Every New Beginning... (Chris...

Door belleofmarvel

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Every New Beginning Comes From Some Other Beginnings End I'd have been completely fine, living in my littl... Meer

.167. ~FINAL~


635 22 9
Door belleofmarvel

Opal POV

The girls left my office about ten minutes ago to head back to the party. I've just remained sitting behind my desk, staring at my computer screen, my walls, out the window that overlooks the back patio. Basically trying to find anything to keep me from going back to the event.

I need to be honest with myself. I am incredibly attracted to Chris. I don't think there's a woman walking this earth that would not find the man hot. I don't know him, not really. We spoke only a bit at the bar that night and even less at the concert. He seems nice, gentlemanly. Maybe stubborn. No not maybe, definitely stubborn. I think what is holding my interest most about the situation is that even after I said no, he still attempted to pursue me. Not in a creepy, weird, guy that doesn't understand the word no kind of way. But in a genuine way, seeking to know me.

So, here's the question at hand. Do I act nonchalant, like he's not completely working his way towards a yes? Do I ignore him the best that I can? Keep my fears over the situation at bay? I can't get involved in anything long distance. I won't. But, then again, who says he still wants a yes? This man is a 10 and there will be other single women present at the wedding. He's probably mingling with them right now.

Decision made. Everyone stays at arms length this weekend. I'll speak when spoken to but will not seek him out specifically. That should do it. Just like at the bar. I didn't seek him out, he sought me out. That means something though, right? He even came out of the bar to find me.

Good grief. How much longer do I have until I can slink out to the carriage house? I glance up at the clock on my wall. It's only 8:30 pm. I have at least another hour and a half. I can't hide in here forever, can I? And with that thought, right on time, my phone alerts me to a text.

Lily- You planning on hiding away all night?

Me- The thought has crossed my mind. Why? What's up?

Lily- Jameson just officially introduced me to him. He seems like a sweetheart, Ope.

Me- That doesn't matter.

Lily- He's hanging out with the other groomsmen now. You're in the clear, come join us. We're on the back patio.

I look out the window to check and see. Lily is glaring right at my office window even though the blinds are almost totally closed and she can't see in.

Me- Fine.

I walk over to the door, stopping to look at myself in the full length mirror that hangs on the back of it. I take a deep breath, roll my shoulders back and open the door. There's not a quick direct way to the back patio without going through the rest of the area where the party is taking place. I stay focused on the mission at hand: get outside without being stopped.

My first step through the dining room brings me face to face with him as Chris is rounding the corner at the same time. "Oh. I'm sorry. Excuse me," I apologize. "No apology necessary," he responds but I keep moving forward.

I made the first big mistake this weekend, and glanced over my shoulder. Looking back at me are those heavenly blue eyes, crinkled by that smug smile again. I look back ahead of me even though I feel like I'm being watched.

There's no more obstacles to keep me from the back patio. Once outside I release a breath and feel my body starting to relax. "Opal! Over here," Rae calls out to me.

I walk as quickly as these heels allow me to. As soon as I join the girls, they start in on me.

"He's gorgeous!"

"He's totally your type!"

"Y'all would have the most beautiful babies!"

"We could have a double wedding!"

"Hold your horses." I stop them before they go any further. "We aren't doing this right now. This is Lily's time, leave me out of it if it doesn't pertain to Maid of Honor duties. Got it?"

"Kill joy," Lily says. I'm taken by surprise.

"You can't be serious! You too?"

"Uh, yeah! I'm going to get more details on him from Jameson, but honestly I think he's an absolute doll," Lily tells me. She takes my hand in hers. "I want you to enjoy this weekend, in whatever capacity that may be. But to do that, you've got to face the facts."

I stare back at her.

"The guy you thought you'd never see again, is here. Now. At your Inn. If you can't see that this is some type of meant to be situation, then I have no hope for you, ever."


Lily's words resonate with me long after the guests have gone back to their rooms. It's about 10 pm now. I stop in the kitchen to make sure Mila doesn't need any help but she's cleaned everything up already and is on her way home for a few hours of sleep before breakfast. I sent AnnaBeth home at 9, along with Jeremy. I grab the cleaning supplies from the hall closet by my office and set to clean up any missed spots around the foyer and dining area.

Once that is complete I take a broom to the back patio. The quicker I get this done the quicker I can retreat to my sanctuary. I'm so engrossed in sweeping that I don't hear the door open. "Oh, sorry! I didn't think anyone was out here."

"Did you need something Mr. Evans?"

"Please, call me Chris."

"Not sure I can do that when I'm at my place of business and you're a guest." I quickly finish up my sweeping and start placing the chairs and tables back in their rightful places.

"Let me help you," he offers as he's already picking up a chair.

"Um, no thank you. Like I said, you're a guest. Guests don't work here at Magnolia," I tell him.

"Ok, then yes there is something I need."

I stop what I'm doing and look at him directly. "What can I do for you?"

"I need your number," he says while crossing his arms in front of him.

"That's not really a need, ya know. That's more of a want," I remind him.

Chris takes a couple steps towards me. "See, that's where you're wrong. I NEED to know how to get in touch with this woman that has been on my mind for the last two weeks."

I shake my head, a small chuckle escaping my lips. "This is obviously not your first rodeo. That was too well rehearsed to be off the top of your head, Maverick."

"On the contrary, Shirley, it most certainly was," he assures me as he takes another step closer to me.

I move a few steps away from him, returning back to moving the furniture in its rightful place, partially to end this conversation and otherwise to hide the tinge of red that I know is creeping towards my cheeks. He see's me struggle with the wicker couch and comes to my rescue.

