The Romanov Series Book #1: M...

By jmhallewell

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Sometimes things aren't always as they seem. What we believe about a person may not be so and what we don't i... More

Author's note
Chapter One: What Could Have Been Mine
Chapter Two: Paycheck
Chapter Three: A Job
Chapter Four: Rude Awekenings
Chapter Five: I know You!
Chapter Six: The Mediator
Chapter Seven: The Casanova
Chapter Eight: Family Reunion Part 1
Chapter Nine: Ghosts
Chapter Ten: Family Reunion Part 2
Chapter Eleven: The men in her life
Chapter Twelve: Bad Dads
Chapter Thirteen: The Street Urchin
Chapter Fourteen: Overdue
Chapter Fifteen: Impulsive Family
Chapter Sixteen: Not A Lawyer Or A Doctor
Chapter Seventeen: Grand Father
Chapter Eighteen: Of Dark Legacies and Dark Princes
Chapter Nineteen: A little Push
Chapter Twenty: Final Preparations
Chapter Twenty One: Ghosting Games
Chapter Twenty Two: Difficult Kid
Chapter Twenty Three: The Problem List
Chapter Twenty Four: For The Man I Love
Chapter Twenty Five: Goose Chase
Chapter Twenty Six: What Happened To Ferrer?
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Dark Prince
Chapter Twenty Nine: Conjugal Visit
Chapter Thirty: Chasing Shadows
Chapter Thirty One: Almost Checkmate
Chapter Thirty Two: Checkmate
Chapter Thirty Three: Farmhouse
Chapter Thirty Four: The Boss
Chapter Thirty Five: Where is home?
Chapter Thirty Six: The to-do list
Chapter Thirty Seven: Random Decision
Chapter Thirty Eight: What I Saw
Chapter Thirty Nine: The Gift
Chapter Forty: Acceptance
Chapter Forty One: Pissing Contest
Chapter Forty Two: Intervention
Chapter Forty Three: The Safe Choice
Chapter Forty Four: You Messed Up!
Chapter Forty Five: Not Big Enough
Chapter Forty Six: The Storm
Chapter Forty Seven: Ambivalence
Chapter Forty Eight: Hasty Decisions
Chapter Forty Nine: Dear Bestie
Chapter Fifty: No Show
Chapter Fifty One: Baby, I do
Chapter Fifty Two: This Moment

Chapter Twenty Eight: Leverage

276 46 11
By jmhallewell

Ferrer's POV
After each evening meal, I mark the wall of my jail cell. It helps me keep track of the days. They are beginning to crash into each other. It's dark and gloomy all the time. Because of the fights I was forced into, I have been denied the privilege of going outside. The only thing I'm missing out on are gloomy skies and sub zero temperatures. It's been fifty six days or probably sixty on the higher side counting those days I blacked out because of the knock outs. With each day that goes by, I fear I'm losing part of my sanity.

This night like most nights is cold. A few pushups before bed keep me warm but sometime towards the morning it's unbearably cold. I'll give everything I own for some sunshine and fresh air. I'll give anything for a woman's warmth; Lorraine's. Things moved too fast after we both admitted to being in love. That night was t night we should have made love but she left. Every night after that has been impossible. I'm thinking of her now. I'm dreaming of her being between her and loving her. I want that very much. When I get out of here, when. I see her next that is the first thing I'm going to do. I'm going to make love to her.

I unwrapped my hand. The bones are setting well. I still remember the pain of the mallet crashing down on my hand after the warden decided to show me how to conform. A guard who happens to be friends with Alexei helped me out with what I need from the infirmary to fix my hand. It's yet to heal. They went for the left hand as a warning. Next it will be the right one. Now I live quietly. I don't get into fights even if they insult me or try to get a rise out of me. I have learned how to take a beating. If my medical career has a future, I have to take care of my right hand or it's goodbye world class surgeon.

"Mierda!" I cursed quietly when I remembered that my leave of absence is over. It has been over for days. They are definitely looking for me and I'm sure the other surgeons are gunning for my job.

I closed my eyes to still my racing heart.

My job as Chief of Surgery doesn't matter if I'm stuck in here. Nothing does. At least the Oncology Center and the Pharmaceutical company can take care of themselves. I expect that my lawyer has enforced my will and Lorraine is now the custodia of everything I own. In real sense, I have nothing. I'm penniless.

What about Lorraine? Is she looking for me? Is she thinking of me? Are they even safe? What about my friends? Are they concerned that I am not around anymore?

A guard banging on the door nearly startled me to death. "Visitor!"

It's at night. Who is visiting me at night? I don't like this.

They don't give me a choice. They will open the door and drag me out. Not wishing to be any more black and blue than I already am, I followed them through the quiet hallways of the prison.

Last time I had a visitor was a few days after I was imprisoned. It was Romanov and he was waiting for me in the warden's office. This time it's a different place. I sat behind a thick clear panel that's probably glass. I picked up the phone. "What now?" I asked the old man.

"Good evening. Have you eaten?"

"I don't see how that adds anything to this conversation." I spoke in a flat tone.

The old man chuckled. "I am just checking in on you. I just remembered something and I decided I won't go to bed before you hear it."

"What?" I asked impatiently.

"Thank you." He smiled at me. This man creeps me out. "I want to express my gratitude for two things. First, my life. You did what many neurosurgeons couldn't. I'm alive today because of you. It's sad that you refused my offer and you ended up in here. What a waste. I see what I said about your hand happened."

I can't even fold it. "Secondly?"


He snapped her fingers and Alexei plastered a photograph on the glass separating us. "Stay away from my son!" I snarled at him.

"It's one of my favorite photographs. He's a wonderful boy. I like him. He exists because of you and I'm grateful."

