shopping spree. Though, admittedly, I was on the quieter end of the conversation.

It was Girls Day. The plan we made a week and a half ago. Pushed off until we all had free time, which was conveniently this Sunday.

At 10 am, we met up at a furniture store and did some browsing. By browsing, I mean Mina, Uraraka and I hopping onto furniture, getting scolded by Kyoka while Tsu and Yaoyorozu were actively looking for sliding doors and table sets. And they cooed over my new hairstyle, Mina playing with my hair while we rolled on a bed. 

I was glad they liked it, gave me confidence after the... interaction with Yuuko. Along with Shoto and Midoriya, they were the only ones to say anything about my hair. I wonder what Katsuki would say, when we will talk...

After we picked some furniture out and I placed an order, we decided to go to the mall.

"One - you need color to your wardrobe! No more only black and red!" Was Mina's reasoning.

"We need to have a longer day to spend with just us girls!" Was Uraraka's.

Tsu and Yaoyorozu were eager to come. Kyoka smiled and jumped on the bus with us. And I relished in their presence.

Now, what was I doing here instead of being grilled by Aizawa? Simple.

After the embarrassing factor of having my teacher watch my first admittance of my mental state, I was scolded. Harshly.

Aizawa went over all the dumb decisions I did (after kicking the boys out) and how I should have acted. I agreed with him, for the most part. I got detention for three days, but when I enforced the fact that I was doing the girls day, I earned another two days of detention.

No Basic Hero Training. That would be spent doing kitchen chores and training in private away from others. If I ever found the courage to use my Air Quirk willingly.

Even the thought of using it sent a coil of fear bouncing about my heart. No, I won't have the courage for a while.

When we finished and I got my discharge papers, Katsuki had to go back to Best Jeanist. We weren't awkward, but Aizawa shut down all contact and kicked me away. Shoto and Midoriya, after a bunch of shared looks, went back to their own heroes. And Aizawa accompanied me to Kaz Corp to talk to Ms. Misaki - who gave me a prototype bracelet that armed my left wrist now.

We spent three hours, getting the bracelet tuned to my Air Quirk. It was harder because I refused to turn my Quirk on, but luckily the gene was in my DNA. Misaki rushed it, so that I wouldn't risk meeting Yuuko - after I explained that this was my way of helping her and that Yuuko would be upset.

When the girls noticed the piece of technology on my left hand, all I could say was "It's a safety precaution." I think Yaoyorozu understood right away, but the others brushed it off. 

I was scared of them asking for the whole story. I don't want to burden them, to scare them away from me. Especially Kyoka and Mina. I just want them to... think only good of me.

Then we went to the hotel. I packed up my belongings at the hotel, got chewed out by the manager, and went back to Musutafu with Aizawa - who was making sure that I did absolutely nothing other than one thing at a time.

I wanted to text Katsuki and everyone, but my phone was out of battery. So I plugged it in and went to sleep.

But couldn't sleep. Cause my dream were... less than appropriate of Katsuki. And filled with my own nightmares - that I pushed away because I knew it was too late for me to try to run away.

And now here I was. Wearing the jeans Katsuki picked out for me and a red halter crop-top.

"First things first! Food!" Mina declared, stomping immediately in the direction of the food court. She wore a tight, pale-yellow tank-top and black leggings.

"Do malls serve good food?" Yaoyorozu asked. She wore a soft white summer dress with pink carnations lacing the hem.

Kyoka chuckled. "You've never had food at a mall?" She wore a lilac t-shirt and black jeans.

Yaoyorozu shook her head no.

Uraraka groaned. "Rich people things." She had on leggings that stopped at mid-calf and a pale yellow shirt with blue lilies decorating it, loose on her frame.

"I've had food court food," I said placidly, raising my hand as we followed after Mina.

"You aren't a normal billionaire, Mira," Tsu replied, doing a ribbit afterwards.

"You know, why don't you all call me Mira instead of just a few of you? It sounds better," I suggest. Mina was already gone from sight. 

"Already done," Kyoka stated. She smiled as I looked at her.

Uraraka grabbed my hand. "Can I!? Can I call you Mira!?"

I nodded. "That is what I am asking you to do."

Uraraka beamed up at me. "Call me Ochaco then, Mira!"

I gave her a twitch of my lips. "Alright. You are officially Ochaco in my mind." She pumped a fist.

