the bully || K.L

By bieberskink

78.1K 2K 663

{DISCONTINUED FOR NOW. Thank you for your patience. All the love. xx} Kian Lawley. The high school heartthr... More

Just for fun.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Part 2 of chapter 8)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
Chapter 34
chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 4

3.1K 85 4
By bieberskink


That stupid bitch! She punched JC in the fuckin face! She took her board and started to board away. And she ratted me out! She is so fuckin done! Jack and I are fast so we run after her. We push her to the ground and beat her. When we were done, we walked away to go see JC.

I walked up to JC. "Hey bro, are you alright?" "Yeah man, but I think the dumb bitch gave me a black eye!" Lia gasp "My poor baby! That stupid bitch!" and I smirked "Don't worry man, If this bitch thinks she's living hell right now, just wait until tomorrow. Hell is going to be brought into a whole new level" they all smirked at my comment and we all walked home.

Kenny's P.O.V

I was looking for Andrea in the school, but couldn't find her anywhere. I think she may have gone home. I always wait for Andrea and we both wait until we think Kian and his little "crew" have gone home. We always get pushed around by them. So we wait until they're gone. But since I don't see anyone, I decided to walk out of the school doors.

Andrea and I go on the same route to go home, but we don't live in the same area. I live little closer to the school than Andrea does.

I make a sharp turn to my left and stop in my tracks. I'm standing in shock. There's a girl laying on the ground. Oh no. Dear lord please don't let it be Andrea. I look a little closer and the girl is wearing the same outfit Andrea was wearing today, and the girl also has the same penny board and bag as Andrea. Oh god.

I move the girl's hair out of her face just enough to identify that's it's my best friend, laying on the ground beat up. I panic, I don't know if she's still breathing or not! I check her pulse. I let out a huge sigh of relief. She's still breathing. I pick up all her things and carry her to the foster home that she lives at.

Her foster Mom's a complete bitch. I hope that she'll have a heart and help Andrea.

After walking about half an hour or so, I finally get to the home. I knock on the door, well I kick it because if I move my arms, Andrea will fall on the ground. I hear telling inside and then the door opens revealing one of Andrea's foster sisters. It's Tori.

Tori looks at Andrea and gasp. "What happened to Andrea?!" And when she shouted that, Christina, Andrea's foster Mom comes to the door. "Oh my, what happened to her?" she asked with no emotion. I looked at her blankly and said "I don't know. I walked out of school and started walking home, when I saw Andrea laying on the ground all beat up" she gave me a low chuckle and said "Bring her into her room please. Then you can go"

I brought Andrea into her room, and layer her down onto her old mattress, kissed her on the forehead and left her room closing the door behind me.
I gave her foster Mom a quick goodbye and have Tori a kiss on the cheek and started to walk home. Tori has always been my favourite, beside Andrea of course. She's only 10 and doesn't deserve to be treated like crap by Christina. I sighed as I continued walking.

Andrea's P.O.V

I woke up and opened my eyes to find that I was in my bedroom. I tried to stand up, but I couldn't. Then I started to remember why I couldn't. Kian and Jack beat me up and left me on the streets. But I wonder who had brought me home?

I slowly tried to get up. Once I did my head was ringing. I had a horrible headache. Then I slowly walk to the washroom because I needed a shower badly, and to check the damage they had done to my body.

Once I made it to the washroom, I looked into the little mirror I had. It's not very big, but it's big enough for me to see my whole body. Wow. I had bruises everywhere and dry blood. I looked horrible. I don't even recognize myself in the mirror. I broke down crying.

I looked under my bed and found the razor blade I used. I picked it up and put it in position at my wrist. I thought about it. No, I couldn't do this. I would lose more blood and die. But everyone wants me to die. Eventually won't everyone? As I thought about this more, I thought about Kenny. I can't do this. I told him I wouldn't. I never break promises.

