
By DC93_15

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She was the baby faced beauty who captured the hearts of everyone. She was the loving angel who had a heart o... More

New job
Lost bracelet
Pet shop
Double Surprise
Intimacy- Part 1
Intimacy- Part 2
Eschewing + Ring
Blue Sea Vs Green Forest
Unruly fondness
Naked Glory
Pillow talk
Under his mercy
Flaming taste
Lick and Flick
Ti amo
Snake Vs Rose
Secret Sweetheart
Unsolved identity
Candlelight dinner
Shattered heart
Bitter truth
Mission of Compadres
Feeling so high
Me & You
Royal wedding
My light
Visit from the past
Bambino's Oma & Opa
Heavenly Realm
Aaron Theodore
My perpetuity

Unexpected meeting

10 3 0
By DC93_15

3rd person POV

Zion felt like his whole world collapsed on his feet. He couldn't believe what his father was telling. But how could it be? He knew that he was too drunk to have any rational thought that night as he was utterly devastated seeing the mate he thought dead. Due to the chaos in his mind, he didn't look for Sofia that night and drowned himself in alcohol. At the end, it costed their beautiful bond as Bea ended up on the bed he slept that night. Somehow another part of his mind was telling that he didn't do any mistakes that night.

He knew he fucked up everything with Scarlet's incident once. But this time, to his astonishment, his deamon Sirius is too silent. He knew that Sirius will go crazy if they had betrayed the trust of his mate, Sofia. But no, nothing from his side as he was too silent since that fateful night. However he just felt less stressed though the other half is running wild not knowing what  exactly happened.

Somehow after hearing the devastated news from his father, he realized that he needed the help of their closed group. He needed their assistance for solving this fucked up news and speeding the process of finding Sofia. Because even though King Derek was against the idea, Bea's father had already talked about the royal wedding that should take place in between them already. And as the king of Necrosis brigade, he knew he can't go against no matter how much he disliked it.

But there was something there for the advantage of crown prince. The first was, Bea and Zion's mate bond had already broken as she was transformed into a vampire woman by then. Further it has erased the mark Zion had given her a century ago. And also the mark on Zion's neck also has disappeared with the mortal death. So according to the law she didn't have any claim over him except the pregnant card she was playing. So he was determined to find the truth before the so called wedding they are going to have.

Zion knew that he is already a huge mess without his mate by his side. He was already angry and tired with everything around him. However he determined to work with the presence of his mind to bring out the truth and find his beloved angel. So at that moment he did the only thought that came to his mind after thinking for a while.

"Xavier is speaking....Zion, you ok buddy?" No matter how angry both of them were, it didn't affect the special bond these two shared though they weren't blood related.

"Can you all come to the palace right now? I just need your urgent help this instant." He knew it's already way past mid night. But he understood that he cannot do it alone. He needed them by his side. He was avoiding them for almost 3 months now though they always called him checking on his wellbeing. However he realized that hiding and pitying himself by drinking isn't going to solve his biggest issue.

"What's wrong Zi? Did you find Belle?"

"It's...Dad said...that Bea is pregnant." He could hear only silence from the other side forfew seconds. Because Xavier was too shocked to reply instantly.

"What! How could... Jesus! I am coming over there right now. I will inform the others too."

"See you soon Xavi...thanks." he knew that he had to do it earlier. However he felt little better as well as guilty knowing they will be there to assist him to come out of the mess he has fallen no matter how badly he treated them . Because he lost his beloved once already. But he wasn't ready to loose her for the second time.

Sofia's POV

Today is a little hectic day in our little food shop. Because Rhy and Seb has gone out for something leaving me in charge of the shop. You know, it's really stressful at some point. Because if something goes wrong, I will have to take the responsibility of the things though they never blame me or fire me.

In my heart, I knew that these two souls are doing a great duty by taking care of me in my time of need though they didn't even know me at the beginning. So I didn't want to ruin it or create any mess in Rhy's food shop. That's why I am trying so hard to do everything in the proper order by guiding and observing the others who work with us keenly. And also as the cashier being absent today made me do her job too. Because I knew I have to take care of it by myself if I don't want to clean up the mistakes as most of the girls are young and inexperienced.

It's already half past 10 in the morning and a considerable number of people were already having breakfast enjoying the morning breeze of the Californian sea. I was too busy counting the coins that I had to use for today and couldn't believe that I missed the 6 feet sexy grown up male that entered through the front door.