"I will call you Mira, and you will call me Momo," Yaoyorozu spoke next.

I nodded. "Momo, I really like your dress. It compliments your figure." Momo smiled widely.

"And I admire your will to wear whatever you like," she replied.

"Is that a good thing?" I ask sincerely.

"For you, yes. For people who like seeing extra skin ahem - Mineta - ahem, yes. For people who hate skin ahem - Ida - ahem, no." We laughed at Kyoka's badly done 'coughs'. 

Then I pointed out Momo's hero costume, and they replied that 'I wasn't far off from that either'. Which was true.

We caught up to Mina, who was in line at a famous sandwich brand. After a round of rock, paper and scissors, it was decided that Momo would buy the lunch.

Mina and Ochaco did not hold back. A full sandwich, two bags of chips, and the largest cup size of cola they had. I got a full turkey sandwich and some cola as well. Kyoka got half a sandwich, chips and water. Tsu got a full-vegetarian sandwich and water, and Momo got a half sandwich, some cheesy chips, and a full sprite.

We sat in a booth and enjoyed our meals. Mina, Ochaco an I on one side, Momo, Tsu and Kyoka on the other.

As we ate, they told me stories of their internships. Ochaco and Kyoka about the training they did, the fighting for Ochaco and the stamina for Kyoka. Mina explained her practice with stopping small-time villains, and Momo about the modeling gigs she got. The one that got everyone's attention was Tsu. The attack with Selkie when she was out in the water, and how everything was handled.

It was so calming. Just the girls, stories and giggles and lightheartedness. I truly enjoyed hearing what they did. It made my week feel better. Though, no matter how hard I tried to listen under complete attention, my mind somehow always drifted to Katsuki.

Seeing his eyes after waking up from that memory. Wanting more than just the bites on my neck, more than clothes between us. To hear his voice and talk to him. To taste him-

"So, what did you do Mira?" Kyoka asked, making me jump. I dropped the last piece of my sandwich to the table and quickly picked it up, feeling my cheeks heat.

"W-well, I fell out with my cousin and fought a nomu, realized I love him, ended up in Hosu hospital and got scolded by Aizawa so hard I thought his eyes were going to bleed by the way he glared at me. I got this bracelet to stop my Air Quirk from going out of control and came back to Tokyo, and now let's go shopping for clothes!"

I spoke so fast I doubt anyone understood me, a slight pant to my breath. I stuffed my mouth with the last bite of my sandwich, hoping that would cause no questions to be answered.

"Hold up, hold up, hold up!" Mina slammed the table and stood up, looking at me.  I guiltily looked up at her. All eyes fell on me.

Please don't bring up the love Please don't bring up the love Please don't bring up the love Please don't bring up the love Please don't bring up the love Please don't bring up the love Please don't bring up the love Please don't bring up the love-

"Who do you fucking love!?"


I looked to Kyoka for help. She was staring at me with practically the same intensity as Mina.


"I - mean - no - yeah, well - Midoriya and Shoto - I mean - fuck," I couldn't speak clearly, both from stammering and the food in my mouth.

"Out of everything she said, the realization of love is the most important?" Momo asked. Mina gave her a raised brow and Momo nodded. "Yeah, I agree."

I groaned, slouching. Me and my lousy mouth. Why did I say anything? It was only that morning I realized it - while I had my breakdown. I wanted to talk to Toshinori, but Aizawa glaring didn't let for any room. And he stuck by my side and even made sure I was in my house with the door locked before leaving me alone - I think to discuss dormitories with Nezu.

But that doesn't mean I need to go around telling everyone. Sure, it may be a bit obvious soon enough, but I haven't told anyone yet, especially not him. I mean, what would he do? Let me jump him-

I slammed my face onto the table. The girls giggled.

"Must have been a sudden realization," Momo surmised.

"It has to be Todoroki!" Uraraka started. I was not getting into this argument.

"No way!" Mina pushed back. "It has to be Bakugo!"

I knew my cheeks flushed. Luckily, my hair spilled over my cheeks, hiding them. Barely. The only downside of short hair - won't hide my face easily anymore.

"They may be close, but so is Todoroki and Mira! They act like a couple!" Ochaco defended. 

"Bakugo is literally handsy with Mira though!" 