I walked towards my little window and threw the blade out. I watched it as it fell onto the road. I let the tears flow out of my eyes and someone knocked on my door. I said come in and it was Tori. I looked at her and saw that she had been crying. She walks up to me and gently gave me a hug. My room is filled with sobs.

"W-what happened to y-you Andrea?" She said in between sobs. "Nothing Tori, I just got hurt a little" she cried even more. "I don't want you hurt though!" I tried to calm her down.

As soon as she was calm, we just sat there in silence. "Tori?" She let out a sniffle. "Yeah?"
"Who brought me home?" She smiled "Your boyfriend!" I laughed at her "I don't have a boyfriend Tori" and she gave me a smirk "Yes you do! Kenny!"

As soon as she said his name, I was shocked. How did he find me? I need to call him. "Hey Tori Hun, can you leave me for a second? I need to call someone" she smiled and left. I called Kenny. He picked up on the second ring.

"Andrea?! Are you okay!?"

I laughed.

"Yes Kenny, I am"

He sighed.

"Andrea you look pretty beat up. who did this to you?"

I thought for a moment. Then said

"Kenny, can I come over? Please? I'll explain once we get there"

"Yes! You can come over! I'll come to pick you up"

I laughed. We said out goodbyes and got ready. I took a shower. Well that was painful. I tried to put on some clothes. I was just in my bra and underwear. I fell down onto the ground. I was panicking. I couldn't move. My whole body was hurt and it felt like someone stabbed my rib with a knife. Someone knocked on my door. I yelled and they walked in.

Kenny P.O.V

Andrea and I just got off of the phone. I'm going to pick her up so that she can come to my house. My parents adore her. So she can come whenever she wants to.

I park my car and knock on the door. Tori opens and I asked for Andrea. She told me Andrea was still in her room. She let me in and I walked up to Andrea's room. I heard screaming so I panicked and opened the door and rushed in.

It was Andrea. She was on the ground screaming. I bent down to her. "ANDREA! ANDREA! IT OKAY I'M HERE! WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?!"
She was crying, hard. "KENNY! EVERYTHING HURTS AND I CAN'T MOVE!" I panicked. I put a blanket over her because she was only in her bra and underwear. I brought her into the car and we rushed to the hospital.

We got into the hospital and I yelled "WE NEED A DOCTOR. QUCIK. PLEASE!" and nurses and doctors rushed towards Andrea and I. They took her away from me and told me that I had to wait in the waiting room before I could see her. I'm scared. What if something really bad happens to her?

I'm sitting in the waiting room, reading a magazine when a piece of paper hit my head. I look up and see Kian. I give him a death stare. He walks up to me.

"Hey nerd. What are u doing here?" and didn't look at him. I just reply with a simple "because I can be." He obviously didn't like my answer because him and JC took me outside.

"FUCK YOU. YOU THINK YOU'RE SMARR?! TELL ME WHY YOU'RE HERE OR YOU'RE GONNA GET IT HOLLAND!" I was kinda intimidated by him so I said "Andrea needed to come to the hospital! Okay?! JESUS." They didn't let me go. "Wait. Andrea's here? like in the hospital?" God JC is stupid.

I looked at him and gave him a dirty look. "Yes you meat head. That's what I said!" JC didn't like my answer and punched me in the gut. They would've done worst but then Madison, Rebecca and Lia come out. "Kian baby, Jack's ready to go home! Ew why are you here?" she pointed at me. Kian explained why I was here and they just laughed.

"Ha! The stupid bitch is in the hospital hurt!" Rebecca laughs and lets out a snort. EW. Then she shut her mouth. Then Jack and Teala come out of the hospital doors. Jack has a black cast on his arm, and Kian and JC let me go.

"What happened to your arm?" I asked. I was curious. "I broke it. Duh, you dumbass. And you're suppose to be smart" he scoffed and they all walked off, and Kian and JC both gave me a slap to the head before leaving. I quickly run back into the hospital and the nurse said I could go see her.

Updated 👏😂 well how's the story? don't ghost read! Comment? Vote?
Until my next update.

Bye loves

~Kelly xoxo

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