
By DC93_15

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She was the baby faced beauty who captured the hearts of everyone. She was the loving angel who had a heart o... More

New job
Lost bracelet
Pet shop
Double Surprise
Intimacy- Part 1
Intimacy- Part 2
Eschewing + Ring
Blue Sea Vs Green Forest
Unruly fondness
Naked Glory
Pillow talk
Under his mercy
Flaming taste
Lick and Flick
Ti amo
Snake Vs Rose
Secret Sweetheart
Unsolved identity
Candlelight dinner
Shattered heart
Bitter truth
Unexpected meeting
Mission of Compadres
Feeling so high
Me & You
My light
Visit from the past
Bambino's Oma & Opa
Heavenly Realm
Aaron Theodore
My perpetuity

Royal wedding

8 2 0
By DC93_15

When Sofia woke up in the next morning, Zion was sleeping next to her hugging her to his naked chest just as he promised. She couldn't be more happier than that. However when the time private jet reached to take the crown prince back to the palace, the little angel couldn't stop the tears that cascaded down her rosy cheeks.

"I promise you my love...I will keep an end to her psychotic desires within these two days. But just promise me that you will keep an open mind on whatever going to happen..." When the prince said so, the little beauty thought for sometime and nodded her head showing she understood though her body was in fire.

That day little angel waited at the gate with tear filled eyes, till the private jet became a small dot at the sky. The prince couldn't do much to stop those tears she shed on behalf of their temporary separation. He knew her sorrow will be worsen, if he doesn't depart without waiting more. He knew that he had to stay strong for both of them.

When the prince entered into the palace that day, his friends were waiting in his study room for a further discussion regarding the plan. They knew they had to be really careful of what they are going to do as it may cause problems not just between two people but 2 whole continents.

"When have you planned to reveal her ugly intentions Zion?" That was the question raised by his best buddy Xavier.

"When she walks down the isle..." when Zion said so, George raised his eye brow not understanding what his friend meant.

"What do you mean by that? I mean are you going to marry her first and then reveal her? But... don't you think it's too much for Sofia to witness?" That was the burning question of every one that was asked by Arnold.

" But we have to follow that procedure Arni... because I want everyone in my kingdom as well as theirs to know her true colours." When Zion said with a mischievous smirk, everyone knew Zion doesn't act carelessly without thinking further.

"But...then you will be married to a cheater first no matter what. I just don't think Charms will take this in a good way." Gabriella said with a serious face when he said so.

"I told her to keep an open mind no matter what." Zion said with a shrug not getting what his friends were trying to say.

"I don't think so know...she experienced cheating twice no matter what the circumstances were. So think carefully before you mess up your chances with her this time." When Adrian said while patting Zion's shoulder, he just nodded his head understanding what his friend meant by that. But he wasn't planning to change what he thought no matter what. Because he knew what he was doing.

However their discussion halted hearing a sudden knock from the other side of the door. They were sure that none of them expected anybody. So all the questioning glances were directed at Zion thinking he might have told somebody to meet him. When Prince Zion gave the command to enter, a little maid who helped Sofia previously entered saying that the king and the queen is expecting him downstairs right now. When he asked the reason, she started stammering like she has seen a ghost.

"What's it Cara?" When the maid heard prince's impatient voice, she knew she had to spill it out quickly. Because she has heard how violent prince himself can be though he is so calm and collected most of the time.

"Yo...ur high...ness, Princess Amber...has reached, so...king request your presence." Zion's blood boiled hearing her name. He knew she is the cause that he missed his time with her beloved mate. However he knew he had to work with the presence of mind. And also he knew how much he need to have control over his emotions if he is going to play this game expecting victory at the end.

"Ok, tell the king that I will be there right now." After taking a breath, he said it with a fake smile that he had plastered on his face.

"Yes... your highness."

When she left the room only others raised their voices to discuss the rest. But none of them joked or talked bullshit at that moment. They knew that their time is limited and needed to go through their perfect plan once more. And also they knew Zion won't be able to interact with them much as the greatest nuisance will be clung into Zion like a monkey till their plan comes to an end.

" Then I will see you all in my wedding, day after tomorrow, ok guys?" When prince said with a mischievous smirk on his face, others knew that Bea is already fucked up everything. She was once a  beautiful soul who dearly loved him. But not anymore and they knew why already.

When Zion reached downstairs, Bea ran towards him being dramatic like she is seeing him after many years. And then she didn't forget to kiss him on the lips though she knew that both of their parents were watching them. Zion couldn't push her away no matter how much he wanted as her parents were watching them. So he just let her do whatever she wanted without any protest. In his mind, he saw the beautiful plump lips and the breathtaking smile of his angel not that ugly girl.

" I need to try my wedding dress one last time today...can you come with me baby?" Though hearing her voice and agreeing to her useless things wasn't in Zion's agenda, he knew he had to atleast show interest that he is into her. Otherwise she will definitely suspect that he has something on his sleeves.

"Ok...let's go...I will come with you..."