I didn't want to be anywhere near this conversation right now. I felt my body cave in embarrassment.


"Girls, calm down," Tsu interjected. "Let's go over the facts."

"Heh, I did this with Mira once," Kyoka mused, placing the straw in her mouth.

'You guys are more than friends. Maybe not to that level yet, but, I think you need to reconsider your relationship.'

She was right. I couldn't help myself be more than friends with Katsuki.

"I'll begin." I groaned as Momo spoke up. She has such a great memory.

"I believe it's Bakugo." Mina let out a light squeal. I rubbed my face into the table. "They have been inseparable since the USJ attack. Almost quite literally at times, I would say, as both Bakugo and Mira constantly got into detention together." 

Well... yeah. That stint of detention because of stupid decisions. Mainly on my part. Though it was fun doing kitchen duty with Katsuki. Without any help... well, that shit sucked.

Tsu cleared her throat.

"While I do agree with that, I am to think it's Todoroki." Ochaco nodded with vigor. "They always hold hands, hug, talk privately, and have that feel that they are a couple." Ochaco 'mmm hmm'-ed loudly.

My shoulders went flat. Do we really act like a couple? I didn't think so. I don't... think of Shoto that way. I never have. I can only see him as someone who I trust so deeply. I love him, but not romantically.


His cold eyes when he told me that I only thought of him as a brother... the way I rely on him so much... the tone when he spoke with me... But he knows how I think of him. There is no confusion there, right?

"Bakugo personally took care of Mira after the Sports Festival!" Mina declared. Kyoka didn't say anything. I could feel her eyes on me, full of amusement. 

Kyoka knew already. She was very observant, and no doubt did she know. And because she knew she was going to let me wallow in embarrassment as the girls fought over who it was until either Kyoka stepped in or I did to stop her.

"Todoroki helped Mira come out of her blank period," Tsu pointed out.

"Bakugo trained with Mira." Mina shouted.

"Todoroki buys her food!" Ochaco retaliated.

"Todoroki also knows everything about her, as Mira says." Tsu was still calm.

"You guys are forgetting the most important thing," Momo spoke, voice serious. I glanced up. She had a sharp glint in her eyes and a satisfied smirk on her lips.

"Who made Mira so upset that she almost destroyed the arena? Who put his life on the line to stop Mira from destroying the arena and calmed her down?"

It was as if she dropped the mic. Ochaco grumbled, trying to think of opposing words. Tsu hummed in thought. Mina chuckled evilly in victory, and Momo crossed her arms and sat straighter. She won the competition.

"You're right," I mumbled to myself. Katsuki put his life on the line to stop me. And the thought hurt. That's why I should be avoiding him, why I have the bracelet on. Why I refuse to use it.  But, instead, I confessed my thoughts to Katsuki and Shoto and Midoriya.

And told them I was never going to leave their sides.

After putting myself in the hospital.

I sighed, pushing up, running a hand through my hair as I slouched  over on the table, leaving my hand in my hair. I looked at all the eyes on me. Mina's wide and excited, Ochaco's eager, Tsu and Momo's listening for an answer. Only Kyoka seemed relax, munching on chips.

Fine. I need to tell someone.

"I love him." Mina groaned loudly at my non-answer. "But I realized this during a breakdown and even after seeing him we haven't gotten  a chance to talk yet or for me to confess."

The girls glared at me. Kyoka was holding back laughter.

"That's not a fucking answer, girl," Mina pointed a finger accusingly at me. 

"Well, at least tell us what happened?" Ochaco pleaded. I sighed.

"I was pissed off over my Quirk, and thought to myself 'I don't want to hurt the ones I love' while thinking of him."

"And I didn't confess but told him how stupidly I need him," I sighed, remembering my worry during that minute. "And no matter how dangerous, I love him and he is stuck with me whether he likes it or not. And then he told me I was going to need him more than by my side...

I sat upright.

Wait a minute.

Wait a damn fucking minute. 

Katsuki woke me up. I remembered hearing his voice, muffled words. And I followed them out. But what he said wasn't clear - until fucking now.

'Only people who love you are here. IcyHot and I, even fucking Deku. So stop dreaming and wake up'

Only people who love you are here. IcyHot and I

IcyHot and I

People who love you... and I


"Holy fucking shit-balls."

My face bloomed.