What broke my concentration was the sudden silence that felt in the shop instantly. What happened exactly? Yes, you guessed correctly. When I raised my head and looked around for the sudden change in the atmosphere,  I saw the drooling faces of ladies and the astonishing and admirable looks of men on a particular somebody.

The beautiful green eyes, the plump looking delicious lips, the sharp aristocrat nose, well defined jaws that may cut you like a sharp knife and the well built sexy body that I missed past few months so badly is starting at me with a look I cannot identify. However what I noticed with the first glance was, the bright twinkles I used to saw in those beautiful orbs have disappeared completely. And I didn't miss the tired look on his face.

His Half of the face has covered the beard indicating that he hadn't bothered to shave in the past few days. However it had added a rugged sexy look to his handsome face. No matter how tired he looks, it couldn't hide that sexy handsome look and the aura that screamed royalty. Honestly he is a beautiful mess if I put it correctly. But what happened to my Zion actually?

You just did it to him my dear. When my self conscious was shouting at me with the same lines, I knew it's partially my fault. But who takes responsibility for the painful heartbreak I am experiencing because of him. I just didn't know what I was supposed to do at that critical moment. Should I talk to him? Should I ask him to leave this instantly? Should I ask why he has come?

I just...didn't know what I was supposed to do at that moment. I am tongue tied completely. It's like the world has disappeared around us completely. Just me and him like the first time I saw him when I bumped into him in that restaurant. But now the circumstances have changed vastly.

I knew I am supposed to talk to him and see. Because I never gave him any chance to talk or explain of what exactly happened. But when my mind reminded me of the unfortunate incident once more, I  felt like I am dying. Yes, my chest tightened reminding the old picture that became a nightmare in my life since that day.

So I did the only thing I was good at for past few months. I turned back and ran out of the back door of the cafe. I knew I should act like an adult and talked about this with him face to face. But my love for him hasn't reduced even a bit if I tell honestly. No matter how big the mistake he has done, I still love him with my whole heart. So I just couldn't...couldn't talk with him when my mind had a picture embedded in my mind them wrapped in each other like the day they were born.

I am not sure how long I ran holding my pregnant belly with one hand. I knew he didn't even notice it when I was wearing a coat over the light pink dress. And I was not planning to reveal it to him that easily. What if he snatch my child from me? What if.... just don't over think Sofia. But the circumstances right now have taken me to dangerous places in my mind.

When I reached the beach, I slowed down my running. I knew he won't come after me now. But did I want him to follow me? I just don't know. Because he was a vampire with a fast moving ability. If he wanted to follow me, he would have already reached, right? So I just leaned against a boat and started panting while trying to calm my tired muscles and raging heart that was soaring high seeing him.

I didn't know how he found me. Because I was playing this hide and seek game really well so far. But now, as he has exposed my hiding spot already, will he be back once more? But I just can't talk to him like nothing happened. I just can't go back to how we were before. Specially when he has his beloved mate back, will I be a side piece to him? Then my unborn child will be branded as the mistress's bastard child. No! I am not gonna let it happen to my child no matter what.

"Is this what you are good at? Running away from me all the time?" When I heard that deep husky voice behind me, I realized that he hadn't given up. But I was not ready to turned back that instant.

"Yes. This is what I am good at, happy now?" I knew I shouldn't provoke him like that. But my hormones have changed the emotions I was feeling into a huge fire.

"Sofia...just...just don't do that. Let me explain it."

"Explain what? Explain how you slept with your mate wrapped in each other after meeting her for a whole century? No thanks, I don't want to hear any single word from you. Please leave...I beg you... don't come here again. Just leave me alone." I knew I am being too harsh right that moment. But the pain I was feeling, knowing we won't have what we had again made me say those words no matter how hard it was. I truly didn't mean them. I wanted him so badly in my life. But not like this. Not after knowing he found his other half.

" Sweetheart...listen to me first. I..."

"Don't you dare finish it. I...I don't need you to pity me out of sympathy. Just leave and live a good life with your mate. And...and I don't love you anymore."

"Then turn back and say it to my face. Why are you hiding your face from me like a coward then?" I realized he is so angry with me right now with the way his voice has raised. But what I felt that moment was much bigger than that to care his wrath.

"I am not...I just don't want to face a cheater like you. You are the worst thing that ever happened to me. I wish how happy I would be if I did not met you in this life time. " I knew I didn't mean anything I said. But the internal pressure and the pain I was feeling at that moment made me spill those ugly words to his face without any filter.