"Really! Oh I am so happy...You know what baby...I can't wait for you to mark me honestly..." the prince felt a little sad about the girl no matter what. He loved her once dearly for her simplicity and carefree nature. But now everything has changed. She is now a vampire who bears selfish thoughts and attitudes like most of their kind. But he is a changed man who madly in love with a certain blue eyed beauty.

Sofia's POV
(Two days later- WEDDING DAY )

I know I have nothing to worry knowing he is fully mine. But I don't know why I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen sooner or later. Right now I am pacing back and forth in the living room not knowing what to do about that. We even said I love you's in the morning with a face time call. But still.... I just don't know.

"Fia, what's wrong love? You know your hot mate will handle everything perfectly, right?" When Rhy said so I understood that no one is worried except me.

"I's just...I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen Rhy..."

" Come here darling...sit with me and watch how your mate is going to play this drama nicely. Live wedding is given via tv, Facebook as well as YouTube... choose one please..." when Rhy said  I just chanted in my mind that everything is going to be good. Then I sat with him on the comfy couch.

"Tv is ok...then we have a bigger screen. By the way where is Seb?"

"He just went out to get us some snacks. So settle on the couch and get ready. We are going to watch the biggest scandal of the vampire royal history."

When he said with a wink, I couldn't stop the chuckle left me seeing his expression. God! They know how to change my mood within seconds. So I sat next to Rhy and leaned on him while curling my legs under my butt.

" two cuddle without me? No way guys..." saying that Seb sat on the other side of Rhy. But it took only seconds for them to start eating each other's face. Oh my goodness...can't they see I am here? I don't think so.

" Oh gross! Can you two stop doing it here? Errr....SEB...RHY..."
When I said it with a pout, both parted with fake angry faces.

"What's that face guys?"

" Oh really? If this is gross...what did you both do on my kitchen counter day before yesterday?" When Seb asked with a playful chuckle, I knew I have no saying there. Honestly it was all Zion's fault, not mine.

However for my luck, they couldn't tease me for anything as the live wedding show started with a brief introduction.

I know I shouldn't feel like this as this is just a fake wedding no matter how glamorous it looks. But I couldn't stop the little breath stuck feeling when I see the moment she walked down the isle with a beautiful smile on her face.

The white wedding dress had hugged her seductive curves at the right places. Her silky blonde hair was cascading down to her waist while the beautiful crown was settled on her head gracefully. In every sense of the word, she is breathtaking.

And then my breath hitched seeing Zion's face at the other side, when the camera Zoomed in to capture his reaction. I know I shouldn't feel like this... I know this is all acting. But the burning feeling I have when he looks at her just the way he looks at's so hard no matter what.

And then he took her hand so lovingly, so carefully like he is afraid of giving even a scratch. When they stood at the altar looking at each other while waiting for father's speech to end, my heart speeded instantly. Honestly I felt miserable and useless no matter what.

But then for a second, I wish it was me... for a second I wish I was her wearing that dress standing in front of him and his people. And then my heart completely stopped for the next few seconds, seeing how they shared their vows directly looking at each other like they are the only ones that exist. Finally the kiss they shared at the end, that short kiss, though it was for like 2 seconds it's mine...he is mine... But for the second time, I see her touching those lips that belongs only to me.

Until Rhy kneel in front of me while cupping my cheeks, I didn't realise that I was crying. I didn't realise that I am a sobbing mess seeing him getting married to his ex mate even for a complete lie.

"Shh...don't cry baby know it's a know why he did it, right?"

" I...I know he told me to open mind...but...I just...feel chest is burning seeing her kissing...and touching what's...mine..."

"Come on are better than know how much he loves's just his wonderful acting till he exposes her baby." When Seb said while wrapping his arms around my shoulders, I just nodded no matter how chaotic it's. I know I have to have a open mind like Zion said before he left. But it's easier to say than done.

However after the kiss, they stood in front of the people of both kingdoms, greeting and accepting the well wishes of the people who were happy to see the reunion of two continents. But something unexpected happened at that moment. On the wider screen that was sharing their moments turned into a scandalous story within seconds. I think my jaw dropped seeing something that I never thought of.

" What the fuck?" I know Seb and Rhy also shocked seeing the content sharing on the larger screen. It was the same morning I ran out of the palace. It showed how she get into her bed like a thief and try to hug him without even a thread on her body though they had blurred her intimate parts. It shows how she come inside the room only wearing just a robe and nothing else.

And then the scenery changes back to another room I have never ever seen. Then I see a dark brown haired handsome vampire standing in a corner of a room looking through the window. Though I can see only the backside of the man, within seconds the viewer understands that he is hugging someone. After few minutes when they both turned back, I see Bea with just a bed-sheet wrapped on her. However the people gasped hearing the discussion that had between them the next minute.

" know we are mates already...but why don't you let me mark you?" the man is asking from her.

" I just...need sometime darling... you's not long I woke up from my you know how I feel..." she says with a pout.

"I about our baby...what are you going to say if your parents come to know about it?" He says back.

"I know... that's why I said that I just need sometime darling... please... I am definitely going to tell them sooner about us, ok?" when she says it with a breathtaking smile, I can't believe my eyes that the same woman who looks at her mate like he is the whole world do such a thing by marrying another man.