"What happened girl! What happened!" Mina jumped over Ochaco to grip onto me, pushing me. But I was just replaying his words over and over and over in my head.

"Oh my gosh."

I turned to look at Mina, who was eager to know what was on my mind. I stammered, looking back straight to Kyoka's dark eyes. I was in shock. Complete, utter shock.

"H-He love's me?"

Kyoka gasped, jumping up and taking my hand. She practically dragged me out of the booth as the others gaped at me, at Kyoka's energy. She began jumping with me, squealing.

"I told you! I told you guys were more than fucking friends!" She squealed. Her motions made me excited and hesitantly I began to show my weird 'smile'. Though my head was gone. "It's all me! I knew it from day fucking one!"

I couldn't help the nervous giggle that escaped my mouth. I was too dumbfounded to really soak in everything, still in shock. 

He said that to me when he was pulling me out of that memory... fucking oh my gosh!

Kyoka stopped jumping but kept her grip tight on my hands. Hers were a bit smaller, in accordance with her shorter hight. "Mira, I knew it this whole fucking time! Took you both long enough to admit it!"

I nodded, still reeling. 

Kyoka looked sharply at the girls. "No time to waste! Ladies - We need to shop!"

And then, for the first time since I've met Kyoka, she pulled me out of the food court. Running and cussing and praising herself for her sharp observational skills. And her 'lingerie choices for other people' skills. 

My brain was too fried to soak in her words.


I stared bleakly at the array of bags sitting on my kitchen counter and table, slouching in the cushioned seat of my new table. Mina was humming and picking clothes out and setting them on the table before me. Kyoka was in the bathroom. Ochaco got a call from her parents and had to leave as we departed from the mall. Tsu was in the same situation, and Momo had a family dinner to get to at an expensive restaurant.

So Mina and Kyoka accompanied me home to watch the speedy delivery and put together of my dining table and french sliding doors. Since I bribed the company with some extra money.

Mina was currently working on unpacking clothes from Forever 22. Colors. That's all I could think of. Shades of blue, purple, green and yellow. I just paid the bill, while everyone picked out clothes.

The first place we went to was Vitoria's Secret. Kyoka was throwing the laciest, sexiest lingerie and underwear-set in my direction. Took me a minute to find out why, when I had to try it on. I was too flustered to deny it, and she stole my card and paid for the ones that 'brought out my boobs and hips' more. 

... I don't know what to say.

Then the girls focused on getting me a wardrobe consisting of colors other than red and black. And they succeeded.

I groaned as Mina pulled out a flowery yellow top. "Do I actually have to wear these things?" I whined.

Mina smirked softly as she pulled out some black, leather boots. The heels were 4-5 inches, platform shoes. Death contraptions. Sadly, I knew how to walk in such things.

"That's why it was bought." Mina placed them on the floor.

The bathroom door opened, and soon enough Kyoka joined us. She pulled the gray chair out and sat next to me. Mina and her began a secret conversation with their eyes. They've been doing that a lot today, ever since Mina pulled Kyoka aside to talk before we got to the mall. I felt nervous.

Then they fell to me.

"Listen Mira," Mina began, dropping the bag and sitting across from me. Her face fell serious, and my spine straightened on its own. "Do you know that I consider you and Kyoka my closest female friends?"

I looked at her wide-eyed. "Kyoka and I? Me too?"

Mina nodded sharply. I looked to Kyoka. She nodded. "It's the same for me as well, Mira."

I gulped. "I-I didn't know. I-I thought..." my cheeks flushed. "Well, I thought I was the only one who thought that."

Mina snorted and Kyoka tsked, crossing her arms. 

"Girl, how much do we talk? How much do I share my secrets with you and care about you and wish to be with you?!" Mina demanded. I cowered a bit. Mina sighed and looked me in the eye.

"You don't need to hide or be embarrassed with me. Or with Kyoka." I sucked in a breath. 

It was that obvious how much I hid from them? How embarrassed over myself I was, that being considered their closest friends felt like an insult to them?

"And I understand that you have a bad backstory and find it hard opening up, and we aren't going to force you to talk about it," Kyoka spoke up. I looked at her, and her gaze softened on us. "But don't feel like you have to hide any little thing from us. You can confide in us however you want to. We may not have the answers, but at least we'll be there for you."