"Well, that about does it. You should get some rest. I think you've got a round of golf with the groomsmen tomorrow morning." I move back towards to door, opening it to return to the inside of the Inn, carrying the broom back to the hall closet.

"Do you live near here?"

"Not too far, but I'm staying in the carriage house should there be any needs that arise this weekend." Chris cocks his head and opens his mouth to speak. I stop him. "Any REAL needs, Officer Evans." He's leaning one shoulder against the wall next to me.

"I've got to say, I really like hearing you say that." Thankfully I can duck my head into the closet, if only for a moment to hide the stupid grin that's overtaken my face.

"Well, good night," I say as I unlock my office door.

"Can I walk you to the carriage house?" Dang it. They were right. He is a gentleman.

"I think I can make it, thanks though."

Chris nods his head and starts to back away from me, walking backwards. "You're welcome. Good night, Opal."

"Good night," I start, "Officer Evans." Chris hangs his head and shakes it back and forth. When he lifts it again he has a boyish smile on his face. It's adorable.

And yes, I know exactly what I was doing there.


Friday morning brings a round of golf for the fellas and some time at the nail salon for the girls. My alarm goes off at seven and I quickly jump in and out of the shower. My goal is to run inside just long enough to make sure there were no issues during the night. I check the security footage through my cell phone and it looks like it's still pretty quiet inside. I just toss on shorts and a tee, slipping on my shoes and make a beeline for the front desk.

I slip in through the front door, AnnaBeth catching my eye. I put my finger up to my lips. "I'm not here," I whisper before motioning for her to follow me to my office.

Once inside I ask if there were any issues reported. Thankfully she says no. I give her another quick rundown for the day and let her know I'll be back shortly after lunch to help with the preparations for the evening's event.

I check the footage through my phone again, making sure I won't run into Chris on my way out while looking a hot mess.

"Crap," I mutter out loud.

"What's wrong?" AnnaBeth asks.

I lift the phone for her to see. "Do you see this guy here?" She nods her head. "I need you to distract him so he doesn't see me leaving." She looks back at me, quizzically. "He's not a bad guy, I just don't want him seeing me like this." She agrees and sets out to keep him from noticing me.

Second fail of this wedding weekend already happening before 8 am. Caring about what I look like around him. This is going to be harder than I expected.


"Did you go back to the carriage house alone last night?" Laura asks me.

We had just finished at the nail salon and were enjoying a light bite to eat before parting ways until the get together tonight.

"Of course I went back by myself. I can't believe you even asked that question." I grab another strawberry and pop it in my mouth.

Lily's phone vibrates with a notification from Facebook. It appears Jameson had posted photos from their golf outing this morning. Lily smiles before turning the phone in my direction.

   "In the words of Barbara Streisand...'Hello Gorgeous,'" Rae says grabbing for Lily's phone. 

   "How is something like holding a tee between your teeth this sexy?" Laura says as Rae passes the phone to her. 

   "I don't know. It's kind of gross to me," I say hoping to cover the fact that this image does things to me. "He could use a bigger size shirt too."

   "Uh, no ma'am, he does not need a bigger shirt. He needs to keep those muscles in full view," Rae says. 

   "Okay, married woman. What ya gonna do when Anthony finds you gawking over another man?" I ask her.

   "I think he's cute." Great, now Lily is getting in on it. 

   "By the way, Lily, weren't you gonna get some more info on the officer?" Laura asks her friend.  

   "Actually yes. And I did."

   I take a sip of water, acting as though I don't care about the topic at hand, but really I want to know more about him.

   "They were at the academy together, in Georgia.  Jameson moved down here four years ago, transferred, and they've kept in touch this whole time." All of the girls nod, apparently pleased with the information.  "He comes from a small family, one brother. His parents live up north." 

   "How does that sound, Opal?" Laura asks me, nudging my arm.

   "Sounds fine," I respond, still hoping I come off nonchalant. I glance down at my watch. "Sorry ladies, but this is where I bid ado."

   "Already?" Rae questions.

   "Yep. Need to go make sure everything is prepared for tonight. By the way, how are y'all dressing? I don't want to feel completely out of place."

   Thankfully they all say they're wearing jeans. I'm so looking forward to being comfortable tonight.

   After successfully setting everything up, without being interrupted, I go to get ready. Looking through all of my clothes I realize I'm thinking very different than I did last night. Last night, I had no thoughts about trying to look attractive or keeping the attention of any male. And then in walks Evans and my whole thought process has changed. 

   Comfort versus aesthetic. Can I possibly mesh both? Worth a shot. I don't wash my hair since it was just washed this morning. However I throw it up into a messy, but cute, bun. Natural makeup, light not heavy.  I toss on a pair of jeans, slightly distressed, not too much.  Now the question is off the shoulder sweater or flannel button up.  

   There's only one person that can help me make this decision. 

Me- you here yet?

Laura- pulling in. what's up?

Me- come to the carriage house.

   I answer the door with my robe wrapped around me. "Help."

   I explain my predicament and let Laura do her thing, but still remind her that it's me we're talking about and not her flashy self.  She chooses the oversized sweater, one side hanging off of my shoulder. Then grabs a simple gold necklace and places it around my neck, no earrings. 

   "Boots or converses?"

   She narrows her eyes looking between the outfit and the shoes. "Converse." 

  "Thank you for reading my mind." I slide on the gray converses and stand back to look at Laura's masterpiece. "I think I'm up to a seven now." 

  "I swear, Opal. That fine man could tell you that you're a ten and you still wouldn't believe him."

   "True story," I say simply agreeing with the obvious.

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