And then the whole video pauses on the big screen leaving so many questions in the mind of the viewers as well as the people in the palace. When the camera turns toward Zion, he looked angry like a mad man. And then King Derek & Queen were also no different. And then, when the camera zoomed toward her non biological parents as well as her non biological brothers, they were about to explode seeing how deceive she was. Though she wasn't their daughter, they took care of her in her need. But seeing how she acted heartlessly leaving her own mate angered the king of Immortal Castaways. But I didn't get a moment to take a breath and think what will happen as she exploded like a maniac in the next few seconds.

" How dare you? How dare you treat me like this? You know we were mates before my reincarnation as a vampire... so how could you show such a thing? How Zion?" she looked angry as well as a crying mess already.

" I never thought you will be such a terrible person ever. How did you even think to deceive us all and be my bride? Do you think that it's that easy even knowing you are pregnant with another man's child who is your mate and then you act here like I am the one did so to you, ha?"

" No...the video... it''s a lie... you just...can't accuse me for something I never did." she started screaming from the top of her lungs.

"Your majesty, I am extremely sorry if I made you uncomfortable. But I had to do this. I am not a person do things based on lies. I just wanted to uncover the truth." when Zion said it to the king of Immortal Castaways, he nodded his head gracefully. Oh! thank God...I thought he would start a war as soon as this drama took place.

"Do you think it will be easy for you to get rid of me now? We are married Zion... You can't do anything now and I have no plan to give you a divorce no matter what others say." she started laughing like a real psycho at that moment.

" Who said that we got married?" my jaw dropped hearing that. What did he mean by that? I don't understand anything. Even my eyes witnessed their marriage following the exact process.

"What did you just say?" She looked scared and angry at the same time.

"The priest is not a real one. He is just one of my father's commanders." Zion said with an ugly smirk on his face. Oh dear lord! what a mate I have. It just brought a smile to my face realizing what a tease he can be.

" can't do like that to me... You just..." her voice died down hearing his hard angry voice.

"Why not Bea? Why not? I can and I did... but the question I have is...why did you pull such a stunt? Why did you want to get married to me so badly knowing you have a mate and you are pregnant with his child already? Tell me dammit..."

" Because... because...I still love you Zion..." She just whispered it like a soft murmur.

"NO you don't... because I know you have a hidden motive behind it... so without embarrassing yourself or the people who took care of you all this time, tell me...why did you want to marry me?" 


I was totally shocked hearing what she said. What kind of a monster is she?  How could she say such a horrible thing? Only a monster can be acted like that.

"I am...not happy... because I feel sorry about your mate... sorry about him to have such a horrible woman like you... but I am happy... because I got a gem unlike you a monster..." Zion said with a proud smile on his face.

" What? you have a second mate? but how? We get only one mate in this lifetime..." She is shocked means an underestimate seeing her reaction.

" Yes... unlike you hypocrite... I am proudly wearing her mark... see it by yourself." Saying that he opened the royal suit jacket and then opened the top two buttons on his shirt and showed it to the camera. The crescent mark I had left on his right bicep.  God he looks so yummy and sexy with such a look on his face.

" Wow...Fia... we didn't know you were such a fine artist..." when Seb said it with a truly astonished look I gave him a smile while hitting him playfully on his arm.

" I am never letting you live with her peacefully...just see what I am going to do to your beloved mate..." my playful look broke hearing her threat openly. She said what? Not letting us live? What's wrong with her? Didn't she feel embarrassed already of what she has done so far?

"Let's see... but if you ever keep your dirty hands on my angel, you are dead meat...just mark  my words, ok? " I couldn't stop the sobs left me seeing how much he loves me. What did I do to deserve such a love even after suspecting him for things he never did?

" God...I love him so much...I just want to hear his voice Seb...please...can you give a call?" Because I couldn't control my emotions anymore. I know he can't come to me this instant. So I wanted to hear his voice so badly right now. I am utterly exhausted emotionally and physically I am totally lost and a mess because of his absence.

And then without any questions or jokes, Rhy opened his phone to give a call to him.

" Hello... Zion is speaking..." his voice, that husky voice soothing my already drained heart.

"'s you  so much..."

" that you? why are you crying? Did something happen? tell me." when he said with a fear laced voice, I knew he is terrified thinking that something bad might have happened to me.

"NO... I just miss you so badly... I...I can't sleep tonight...if you you aren't here... I want you...God...I am going crazy..." when I said while trying to hold my sobs, I knew he knew it and he felt it hearing his breath hitched.

" I am on my way you think I can stay away from you too? NO...I will be a lunatic if I don't get to touch your soft bare skin and kiss your pouty lips today... but bear with me for some time. I will be there as soon as possible, ok?"

" Yes please come safely... I will be waiting for you Zi..."

"Yes my love...I know...I know you are."

When I hung up the phone, my lips were dancing with a full smile. If somebody saw me, they may think that I am crazy. But I couldn't stop that smile on my face. The content feeling I am having right now cannot be expressed with words. Because I am over joyed and delighted like a little girl who is going to get her Christmas gift on the christmas day. My christmas's all him.

God! I can't wait to see him any longer.



See you with the next update.

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