She grabbed a hold of my hand once more, and tears blurred my eyes. A pressure I didn't know I felt was suddenly lifted from my chest. I took in a shuddering deep breath.

"Are you sure I'm not burdening you guys?" I ask quietly, looking up slowly. Mina gasped and hit the table in outrage as Kyoka shook her head.

"If anything we're burdening you by making you feel as if you need to keep secrets!" Mina shouted. I looked at her, felt my lip quiver. 

Then the tears fell.

"W-why are you crying!?" Kyoka asked, shocked. I raised my hands and covered my eyes, my body shaking. 

"I-I don't deserve you guys!" I sob from behind my hands. Chairs scraped the wood, then arms encircled me from the front, a body hugging my back. A tangy-bubblegum smell and a plum smell entered my nose.

Kyoka rubbed my hair and Mina hugged me tightly from behind. The tears fell harder. I really don't deserve them. Not my crazy, murderous self. "But I'm so happy I have you guys."

Kyoka cooed. "You can be such a baby sometimes. It's hard to think you're at the top of the class like this." 

Mina nodded, cheek rubbing my shoulder. I snorted through the tears. 

"Mira, just relax around us and be yourself, okay?" Mina's voice was a bit muffled. Trying to breathe through my nose stuffy with tears, I hummed my answer. "So stop crying and just calm down."


Kyoka was the first to step away from the hug. "Let me go get the tissue box..." she turned and quickly went to the bathroom. Mina squeezed me tightly before stepping back and sitting in the chair next to me on the left side. Kyoka returned and stuffed the box in my face.

Laughing softly, I grabbed a handful of tissue and began wiping my tears and clearing my nose. While I did so, Mina and Kyoka found the ice-cream in the freezer, some bowls and spoons, and set up on the table.

"Are you ready to talk about why you're so... sad, today?" Kyoka asked softly. I guess I sucked at hiding my slouched shoulders whenever a bad thought crossed my mind. 

I looked into her soft eyes, open and totally ready for me to say no and be okay with it. Only sincerity. Mina reflected her emotions.

I cleared my throat. "I guess... my emotions went downhill at the sports festival."

And I began spilling all my painful feelings to Kyoka and Mina. The only girls I would have the courage to explain anything to now. 


I told them how it was my grandmother's death-day during the sports festival - how bad our relationship was and how it conflicted my emotions. Mina was very expressive, especially when I brought up how much grandmother hated my Quirks. 

They listened intently as I explained why I was so upset with Shoto and myself, how I started to feel so useless afterwards. Kyoka was upset with me, scolding me over how not-useless I was, Mina being her sidekick. How I broke down with Katsuki and was afraid of myself and my Quirk and what Shoto would think of me - how Shoto and I reconciled.

Mina said it was obvious that Shoto didn't hate me. In her words: "That dude has no bone or muscle or nerve in his body to hate you with!"

I explained how I cussed out our teachers - Kyoka cheered - and how Aizawa let me go to Tokyo for Yuuko. 

With red cheeks and hiding my eyes, I sheepishly told the girls how I spent the weekend with Katsuki. That ended up with Mina cheering and jumping up and down and Kyoka clapping happily.

Then tears began forming in my eyes again as I went over the rest of the week. Yuuko not being there, how I decided to cut my hair. Yuuko's reaction to my haircut, the words she said. The words I threw back at Yuuko in rage and pain - how I couldn't bring myself to hate Yuuko but was still too angry to bother talking to her. Mina looked ready to take on my cousin and Kyoka seemed to be plotting something evil in her brain.

I broke down once again when I explained the nomu, the mental breakdown I had. The way I practically tortured myself with my Quirk and running and ended up in the hospital. At that point, Mina and I were sobbing and hugging in the floor, Kyoka doing her best to hold back her tears as she was the voice of reason, scolding me nicely.

She said she was going to find a way to make me love myself. I told her that's what Katsuki said. When they asked for clarification, I finished my story. With the way he woke me up and the classification of my mental status, how Aizawa stole me away. 

So now Mina and I were crying in both happiness and sadness, and Kyoka was clapping her hands with excitement.

"I told Ochaco and Tsu it was Bakugo! Its so fucking obvious!" Mina exclaimed through teary eyes as she held onto me. I laughed/sobbed.

"I don't know what to do though." I hiccuped, throat sore from speaking and crying.