"He's just a kid. He has nothing to do with what I did. Don't go anywhere near him!"

"You look red. Try to breathe. I didn't know you have so much rage in you!" He smiled at me. "Ah! Old man habits. Da, about what I am here to say to you. I have been spending time with Terrence."

I palmed the glass hard with my good hand. "Stay away from him!"

"Sit down! Behave!" The guard warned me.

"How can I? He's my only grandchild."

My eyes widened at the old man as I sat down on the plastic chair. "You're sick!"

"For loving my grandson? No." He laughed. "Grandson means his mother and I... We are related. You know how genetics work. Da?"

"Stop playing mind games. He's not your grandson! She's not... She can't be!"

"This will hurt but..." He snapped his fingers and Alexei plastered the next photograph against the glass. "There. That is my daughter."

She looks just like Lorraine. Is this man mistaking Lorraine for his daughter? Is he confused?

"She's not your daughter. You're mistaken."

"Who is she then?"

"Lorraine Hall. She's an orphan and a lawyer."

He looked at Alexei and started laughing. I studied Alexei's expression. He's sincere. I placed the phone down to bury my face in my hands. What the hell?! He tapped the window. I can't walk away from this conversation even if I want to. I picked up the phone.

"Her name is Katya Romanov. She's my second born. You have already met her older sister Katerina. I believe she went by Larysa then. Do you remember?" I remember Lorraine punching her. I understand now. "Doctor Cavaleiro, I'm sorry to say this and I take no joy in breaking you any further but you have been played. You have been lied to and you should be angry. If you had turned me down, I wouldn't have done anything about it because I'm incapable of hurting Katya and Terrence. They are my blood. But now that you're in my hands, I'll use you to get her to do my bidding. I just thought you should have something to think about while you're in here alone with your thoughts. She's a green snake in the grass. I raised her so and she fooled you. You can't protect the predator. Good night... Oh wait! Wait! Old man brain!" He had a good laugh at my expense. "I'm not one to gossip but the best part of all this is that she knew what was happening and she did nothing to protect you. Okay I'm done now. Good night."

He left with Alexei.

If it wasn't for the guard dragging me away, I would have remained seated to process what I just heard.

Lorraine has been lying to me all along.

She's been lying.

Katya's POV
Two days and Katerina isn't back.

A lot can happen in two days.

My mind is in chaos.

I'm nearing the point of madness feeling like I'm not getting anywhere! I almost pulled out a handful of my hair. I can't wait around anymore.

I grabbed my jacket. I'll do things the way I know how. I'll threaten and beat up people until I get to papa. Just when I opened the door, Alexei pushed me back into the house. I pulled a gun on him. "That's far enough. Empty your pockets contents on the counter."

He closed the door. He did as I wanted. "Hello Katya."

"Legs apart. Spread your arms." I patted him down checking for anything he could be hiding. "What do you want?"

"Katerina hasn't checked in for two days."


"I want you talk to her. Is she alright? Can you lower the gun?"

I lowered it. "I don't know where she is."

"Didn't she say where she's going?"

Alexei must not know that her sweetheart has boyfriends. "Tatiana was meeting her Serbian boyfriend."

"Katerina. You mean Katerina."

"Only that when she left she was Tatiana in a little sexy red dress. I can't imagine what a Serb twice your size is doing to her." He cursed. I laughed. I have a dark sense of humor. "What? Are you jealous?"

"It's not funny. I told her to stay away from the Serbs."

"No wonder she didn't tell you. I'm leaving. Get out."

"I have a message for you."

"What message?"

"You know that I swore loyalty to your father. I'm incapable of anything less."

"The faithful puppy. What is your reward? Do you get to be the boss after he expires?"

"I'm not going to take that personally Katya. Your father wants to see you."

I didn't expect this.


"Are you looking for him?"

"Why does he want to see me? Give me a heads-up Alexei."

He opened the front door. "A car is waiting for you."

"I have my own way. Lead the way."

When we got downstairs, he left in his car. I raved my bike and I followed at a safe distance cautious that the old man has an ace up his sleeve. When we arrived at the location, I was a little surprised. It's not a house. It's an old museum! No wonder I couldn't find him!

His men thoroughly searched me. They took every little sharp object on me.


"Good evening Katya!" He sang. "It's always wonderful to see you my dear. You look a little thin. Are you trying to stay in shape for the doctor?"

"Where is Ferrer?"

"Ah ah ah! Six feet." There's a line on the floor in red tape. His men held me back. "You just missed Terrence. He was here. Nick picked him up."

"What were you doing with my son?"

I glanced at Alexei. He didn't me too Terrence was around!

"I just wanted to meet him. Spend time with him. You know what a grandfather does with his grandson. He's wonderful. I can't place who he is more like. Is it you or Ferrer?"

"Where is Ferrer?" I nearly growled.


He showed me a mugshot. I took the photograph. My fingers trembled as I took in the badly beaten man. Ferrer does not like conflict. He would rather talk his way out of something, pay his way or run but never fight. He's badly hurt. "What did you do? What did you do?"

I crossed the red line and I was tackled down hard.

They held me still in front of my father behind the red line. "Calm yourself. Rage doesn't look pretty on you. You look like arabis animal. Murder, possession of illegal drugs with intent to distribute and possession of weapons. Life in prison. You'll never see him again."

"I will kill you!" I kicked and screamed through the restraint by the four ken who are keeping me from executing him.

"I know. But not today. Someday but no today. Why don't you go and walk it off! Let's talk when you are calm."

They threw me out in the snow. I landed roughly on the ground and they locked the large metal doors keeping me out. I screamed like a mad woman.

That old man and I have a feud to end. There's no settling. I'm ending it.

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