When I turned back after finished saying it, I knew I had hit a sensitive spot seeing his bloodshot eyes. But I couldn't, I couldn't let him destroy me more than that. Because if this child wasn't there, I was already dead with the huge heartbreak I was carrying. I didn't know when the tears had started cascading like a river. But I knew it might be sometimes ago.

" Did you...did you ever love me as my mate?"
When he asked it like that, I didn't know what I am supposed to say. Did I ever love him? Only God knows how much I love him unconditionally. But...I am... sorry Zion... I... I am not ready to get hurt more than this. I just can't.

" it was just an attraction...I...I don't love you...and never...loved you. I realized it very well...for the last couple of months we were away from each other." My voice cracked saying the most horrible thing to his already devastated face. My Zion...the only person I love with my whole heart in this whole world. It's true he has destroyed me already. But I can't let him destroy himself being trapped with two women. So I had to do it no matter how much I despise to see him with her.

" you have somebody in your life? Is that just didn't even wanna know what I had to say?" His tear filled eyes broke me thousand times. But I knew I didn't have any choice except that.

" somebody I have started loving dearly. See... I...I am pregnant with his child." God, my chest has started becoming painful and burning as soon as I finished saying that. Because I have never seen his face like that. He looked devastated and lost already.

His eyes turned bigger like saucers hearing what I just said. Then only I saw his eyes trailed down my body very carefully observing my little baby bump. And then the silence between us made me uneasy for an unknown reason. He didn't even utter a single word except looking at me like he is thinking something so hardly in his mind.

"You are lying... I know that look..." I couldn't even spill a single word at that moment. God! He knows me really well like the back of his hand. I just don't know what card I am supposed to play anymore.

"Why...why should I lie? Why? Just go...just go and live a good life. don't want to worry about me out of pity anymore. I have somebody who take care of me very well." I am a crying mess when I finished saying that. I love him to the moon and back. So telling such a horrible thing, painful not only to him but also to me.

" Why are you lying like this my love? Why? Do you know how easily I can read you? How easily I can smell you? How easily I can see through everything you say?please...I beg you...just don't do this to us...please...let me explain what exactly happened at that night."

I didn't even notice the moment he has gotten closed to me. I didn't even notice the moment his warm hands wrapped around my waist and tugging me towards his chest. But the moment our skin touched with each other, the fire that was dying day by day recharged back like a wildfire.

God! Help me. What should I do when I feel our mate bond so close to our hearts like this. It's still there just as the same way I felt before. The same way I left that day. I wish... I wish she was dead. That woman came to destroy what we had built so beautifully. I know I am a horrible person for thinking like that. But the jealousy, heartbreak and the pain knowing that he isn't belonged to me just made me think some monstrous thoughts I never had for another person.

" are too late Zion...too late to justify your actions. There is... there is no us anymore. We are just two complete strangers who met at the wrong time. Whatever we died the day you betrayed my love and the bond we shared. So never come for me again. We are...we are done. I...Sofia Charmeine rejects Zion Mcquaid as my mate."

Saying that I pushed him away with my last bit of strength. I knew I had to do it sooner or later. If I thought that my burden will be released after that... no it intensified thousands of times. Because I did something he didn't even dreamt of. After pushing him away I started walking faster. This time he didn't even try to stop me or voice out anything because of the shock. But when I turned back after walking sometime, I saw him kneeling on the sand clutching his chest from his right hand. Only God knew how badly I wanted to run back to him and shower him with the kisses I had reserved only for him and tell him that I didn't mean anything I said. And then tell him that he is going to be a wonderful father to this unborn child I am carrying. But...I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it for the sake of his life. However when he raised his head towards the sky, I saw the tears falling down on his cheeks like a river. I died thousands of times seeing him like that. And it didn't take long for me to be a sobbing mess once more.

My heart was about to burst out of it's ribcage. I felt every single emotion he was carrying at that moment. I thought I rejected him for his own sake. But... but how do I feel every pain he is experiencing right now? Dear lord, how? What am I supposed to do anymore? My baby lost his father today... I lost my love of life today. And then he screamed from the top of his lungs like a mad man.


I knew that his painful scream will haunt me like a ghost for the rest of my life. But what should I do except that? What? I am so...sorry Zion...I love you so hurts so much to me just as to you. But I had no choice except letting you go.


It's truly devastating.

Both of them are suffering.

What exactly happened in that fateful night?

Did he really betray Sofia?
We have to see...

But don't forget to vote and comment.

Tell me what you think that has happened.

I really love to hear it.

Have a nice day guys!

Let's meet with the next chapter soon.


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