Kyoka laughed. "Oh, who gives a fuck!" She spun around. "Ah! How it feels to be right on this from the very beginning!"

I fell on Mina's shoulder and her arms closed around me. "But  Midoriya and Shoto were there! They must have heard him!"

Mina half laughed and half sobbed. "Poor, innocent Midoriya. I bet he never thought that brute capable of being able to love anyone! Or never imagined seeing you practically naked!"

Kyoka and Mina began rolling with laughter while I groaned and sobbed in embarrassment. Too much emotions were happening today. But the company of Kyoka and Mina made it feel as if I was releasing so much weight from my body. Just confiding in them. Not being judged or trying to console myself.

Before I could think of a response, my phone began to ring on the table. Kyoka took it upon herself to answer.

"I'm the only one not crying, so - ooh! It's him!" 

"Kyoka wait-!" Before I could stop her, Kyoka answered and placed the phone to her ear. She had a happy smile on her face.

"Nope! It's Jiro!" She snickered. I sniffled, Mina and I clasping each other, watching from the floor.  A wicked smile hit Kyoka's lips. "It is girls day today... she's currently trying not to cry while sitting on the floor - oh she's fine, just girl talk...  hey, everything we do is a secret, but what you do to her isn't...I'll tell you one thing - I made sure Mira got you some gifts from Vitoria's Secret-"

"Kyoka!" I screamed, hopping up and half-tackling her as I grabbed the phone from her. My face was wet with tears, but I still pressed my phone to my ear and cheek as Kyoka and Mina giggled in laughter.

"H-hello?" I stammered, stumbling upright. I held my breath as silence filled the phone. "Katsuki-"

"We need to talk." His voice was deep, gruff. Pleasant. I wish he was next to me. "In person."

I sniffed. "Oh, in person? Wow, we never do that."

I could feel the sneer through the phone. "Don't be fucking sarcastic!"

"I'm just nervous!" I retaliated.

"Why the fuck are you nervous!?" Katsuki demanded in a question.

"Because I don't know what I will do when I see you again! Mina!" I scolded as Mina began doing kissy noises.

Katsuki tsked. "You'll give me a big fucking hug and want to kiss me cause I'm the fucking best!"

I froze. Did he just promote himself using me as an example for wanting to kiss him? "K-k-kiss? but wasn't it you who started shit?"

Katsuki sighed. "Like I said, we're gonna talk tomorrow." I nodded, but then remembered he couldn't see me so I whispered 'okay'.

He grumbled. "Now what's the fucking gift? If you bought me some shitty lingerie to wear, I swear I'll kill those girls," Katsuki growled. I felt my face bloom.

"N-no, it's nothing you'll be wearing," I said, my voice a pitch higher. I cleared my throat.

"Then what is it?" Katsuki sounded kinda annoyed at being strung along. And in my state of ruin - that is, emotions flying high and nervous about everything and just came from crying and sobbing and laughing at once - I rambled.

"W-well, it's all lingerie and underwear sets for me. Y-you know the one I had when you fell on me during the sleepover? Well, all of them are either lacier or sheerer or smaller or designed a certain way and - why the fuck and I telling you this?" I gasped at myself in horror.

Mina pounded the floor with a fist in the throes of laughter.

The line went silent for a few moments, and my body froze with it. Then Katsuki started shouting at either me or life, I wasn't too sure.

"I can barely hold myself back when you're fully fucking covered! What the fucking shit am I going to fucking do now! Bitch - I - fuck, my fucking mind right now-"

The line clicked. I pulled the phone away.  He hung up.

I looked to Kyoka and Mina. Mina was trembling, trying to hold back her laughter, still on the floor. Kyoka held onto the back of a chair, eyes bright and smiling wide.

"So...?" Kyoka prodded.

I blinked. Looked back to the phone then to the girls. 

"I think..." I nodded once. "I think I gave Katsuki a mental breakdown."

Kyoka began clapping like it was the most beautiful sentence she had ever heard.

I, myself, was still in shock.


How is life? Any really close friends?

The chapter were a bit light to change the angst of the story. 

One time me and my friends were so high-strung over school and relationships that we broke down in tears and laughter and to this day a guy-friend always ask why girls cry together like that. I don't know what to say to him.

Hope you enjoyed!

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